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ExFlyer last won the day on July 1 2022

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  1. Take it whichever way your twisted mind wants.
  2. All racst statements are biased and generalizations.
  3. Scalping happened long before we were Canada. It was actually taken from an act the indigenous did to themselves. when "In 1749, shortly after disembarking as governor of Nova Scotia and founder of the first British settlement at Halifax, Cornwallis blundered into a nasty fight with neighbouring Mi’kmaq tribes. In response to their initial attacks, Cornwallis issued a now-infamous proclamation, stating that his nascent colony would pay “a reward of ten Guineas… for every Indian Micmac taken, or killed, to be paid upon producing such Savage taken or his scalp."
  4. Yes there may have been genocide but, the indigeouh=s themselves committed genocide against opposing tribes. No indigenous were ever "forced relocation into the far north and arctic ". They all stayed where they were and those places were then designated reserves or "nations". Of the 535 billion dollar federal budget, "Indigenous priorities has increased significantly since 2015 (181 per cent) with spending for 2023-24 estimated to be over $30.5 billion, rising further to a forecast of approximately $32 billion in 2024-25. " and that doe snot include the mandatory obligation for every department to ensure a certain percentage of all procurements be allotted to indigenous. There are many indigenous communities that have water treatment plants but, they do not keep them up, hence, they have to boil water.
  5. That is the most truest statement you have ever made LOL Racist statements are not true, just reflect on the author.
  6. Nothing is racist about your comment of Justin....(although he does rule Canada...as we have seen in the past 13 or so years LOL) it is everything else you blurt out LOL
  7. You cannot understand what is racist??? You said "The people who really rule Canada, who are not Justin, would be more than happy to just kill all Canadians and replace them with africans." ' Plus all that you say in your post. Holy phuk. I reiterate "You are F'n whacked and seriously racist. You lost the last little shred of credibility you ever had:"
  8. Bottom line is no government has done anything. Blaming liberals is just narrow minded. Conservatives did nothing as well. It is time to cut them off the teat and make them stand up on their own.
  9. OK, you are F'n whacked and seriously racist. You lost the last little shred of credibility you ever had.
  10. Yeah, OK??? Enough pissed off people bring change....Justin falls to PP because enough people are pissed off. LOL
  11. I have no power to or intention of "solving this problem". I think common sense will eventually erupt and enough folks becoming outraged ,the powers to be will solve and/or cut off the freeloaders. In the meantime, "LAST WEEK the Federal Government released its 2024 Federal Budget. With nearly $500 billion in new spending, there is significant funding Indigenous communities: $2.3 billion over five years to fund existing program commitments (p. 280) and an additional $32 billion in spending committed in 2024–25." "Spending on Indigenous priorities has increased significantly since 2015 (181 per cent) " And that does not include all the other government departments that are ordered to include indigenous clauses in all their financial transactions and procurement. And repaeting "Fact is, all immigrants would be more than happy if they got what the indigenous get. Shit, most Canadians would be overjoyed to get what the indigenous get. "
  12. What a stupid comment/statement/question. Has nothing to do with truth and reconciliation and natives. Fact is, all immigrants would be more than happy if they got what the indigenous get. Shit, most Canadians would be overjoyed to get what the indigenous get.
  13. The point is that immigrants do not care about the indigenous and they are more of the population than the natives. Immigrants become Canadians and they may push to cut the natives off the government teat. The natives getting outnumbered. Oh and 1/4 million or more immigrants per year to Canada for decades. Long before the current government. The immigrants are here because they have had it hard, war, slavery, killings, bombings and so on. Our natives only whine because they are not getting enough for free. How can immigrants even understand that?
  14. One of the few times I agree with you. There have been more immigrants in Canada since 2020 than the entire (self proclaimed) indigenous population.
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