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  1. Last week
  2. Trump's God Bless America bibles are made in China! They cost him $3 and he's selling them for $60. 

  3. So are we going to have an October surprise or what?

  4. Canada 2024:
    “Can I have a plastic straw?”
    “Can I have a crack pipe?”
    “Sure! What color?”
  5. Earlier
  6. Oct 7 demonstrations aren't mourning attacks on Palestine, because they hadn't happened. They're celebrating the butchery, rape, torture, murder and kidnapping of mostly women, children and civilian men.

  7. "And think of all the hate there is in Red China
    Then take a look around to Selma, Alabama
    Ah, you may leave here for four days in space
    But when you return, it's the same old place
    The poundin' of the drums, the pride and disgrace
    You can bury your dead, but don't leave a trace
    Hate your next door neighbor but don't forget to say grace"

  8. Screw your remembrance and reconciliation and endless victimhood with your hand out for more money.

    1. TreeBeard


      They don’t need your blessing.  

    2. I am Groot

      I am Groot

      No, just my money. Let them get a job for a change.

  9. Caught up in the fable, I watched the tower grow. Five Year Plans and New Deals, wrapped in golden chains. And I wonder, still I wonder, who'll stop the rain?



  10. Sam Cooper names Mary Ng, minister of Export Promotion, International Trade, and Economic Development as one of those who was elected with help from the PRC. 

  11. Hezbollah leader reportedly killed by Israeli bombing. 

  12. Now here's a Muslim imam I can get behind.


  13. "Long as I remember the rain been comin' down
    Clouds of mystery pourin' confusion on the ground
    Good men through the ages tryin' to find the sun
    And I wonder, still I wonder, who'll stop the rain?"
  14. Last month the federal debt hit double what was owed when Justin Trudeau came to power. Young Canadians will be paying as long as they live

  15. Welcome, Old Guy!

    1. Old Guy

      Old Guy

      Thanks Matthew I see you've been here since June - any tips?

    2. Matthew


      Hm the ignore feature is nice for thinning out the extra pointless low quality contributors.

    3. Old Guy

      Old Guy

      Thanks Matthew I see you've been here since June - any tips?

      I'll probably use it at one point but then I worry that I'll miss the hilarious posts. After all we can all use a good chuckle in times like these.

  16. Transgender operations on illegal aliens in prisons is a REAL problem.  But Trump is here to help. Donate now.  

  17. Sometimes you don't have to be an "expert" on a subject to know when something is not right.  Case in point - I'm not an aerospace engineer, but maybe Boeing should check the bolts on the plane wheels or something.

    United Airlines Boeing flight lands in Denver after losing a wheel in Los Angeles (msn.com)

    Tire Explodes on Boeing Jet, Killing Two Employees (futurism.com)

    The Wheels Are Literally Falling Off at Boeing (nymag.com)

  18. Dont drive hungover. I woke up and drove after a heavy night of drinking after celebrating a new job. No alcohol in 9 hours. Still blew 0.11. It can happen to you. Drink responsibly. 

  19. The dissenters got nearly EVERY part of the COVID-19 pandemic right, while the establishment got all of it wrong. Why?

    Because the dissenters talked things through and asked questions, while the establishment blindly followed Lord Fauci.

    THAT is why free speech is important.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Goddess


      Riiiiiight.  Any vaccine that doesn't stop transmission, infection, hospitalization or death and that you have to take several times a year for the rest of your life, would never have been called a successful vaccine before the covid debacle.  They had to change the definition of "vaccine" to accomodate this failed injection. And I've actually been right.  About everything.  It's you vax fanatics that have lied continually through this whole thing.

    3. Chrissy1979


      Funny that you use the word "fanatic." I don't even talk about it much. You will never again talk about anything else.

    4. Goddess


      I reply on a variety of topics here.  I happen to be interested in medical things.  What is your point?  You don't want anybody talking about it? If you don't want to talk about it, then don't reply on or read those threads.  Seems simple enough to me.

  20. I see a bad moon a-risin'
    I see trouble on the way
    I see earthquakes and lightnin'
    I see bad times today




    1. Chrissy1979


      Chicken Little keeps clucking even though none of his predictions ever come true.

      How come the Russian talking points always make you look stupid?

      Does it bother you that Russia pats the people who feed you your talking points millions and you don't get any of it? You have to be a stooge for Russia for free. Lol

    2. sharkman


      You don’t like CCR?

  21. Imagine if there weren't so much red tape, so much bureaucracy and massive delays in the ability to actually produce it and export it.


  22. I'd really like to see deportations for any and all foreign born people involved in these protests. And I don't care if they have citizenship. Strip it off them and deport them.


  23. It can't be monkeypox season already. I still have my COVID decorations up.

    1. Goddess


      I don't recall you at all.  *shrug*

    2. Goddess


      But any time you wanna help me financially support my covid vax injured sister, you're more than welcome.

    3. zzbulls



  24. This was the daughter of friends of mine from Edmonton.  They found her body today in the landfill in Saskatoon.  😢  I'm glad the Trottier's have some closure.  It's been a long 4 years.

    Mackenzie Lee Trottier's body found at Saskatoon landfill after months of searching | CBC News

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Goddess


      They really did. I hope they can help Manitoba find their landfill women. 

      Women don't belong in the garbage.

    3. DUI_Offender


      The problem with the Manitoba search, is that it will cost in excess of $200 million, has been described as a very hazardous search on the rescue workers, where there is a high chance of some getting seriously injured or even killed. It's also spread out for miles, so it will be very time consuming.

    4. Goddess


      Ya, Saskatoon apparently has a very organized landfill system and garbage trucks with GPS that narrowed the search field down enough to make it possible.

      Maybe they don't all have those things.

      It still cost $1.5 million. But im okay with my taxes going towards that search.

  25. I am reading this book right now and really enjoying it.


    1. Greg


      Agreed, Saad is a great academic. Have you read: "Amusing Ourselves to Death?" by Neil Postman? It's more about media culture, so it's different than Saad's book, but I feel the two compliment each other.

    2. Goddess


      I'll check it out!  Thanks.

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