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Everything posted by eyeball

  1. We'll all be farting in silk in an unleashed economy, pronouns will be a thing of the past and indians will be back in their place where they belong. /sarc
  2. Sure, just wait until AGW really brings us all together. When the waterhole shrinks the animals get meaner.
  3. He's profoundly misinformed to the point of being delusion and putatively rational politicians like Poilievre should be profoundly ashamed of themselves for encouraging him and millions like him. This abundance of misinformed people is what's made it so easy for putative AGW activists like Trudeau, Carney and other cowardly so-called lefties to put on a good show of concern and conviction but with little to no courage when it comes to action. If this is what passes for much of the common sense Poilievre is tapping into it stands as clear evidence of how decades of dedicated denial has been an absolutely smashing success. Good job, you must all be so proud of yourselves.
  4. You remind me of those Christians hundreds of years ago who couldn't stomach the thought of having to eat fish on Friday so they convinced themselves that rabbits were a type of fish. You Christians have a real knack for performing all sorts of mental gymnastics to suspend your disbelief. More rational AGW deniers who should know better simply don't give a shit.
  5. Anthropogenic climate change is definitely why we have a carbon tax - to control the emissions of CO2 causing it. Why do you insist on lying about the meaning of the terms change and control? Have you found a dictionary or thesaurus to corroborate your definition(s).
  6. Can you show me a dictionary where control and change are defined as meaning the same thing? They're not even synonymous with each other. Then you should probably get yourself checked out for these. I'd suggest an MRI scan.
  7. Is there an official policy document that specifically says the tax is an excuse?
  8. No, you're the only one introducing the ridiculous notion carbon tax do anything at all to control the climate. Humans cannot control the climate but we can certainly change it though. Change and control are two entirely different things and saying they're the same is either disingenuous or retarded.
  9. British Columbia rebates carbon taxes through the Climate Action Tax Credit (BCCATC) a tax-free payment that helps low- and moderate-income individuals and families offset the cost of carbon taxes. If you didn't get this it's because you earned too much. Quit your sniveling, man up and get control of yourself. You say that about virtually every tax. Do you feel the same way about taxes on tobacco or booze? Yes that's right it's based on income just like I said. It's to control emissions not the climate. Ask Michael, Trudeau and the conservatives who created carbon pricing and taxes in the first place and they will all tell you the same thing. No one can control the climate. You'd have to be nuts like Marjorie Taylor Green to believe that hooey. The intent is to encourage you to control how much CO2 you emit. If you are a heavy emitter you are free to invest in technology that emits less thereby reducing the amount of tax you pay.
  10. No one is trying to control the climate. It's just something you and Marjorie Taylor Green say. You do realize Alberta was the first to implement carbon pricing right? It's rebated to those who've paid a higher percentage of their income in carbon tax than wealthier Canadians. It's a simple fact that wealthier Canadians emit more C02 and that's why they don't get the rebate. You're thoughts are utterly out whack with reality on multiple levels. Starting of course with the notion that the climate can be controlled. Nobody believes the climate can be controlled and that's why no one is talking about controlling the climate. Only you.
  11. It's humans who are out of control. Yup, it doesn't give a damn how we feel about it.
  12. Turning away from further AGW is like turning the Titanic. You'd have to be spectacularly impatient if you expect things to turn on a dime.
  13. Poilievre also has a CO2 plan to replace the carbon tax you know. It'll be more expensive, less effective and hurt Canadians even more. Which raises the question, assuming the vast majority of his supporters who either think anthropogenic global warming is bullshit or simply don't care how can they possibly support his emission reductions plans if they'll only cause greater pain? Never mind who Poilievre is kidding, who are his supporters trying to kid?
  14. It sure is, the carbon tax actually helps those Canadians who need the help the most. Well, I guess that's Carney's first official lie then because there is no CO2 emission plan that hurts less than the carbon tax. As an economist he should know that.
  15. Sure kid, would've been more succinct.
  16. Nothing triggers a torrential stream of consciousness unmitigated with reason or fact checking faster than brevity - it's kryptonite to any overly opinionated troll.
  17. What about the psychopath running Russia at the moment? Power to anyone who invades Russia I say. Patton was right.
  18. Two wrongs don't make it any less right.
  19. That reason stops at the coastline. If Ottawa treated Alberta's oil the way it treats every province that depends on a marine fishery it would have separated decades ago.
  20. Yes. We knew full well that's what the NDP was saying when we voted. Yes but you're one these conservatives who maintain political parties never tell us what they're going to do when campaigning. That may well be true of the sorts of politicians you vote for but not the NDP. You're free to seek medical treatment anywhere in the world. As for carbon taxes, choice is at their very core - if you don't want to pay them you can invest in things that don't produce as much CO2.
  21. I think the pain should be shared equally between provinces. Smith doesn't, she wants a special carve-out for Alberta.
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