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Hal 9000

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Hal 9000 last won the day on November 19 2020

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  1. Polls are now showing that a majority of Canadians support the convoy. The leftists have deserted the worker and shown that they are the elitists that we all knew they were.
  2. It's not about the vaccine, it's about the QR codes. The vaccine is simply a means to an end...it's a vehicle to coerce us to attach ourselves to the QR code.
  3. The same mechanisms are in place here in Canada. Once small businesses fail, people will fill the vacuum and who will that be? Well, Trudeau already has programs in place for gov't funding and it prioritizes everyone over white males.
  4. So, a black immigrant runs down and kills a white gender fluid BLM protester...and twitter is full of people blaming Trump?  

    1. scribblet


      Even Elizabeth May ....   before the guy's identity was known, it was a 'white supremacist' doncha know.  Kinda destroys their narrative.

    2. Shady


      Progressives are fucked up.

    3. OftenWrong


      They need to be vilified for doing it, whenever they do.

  5. If I said it's natural that girls should cook, clean and have babies and boys should play with trucks and become loggers or fishermen, I'd be chastised and schooled about social constructs. If I said society has a role in homosexuality or transgenderism, I'd be chastised for not recognizing that these things are natural. BTW - If sex and gender are two different things, why do transgenders always want to change their sex?
  6. No, BLM has been a shield...that's all they ever were for the marxist group.
  7. Washington, Jefferson, Grant, and now I see Ghandi and even Stevie Ray Vaughn have been vandalized. This isn't about slavery or BLM anymore, It's about remaking the USA into something else. P.S - The statue of Valdimir Lenin in Seattle hasn't been touched
    1. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      WTF, the left just keeps getting crazier by the minute. No police, no courts....

  8. Fair enough, all I'm saying is that authoritarianism is worse in Canada. We don't riot or protest because we've lost our will to do so. We have universal healthcare, and quite honestly, that's all we care about. We can have our freedoms taken and be taxed until July, but Canadians are all OK with this because we have healthcare. We're actually quite arrogant about it too.
  9. Here's an interesting video, Don't know why but It didn't get much media play though.
  10. Bull, the action taken against those cops was as quick as possible. Unless there's smoking gun, an investigation has to be done. The president had given the case to the FBI and DOJ immediately. Besides, it's been 4 nights since the arrest. You have to be a fool to think any of this destruction and looting is about George Floyd.
  11. It didn't. The murder was monday, everyone...I mean everyone including Trump denounced it and called it an unnecessary killing immediately. He was officially arrested - as expected on Friday. That was 4 nights ago, before the major looting and before Antifa injected themselves.
  12. The four cops were all immediatly fired, the one white cop is up on murder charges and the other 3 will be facing charges soon enough (as the police chief basically said). So, isn't that progress?
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