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  1. It means Extra Large Tall - the arms are longer, the tails are longer. Manufacturers in Chine think large Westerners are like cartoons, beachballs. XXl, 2XL, 3XL means more material around the belly, the shirt tails and sleeves are the same as Large. It's same with pants, once you hit size 36 you can only get a 30" leg. And the huge stock of winter coats on sale that don't even reach down to your bum, and huge supply of Size 8 work boots.
  2. Vancouver water never was flouridated. Mom used to add a couple drops to every jug of milk when it got opened. Didn't help much as we were already teens by then. Took it out of drinking water in Prince George and within 3 years dentists reported a spike in child dental caries. Got even worse and they doubled the number of dentists in 10 years. Now if they took the iron, manganese and sulfur out instead you wouldn't need to break off a glass of water, you could pour it.
  3. Unlike his detractors who must compulsively respond to trolls.
  4. The pompous ass won the Presidency with threats and mockery, he truly believes he can win the World that way too. Like I said. BOOR If Poilievre has the balls to tell Trump to f*ck off and die, I will vote Conservative.
  5. After shamefully failing to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment 50 years ago, Americe again proves it is chickenshit afraid of women by twice electing a miserable old c*nt rather than a female President.
  6. I'd read what I posted and tell me where I said that. I'm getting a little sick of people twisting posts into something they can reply to in an ad hominem manner. Flouride in water has been scientifically proven in decades of use to reduce cavities and upon removal from drinking that dental caries in kids increases. Period. If you don't want to believe in science, that's your personal failing not the rest of us.
  7. OK I will elaborate if that wasn't simple enough. Chlorine is added to kill bacteria Flouride added to strenthen teeth an bone. Niether can be considered to be 'medicating' you unless you want use the same argument to stop adding Vitamin A * D to milk, Vitamin C to other drinks or Iodine to salt. 100% of you opposition is from believing bullshit claims of harm perpetrated by malcontents. Flourine, Chlorine, Iodine are similar elements are all poisonous if consumed in excess all needed in small doses. As for the bromine in almost every processed can of pop and some beers, I've yet to hear an objection to that with zero health benefit being used. Conspiracy believer, and old, old one.Or better yet, discuss it with a dentist who knows something rather than a raving 1diot like Kennedy.
  8. Ooh oohh get rid of chlorine too... medication! Should we outlaw pasteurizing food to go along with your dreamworld rights too?
  9. Well maybe if it becamse the 51st, 52, 53,54,55,56,57,58,59th and 60th States. Which would mean 20 Senaroes and 3 more for the territories. Don't forget French on your Corn Flake boxes, bilingualism. and at least one Supreme Court Jusge from Canada. Tack on gun licenses, legal marijuana and Univeral health care. Stll want us to consider it?
  10. But, but they overthrew a tyrannical King and elect their own tyrant every 4 years. 250 years of brainwashing, their still taught Monarchs are tyrants. FFS a background check and training course is tyranny, just like a driver's license? Speaking of tyrants...
  11. and you don't need gasoline either, but you sure screamed over 3cOk if they redefine the litre as 800cc, raised the price 50c and make it 50% ethanol overnight? I mwan so long as it was all good old free enterprise and not Trudeau it would be okay then, eh?
  12. WTF? You such a perv rape is stuck on your brain? How in hell does rape enter the subject otherwise? Reg's meme is fitting in that if the Libs weren't riding on the NDP's back they'd be indistinguishable from the goddam Conservatives. Well, less whiney and able to come up with a platfdrm at least.....
  13. Noticed the jump in house brand chocolate at the super. Last months 2/$5 100g chocolate bars are now 'on sale' this week 3/$6 and are now only 80b. Inflation and shrinkflation at the same time. Didn't compare ingredient lists, but no doubt shitification is also included. Never bought them, they were kind of like Hersheys. Vaguely cocoa and vomit flavoured candle wax.
  14. Let's indulge our nonsensical negativism by shitting on Michaelangelo next for painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Or how about demonstrating one's Christianity by incessantly mouthing one's hatred of Catholics?
  15. What human right is that? Feel free to buy "Smart Water" for $3 a litre or one of those gizmos that "filters 99.9%of flouride" they've been bombarding FB with ever since Trump announced a fellow 1diot to rum Health
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