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Question for Trudeau Haters....

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9 hours ago, dialamah said:

You've got no idea how it feels to be a woman and have some strange guy cursing and yelling at you.   That guy was big and intimidating and I highly doubt the ladies were laughing about it.  I know I wasn't when we had a deranged neighbor who behaved aggressively; I was afraid to go out the front door.

Jeez, can't believe people are so willing to downplay this kind of behavior.

This happens every day in boot camp, to all recruits you can't play the I'm a girl i can not protect myself, and i live in fear everyday card... This world is a crazy place i taught both my daughters to defend themselves, along with many women in uniform... YOU need to do something about that, women want to be treated equal then man up, learn to defend yourself, some men want you to live in fear everyday, like your neighbor, what they fear is a women that will stand up to them and they are scared of is  when a women can kick their ass. Stop being a victim, and take control of your self. 

First time i saw real combat i nearly shit myself, and froze for a couple of minutes unable to think or move, my Sargent grabbed me by the scruff of the neck told me to get control of my fear and start fighting or die...it takes a great deal of practice to control fear, or atleast appear to be in control when inside your body is screaming in panic...I never did lose that fear, but i did learn to control it so i could think and act. that and a lot of unarmed combat classes.


We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

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26 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

This happens every day in boot camp, to all recruits you can't play the I'm a girl i can not protect myself, and i live in fear everyday card... This world is a crazy place i taught both my daughters to defend themselves, along with many women in uniform... YOU need to do something about that, women want to be treated equal then man up, learn to defend yourself, some men want you to live in fear everyday, like your neighbor, what they fear is a women that will stand up to them and they are scared of is  when a women can kick their ass. Stop being a victim, and take control of your self. 

First time i saw real combat i nearly shit myself, and froze for a couple of minutes unable to think or move, my Sargent grabbed me by the scruff of the neck told me to get control of my fear and start fighting or die...it takes a great deal of practice to control fear, or atleast appear to be in control when inside your body is screaming in panic...I never did lose that fear, but i did learn to control it so i could think and act. that and a lot of unarmed combat classes.


Summary:  women, stop being such weaklings and thinking things like laws should protect you.  It’s every person for themselves.  

Luckily, we’ve come a long ways in society since the 1800s….  well…. Not @Army Guy or this idiot who did the freaking out.  

Edited by TreeBeard
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4 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

Summary:  women, stop being suck weaklings and thinking things like laws should protect you.  It’s every person for themselves.  

Luckily, we’ve come a long ways in society since the 1800s….  well…. Not @Army Guy or this idiot who did the freaking out.  

Army Guy is saying that you can’t ask to have all the same responsibilities and risks as a man by being in the army then demand special treatment on the basis of sex when it involves handling those same responsibilities.  We’re not talking about menstruating or sexual assault or obvious accommodations for gender differences.  We’re talking about the job of combat itself.  It’s also very arguable that much of the MeToo mess in the army is the result of trying to mix genders in highly stressful, physically challenging situations over long periods.  You missed the pretty sophisticated discussions about this in past years.  Army Guy is very respectful towards women.  You’re the untested commodity.  

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2 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Army Guy is saying that you can’t ask to have all the same responsibilities and risks as a man by being in the army then demand special treatment on the basis of sex when it involves handling those same responsibilities.  We’re not talking about menstruating or sexual assault or obvious accommodations for gender differences.  We’re talking about the job of combat itself.  It’s also very arguable that much of the MeToo mess in the army is the result of trying to mix genders in highly stressful, physically challenging situations over long periods.  You missed the pretty sophisticated discussions about this in past years.  Army Guy is very respectful towards women.  You’re the untested commodity.  

He’s comparing boot camp to what happened the the Deputy PM.   Sounds like  trying to justify bad behaviour by blaming the victim.  That’s far from respecting women.  

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6 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

Summary:  women, stop being suck weaklings and thinking things like laws should protect you.  It’s every person for themselves.  

Luckily, we’ve come a long ways in society since the 1800s….  well…. Not @Army Guy or this idiot who did the freaking out.  

There are plenty of laws , so let me ask you how did the laws protect her in this case, you act like some force field came down and surrounded her. "She did choose the right option, by the way" and left. That being said parliament and some on here are freaking out and "what if" had happened. Just for the record how many MP's have been physically injured from a violent encounter in the last 20 years here in Canada.. Chretien as PM took out a would be attacker, in a crowded street, surrounded by guards and he did it with little to no training. how old was he during the attack... 

Had he gotten violent, and he did decide to get physical, what law would have prevented her from getting abused or injured. "none" he could have beaten her until the cops arrived, or she could have used some form of self defense.  Do you have daughters? i guess not... women don't have to be victims, they can take they own security into their own hands.    

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

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4 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

He’s comparing boot camp to what happened the the Deputy PM.   Sounds like  trying to justify bad behaviour by blaming the victim.  That’s far from respecting women.  

You've never been to boot camp i guess, she was verbally accosted that is all ...trust me recruits get more than she got, words rarely kill anyone...Some have gotten worse here on this forum...And all it was was bad behavior, nothing more all that was hurt was some pride, nothing worth spending millions on every MP having a shadow security guard. This is Canada not the US.

Letting a women be in control of her own personal safety , that is disrespect, come on...get a thicker skin FFS, 

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

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3 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

And if they are, you blame them!  

Like i said before parliament and "some" on this forum are blowing this out of proportion, all that was flung around was words...i know this new generation think words can kill, or do irreparable harm... they don't, nor are they grounds to hired a shit load of security guards for each MP. 

Want to live in fear then go for it, want to take responsibility for yourself into your own hands then that is probably a better option. this may not be the 1800's, but women are still the preferred targets for this behavior, knowing that why would you not want to do something about it. or in this case get beat until the law gets there, maybe you survive or maybe you don't the law will protect me... 

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

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10 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

You keep trying to twist it and get lost in the maze of justification.

Do you think the citizen that was yelling listens to the same conservative radio shows which some on the forum do too?

I already heard the theory from the other side ->"The guy in fact was planted by the liberals". ? 

Not sure what your point is or who you are directing this to ? 

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

This happens every day in boot camp, to all recruits you can't play the I'm a girl i can not protect myself, and i live in fear everyday card... This world is a crazy place i taught both my daughters to defend themselves, along with many women in uniform... YOU need to do something about that, women want to be treated equal then man up, learn to defend yourself, some men want you to live in fear everyday, like your neighbor, what they fear is a women that will stand up to them and they are scared of is  when a women can kick their ass. Stop being a victim, and take control of your self. 

Being threatened by someone 6" taller and 75 lbs heavier is scary.  Women are beat up by men every day - even army women get raped by their brothers-in-arms - so to say that if women just stand up for themselves, they'll be fine is the height of ignorance.  Your hatred of Trudeau/Liberals has made you stupid.

As for my neighbor, I did not back down, but doesn't mean I wasn't scared.  And me sticking up for myself didn't stop him.



Edited by dialamah
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Because many believe blind obedience to an utter sphincter is reality and instills positive character.

Like when they can't tell the difference between "you should put on a mask" and "put on the goddam mask and give me 50 you little worm". The former requires minor thought, decision making and choice, things most people aren't good at. Just OBEY and complain later!

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

It's a lot simpler than that - it's the absence of overt expressions of hatred that really gets under your skin. Anything less than that is love to you.

Can you type with your ass? Because it sure seems like it. 

If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

Kamala didn't get where she is because of her achievements or anything that came out of her mouth. 

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3 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Works better than anything you type with.


If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

Kamala didn't get where she is because of her achievements or anything that came out of her mouth. 

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1 hour ago, TreeBeard said:

He’s comparing boot camp to what happened the the Deputy PM.   Sounds like  trying to justify bad behaviour by blaming the victim.  That’s far from respecting women.  

Victim?  Lol.  You’re a drama queen.  I guess you’ll need trigger warmings when discussing controversial issues.  That man shouldn’t have insulted Freeland but she was okay.  Freeland did things she shouldn’t have on other occasions.  This man discredited himself.   Freeland is being treated like some kind of martyr by media.  She’s fine.  

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9 hours ago, Army Guy said:

women don't have to be victims, they can take they own security into their own hands.    

Or....men could stop beating and killing women.  That would be nice.

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"There are two different types of people in the world - those who want to know and those who want to believe."

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

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1 hour ago, Goddess said:

Or....men could stop beating and killing women.  That would be nice.

Victorian Canadian society had a solution, passed down from the middle ages

it was called chivalry

qualities expected of an ideal knight, especially courage, honour, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help the weak.

but males are no longer raised with these ideals

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2 hours ago, Goddess said:

Or....men could stop beating and killing women.  That would be nice.

mind you, please don't indict me with that broad brush

because I was raised with the Victorian Canadian chivalric code, as a boy as late as the 1970's

and it was reinforced by the Canadian Army

we most certainly had a strict code of honour

which included never raising a hand to a woman

and coming to any woman's defence should she be set upon by a hooligan

we were indoctrinated to be Christian soldiers, under guidance of the regimental Padre, I assure you


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On 9/2/2022 at 11:34 PM, dialamah said:

Being threatened by someone 6" taller and 75 lbs heavier is scary.  Women are beat up by men every day - even army women get raped by their brothers-in-arms - so to say that if women just stand up for themselves, they'll be fine is the height of ignorance.  Your hatred of Trudeau/Liberals has made you stupid.

As for my neighbor, I did not back down, but doesn't mean I wasn't scared.  And me sticking up for myself didn't stop him.



Bullshit, smaller men fight much larger men all the time, Thats where train comes in. Women do get beat up everyday, and if it scares you then stop acting like the victim and do something about it. I know lots of women that have taken self defense class or marshal arts and have protected themselves and other women from men and women, differences between them and you they did something about it. 

Yes women have been raped in the military, but it does not happen when they have been trained who to protect themselves. Not everyone in the military gets trained in unarmed combat.

I took close combat classes becasue of my job, that and i did not want to be the guy in a plastic bag. I did not say they will be fine, I said they would be able to defend themselves, there are not guarantees in a fight, but have some training there increase the odds you will not be stuffed into a plastic bag.

I don't hate Justin , never posted those words here, i dislike him sure, but not hate, must of stuck a cord, if your resorting to name calling, that was not my intention, my intention was to tell you that there is a option, all women have and it is training. Both my girls have taken years of Krav Maga training and know how to defend themselves.

I'd be a lair if i told you i was not scared when i was in combat, every minute was a struggle to keep fear from over whelming me. What i did said is training will allow you to control that fear, or push it down so you can think and act, your training will kick in automatically if you have any.

What ever you did must have worked, as he did not harm you, and in most cases men are not going to resort to violence on a women just becasue they are pissed, but when one does, having the skill to lay him out will be worth all that training and all the height and weight advantage is not going to matter. Never has, never will.

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We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

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On 9/2/2022 at 11:34 PM, Contrarian said:

My question is how/why can/did you bring up boot camp? and what does this have to do with a government official? 

Recruits are constantly yelled at, to stress them out to the maximum, starting with your arrival, and not stopping until you leave boot camp... My point is there has not been one recruit hurt in any of these screaming secessions. Not one had to hire a body guard at tax payers expense...

They are public officials, not all of them are going to be popular every where, they need to grow thicker skin... When was the last time a Canadian MP or PM has been physically attacked here in Canada ? 

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We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

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On 9/3/2022 at 8:19 AM, Goddess said:

Or....men could stop beating and killing women.  That would be nice.

Yes it would be nice, but as long as man roams the earth there will be violence end of story. We all know that, but choose to ignore it. then act like a victim when it happens to us,  And it is not going to stop any time soon. 

So we either train for it, or become a victim. 

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

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height and weight matters

as does strength, speed, durability and endurance

weight classes exist for a reason in combat sports

as does gender segregation

as the weight goes up

the skill matters less

and the physicality matters more

skill is not everything

physicality makes a huge difference

it does no good to say that it doesn't

Edited by Yzermandius19
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The media is keeping this alive to help the liberals out,plain and simple.  I don't like when they keep saying a female MP, all MPs are verbally attacked. But it should send a message that your way of governing is a major reason, why people ate losing it.  For the sake of everybody,Trudeau needs to step down.

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Toronto, like a roach motel in the middle of a pretty living room.

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2 hours ago, PIK said:

The media is keeping this alive to help the liberals out,plain and simple.  I don't like when they keep saying a female MP, all MPs are verbally attacked. But it should send a message that your way of governing is a major reason, why people ate losing it.  For the sake of everybody,Trudeau needs to step down.

Maybe try blaming the people who act this way, instead of Trudeau.  The harassment of female politicians is significantly higher than harassment of male politicians around the world, not just in Canada.  

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15 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Bullshit, smaller men fight much larger men all the time, Thats where train comes in. Women do get beat up everyday, and if it scares you then stop acting like the victim and do something about it. I know lots of women that have taken self defense class or marshal arts and have protected themselves and other women from men and women, differences between them and you they did something about it. 

Yes women have been raped in the military, but it does not happen when they have been trained who to protect themselves. Not everyone in the military gets trained in unarmed combat.

I took close combat classes becasue of my job, that and i did not want to be the guy in a plastic bag. I did not say they will be fine, I said they would be able to defend themselves, there are not guarantees in a fight, but have some training there increase the odds you will not be stuffed into a plastic bag.

I don't hate Justin , never posted those words here, i dislike him sure, but not hate, must of stuck a cord, if your resorting to name calling, that was not my intention, my intention was to tell you that there is a option, all women have and it is training. Both my girls have taken years of Krav Maga training and know how to defend themselves.

I'd be a lair if i told you i was not scared when i was in combat, every minute was a struggle to keep fear from over whelming me. What i did said is training will allow you to control that fear, or push it down so you can think and act, your training will kick in automatically if you have any.

What ever you did must have worked, as he did not harm you, and in most cases men are not going to resort to violence on a women just becasue they are pissed, but when one does, having the skill to lay him out will be worth all that training and all the height and weight advantage is not going to matter. Never has, never will.

This whole screed comes across as victim blaming.  "If only women learned to fight better, they'd not be harassed/threatened/beaten/raped by men."

If a woman is in the military, why isn't she trained in close combat if that would work too reduce the incidence of assault/rape?  And how, exactly, do you know that only untrained women fall victim?  

Even you admit to being scared - but somehow Ms Freeland and the women with her weren't, but were laughing about it - after some oaf yelled and cursed at them.


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