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Islamophobia in Canada

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1 minute ago, ?Impact said:

Ezra Levant is the king of race bating lies, and the fact that you don't recognize that proves you are a hillbilly.

Once again the simpletons response, the common low brow insult. You know absolutely nothing of me. Your attempts to inpugn my character merely reflect poorly on you. I have noticed that you never address a point, you just insult. I think I'm done with you now. If you should grow up a little I might lower myself to engage you further.

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16 minutes ago, AngusThermopyle said:

Once again the simpletons response, the common low brow insult. You know absolutely nothing of me. Your attempts to inpugn my character merely reflect poorly on you. I have noticed that you never address a point, you just insult. I think I'm done with you now. If you should grow up a little I might lower myself to engage you further.


You said it, my friend.

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1 hour ago, ?Impact said:

I'm looking for a gutter... Oh, found it.

Then pull yourself out of it and join the rest of us ,in protecting this country from the trudeau elites.

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Liberals ignore the increasing unease that Cdns feel for the escalating Muslim terror body count. 

Liberals see no reason to learn that British security and immigration- following the same Liberal inspired political doctrine as Cdn security does-  ignored warnings from Italian cops re the Manchester bomber coming to Britain.

Liberals refuse to believe that Cdns are uneasy with so called Liberal national security that is filled with loopholes. 

Cdns refuse to believe Muddled Justin when he tells us we must let Toronto 18 convicted terrorists stay here. 

Many Cdns do not believe that Liberal mandated changes to our immigration law are in our best interests.

Reverse bigoted Liberal multicultural policy is creating fertile ground for future race riots in Canada.

Most Cdns think Sharia Law offers reduced civil rights compared to current Cdn law- therefore bringing in Muslims is damaging to Cdn democracy. 

Liberal anti Islamophobia policy is so biased it is actually CREATING hate instead of ending it!


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    So dialamah is annoyed that some people might buy the "Dearbornistan" photo? Is his anger because some clever photographer is making money off a photo that he does not like or is he worried because the photo exposes the great rotten hole at the heart of Liberal immigration policy?


After all- Pakistan when through a MONTH of rioting- with  multiple dead because their Justice Minister forgot to properly thank Allah in a pseech!

taliban marriage.jpg

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18 minutes ago, Phred Dobbs said:

    So dialamah is annoyed that some people might buy the "Dearbornistan" photo? Is his anger because some clever photographer is making money off a photo that he does not like or is he worried because the photo exposes the great rotten hole at the heart of Liberal immigration policy?


Not annoyed, amused that some people might be gullible enough to actually buy a faked photo.  Were you?

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On ‎2018‎-‎02‎-‎21 at 11:13 AM, ?Impact said:

Are they equal opportunity 'assholes' to Judaism and Christianity which also have murderous nature...written right into their 'holy texts'?

Only the biblically illiterate would think that or believe that.   When was the last time we had a Christian suicide bomber?  Jesus in fact taught love thy neighbour as thyself.  The Bible says God is love. 

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               It is a tribute to how completely ALL Liberal policy has collapsed in disgrace and how utterly bereft Liberals are of alternative ideas- that they should fixate so completely on that very funny Dearbornistan image I posted! 

Liberals want to whine about some photographer who MAY have had ideas about selling the photo- yet there is no owners stamp on the photo- and a mark of ownership is the FIRST thing an owner wishing to sell would usually put on it! So it seems that Liberals are selling us fake news about the image!

Liberals want us to focus on whether I paid for the photo- and they want us NOT to focus on the fact that the Dearbornistan image neatly sums up ALL that is deadly wrong with Liberal immigration and national security! Its like those Danish cartoons of Prophet Mohamed with a bomb in his turban! Liberals DO NOT want us to focus on the funny aspect that holds so much truth and which makes Liberals look so foolish- because they happily support people who are willing to kill and maim for a funny- because its true- cartoon! 

And for the Liberals- no I did not pay for the image- only Liberals pay for things they don’t need to buy- the Dearbornistan image is freely available around the web- why- anybody could download it- even from My post- NO CHARGE! 

So why do Liberals react so strongly to things like the Dearbornistan image? They want desperately to to distract us and to control public debate! They DEMAND that we believe that Islam is a religion of peace and love- even as the terrorist body count grows! Islam offers peace to those who submit and surrender fully and it offers the peace of an unmarked grave to those who argue! WE have seen all manner of Isis videos showing people being executed in imaginative and quite gruesome ways- and WHERE are the bodies now buried? IF they were buried at all and not left for vultures? Such is the nature of Islamic “peace”!   

There are so many things Liberals want us to forget! They want us to forget that Muslims asked Ontari-owe Liberal premier McGinty to enforce Sharia Law in their Ontari-owe community! Fortunately Liberals recognized the trap in time and shunned it- otherwise they would have had to rip up about half our Charter of Rights related to family law!

Liberals want us to forget that a radical Muslim group that has been BANNED in most European countries AND in many Islamic states as well because of their dedication to using violence to promote a radical version of Sharia Law that is offensive even to some Muslims, happens to have held a number of meetings here in Ontari-owe in support of the World Wide Caliphate that they expect Canada to join- at gunpoint if need be! One meeting was held at Mohawk College and another at a Mississauga auditorium! The radicals have now been forced to find other meeting places as neither the college or the auditorium owners will deal with them again because they are promoting hate against Jews. To bad our Liberal govt ignores Muslims who promote hate- its just one of the many double standards that Liberals promote!

A couple of years back 2 Cdn reporters- one of them Egyptian born and thus able to read the Arabic on web sites owned by Muslim schools and Mosques in Canada did an expose of the radical hate being promoted on ALL Cdn Muslim web sites! The reporters insisted they had found proof that moderate Muslims were few in number and were being shouted down by the radicals even here in Canada! Liberals are NOT concerned. But when a Mississauga man offered up $1000.00 to anybody who could provide real proof of hate speech in Mosques- Liberals where quick to arrest the guy for hate crimes- though I have not heard that the matter has gone to Human Rights Kangaroo Court at this time. 

Liberals will be having problems with their hate crime prosecution of Mississauga guy as a result of various foolish incidents involving Cdn Muslims! For one thing how can a guy be convicted of being a criminal IF HE WANTS SOLID PROOF of a Muslim hate crime BEFORE he pays out that $1000.00? Will a Liberal stand up in court and try to convict a Cdn for demanding PROOF of an offense? What would Monty Python satirists have made of THAT legal madness? So Liberals seem to be dragging their feet getting this Islamophobia mess into court- because as usual they have not thought things through!

And there are other awkward little details as well. Like the Imam in Calgary who stood in front of a cheering Muslim crowd and talked about how important it is to send Cdn aid to Muslims fighting the Zionist invaders of Palestine! Oh dear- can you imagine the Liberal reaction if a Catholic Priest had stood up in a pulpit and suggested that Palestine be carpet bombed to teach the TERRORISTS a lesson?

And of course if an Imam can stand in front of a crowd preaching hate against Israel and yet avoid hate prosecution than what happens to the hate crime case against the Mississauga white guy who offered money in exchange for PROOF of Muslim hate speech- and got ARRESTED for it? How can Liberals seriously proceed with a hate case where central fact is to prove that seeking verifiable proof is criminal? Where is the proof that asking for proof of Muslim proof of Jew hatred is a crime in the eyes of anybody but shameless vote buying Liberals?

Or maybe we should ask about the rights of gay people? Another Cdn Imam happily explained to a Cdn Muslim crowd about how Allah permits his people to slay gays so they will not continue with their sinful lifestyle! And- is this not hate speech against gays? And Liberals seeking to condemn U of T professor Jordan Peterson simply because he does not wish to use pronouns like “Zhe”? What legal madness compels Liberals to condemn a man for wishing to remain silent rather than use words he does not like? 

On a related note- a gay man went into a Toronto printing shop and asked for some gay positive posters to be produced and the Catholic printer declined to do the job on religious grounds! And at the HATE CRIME Human Rights Kangaroo Court, the gay guy testified that the printer was apologetic about his religious beliefs but insisted he simply could not do the job as he would then be promoting a lifestyle he thinks is wrong and the printer DID offer up the names and addresses of other area printers who WOULD do the job! But with a Liberal judge in charge- a Catholic excuse is NO EXCUSE so the printer was convicted, fined and released! And now we are prompted to ask what would happen if it was a Muslim printer refusing to do work promoting the gay lifestyle? Can anybody picture the verbal and moral back flips that Liberals would have to do to appease both gays and Muslims in that situation?  

Or maybe we should look to our class rooms for more examples of Liberal moral rot? Toronto area Jews are deeply disturbed by the Muslim oriented teaching material that has appeared in Toronto schools! And why not- the public school system is SUPPOSED to be secular- NO religion allowed! If you want religion you mut either send your kid to the Catholic system or to a private school for education in the Hebrew or Hindu or other faiths- yet TDSB trustees have no problem feeding our supposedly secular kids stuff about Islam!

Included with the TDSB Muslim educational tools are exercises designed to encourage kids to make models of famous Mosques. But of course there are NO models of famous cathedrals or temples being built in Toronto schools!

And the kids are being exposed to the standard Liberal guff about Islamophobia- but there are loose ends with that crap too! Such as- is it Islamophobia to be harshly  critical of how Iran treats its women? Is it Islamophobia if a girl thinks it is stupid for an Imam to tell her she should never have a job and should not even leave the house without having both a SUITABLE male relative as escort and her husbands permission to go? Is it Islamophobia- or child abuse-  if a Cdn girl says “HELL NO I WONT GO” when her father says “come along dear, its time for you to have your female genital mutilation operation:? Is it spousal abuse or a religious edict when a Muslim man in Canada feels the need to beat his wife from time to time in order that she properly respect him?   

On an international scale- is it inciting hate of Islam if Cdn school children decry the second class status of women in all Muslim countries? Is it inciting Islamic hate if kids decide that Palestinians are bullies harassing Israel with their repeated rocket attacks? Is it Islamic hate if we suggest that Israel HAS A RIGHT to defend itself from terrorists? Is it hate of Islam to decry the sex assaults on women that too often occur in India and Pakistan in public places? Is it hate to decry the Muslim habit of “honour killing” of women? Is it hate to suggest that Muslim immigrants are too often dangerous- even as rhe body count soars? Is it a promotion of hate to discuss any subject that Liberals do not approve of? Are we promoting hate to suggest that Liberal bigotry is killing our free speceh?

In the last year- 2017- the number of hate crimes against Cdn Jews has soared by 25 percent- with Jews being consistently the most often attacked group in Canada
and would a Liberal want to claim we are inciting hate against Liberals if we insist that the surge in anti Jewish hate is a direct result of Liberals helping 50,000 Muslims to come here the year before that - in 2016? Shall we ask if Liberals are inciting hate against white people by constantly labeling us as “systemic racists” and “Islamophobes”?

And what of our muddled PM Justin who constantly insists that white Cdn`s are systemic racists? Is this not a gross example of hate speech? And what of muddled Justin and his thoughts on the Colton Boushie shooting? Justin spent no time in court and heard NO testimony- yet he has stated publicly that the verdict reached by 12 ordinary citizens who DID HEAR ALL the testimony and evidence is WRONG! Is this not promoting hate against whites? And muddled Justin is now working to change the law so- as Justin tells us- “such a verdict will not happen again” in Canada and shall we not accuse Justin of poisoning our legal system for his own selfish and BIGOTED and HATE FILLED reasons?

Are we not ENTITLED to insist that it is Liberals who are promoting HATE all across Canada? And doing so IN EXCHANGE FOR MUSLIM VOTES- and native support as well!


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49 minutes ago, Phred Dobbs said:
  • ALL Liberal policy has collapsed in disgrace
  • utterly bereft Liberals are of alternative ideas
  • Liberals look so foolish
  • double standards that Liberals promote!
  • shameless vote buying Liberals
  • moral back flips that Liberals would have to do to appease both gays and Muslims
  • Liberal bigotry


49 minutes ago, Phred Dobbs said:

In the last year- 2017- the number of hate crimes against Cdn Jews has soared by 25 percent- with Jews being consistently the most often attacked group in Canada

Yes, many groups are targeted by hate crimes.  Isn't it convenient for you to forget the 6 murdered and 19 injured Muslims last year at a Mosque in Quebec city. Not to discount the hate spread against Jews, but I don't remember that level of carnage.

49 minutes ago, Phred Dobbs said:

he has stated publicly that the verdict reached by 12 ordinary citizens who DID HEAR ALL the testimony and evidence is WRONG!

No, he has not, but then you will continue to spread a lie because of willful ignorance.

49 minutes ago, Phred Dobbs said:

Liberals who are promoting HATE all across Canada


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Our desperately muddled Liberal prime minister has stated that he will get right to work CHANGING how Cdn Juries are selected in response to the Coulton Boushie verdict. Our foolish Justin has told us he wants to make sure such a verdict does not happen again.

Only a desperate Liberal- frantically back pedalling in an effort to undo some of the damage done by our bigoted prime minister Justin-  would suggest that Justin does not think the verdict is wrong!

Only a Liberal whose party is drowning in its own racist rhetoric would look at the Boushie trial and suggest the only response is to DO AWAY WITH A JURY SELECTION PROCESS THAT HAS WORKED FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS!

5 pillars of lieberal faith.jpg

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On 3/5/2018 at 10:07 AM, dialamah said:


Poll:  who believes this photo isn't fake?

PS:  you can buy this meme here, use it to scare all your friends.  It's also on Pinterest, save yourself $5. 


Afghanistan, I think.

But don't pretend your Islam doesn't act like a spoiled child elsewhere.



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Here's an interesting video from the Bill Maher show - Chrystia Freeland tying herself in knots trying to reconcile "diversity is our strength" with the reality of Muslim extremist elements.



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Our muddled Liberals insist that Isis does not represent Islam? Okay then- WHO DOES? A Sunni is quite willing to blow up a Shi-ite and vice versa over their differences. Amhadia (if that is how you spell it) Muslims are an offshoot that will be attacked by other Muslims for philosophical differences as well. And do any of these groups offer respect to Rhohingia Muslims now flooding into refugee camps on the border between Burma and Bangladesh?

The most brutal suicide bombing in history occurred in Somalia a frw months back- hundreds dead in the exclusively Muslim capitol city!

The ONLY GUARANTEE we have with regard to Muslim terror is that they hate us infidels way worse than they hate each other!

Muslims are capable of weeks of violence over crap that looks utterly trivial to the rest of the world! Rioting went on for a month in Pakistan- with hundreds wounded and a dozen or so dead simply because their Justice |Minister made a speech in which he did not properly thank Allah- and then when his error was pointed out- he refused to immediately retire from politics!

Who needs crazy people like that for neighbours?

We know that insurance companies charge us more for auto ins if we live in certain neighbourhoods- how long before they start jacking up our house insurance because there may be Muslim bomb makers in the area? 


hacked sunny ways.jpg

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  • 3 years later...
On 3/16/2018 at 3:59 PM, Phred Dobbs said:


Muslims are capable of weeks of violence over crap that looks utterly trivial to the rest of the world! 

Looking like more hate mongers like this guy are doing what they do ... Again.


Please, all of you Muslim haters on here DO step up and rationalize the murder of a family.  Let's hear it again now, you have never been shy about hating Muslims before.


Your team scored four yesterday, so don't be a sore winner.



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