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  1. Their are no rules for using section 33. Primiers have used it Willy nilly. 5 years and then reviewing it, is non sense.
  2. Obviously the second time. Carter vs Canada, gave people their bodily autonomy right back.
  3. Why is it so hard to explain to people that land doesn't vote?
  4. Are you Canadian or not. Real Canadians don't put up with this crap.
  5. You can have your religion, but your religion should never be made into law. My section 7 rights are greater than a governments section 2 rights.
  6. It's amazing how the right is against China, but supports the standard of living.
  7. Religion has no place in politics. It's based on stories with no physical evidence. Secular societies are the best.
  8. What low score games? Miami just scored 3 points on Sunday and they have one of the best Recieving duos in the league.
  9. CFL isn't an inferior league. The problem is many Canadians have an inferiority complex. If a player isn't making millions of dollars, they must not be good. How many terrible QBs, deserve millions?
  10. Nothing wrong with shouting at politicians, but own up to it. These clowns couldn't even admit they said it.
  11. Hard to tell what weapons a country has? It's called military secrets for a reason. I don't think it's preventable.
  12. What does that have to due, with people not understanding federal, provincial and municipal responsibilities? Or the three branches of government.
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