The reality is that any prime minister could have gotten the following pipelines through.
Pipeline #1 - Alberta Clipper (Line 67) pipeline expansion - This pipeline runs through Alberta and Saskatchewan, through crap land. No province or premier would get in the way of that.
Pipeline #2 - Enbridge’s Southern Lights Pipeline - Same as above. Some of it went through southern Alberta, Sask and Manitoba. No push back for the pipeline from anyone.
Pipeline #3 - Anchor Loop Project. - This was approved and permitted by the Liberals in 2004. Then built by the Conservatives. It's only 150km in length. Yay.
Harper tried and tried hard to get the Trans Mountain through and failed. Now, the Conservative crowd is bitching about Trudeau not being able to get it through.
The truth is that Harper failed like Trudeau did. But the hacks only complain about Trudeau.