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eyeball last won the day on May 5

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  1. There's only one country and one direction from which we'll ever be invaded. In any case I've long suggested we simply build the mother of all cobalt bombs and tell the world to go pee up a rope. If they don't like it go make peace with one another and get back to us.
  2. I say 75% of the other 55 you didn't account for. But I bet paying that in higher wages for their employees would create a much bigger bang for the economy.
  3. Decriminalized pot, we weren't governed like Americans during COVID and dentalcare. That's three out of four anyway.
  4. A couple of things come to mind regarding the fall of the Assad regime. Will the support for this fall usher in the acceptance and normalization of Al Qaeda and ISIS at some level? Presumably the rebels will be the basis for Syria's next army which could easily turn into a sticky wicket for the west. Netanyahu certainly appears to be feeling jubilant but how much will this soften relations between Israel and its presumably sworn terrorist enemies? Interestingly enough, Israel's army was constituted out of various terror groups which suggests acceptance is just an inevitability of circumstances and falling chips. Another big question is how this will be turned into an issue for western lefties and righties to squabble over. Settling that here will likely provide the shape of things to come over there. I get the sense this development has people like Putin and Trump scratching their heads and asking one another...now what?
  5. I'm being held in reserve against Putin's 5th Column.
  6. Sure, and if you fu ckers had the courage of your convictions you'd be doing something about it. Convincing yourself you're surrounded by Nazis is a prelude to war. It's why you support Putin. How long do you figure people should just wait until they act, until it's too late? Violence appears to be as inevitable as it is unavoidable. I think embracing the horror will be easy as falling off a log once things get rolling.
  7. Trump's secret weapon. Shhhhh.
  8. Look past Canada and it's plain to see the whole planet is in a big of pile of shit AG. And it's our neighbours to the south that are going to get us back on track? LMAO! Thanks for the punctuating that...back on track...that's hilarious!
  9. Not really, it's a lot more like long periods of boredom punctuated by moments of exasperated hilarity.
  10. What you said had no bearing on what I said about blaming foreigners for our domestic issues, like our consumption of drugs. Trudeau can be blamed for doing a lot of stupid things and looking for a special economic deal that leaves Mexico out to hang is a bad one. All that does is amplify Trump's erroneous narrative that America's addiction to drugs is the fault of suppliers and smugglers from other countries. Yeah about that, recall you also said... Is this a warning, a threat or an amplification of another one of Trump's narratives, that Americans won't need to vote again once he's fixed things? Watching the right-wing try to get serious about doing something really hard-boiled about the left wing should be freaking hilarious. Will this be before or after you clowns are stuck trying to deal with potentially millions of refugees Americans are unable to prevent flooding across our border? It'll all be Poilievre's fault but lets get rid of all the lefties. We won't need to wear big L's we'll be the ones laughing our assess off everywhere you look.
  11. I was shrugging my shoulders at this renewed adoption of an old solution that has never ever worked in the past. Doing the same thing over and over again that doesn't work is good governance to you conservatives? If you say so. PP is planning on criminalizing pot again while cracking down on booze? Sure that'll fix everything. Can we get some of that olde tyme religion back too?
  12. No homeless senior ever gave me a job. ...what?
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