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Dougie93 last won the day on December 7

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  1. no the right wing populist counterrevolution has come the left wing media establishment would not be so hysterical otherwise the Democrat party traitors to the republic are on the run chased unto the sea, by Billy Sherman himself, glory, glory, hallelujah “The American press is a shame and a reproach to a civilized people. When a man is too lazy to work and too cowardly to steal, he becomes an editor and manufactures public opinion.” ~ William Tecumseh Sherman
  2. the more these Liberal & Red Tory Laurentian Elites discredit themselves therein the more powerful MAGA becomes in the face of it
  3. so called "Canada" twisting itself into ludicrous knots in the face of American populism overthrowing the Laurentian Elite ruling class Marshall McLuhan's Guerrilla Information War has come to pass exactly as he predicted and we are winning ; yeehaw !
  4. kneel before Zod, Pequistes
  5. like Thomas Sowell says ; it's all cultural the freed slaves adopted the duelling culture of their hot headed Southron plantation owners then imported that to the North, while the Confederate cowboys took it West
  6. I don't say that the Canadian healthcare system is great it's basically the Public Option which President Obama declined to support tho it frankly serves my purposes, I don't actually have any complaints I have access to the best of both worlds, I can go to America to purchase more healthcare as I please but I wouldn't honestly cling to life so desperately, at the expense of bankrupting my wife therein since she is so loyal and dotes upon me, tho I don't deserve it I've always been here for a good time, not a long time rejoice at the coming of the angel of death ; the Nazarene is the sinner's friend
  7. in fairness, over 70 million Americans voted for the Democrat party traitors to the republic whom are even more tyrannical than the Liberal Party of Canada, exponentially so I'll give the Canadian devil its due given a choice, I'd vote for Justin Trudeau over Kamala Harris that's how bad the Democrats are; they make the French Canadian Commies look good in comparison Vive le Quebec libre
  8. the Post National State has overthrown the British Crown in North America we are cast into the wilderness of American freedom therein by default Godspeed, Elizabeth Windsor our once Queen & Empress the British North America Act 1867 is no more
  9. only the Democrat party is obsessed with guns since they are the slave holding party keeping the blacks in chains Republicans are simply the Abolitionist party whom would arm John Brown & Co. as necessary
  10. it's a sweet deal for the wealthy elites in so called "Canada" they access the "Canadian" public option to its limits then they can go to the free market across the border at their leisure mind you, when it comes to purchasing private healthcare on the open market the Swiss offer even better service at cheaper pricing than America ; 30% discount
  11. the Pope in Rome taxing the poor to build a monument to Tiberius Caesar whom crucified the Nazarene
  12. 100 million Protestant Evangelicals in America rule over the French & Indian Papists of Canada with a rod of iron
  13. all I am saying is that American freedom is the most powerful force in human history if Liberals & Red Tories attempt to stand against it they will be annihilated therein, by their own hands from that scorched earth will rise a new paradigm like a Phoenix from the ashes free speaking, gun toting, God fearing Redneck empire of liberty ftw ironically founded by the Dutch Regent William Prince of Orange on the Banks of the Boyne River, 1 July 1690 brought over on the boat to the New World, by we Scots Irish Protestants
  14. Liberals in Canada are terrified of American freedom, deeply ingrained in the culture the whole point of Canada being a reactionary bulwark against American republicanism but with the advent of the Internet, American freedom has spilled over the ramparts unchecked inciting the hysterical panic in progress quite reminiscent of the fall of the Soviet Union "Mister Trudeauchev, tear down this wall"
  15. the onset of American freedom is rapidly destabilizing the despotic regime in so called "Canada" all these desperate thrashing attempts by the tyrants to crack down, are the surest sign of weakness we have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel ; and there's no going back now Manifest Destiny
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