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  1. much as I love Dutch Reagan it wasn't him who won the war it was Richard Nixon who divided and conquered between the Soviets & Chinese so the war was won long before Ronald Reagan took office Ronald Reagan's great contribution; was rather allowing Paul Volcker to raise interest rates to 18-22% in order to constrain the runaway inflation but certainly the original MAGA counterrevolution was something for the Western world to fight for Peace Through Strength
  2. actually the Wars of British Hegemonic Succession wherein the British Empire was forced to cede the global Hegemony to the American Empire of Liberty the revanchist Germans, both Kaiser Bill & Herr Wolf, were simply the catalyst which initiated the succession
  3. Regiment, Colours, Commander-in-Chief from the Heights of Queenston to Hill One Four Five at Pas de Calais Canada Bereft broods over the fallen Cuidich 'n Righ
  4. I would suggest that it is rather back to the 17th Century 23 May 1618
  5. HM Royal Canadian Infantry Corps was always an elite formation Shock Troops of the Empire to win the Great War from Amiens to Mons that was Canada's only edge ; best infantry in the world you can give that up for political expediency, no doubt but then Canada has lost the only edge it ever had
  6. once you reach the pinnacle at Joint Task Force 2 ; everything is CQB MMA is a huge component of being a Special Operations Assaulter it's the ultimate infantry tasking see, Randy Turner, JTF2 Operator ( ret. ) of Direct Action Combat Performance Inc https://www.youtube.com/@direct_action_combat/videos
  7. American Captain Robert Gray named the river after his ship the "Columbia", in 1792 "British Columbia" was to distinguish between the American Columbia and the British Columbia the Pacific Northwest Coast Indians all called it "The Big River" so they weren't particularly imaginary after all
  8. simply assert the glorious martial history of British North America to fight for Wolfe & Montcalm upon the Plains of Abraham to fight for General Brock & the Grand River Mohawks at the Heights of Queenston to fight for Lord Byng & General Currie at Hill One Four Five upon Vimy Ridge from Amiens to Mons from Ortona to Juno Beach from Kapyong Hill to Kandahar Province Regiment, Colours, Commander-in-Chief Cuidich 'n Righ
  9. actually CFRC is a good go you're getting paid DND money to work in an office you are trying to sell young people on joining the military which you love it beats digging trenches in the rain
  10. any Canadian government which picks a serious fight with the Americans, will get thrown out of office the Americans can inflict exponential economic pain upon Canadians with a flick of their wrists Canadians would surrender on day one, rather than suffer the consequences of American economic warfare
  11. but the Russian equipment is mostly junk it's easily destroyed in huge quantities by cheap 3D printed drones the drone is already the arm of decision, practically rendereding industrial warfare obsolete
  12. again, America does not need to invade Canada to impose its will upon Canada the Canadian economy is totally reliant upon access to the American markets thus all Trump needs to do to force Canada to capitulate, is impose tariffs at the border
  13. they're still not powerful enough to overmatch Ukraine, so long as Ukraine is willing to fight the only way the Russians win, is if Ukraine capitulates tho there could be a point where Ukraine can't hold in the east, so the Ukrainians withdrawal across the Dneiper then we are really into Cold War Two on a trace at the Inter Ukrainian Border Russian forces in East Ukraine, NATO forces in West Ukraine
  14. that is the nature of being Canada you can't fight America America could simply impose a naval blockade on Canada, and Canada would immediately collapse so you are stuck with the Americans as your patrons, no matter what
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