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  1. You really don’t know how deeply embedded these hiring and training practices, and yes, green policies are embedded at the corporate levels, huh? Do you know that companies refer to these UN goals in their strategic planning? It’s in school boards’ multi-year strategic plans as well. Equity, DEI, and climate action are literally the core principles of most organizations. They’re part of the landscape now. They’ve been adopted and promoted at the government level by governments that are very fixated on global central planning at the UN and Davos. It’s simply how business and government are done, backstopped by data collection and analytics, surveillance, and enforcement penalties and rewards. This is really what the social credit systems are about in China, and it’s no accident. Once the top-down command and control system is in place, it can be used to implement all matter of “social goods” as defined by the managerial class. That’s what needs to be questioned from both the left and right, if freedom of expression and local democracy (subsidiarity) matter to you, and if you care about democracy, they should. There are also huge economic consequences for these policies. The wokest democracy, Canada, is slated to have the worst economic growth in the G7 for many years to come. These government programs and regulations come at great cost, and the costs impact the elites the least. Is that perspective “alt right”?
  2. Good attempt but not the whole story. Fascism is also a partnership between big business and government, which is what we see with companies that follow international and national ideological programs like the UN’s ESG (Environment, Social, and Government) criteria and Sustainable Development Goals. The problem is that many of these policies have huge negative impacts on average workers and families. Think about the impact on Dutch and German farmers of EU agricultural restrictions or carbon and fuel taxes on farmers, truckers, small businesses, consumers, and resource workers. Think about the impacts of the LGBTQ2S+ lobby on religious rights, families, women’s rights, and parental rights in a climate of negative birth rates. Think of the Marxist capture of our universities and libraries or the DEI capture of our hiring and admissions policies. All of these forces are dominating our civilization. Even if you’re a libertarian and not a social conservative, you have to see the ideological push in our workplaces and institutions. Much of this simply appeared in our training without our consent. How do you define that top-down push? It’s not really about left versus right either, because all political parties have succumbed to the push, the traditional left wing parties more than the right. Calling it out doesn’t make someone “alt right” or even “populist”. I get that you don’t like the word “woke”, but for many people that’s the easiest way to label it.
  3. I agree. If legacy media can’t draw subscribers it should go the way of the dodo bird.
  4. It’s Kafkaesque actually. Fake threats used to justify anti-free speech policies that are presented as solutions to fake crises. Orwell brought to you by Pfizer.
  5. There aren’t even extremist groups associated with that protest. That Diagon Alley (intended misspell) organization isn’t even extremist. The government and its servile press are simply playing the game of painting Conservatives as scary and “alt right”. Meanwhile our Conservatives make half the US Democratic Party look like the National Front. What absurdity. The CBC, CTV, TorStar, et al are so patently biased they might as well call themselves the Liberal Communications Department.
  6. Democrats used to be anti-Marxist. Harry Truman? What you seem to be missing is the fact that Marxists are now playing major decision making roles and the ideological capture of institutions is crystal clear. Just look at the American Library Association. The only radical policy I saw Trump try on was the Muslim ban. Again, I found him harsh and rude. He was hard on Canada, but he wasn’t wrong on Canada’s freeloading with NATO. Trudeau has proven to be a Manchurian Candidate who put Canadians at risk early on during Covid when he let the Chinese fly into Canada in the name of DEI. It’s not really thread drift in the sense that most of our institutions, newspapers, and governments are totally beholden to woke nonsense. I’m not defining that again. I’ve already done it. Trudeau’s Liberals are the woke establishment phoneys that the MSM reinforces and vice versa. It’s gross and destructive and must be broken for good.
  7. Prove that Trump is very right wing. Most of his policies have been centrist.
  8. No, it’s relatively honest. What says everything is that their writer Rupa Subramanya now does a lot with Beri Weiss’s Common Sense. Weiss is actually an American on the left. She got the work because she’s honest. It’s not really about left versus right anymore. It’s about the phoney woke elite managerial class versus the common working people.
  9. 1. Good because Canada is permanently radical left-wing loony. 2. I wasn’t a Trump fan. You know this. Nevertheless Trump is the lesser of evils in the next US election.
  10. In Canada the only mainstream centrist and quite honest mainstream rag is National Post. The Globe hasn’t been conservative for some time, even if the dated zombie reputation says otherwise.
  11. It’s so painfully obvious that the CBC, Toronto Star, CTV and most mainstream media are cheerleading for Trudeau. The government-funded MSM is not a free press and is clearly fear-mongering, painting the Conservatives as extremist, this time because Poilievre shook hands with some anti-carbon tax protesters. The Liberal shills will no doubt continue their propaganda on the CBC’s At Issue panel and in opinion pieces dressed as news all the way up to the election. Jerema says it well: ”To any normal observer, Poilievre was endorsing the protesters’ stance on the carbon tax, a fact the Star’s Raj barely acknowledged, before she issued dire warnings about some nebulous far right threat that she stretches all logic to pin on the opposition leader. ‘There is no doubt people are tired of the Liberal government,” she concedes. But then, Raj goes on to claim that people being tired of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, “doesn’t mean Canadians want to vote for a man who courts support from groups that spew hate.’” National Post
  12. Yes and once most people realize that some groups are clearly being favoured, we will see all the groups that are being “de-centred” push back on all fronts: voting, court challenges, protests, financial sanctions, etc. It hadn’t started yet because most people bought into the US “George Floyd proves police are racist” narrative, or the “ground penetrating radar finding anomalies means there was genocide” narrative, or the “pride flags and gender affirmation are only about inclusion and don’t signal promotion of alternative sexual orientations and non-biological genders” narrative. People are waking up to the ideological capture of university admissions, hiring at almost all midsize and large companies, and messaging at educational institutions. People are seeing the pushes that they didn’t agree to support. They’re seeing how our governments have funded and supported this mess. If I catch a whiff of any candidate spewing such nonsense, I immediately oppose that person. I don’t even care if they have other strengths, because the woke rot is what’s destroying our democracy and economy.
  13. I don’t think good political leadership has anything to do with gender. I oppose all appointments that use gender or some other factor that has nothing to do with skills, experience or character as a criterion. Freeland, the “freeze their bank accounts” wannabe fascist. No thanks.
  14. More excuses to take money from people to pay for lousy mismanaged government programs for government-favoured groups.
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