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Hudson Jones

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Hudson Jones last won the day on September 1 2018

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  1. Some would correctly argue that Israel is the terrorist State based on their actions.
  2. The resolution: called for a “just, lasting and comprehensive peace settlement” to the Israel-Palestine conflict. The resolution explicitly referred to contested lands between the two countries as “Occupied Palestinian Territories.” Ever seen this? Canadian policy on key issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Of course JT's decision is motivated by something outside of being altruistic, but we really should know what our actual policy is on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Because their decision is according to our actual policy.
  3. What about Afghanistan? Nothing was wasted there. I agree. Before we begin spending money on the military, lets assess these wars that we have been a part of. By the way: A Majority of Military Veterans Think the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq Were a Mistake Link
  4. Coming in a month late for a response. The books seem to be pointing to one source in some European country. Whoever is wearing the shirt in that town (or two towns), and even if they may be "popular" in those town amongst the particular Muslim group, does not reflect all Muslims. I think it's irresponsibly to generalize like that.
  5. So basically, you are wrong. Someone has seen a few Muslim youths in Stockholm wearing this Tshirt and you come out and declare "it's the most popular tshirt amongst Muslims". You realize how wrong your approach is to all of this? This is why it's difficult not to see you as a person whose agenda is to smear Muslims.
  6. Finding a comment in a book does not validate your comment: "the most popular tshirt for Muslims is a shirt that says "2030 - then we take over" You seem to have an agenda to smear Muslims by any way possible. This includes with your allegation above that you cannot back up.
  7. How is this validated? Show some link.
  8. Boom. Islamic terrorism is a lot less relevant in Canada than white supremacists. It's hilarious watching the cries that something is being "over-hyped". Especially from someone like the original poster.
  9. Do you have any examples of this or is this just an opinion? The Liberal party, when you look at their foreign policies and natural resources policies are pretty much the same as the Conservatives. They just gift wrap it differently. I would say that the CBC's commentators and coverage are more aligned with the NDP policies than the Liberals.
  10. Water is also good and a necessity, but if it's flooding the cities and villages, then it's bad. The rate of CO2 being emitted is tilting the balance of our planet. It's pushing the planet towards stronger and more natural disasters that are costing billions of dollars.
  11. The reality is that any prime minister could have gotten the following pipelines through. Pipeline #1 - Alberta Clipper (Line 67) pipeline expansion - This pipeline runs through Alberta and Saskatchewan, through crap land. No province or premier would get in the way of that. Pipeline #2 - Enbridge’s Southern Lights Pipeline - Same as above. Some of it went through southern Alberta, Sask and Manitoba. No push back for the pipeline from anyone. Pipeline #3 - Anchor Loop Project. - This was approved and permitted by the Liberals in 2004. Then built by the Conservatives. It's only 150km in length. Yay. Harper tried and tried hard to get the Trans Mountain through and failed. Now, the Conservative crowd is bitching about Trudeau not being able to get it through. The truth is that Harper failed like Trudeau did. But the hacks only complain about Trudeau.
  12. All this whining about Trudeau and the pipelines. How many pipelines did Harper get through during his decade of reign?
  13. No kidding. But they are from different spectrum of political ideology as well. The Koch brothers have invested heavily into conservative and libertarian candidates, think tanks and campaigns. Whereas Soros has invested heavily (although less than the Koch brothers) towards socialist/liberal candidates and causes.
  14. It's the classic fear of the unknown and the stereotypes that have been created in his head, in order to understand the unknown.
  15. Because majority of the people who want to come to Canada are from non-Western countries. See above for the reason why there are more from non-European countries. I have and do go to many right wing, alternative, sites. Yes. He wants to bring in 1 million immigrants in the next 3 years. That adds up to 300,000+ a year. Which is what our total is. Stop being the target audience of Fake News.
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