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  2. Oh BS. the vast majority of Canadians barely give a shit about the Monarchy. Don't want a republic where ONE GUY wields much actual power, and not worth the effort to even hold a referendum or serious discussion. That Canada you refer to ended long ago, starting with our own damn flag. We have TWO parties beholden to corporate interests, just as the USA does. And one not so much, willing to twist their ear a little And a corporate strjuif the public demands. And a corporate structure just barely willing to understand it's cheaper to let the govt fund healthcare and the people think it's free rather than shell out twice as much of thier money to fellow billionaires.
  3. Today
  4. Russia did not "allow" Crimea to join them. Russia annexed them with an invasion. You really are just a pro-Russia person on here. Sure thing, says the guy who didn't know NATO had already bordered Russia for some 20 years already.
  5. in my case, it was Mr. Chapman in grade nine homeroom history class at Northern Secondary School in Glenn Gould's Toronto the Good
  6. When I see stuff like this, I lose more faith in humanity: Especially, in a convertible (and alone).
  7. Blackbird is a fearsome Loyalist to the British Crown in North America more British than the British in the face of the American revolutionary republic Ulster Scots Protestant Orangeman can't get anymore Canadian than that
  8. I don't care if men want to dance around in thongs wearing wigs and fake boobs in a night club with other weirdos doing the same. I don't care if two consenting dudes wanna have gay sex. Hell I don't even care if two men want to have some form of civil union. Government should stay out of marriage all together. Just don't expose your ball sack and fake boobs to minors or folks in public. That's really not too much to ask.
  9. OMG you're as bad as old Mr Wightman the Social Studies teacher in the British Colonial interpretation of history as blackbird is with the Bible quotes.
  10. It is following the USA's lead as we don't have a choice. It not only ensures domestic makers will drag their feet even longer. deprisves consumers of choice and ensures those EV rebates to buyers must continue so the makers can pocket those too into their higher prices. We should've offered China the option to build here, comply with the terms of NAFTA2 content requirements to avoid any tariff that way. MAKE domestic companies compete and lower cost to consumers..
  11. we are not like America, quite the opposite in fact we are the United Empire Loyalists, having been defeated in the War of Independence seeking the protection of the British Crown in North America upon the shores of Lake Ontario in Upper Canada by Westminster Parliamentary Supremacy, since 1 July 1867
  12. No Dougie, just like the USA we have two right wing parties to choose from. And unlike them, an option. Carney simply chose the center right one that he's comfortable with.
  13. You're touting the benefits of technology without realizing the reality of how it gets used in a modern capitalist society. Like thinking it's more convenient to scan and bag your own stuff at the store. Like blindly acceptiing decades ago that the bank machine that doesn't require training, cost hourly wages and benefits, coffee breakes, maternity leave etc "cost them so much" you been paying added trabnsaction fees. And my point remains that democracy is real participation, not some half assed nuisance you hand over to SyNet to deliver some Black Mirror version of a democratic system with all that's risks and flaws. You bloody well know your name, address, SIN and how you voted will be stored 'in the cloud' and sold to the highest bidder, intentionally or by hackers.
  14. Godspeed my Colonel-in-Chief to the foot of our Lord in the next world to come EIIR ; beloved Lillibet Victoria Regina Imperatrix Pro Patria
  15. If the powers that be demand that we have a certain opinion on gays, or black people, or jews, etc. And if their argument does not make much sense, but it is enforced via intimidation, Then it makes perfect sense that people would become preoccupied with such subjects. We care because you care. If it wasn't a big deal what someone's opinion was of gay people, then it would probably not be as vommon a subject...and people would also probably feel more tolerant of gay people. I have no doubt that only about half of salafist Muslim intolerance of homosexuals is the product of actual disgust (which is normal, but does not generally reach the level of execution)...and the other half is simply a rebellion against western powers who demand that homosexuals be tolerated.
  16. No Canada is not a republic, there is no public rule in Canada the only qualification required is that a citizen be able to discern their preferred Representative to the Crown by Westminster Parliamentary Supremacy founded by William III, Prince of Orange, on Canada Day, 1 July, In 1690, on the Banks of the Boyne the founding of the modern liberal British state upon Parliament Hill at Ottawa
  17. Yesterday
  18. Your own government SAYS YOU'RE WRONG. As do almost a dozen others. The only thing which exceeds your stupidity is your arrogance. Though it is common for the stupid to be ignorant of their stupidity and that's what make YOU arrogant.
  19. If you listen to Vance too much you will wind up with a pajeet wife
  20. Carney is a fool for not taking this opportunity to forsake the Liberals to join the Conservative Party instead it's not like the Red Tory Progressive Conservatives wouldn't welcome him into the ranks
  21. Me spitting coffee on the keyboard watching you melt down LOLOL now i'll admit it's not quite as hard hitting as "ha ha ha". but what can you do And i see again you've mastered mimicry Well done, you're as smart as a parrot now! (almost!)
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