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  1. Any ordinary Cdn who actually thinks they are going to benefit from this latest Liberal budget is dreaming in technicolour and should immediately head out and seek to take advantage of that couple of billion dollars being offered up in new mental health funding! Consider this comparison: Oh poor Liberals- they are scurrying about like cockroaches that have suddenly found themselves in the bright light of day. Fed up Cdn voters have examined Liberal policy and declared all of it to be utter failure! Even worse- Liberals have run out of cash to offer up to persuade some of us to look the other way- as Liberals work hard to make Canada better- FOR THEM! Here is a post illustrating how empty Liberal values are. With some comments of my own in brackets): Doug Ford's tax break won't cut it for poor, Liberals claim We are indebted to Toronto Sun writers for much of the fact in this post. Related News BATTLEGROUND: Clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson calls Wynne 'most dangerous woman in Canada' Liberals tell us that it is going to cost poor people $1,465 dollars to vote for Doug Ford. Senior economist Sheila Block - last in the headlines for telling us that the Liberal debt IS manageable just so long as interest rates stay low and there are no other economic shocks thrown at us- and who got blind sided as interest rates crept up, personal household debt soared, the Cdn economy is being threatened by the death of NAFTA if our utterly muddled PM Justin does not start focussing more on national security issues and Muslim terror and whining less about open borders and women`s issues while importing a swarm of Muslim misogynists over the protests of many Cdns- is now getting worried that her new premier may be Doug Ford! So Block looked at Fords plan to freeze the minimum wage at $14 an hour and eliminate income tax for those earning $30,000 a year or less- which we are told gives a net savings for poor people of only $485 dollars! And like all Liberal friendly economists, Block ignores various little details such as our muddled Pm Justin being elected on a promise to run small $10 billion dollar deficits for a couple of years till Cdn economy recovered- and it has NOT recovered- it has gotten WORSE- and those “small deficits have ballooned into vast flows of red ink that are at least double what he promised with no sign he has any clue how to keep us from drowning in that red ink! LIE-beral friendly economists cannot predict with accuracy what may happen in bond markets as Cdn debt grows, and cannot predict how much prices will rise as a result of LIE-beral mandated wage increases nor can they predict how many people may be laid off as a result of customers shunning biz with higher prices! In short- our economist are guessing- based on their political biases and personal preferences! Liberals tell us the Ford plan means less money for poor people? Really? Economist Block appears to have made predictions based on ideology and very short sighted thinking- a Liberal hallmark! What we CAN be certain of- because Liberals have told us- is that there WILL be ongoing price increases for many things -if Liberals win another Ontari-owe election! We are in an election year so there will be no TTC fare hike- this year- for political reasons! But look out next year! We have been told that Liberals intend to put up the price of electricity steadily for some years to come- with the actual rate of increase to be determined IF they win the election or otherwise! The property tax hike for this years is 2.9 percent while Liberals claimed to be aiming at “inflation rate” of 2 percent- while ordinary people make due with raises of about 0.5 percent- with thousands of jobs lost in the 2 months after the minimum wage increase- a wage increase is ZERO for the unemployed! And the wage incresse is also ZERO for the kids stuck in those stupid unpaid internships that are tantamount to indentured servitude! Liberal math does NOT add up! If Liberals win the 2018 election then we can be assured they will LOOT AND PILLAGE in 2019 to pay for all those civil service union Hog votes that put them back in power! IN addition Ontari-owe is “partnered with California on the carbon crap and trade tax scam and California has put up its carbon tax from $10.00 to $18.00 starting in 2018 and shall we ask if Liberals are simply waiting till after the June election they are vainly hoping to win- to follow partner California in jacking up that carbon tax- which will put food prices- anbd a whole lot of other stuff up another 10-20 percent! One reason for Liberals to be breaking their promise on giving us a balanced budget in 2018 is because they have offered their Hog allies a 2 percent raise for this year- with no new taxes to pay for it- its an election year and new taxes are bad for Liberal public image- but how bad is it to be seen borrowing money to give to greedy Hogs How much of that minimum wage increase will Liberals let us keep if they are re-elected? Your honest answer should be NONE! And Conservatives tend to freeze and ignore minimum wages? How awful- compared to the tens of thousands of jobs LOST in just the first month after the Liberal mandated wage increase! A better wage does not help those who got laid off and it certainly will not help those who will not be hired in future because Liberal taxes are a job killer- and a govt mandated wage hike is equal to a new tax on biz- and therefore a job killer!) Ford has recently noted that Ontario had the lowest increase in median household income in the country between 2005-15. Yes- Liberals are working hard to make Ontari-owe BETTER FOR THEM! Many Cdns- including Ford have been critical of how the Liberals introduced their minimum wage increase. The general judgement being that it was too much and too fast- especially when the carbon crap and trade scam is added to business costs and we all know how painful that series of hydro rte increases were- and small biz generally DID NOT GET THE RATE REDUCTION! Then add in small biz disappointment over federal Liberals breaking their election promise to give small biz a tax break! It has all been to much, to often and to deep a series fo cash grabs! But then Liberals are desperate! They are even in deep trouble in Toronto and Hogtown gets TEN TIMES MORE in provincial transfer funding per citizen than any other municipality! Over the years- Liberals have offered up a series of HUGE pension IOU`s to civil service union Hogs- promises so huge that we just do not have the money for Liberals to honour those insane vote buying sprees! Not without breaking our economy anyway! So Hogs are angry at this loss of promised gravy- hence their attacks on Ford with their NotDoug.ca and anybodybutdoug.com web sites! Its just the same old group of Hogs who were behind Working Family Coalition and fairnesscounts.ca and Wow/working Ontari-owe women! The ugly truth that Liberals are hoping we will not see is that bait and switch is a beloved Liberal policy! They offer up that dandy wage increase and then start doing the “take aways”! A higher wage means more income tax collected by Liberals. It means more cash collected in Unemployment Insurance deductions. Means a higher contribution to Canada Pension Plan. And best of all- for Liberals- it fuels inflation as biz passes on the new wage costs to customers as higher prices- which gives Liberals what THEY WANT- a better excuse to PAY MORE GRAVY TO CIVIL SERVICE UNION HOGS! As we know- all Hogs are entitled to regular raises “at the rate of inflation”- that LIBERALS are manipulating! (Yes- Liberals keep telling us they only pay out money according to the “inflation rate” and with our economy drowning in red ink and no inflation visible in the private sector- Liberals have chosen to CREATE inflation as an excuse and to confuse voters! We have seen a series of HUGE price increases for electricity- as Liberals turn our electrical system into a giant slush fund for their Hog allies. Even worse- Liberals have slammed shut the books so we cannot see what manner of dirt is hidden in their Hydro files- its OUR MONEY but its NOT our business to know what Liberals do with it! We have endured a series of NINE PERCENT water rate increases- 9 percent in each of 5 years and then a series of FOUR PERCENT increases after that as Liberals registered on our growing rage! And we should not ask what happened to the Liberal inflation target of TWO PERCENT? Liberals tell us the water rate increases are needed to pay for repairs and upgrades to the neglected system- but they do NOT want to admit that the system is neglected because ALL the money we paid for decades was spent on Hog gravy and NONE was spent on maintenance! So now we endure both emergency repairs and major floods plus MORE Hog wage greed!) And Liberals have “helped” us with auto insurance rates as well -so they say! I ask: did YOU get your 15 percent auto rate reduction? Liberals CLAIM you did- in the form of reduced increases for insurance! But Liberals do NOT mention the FIFTY PERCENT REDUCTION in benefits for accident victims that came with your mythical 15 percent reduction in auto rates! Liberals do not want to admit that Ontari-owe drivers have lower accident rates than other Cdns yet pay THE HIGHEST RATES! Nor do they want to discuss how many Sunshine List pals own stocks in insurance companies- and Lord knows- Hogs NEED more gravy- hence the Liberal mandated insurance rates! LIE-berals- who do NOT like to be contradicted- tell us our rates are high because of FRAUD! But fraud is a crime and Liberals are IGNORING IT! Why not launch a blitz on the organized crime gangs that are behind the staged accidents and against the doctors aiding the fraudsters collecting benefits for alleged whiplash and other easily faked soft tissue injuries? Are Liberals worried that they will find many of the fraud artists to be immigrants let into Canada by shameless Liberals BUYING votes at any price? Liberals always tell us we are systemic racists if we complain about immigrant crime rates. But Liberals do not want to talk about the Russian arrested at his magnificent King City mansion for the second time because all his wonderful luxuries are paid for with FORGED credit cards! Liberals do not wish to discuss the biggest ATM bank machine fraud in Cdn history- pulled off with the technical aid of gangs based in Russia! Liberals do not wish to discuss the 4 Afghan brothers arrested on car theft charges- over 1500 charges- with convictions on ALL! Do not want to discuss the Sikhs arrested for bribing and bullying gas station attendants into letting them set up credit card readers in stores to gather information to aid forgers in making more fake cards! Do not want to discuss the Sikhs who set up fake unemployment insurance accounts through their house renovation biz and claimed benefits based on LIES! Crime is an equal opportunity employer and there is NO need to single out any race- but Liberals long ago figured out their snake oil political sales policies go better with poor people- especially immigrants and so Liberals seek to distract us with this systemic racist crap! There are other matters of concern related to auto insurance rates and mythical Liberal benefits. Such as snow plow contracts for clearing our roads- with Liberal penny pinching putting drivers in danger. Liberals have “relaxed” snow clearing times-meaning our roads are plowed less frequently as Liberals wrestled with companies that offered to do the job cheap- but lacked suitable equipment to perform even at the “relaxed” Liberal standard! There are also concerns over road paving contracts with inferior paving material used as a cost saving measure- but hey- its good for Liberals as the nice fresh paving will last at least till after the next election- and that is good enough for Liberals! Too bad about the damage to our cars steering and suspension as we jolt and rattle over those potholes though- its just another hidden cost Liberals do not want to discuss! Liberals rob Peter to pay Paul- and Peter is private sector and Paul is a public sector union Hog! That “wonderful” Liberal wage increase VANISHES once you get the rest of the policy installed- increased govt costs for EVERYTHING! And worst of all- Liberals keep talking about fairness and the need for new revenue tools but if fairness were really their concern then why would they not immediately impose the health levy on civil service union Hogs in Ontari-owe? As it stands now- no Hog pays that health levy- and one employed Cdn in three works for govt! No wonder there is a hole in the health care books!
  2. British commentator Douglas Murray has pointed out the seriously flawed double standard of the Muslim community- and his remarks are pertinent not just in Britain but around the world- including in Canada. Murray pointed out that Muslim girls of 16 and up are often ordered out of school by their devout parents and married off to older Muslim men in forced marriages according to Sharia Law. Murray points out that if 16 year old blond and blue eyed girls were being forced out of school and compelled to sexually serve an aged husband against her will - the Liberal world would be outraged! And yet our staunch feminist PM Justin has NOTHING to say about this! Just as there are apologists for Islam- so there were apologists for Nazism and Communism. For instance- our Liberal prime minister Mackenzie King travelled to Germany and met- one on one with Hitler in 1936. King came back to Canada to tell parliament that “Hitler is a dour but basically good man who is bringing some much needed hope and discipline to the German people”! King went on to denounce Winston Churchill as a “warmonger and rabble rouser” for his hostility to Nazism! Our Liberal prime minister Pierre Trudeau made a series of fiery speeches denouncing the war against Nazi Germany as “British Imperialism”! During the Cdn conscription crisis of 1942, Pierre Trudeau told us that any Cdn politician who supported conscription “should be hanged” and Trudeau publicly volunteered to tie the hang mans knot! In the 1930`s a series of famous journalists toured the Soviet Union and came back extolling the virtues of the Soviet state- without every having noticed that Stalin was in the process of deliberately starving 8 million Ukrainians to death because they held awkward political views! Journalists on the left also scoffed at the existence of the Soviet re-education camp system that treated political prisoners to a daily diet of beatings, exposure to frostbite, semi starvation and disease. Journalists scoffed when British stevedores unloading shipments of Russian lumber- cut by Gulag inmates- were repulsed by the number of severed fingers, toes, hands and feet that turned up in the shipments. Before he was prime minister, Pierre Trudeau travelled to Red China and somehow managed to avoid spotting the vast Soviet style Chinese Gulags that murdered tens of millions of people. In fact - Pierre heaped fawning praise on Chairman Mao for “his genius in rushing 30 million Chinese to the gallows’ in the Great Leap Forward! Which does suggest that Pierre was well aware of the murderous Chinese gulags! Our Muddle Liberal prime minister Justin has told us “he likes the way Chinese communists get things done”! Does Justin also approve of the way Chinese communists write the history and totally control ALL aspects of Chinese life to rthe point where you can be shot for disagreeing with the Party? Sacha Trudeau has told us that bloody handed Cuban Soviet dictator Castro was a very close family friend of the entire Trudeau family- what sort of values must one have to call a torturer and dictator a “close family friend” ? And what sort of family values do the Trudeau`s hold that would encourage Sacha Trudeau to tell us in an open letter that dictator “Castro was the greatest South American leader of the 20th century- and far superior to any elected leader”? There are apologists for all manner of vile dictators just as there are apologists for radical Islam. We should shout down and shut down ALL the apologists- such people should NOT be allowed to hold public office in a democracy! Cdns deplore racist propaganda- of any stripe. For instance we FIRED an Alberta high school teacher for being a Holocaust denier and for inciting hate against Jews. We deported German born immigrant Ernst Zundel because he was a Holocaust denier who persisted in handing out anti Jewish literature that incited hate of Jews. So why then is our muddled Pm Justin IGNORING Muslim Imams who are inciting hate against gays by telling us gays are sinners and that it is okay to kill gays so they will not be able to sin in future? And why is our muddled PM Justin who THINKS he is a feminist- ignoring Muslim immigrants who want to impose Sharia Law on us? After all, Sharia Law would gut about half our current constitution and turn Cdn women into property- not even able to leave the house without permission from hubby and without a suitable male relative as escort! Do Liberals even understand the word HYPOCRITE?
  3. As we have seen- hydro rates are ONLY important if you are a Liberal in SERIOUS TROUBLE- AS Wynne is! It will all depend on the mood of the Cdn silent majority as to what happens to her in the coming June election! The polls suggest that she has so enraged those ordinary people who do not vote that they may be changing their minds just for her! When Rob Ford was elected the voter turnout JUMPED by nearly FIFTY PERCENT And Mike Harris got the LARGEST voter mandate in Ontari-owe history when he ran for the second term! Give the voters a real political choice and they WILL respond! With the added bonus that Wynne has so enraged so many peopl with price gouging that people are desperate to see the last of her! People are painfully aware that Liberal spending is utterly out of control and that Liberal policy is a fabric of failed policy and muddled fake news! Consider: Oh pity the poor Liberals- they are scurrying about like cockroaches that have suddenly found themselves in the bright light of day. Fed up Cdn voters have examined Liberal policy and declared all of it to be utter failure! Even worse- Liberals have run out of cash to offer up to persuade some of us to look the other way- as Liberals work to make Canada better- FOR THEM! WE can thank Toronto Sun reporters for exposing Liberal failings so fully and this post is a summary of the things they have told us. Doug Ford's tax break won't cut it for poor, Liberals claim In related news: Clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson calls Wynne 'most dangerous woman in Canada' Economists working for Ontari-owe Liberal party have just told us that it is going to cost minimum wage earners cold hard cash if they vote for Doug Ford and they give us a number: $1,465.00! This number comes from the Ontario office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Senior economist Sheila Block crunched the numbers and came up with this $1,465.00; that assumes Ford will cancel the minimum wage increase from $14 to $15 next January for those earning less than $30,000 per year. Block claims the planned Ford tax cut would provide only $485 in savings on average for minimum wage earners. Sheila Block is the same economist who also told us that Ontari-owe Liberal debt was reasonable and manageable just so long as interest rates did not rise- or other economic shocks did not appear! And of course interest rates are slowly rising, the big economic engine- housing construction- has faltered as Liberals panic over rising debt loads, and we are looking at potential federal deficits in the $120 billion dollar range if our utterly muddled PM Justin succeeds in getting Trump disgusted enough to scrap NAFTA over Liberal immigration madness and Liberal indifference to Muslim terrorists! And of course our muddled PM was elected on a promise to run small $10 billion dollar deficits for a couple of years till Cdn economy recovered- and it has NOT recovered- it has gotten WORSE- and those “small deficits have ballooned into vast flows of red ink that are at least double what he promised; with no sign he has any clue how to keep us from drowning in that red ink! Liberal friendly economists cannot predict with accuracy what may happen in bond markets as Cdn debt grows, and cannot predict how much prices will rise as a result of Liberal mandated wage increases nor can they predict how many people may be laid off as a result of customers shunning biz with higher prices! In short- our economist are guessing- crossing their fingers and hoping for the best- based on their political biases and personal preferences! Liberals insist that the Ford plan will be hard on poor people- without making any honest comparison with how Liberals will be treating ALL PEOPLE if they win that election in June 2018! Economist Block appears to have made predictions based on ideology. What we CAN be certain of- because LIE-berals have told us- is that there WILL be ongoing price increases for many things if LIE-berals win another Ontari-owe election! We are in an election year so there will be no TTC fare hike- this year- for political reasons- but LOOK OUT next year! We have been told that LIE-berals intend to put up the price of electricity steadily for some years to come- with the actual rate of increase to be determined IF they win the next election or otherwise! The property tax hike for this year is 2.9 percent while Liberals claimed to be aiming at an “inflation rate” of 2 percent- while ordinary people make due with raises of about 0.5 percent- if they get anything! Liberal math does NOT add up! If Liberals win the 2018 election then we can be assured they will LOOT AND PILLAGE in 2019 and beyond- to pay for all those civil service union votes that put them back in power! As an example of the desperate need for “looting and pillaging” the outgoing chairman of the OSSTF/Onatri-owe high school teachers pension management fund has told us- on TVO- that teachers expect to get an additional FIFTY FIVE BILLION DOLLARS in pension top ups- meaning money promised by Liberals and not yet delivered- mainly because Ontari-owe is stony broke! IN addition Ontari-owe is “partnered” with California on the carbon crap and trade tax scam and California has put up its carbon tax from $10.00 to $18.00 and shall we ask if Wynne-bag is simply waiting till after the June election that she is still hoping to win- to follow partner California in jacking up that carbon tax- which will put food prices up another 15-20 percent in 2019? With California planning a series of 30-60 percent carbon tax hikes for some years into the future! And does that not make Ford and his intention to kill the carbon tax sound like a BARGAIN? Liberals are offering poor Cdns $1400 bucks while quietly planning to make the cost of EVERYTHING SOAR! One reason for Liberals to be breaking their promise on giving us a balanced budget in 2018 is because they have offered their civil service union supporters a 2 percent raise for this year- with no new taxes to pay for it- its an election year and new taxes are bad for LIE-beral public image- so Liberals dispense gravy now and make us PAY for it later! So before anybody slams Ford- maybe we should do some serious thinking about how much of that $1400 that Liberals willlet us keep if they are re-elected? Your honest answer should be NONE! And the next honest questionnis how MUCH MORE- beyond that $1400 Liberals will clip off us! And that answer will be LOTS MORE! Conservatives tend to ignore minimum wage rates when in power- but is that bad compared to the tens of thousands of jobs LOST in just the first month after the Liberal wage increase! A better wage does not help those who got laid off and it certainly will not help those who will not be hired in future because Liberal taxes are a job killer- and a govt mandated wage hike is equal to a new tax on biz- and thus IS a job killer! Of course civil servants with jobs for life do NOT CARE! In other news, we are told that Ontario had the lowest increase in median household income in the country between 2005-15- in other words -during the years of Liberal rule! But Cdns have noted that the number of Liberal friendly members of the civil service Sunshine List is soaring! And we have noted that the insane green energy contracts that Liberals handed out often went to friends of Liberal party. In related news we noted that when Ontari-owe Hydro was put up for sale- the stocks were reserved for special investors- more friends of Liberal party- no ordinary people need apply! Bait and switch is a beloved Liberal policy! They offer up that dandy wage increase and then start doing the “take aways”! A higher wage means more income tax collected by Liberals. It means more cash collected in Unemployment Insurance deductions. Means a higher contribution to Canada Pension Plan. As the price of everything soars Liberals collect more in sales tax- that hated HST! And best of all- for Liberals- the carbon crap and trade tax and minimum wage increase fuels inflation as biz passes on the new costs to customers as higher prices- which gives Liberals what THEY WANT- a better excuse to PAY MORE GRAVY TO CIVIL SERVICE UNION HOGS AT THE RATE OF LIBERAL CREATED INFLATION! But we peasants do not get to share in that gravy- we just get to pay back the money Liberals BORROWED to buy the support of gravy loving civil servants! Yes- Liberals keep telling us they only pay out money according to the “inflation rate” and with our economy drowning in red ink and no inflation visible in the private sector- Liberals have chosen to CREATE inflation as an excuse for more gravy to their supporters and to confuse voters! We have seen a series of HUGE price increases for electricity- as Liberals turn our electrical system into a giant slush fund for their friends. Even worse- Liberals have slammed shut the books so we cannot see what manner of dirt is hidden in their Hydro files- its OUR MONEY but its NOT our business to know what Liberals do with it- so THEY THINK! We have endured a series of NINE PERCENT water rate increases- 9 percent in each of 5 years and then a series of FOUR PERCENT increases after that as Liberals registered on our growing rage and slightly limited their greed! And we should not ask what happened to the Liberal inflation target of TWO PERCENT? Liberals tell us the water rate increases are needed to pay for repairs and upgrades to the neglected system- but they do NOT want to admit that the system is neglected because ALL the money was spent on civil service union gravy for decades and NONE was spent on maintenance! So now we endure both emergency repairs and major floods plus wage greed from Liberal pals!) And Liberals have “helped” us with auto insurance rates as well -so they say! I ask: did YOU get your 15 percent rate reduction? Liberals CLAIM you did- in the form of reduced increases for insurance! But Liberals do NOT mention the FIFTY PERCENT REDUCTION in benefits for accident victims that came with your mythical 15 percent reduction in auto rates! Liberals do not want to admit that Ontari-owe drivers have lower accident rates than other Cdns yet pay THE HIGHEST RATES! Nor do they want to discuss how many Sunshine List pals own stocks in insurance companies- and Lord knows- Liberal pals NEED more gravy- AND DIVIDENDS- hence the Liberal insurance rates! Liberals- who definitely do NOT like to be contradicted- tell us our rates are high because of FRAUD! But fraud is a crime and Liberals are IGNORING IT! Why not launch a blitz on the organized crime gangs that are behind the staged accidents and against the doctors aiding the fraudsters collecting benefits for alleged whiplash and other easily faked soft tissue injuries? Are Liberals worried that they will find many of the fraud artists to be immigrants let into Canada by shameless Liberals BUYING votes at any price? LIE-berals always tell us we are systemic racists if we complain about immigrant crime rates. But Liberals do not want to talk about the Russian arrested at his magnificent King City mansion for the second time because all his wonderful luxuries are paid for with FORGED credit cards! Liberals do not wish to discuss the biggest ATM bank machine fraud in Cdn history- pulled off with the technical aid of gangs based in Russia! Liberals do not wish to discuss the 4 Afghan brothers arrested on car theft charges- over 1500 charges- with convictions on ALL! Do not want to discuss the Sikhs arrested for bribing and bullying gas station attendants into letting them set up credit card readers in stores to gather information to aid forgers in making more fake cards! Do not want to discuss the Sikhs who set up fake unemployment insurance accounts through their house renovation biz and claimed benefits based on LIES! Crime is an equal opportunity employer and there is NO need to single out any race- but Liberals long ago figured out their snake oil political sales policies go better with poor immigrants so Liberals seek to distract us with this systemic racist crap! There are other matters of concern related to auto insurance rates and mythical Liberal benefits. Such as sloppy snow plow contracts for clearing our roads- with Liberal penny pinching putting drivers in danger. Liberals have “relaxed” snow clearing times-meaning our roads are plowed less frequently as Liberals wrestled with companies that offered to do the job cheap- but lacked suitable equipment to perform even at the “relaxed” Liberal standard! There are also concerns over Liberal organized road paving contracts using inferior paving material as a cost saving measure- but hey- it’s a good deal for Liberals as the nice fresh paving will last at least till after the next election- and that is good enough for Liberals! Too bad about the damage to our cars steering and suspension as we jolt and rattle over those potholes though- its just another hidden cost Liberals do not want to discuss! Liberals rob Peter to pay Paul- and Peter is private sector and Paul is a public sector union Liberal Pal! That “wonderful” Liberal wage increase VANISHES once you get the rest of the policy- increased govt costs for EVERYTHING! And worst of all- Liberals keep talking about fairness and the need for new revenue tools but if fairness were really their concern then why would they not immediately impose the health levy on civil service unions in Ontari-owe? As it stands now- no civil servant pays that health levy- and one employed Cdn in three works for govt! No wonder there is a hole in the health care books!
  4. Our muddled Liberals insist that Isis does not represent Islam? Okay then- WHO DOES? A Sunni is quite willing to blow up a Shi-ite and vice versa over their differences. Amhadia (if that is how you spell it) Muslims are an offshoot that will be attacked by other Muslims for philosophical differences as well. And do any of these groups offer respect to Rhohingia Muslims now flooding into refugee camps on the border between Burma and Bangladesh? The most brutal suicide bombing in history occurred in Somalia a frw months back- hundreds dead in the exclusively Muslim capitol city! The ONLY GUARANTEE we have with regard to Muslim terror is that they hate us infidels way worse than they hate each other! Muslims are capable of weeks of violence over crap that looks utterly trivial to the rest of the world! Rioting went on for a month in Pakistan- with hundreds wounded and a dozen or so dead simply because their Justice |Minister made a speech in which he did not properly thank Allah- and then when his error was pointed out- he refused to immediately retire from politics! Who needs crazy people like that for neighbours? We know that insurance companies charge us more for auto ins if we live in certain neighbourhoods- how long before they start jacking up our house insurance because there may be Muslim bomb makers in the area?
  5. U of T professor Jordan Peterson`s refusal to use certain pronouns as demanded by Liberals boils down to this allegorical point: I possess the right to watch tv shows that I like and I possess the right to TURN OFF tv shows I don’t like. If Liberals choose to MAKE ME watch tv shows I would rather turn off then they are dictators! So it is with Peterson- that Liberals want to MAKE HIM use certain words that he does not CHOOSE TO USE! Every article on U of T professor Jordan Peterson centres on what left wing advocates refer to as his abuse of free speech- but radicals cannot find a way to shut Peterson down because he is NOT DEMANDING “free speech”. Rather, he simply insisting he has the right NOT to say some things! Jordan Peterson is in trouble because he has made it known he does not wish to be compelled by govt legislation to use any of the over 50 recently created and gender neutral pronouns he has heard of. Choosing to refer to somebody by their name or by referring to a person as “you in the black sweat shirt” etc- IS NOT a crime! Choosing NOT to use certain words can NOT be a crime- unless we live in a police state! Liberal attempts to stifle free speech generally and to criminalize so called “Islamophobia” - which liberals have yet to define as anything other than simple opposition to their views- means liberals ARE TRYING TO CREATE A POLICE STATE where every thought and word is guided by Liberal dictators! Jordan Peterson says its unfair and unlawful that he is being ordered by others to use certain gender neutral pronouns such as “ZHE”. Only a small part of the population is even aware of these pronouns and fewer still agree on how and where and when they should be used. In fact the average person could not find out when to use these pronouns unless they pried deeply- and intrusively into the mindset and gender image of persons who might or might not wish to be addressed using a particular pronoun such as “zhe”!! People who want to pillory individuals such as U of T prof Jordan Peterson for failing to use certain “gender neutral pronouns” such as “Zhe” are attempting to introduce obscure clinical definitions- known only to a modest number of people- into a conversation with lay people who are unaware that there are over 70 distinct sexual personae identified in online posts . Those who think that criminal charges are a proper response to those who don’t use selected and obscure pronouns are engaged in Fascist dictatorship. And the most RIDICULOUS part of this storm in a gender neutral tea cup is that the lead person- at University of Toronto- who has complained about Peterson has NEVER MET HIM! Nope! Never spoken to him nor ever taken any of his classes- yet the person is willing to INSIST that a total stranger should face jail time merely for commenting in a way that Liberals do not like- on the subject of “ZHE”!) (And how much more Monty Python style SILLY can the situation get considering that Liberals are thinking of jail time for scorning “ZHE” while at the same time Liberals are IGNORING a Calgary Muslim leader who publicly explained to his admirers that it is okay to KILL gay people so they will not “sin” again in future? Oh well, after our muddled PM Justin is defeated and tossed out of office- he has a second career already set up- as a comedian since his sense of irony and the absurd puts Monty Python to shame!)
  6. Our desperately muddled Liberal prime minister has stated that he will get right to work CHANGING how Cdn Juries are selected in response to the Coulton Boushie verdict. Our foolish Justin has told us he wants to make sure such a verdict does not happen again. Only a desperate Liberal- frantically back pedalling in an effort to undo some of the damage done by our bigoted prime minister Justin- would suggest that Justin does not think the verdict is wrong! Only a Liberal whose party is drowning in its own racist rhetoric would look at the Boushie trial and suggest the only response is to DO AWAY WITH A JURY SELECTION PROCESS THAT HAS WORKED FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS!
  7. It is a tribute to how completely ALL Liberal policy has collapsed in disgrace and how utterly bereft Liberals are of alternative ideas- that they should fixate so completely on that very funny Dearbornistan image I posted! Liberals want to whine about some photographer who MAY have had ideas about selling the photo- yet there is no owners stamp on the photo- and a mark of ownership is the FIRST thing an owner wishing to sell would usually put on it! So it seems that Liberals are selling us fake news about the image! Liberals want us to focus on whether I paid for the photo- and they want us NOT to focus on the fact that the Dearbornistan image neatly sums up ALL that is deadly wrong with Liberal immigration and national security! Its like those Danish cartoons of Prophet Mohamed with a bomb in his turban! Liberals DO NOT want us to focus on the funny aspect that holds so much truth and which makes Liberals look so foolish- because they happily support people who are willing to kill and maim for a funny- because its true- cartoon! And for the Liberals- no I did not pay for the image- only Liberals pay for things they don’t need to buy- the Dearbornistan image is freely available around the web- why- anybody could download it- even from My post- NO CHARGE! So why do Liberals react so strongly to things like the Dearbornistan image? They want desperately to to distract us and to control public debate! They DEMAND that we believe that Islam is a religion of peace and love- even as the terrorist body count grows! Islam offers peace to those who submit and surrender fully and it offers the peace of an unmarked grave to those who argue! WE have seen all manner of Isis videos showing people being executed in imaginative and quite gruesome ways- and WHERE are the bodies now buried? IF they were buried at all and not left for vultures? Such is the nature of Islamic “peace”! There are so many things Liberals want us to forget! They want us to forget that Muslims asked Ontari-owe Liberal premier McGinty to enforce Sharia Law in their Ontari-owe community! Fortunately Liberals recognized the trap in time and shunned it- otherwise they would have had to rip up about half our Charter of Rights related to family law! Liberals want us to forget that a radical Muslim group that has been BANNED in most European countries AND in many Islamic states as well because of their dedication to using violence to promote a radical version of Sharia Law that is offensive even to some Muslims, happens to have held a number of meetings here in Ontari-owe in support of the World Wide Caliphate that they expect Canada to join- at gunpoint if need be! One meeting was held at Mohawk College and another at a Mississauga auditorium! The radicals have now been forced to find other meeting places as neither the college or the auditorium owners will deal with them again because they are promoting hate against Jews. To bad our Liberal govt ignores Muslims who promote hate- its just one of the many double standards that Liberals promote! A couple of years back 2 Cdn reporters- one of them Egyptian born and thus able to read the Arabic on web sites owned by Muslim schools and Mosques in Canada did an expose of the radical hate being promoted on ALL Cdn Muslim web sites! The reporters insisted they had found proof that moderate Muslims were few in number and were being shouted down by the radicals even here in Canada! Liberals are NOT concerned. But when a Mississauga man offered up $1000.00 to anybody who could provide real proof of hate speech in Mosques- Liberals where quick to arrest the guy for hate crimes- though I have not heard that the matter has gone to Human Rights Kangaroo Court at this time. Liberals will be having problems with their hate crime prosecution of Mississauga guy as a result of various foolish incidents involving Cdn Muslims! For one thing how can a guy be convicted of being a criminal IF HE WANTS SOLID PROOF of a Muslim hate crime BEFORE he pays out that $1000.00? Will a Liberal stand up in court and try to convict a Cdn for demanding PROOF of an offense? What would Monty Python satirists have made of THAT legal madness? So Liberals seem to be dragging their feet getting this Islamophobia mess into court- because as usual they have not thought things through! And there are other awkward little details as well. Like the Imam in Calgary who stood in front of a cheering Muslim crowd and talked about how important it is to send Cdn aid to Muslims fighting the Zionist invaders of Palestine! Oh dear- can you imagine the Liberal reaction if a Catholic Priest had stood up in a pulpit and suggested that Palestine be carpet bombed to teach the TERRORISTS a lesson? And of course if an Imam can stand in front of a crowd preaching hate against Israel and yet avoid hate prosecution than what happens to the hate crime case against the Mississauga white guy who offered money in exchange for PROOF of Muslim hate speech- and got ARRESTED for it? How can Liberals seriously proceed with a hate case where central fact is to prove that seeking verifiable proof is criminal? Where is the proof that asking for proof of Muslim proof of Jew hatred is a crime in the eyes of anybody but shameless vote buying Liberals? Or maybe we should ask about the rights of gay people? Another Cdn Imam happily explained to a Cdn Muslim crowd about how Allah permits his people to slay gays so they will not continue with their sinful lifestyle! And- is this not hate speech against gays? And Liberals seeking to condemn U of T professor Jordan Peterson simply because he does not wish to use pronouns like “Zhe”? What legal madness compels Liberals to condemn a man for wishing to remain silent rather than use words he does not like? On a related note- a gay man went into a Toronto printing shop and asked for some gay positive posters to be produced and the Catholic printer declined to do the job on religious grounds! And at the HATE CRIME Human Rights Kangaroo Court, the gay guy testified that the printer was apologetic about his religious beliefs but insisted he simply could not do the job as he would then be promoting a lifestyle he thinks is wrong and the printer DID offer up the names and addresses of other area printers who WOULD do the job! But with a Liberal judge in charge- a Catholic excuse is NO EXCUSE so the printer was convicted, fined and released! And now we are prompted to ask what would happen if it was a Muslim printer refusing to do work promoting the gay lifestyle? Can anybody picture the verbal and moral back flips that Liberals would have to do to appease both gays and Muslims in that situation? Or maybe we should look to our class rooms for more examples of Liberal moral rot? Toronto area Jews are deeply disturbed by the Muslim oriented teaching material that has appeared in Toronto schools! And why not- the public school system is SUPPOSED to be secular- NO religion allowed! If you want religion you mut either send your kid to the Catholic system or to a private school for education in the Hebrew or Hindu or other faiths- yet TDSB trustees have no problem feeding our supposedly secular kids stuff about Islam! Included with the TDSB Muslim educational tools are exercises designed to encourage kids to make models of famous Mosques. But of course there are NO models of famous cathedrals or temples being built in Toronto schools! And the kids are being exposed to the standard Liberal guff about Islamophobia- but there are loose ends with that crap too! Such as- is it Islamophobia to be harshly critical of how Iran treats its women? Is it Islamophobia if a girl thinks it is stupid for an Imam to tell her she should never have a job and should not even leave the house without having both a SUITABLE male relative as escort and her husbands permission to go? Is it Islamophobia- or child abuse- if a Cdn girl says “HELL NO I WONT GO” when her father says “come along dear, its time for you to have your female genital mutilation operation:? Is it spousal abuse or a religious edict when a Muslim man in Canada feels the need to beat his wife from time to time in order that she properly respect him? On an international scale- is it inciting hate of Islam if Cdn school children decry the second class status of women in all Muslim countries? Is it inciting Islamic hate if kids decide that Palestinians are bullies harassing Israel with their repeated rocket attacks? Is it Islamic hate if we suggest that Israel HAS A RIGHT to defend itself from terrorists? Is it hate of Islam to decry the sex assaults on women that too often occur in India and Pakistan in public places? Is it hate to decry the Muslim habit of “honour killing” of women? Is it hate to suggest that Muslim immigrants are too often dangerous- even as rhe body count soars? Is it a promotion of hate to discuss any subject that Liberals do not approve of? Are we promoting hate to suggest that Liberal bigotry is killing our free speceh? In the last year- 2017- the number of hate crimes against Cdn Jews has soared by 25 percent- with Jews being consistently the most often attacked group in Canada and would a Liberal want to claim we are inciting hate against Liberals if we insist that the surge in anti Jewish hate is a direct result of Liberals helping 50,000 Muslims to come here the year before that - in 2016? Shall we ask if Liberals are inciting hate against white people by constantly labeling us as “systemic racists” and “Islamophobes”? And what of our muddled PM Justin who constantly insists that white Cdn`s are systemic racists? Is this not a gross example of hate speech? And what of muddled Justin and his thoughts on the Colton Boushie shooting? Justin spent no time in court and heard NO testimony- yet he has stated publicly that the verdict reached by 12 ordinary citizens who DID HEAR ALL the testimony and evidence is WRONG! Is this not promoting hate against whites? And muddled Justin is now working to change the law so- as Justin tells us- “such a verdict will not happen again” in Canada and shall we not accuse Justin of poisoning our legal system for his own selfish and BIGOTED and HATE FILLED reasons? Are we not ENTITLED to insist that it is Liberals who are promoting HATE all across Canada? And doing so IN EXCHANGE FOR MUSLIM VOTES- and native support as well!
  8. So dialamah is annoyed that some people might buy the "Dearbornistan" photo? Is his anger because some clever photographer is making money off a photo that he does not like or is he worried because the photo exposes the great rotten hole at the heart of Liberal immigration policy? After all- Pakistan when through a MONTH of rioting- with multiple dead because their Justice Minister forgot to properly thank Allah in a pseech!
  9. Giving us a list of positions you would like to fill- if you can find suitable boot lickers does not count for anything! Here is an article describing the utterly selfish motives of the Liberal party as they buy ethnic votes without regard for national security or the costs involved. And aint it sickening that Ndpers like Jagmeet Singh are willing to ride along? Jag sure is NOT opposing them- rather he is trying to OUT DO them! But then NDPers are the less cunning and less intelligent kissing cousins of Liberals! To become NDP it is required that your thinking must be too muddled to be accepted as a Liberal! With some comments of my own in brackets): Liberal politicization of immigration system gets even worse By Lorne Gunter , Edmonton Sun. First posted: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 05:41 PM EDT | Updated: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 06:21 PM EDT
  10. Liberals ignore the increasing unease that Cdns feel for the escalating Muslim terror body count. Liberals see no reason to learn that British security and immigration- following the same Liberal inspired political doctrine as Cdn security does- ignored warnings from Italian cops re the Manchester bomber coming to Britain. Liberals refuse to believe that Cdns are uneasy with so called Liberal national security that is filled with loopholes. Cdns refuse to believe Muddled Justin when he tells us we must let Toronto 18 convicted terrorists stay here. Many Cdns do not believe that Liberal mandated changes to our immigration law are in our best interests. Reverse bigoted Liberal multicultural policy is creating fertile ground for future race riots in Canada. Most Cdns think Sharia Law offers reduced civil rights compared to current Cdn law- therefore bringing in Muslims is damaging to Cdn democracy. Liberal anti Islamophobia policy is so biased it is actually CREATING hate instead of ending it!
  11. Is it not odd that those who most strongly defend an open Cdn border are those who either expect to profit nicely from it or those who came here RECENTLY? One of the talking heads on CBC- a woman who was clearly using English as a second language- told viewers that it is the right of all people to come to Canada and have their case heard by Cdn immigration judges- with the cost of that at about a thousand dollars a day for legal fees- NOT including welfare and security issues and etc. Liberals have fired so many immigration judges - for having “Conservative” leanings that there are now only 2 immigration judges in the western half of Canada! A case that used to take a year or more has now degenerated into one taking a decade or more? The only people who claim that illegals are ENTITLED to meddle in our affairs are people who think we are the sucker nation of the world! Liberals think we have not noticed that the cash Toronto needs to build new transit is being swallowed up by illegal immigrants that are being coached to vote Liberal in the next federal election. Black Lives Matter radicals allege cops harass them- but is it not ODD that so many of those being “harassed” have outstanding warrants for various criminal acts such as drug dealing and robbery?
  12. Some thought Civil service union types want us to be outraged by the greed of corporate CEO`s but they are TRULY outraged if we enquire about the greater greed of Sunshine List colleagues! The biggest problem faced by indigenous groups who want more natives put on jury duty is that having a criminal record- as so many natives do- DISQUALIFIES the native candidate! Recently Ontari-owe premier Wynne made a snarling reference to anonymous people sniping at her on social media. Her position is undignified and wrong! If a private citizen went to a govt office for business and got hit with a large tax bill and was prompted to announce that civil service workers were overpaid - that private citizen would be ejected from the building by security. Yet if a govt union worker went to a private business as a customer- and told the biz owner that one of his staff had called the govt worker “overpaid” it would the private sector worker in trouble with his boss! Freedom of speech is currently a ONE WAY STREET! Liberals have announced they want to start censoring the internet- to make it easier to remove posts that are “bullying, untrue or unfair”. The problem is that Liberals think that critics of their MANY FAILED POLICIES are “bullying, untrue and unfair”! This is repression of free speech- for the selfish benefit of Liberal Party- masquerading as public fairness! Liberals say they want new laws to make it easier to take down posts that “bully” or that offer “fake news”- will this mean that anybody who publicly agrees with Ontari-owe auditor general Bonnie Lysyk as she insists that Liberals lied about their 2017 budget being balanced will now be censored and denied access to the web? Those Cdns most strongly advocating two tier medicine expect THEY will be ENTITLED to the upper tier! Liberal and civil service union socialism dictates that govt workers always “share” with those who have MORE- and NEVER share with those who have less! s:
  13. Here is an old post to remind us of the kind of lies civil service union Hogs tell us about anybody who opposes LIE-berals: Oh those poor foolish civil service Harper Haters are at it again, trying to throw mud at Harper and getting most of it on themselves! That is what happens when your best arguments are composed of lies and evasions and distortions of truth of the sort civil service Hogs delight in spewing forth! Such `ammunition is sloppy and messy and VERY inaccurate! It really is a full time job to keep track of the number and range of Hog lies so this is a representative sample only. Consider these Hog complaints: 1) They allege a Harper contempt for Canada-LIE. NO- Harper has contempt for greedy civil service Hogs who are bankrupting Canada with their endless lists of entitlements! He also has contempt for the Lie-beral minded grand standing air heads who are so desperate for power that they will BUY IT (with Hog support) NO MATTER THE PRICE! And Harper is not alone- well over fifty five percent of Cdns are SO DISGUSTED with politics that they REFUSE to VOTE! Of those who do vote, a MAJORITY PUT HARPER IN POWER. Canadians would be happier if Hogs and Lie-berals took a more moral and sensible stance....FOR A CHANGE! Cdn public opinion breaks down to this: 55 percent utterly disgusted with all politicians, and of the other 45 percent- two third are Hogs and the rest are fiscal Conservatives! LIE-berals live in terror of the day that 55 percent decides that it IS important to vote after all! When that happens LIE-berals WILL be swept away- and with LIE-berals running out of gravy because of all the expenses for new LIE-beral pals- the illegals flooding across the border- Hogs are becoming FURIOUS that their gravy is being directed away from them! 2) Alleged Harper cheating in 2006 election-ANOTHER LIE! It certainly was not a proud time for Cdn democracy and there were robo-calls made but the investigation DID NOT tie the calls to Conservative Party as LIE-berals assert! HOWEVER- AND THIS IS CRITICAL-the investigation indicated that BOTH LIE-BERAL and Conservative minded persons probably did make such calls for mischievous reasons! IN TRUTH, Lie-berals are not so much angry that conservative minded people may have made robo calls in competition with liberal minded supporters DOING THE SAME THING! Deluded LIE-berals are down in the moral mud and yet still claiming it is the moral high road! LIE-berals are ENTIRELY PISSED THAT THEY RAN THIRD in that election! Lie-berals are so arrogant that even running second is a gross humiliation! And running THIRD has upset them to the point they picture Harper winning by selling his soul to the Devil! Lie-beral arrogance is so huge, they simply cannot understand that they could be rejected by Cdn`s in such a way! And LIE-berals are now looking at the most recent polls with a sense of mind bending horror- and wondering what new LIES to use! Lie-berals have been outsmarted by Harper and they don’t like it and in their arrogance they ASSUME he must have cheated somehow! So they endlessly REPEAT their ego soothing LIES! And now the window of opportunity for more Lie-beral style election skullduggery is CLOSED with Election Canada Officials on guard thanks to public awareness of Working Family Hog advertising and huge Hog greed- which Lie-berals simply cannot satisfy! Canada is basically bankrupt and there is no more gravy for Hogs and LIE-berals will have to win in future on their own merits- and GOOD LUCK WITH THAT ONE....NUMBER THREE! Nor will there be any more large scale Hog `vouching` bullshit in which Election Canada Hogs let any random stranger with absolutely NO identification of any sort cast a ballot as often as they liked and in any riding they chose.....just so long as the `voter` had a clear hatred of Harper! 3) Alleged that Harper turned Cdn federal surplus into debt.....This is proof positive that Lie-berals and their less shrewd and less cunning cousins of NDP don’t have real clue how things work and don’t have any long term economic plan. They are simply fighting for the chance to play Monopoly with real money AND OUR LIVES! AND COLLECT a huge pile of entitlements for themselves! The Hogs want all the power and all the money and NO RESPONSIBILITY!!! In 2006 Ottawa had a THIRTEEN BILLION DOLLAR SURPLUS....with TWELVE BILLION OF THAT coming from OIL COMPANY TAX REVENUE! Has any of those Lie-beral Monopoly game players looked at the price of oil recently? Or done a count of how much income tax is suddenly NOT being paid by laid off oil workers? I guess the Hogs are too busy making up new lists of gross entitlements to bother with such `trivia`? And it seems likely that they are so busy sneering at Harper to realize that our former best customers (the Yankees) are having their own fiscal difficulties.....apparently events in United States don’t show up on Hog Monopoly boards? And has ANY LIE-beral calculated the long term costs of shutting down Alberta oil sands? Its not like people will stop buying fossil fuels- they will just get it some place else- while Cdn economy burns! 4) LIE-berals whine about more pesticide residues on food.....apparently Hogs don’t realize WHERE so much of our food comes from these days? Strawberries from Guatemala, Pears from Chile, lettuce from California, Tomatoes from Italy, carrots from God knows where......and its ALL grown by multi national corporations that don’t give a shit that Cdn Hogs don’t like pesticide residue with their food! If you don’t want pesticides with your food then DON’T BUY frozen PROCESSED HEAT AND SERVE SHIT produced by foreign multi-nationals-INSTEAD, buy RAW fruit and vegetables (in season as much as possible) from CDN sources! The LESS processed the stuff is, the easier it is to clean and wash and peel-this clears away much of the residue and makes it harder for foreigners that don’t listen to ANY CDN government to POISON YOU!!!!! But considering what sort of shit comes OUT of the mouths of Hogs its really quite remarkable that they care WHAT GOES IN! As for Cdns dying from Listeria contamination in meat- this is more LIE-beral propaganda! It is Ontari-owe LIE-berals and their lax rules governing Ontari-owe meat packers such as Maple Leaf Foods that are to blame- NOT federal govt which has NO authority in this matter! 5) The G-20 and alleged wasteful spending-this was the single LARGEST security exercise in Can history and will be the blueprint for the next 50 years on how to handle any sort of national security emergency. I understand that Our idiot Boy Justin thinks we can protect ourselves from ISIS and Hezbollah and Al Quada by sending winter coats to Syria -but some Cdns want MORE serious protection and that takes practice. The air force regularly flies its planes for practice, the navy sends ships to sea for the same reason and the army also practices. Now, thanks to G-20, our Cops have a field manual for dealing with insurrection and terrorists. As for those arrested-what did they think was going to happen? The smashed store windows, the looters and the burning cars would have alerted a sensible person that the neighbourhood was not a good one to visit at that tine! But Harper haters are NOT rational beasts .Further its usually taken as a sign of GUILT if you let criminals hide amongst your group; so by standing in the way of cops chasing Black Block clowns and assorted vandal and looters- you are seen as obstructing justice and therefore needing time in the cells! So people got corralled and didnt like it? Next time don’t hang around in the middle of a crime scene nor get in the way and let Block clowns hide behind you! Its not as if people were not warned of trouble coming.....burning cop cars usually spell trouble for sensible people! The really stupid thing about all those idiot protestors is that they HAD NO EFFECT!!!! Government ONLY understands ballots and votes.....not loud mouth dorks who have not thought through their screwed up value system in DECADES! HOWEVER, if you want to suggest that cops got carried away while arresting some imbeciles-what with burning cars, looting and the need to shut down rapidly escalating violence and were more heavy handed then necessary, I will reluctantly agree to that-and it just proves the need for practice in handling such a national sized mess.....which cops now have. 6) The Chalk River reactor-and its implications for Atomic Energy Canada and the muddled hogs that `work` there....the Chalk River reactor is the oldest one still operating on the planet. Hog workers knew that it DESPERATELY needed either a MAJOR REBUILD....or to be SCRAPPED.....and if it was scrapped they end up UNEMPLOYED-NO MORE GRAVY-so they decided to build a new one.....problem is they DON T KNOW HOW to do it any more....so they spent HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS on a rats nest of pipes and dials and rusting CRAP that will NEVER produce a single medical isotope because the design is THAT BAD.....while they let the old reactor ROT!!!! The head moron in this mess of fools was NOT FIRED- as LIE-berals allege- simply because she wrote a safety report condemning the old reactor as unsafe- though Hogs want us to believe this. RATHER, she was fired because she is an incompetent IMBECILE who was in charge while the Hogs blew the budget on a failed reactor design that will never work and also allowed the old reactor to fail into DANGEROUS CONDITION! BUT THE HOGS STILL WANT A RAISE AND BETTER PENSION...even while they LIE to us!!!! 7) Clean water issue-the Cree Kashetchewan Reserve is the prime example of why Harper and natives don’t get along.....Ottawa paid for and BUILT a sewage treatment plant and a drinking water plant in Kash-AND PAID to train natives to operate BOTH-AND supplied the band council with funds intended to bring in White experts to repair anything the locals could not handle-a sizeable list as the semi literate locals were trained in a quick `crash course`! Both plants quickly broke down and the band leaders hollered to Ottawa for help which they should NOT have needed as they had all that government money just for such emergencies...too bad they SPENT IT ALL on a trip to California! Yes- hotels, air fares, restaurant meals- and they didn’t do so well in the casino either- its just as easy to lose govt money as your own so no money left for repairing drinking water plants....this is why natives have boil water advisories on so many reserves-because they are to often DELIBERATE fcuk ups! 8) The list of shameless native activities is so great that tax payers are utterly disgusted-WAY to much federal money has been used for obscene salaries, trips on Carribean cruise lines, fancy cars or; in the case of the Atiwapiskat Reserve, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS simply vanished. Just faded away into a hole in the tundra....with NO receipts or records of any sort- and NO NEW houses built either! The scope and scale of Native fiscal irregularities is now so HUGE that Harper has taken action-NO MORE MONEY till native Bands start producing actual receipts for money spent and keep HONEST books of band operational spending. Harper expects natives to be honest and careful with tax money...and for this he is labeled a racist. And Hogs want their own opportunity to loot tax money and have joined with native cheats against CDN TAXPAYERS!!!! Sadly, this is only a partial list of the lies and propaganda routinely spewed by civil service Working Family Hogs in their pursuit of more gravy and endless entitlements.
  14. Its Trudope MAGIC! Now we have confirmation of the Bob Rae style magic trick that Our brainless Boy Trudope is pushing on us! In Sept/2015 I predicted that if Our idiot Boy was elected-that he would perform a magic trick and make all our jobs and money disappear, I went on to point out that Our idiot Boy is pulling the same tired trick as Bob (BOOB!) Rae and trying to SPEND us rich with BORROWED money. I said it would end badly as money managers around the world have seen this stupid trick before! And now we have confirmation of massive job losses around the country-decent full time jobs replaced by part time crap. Our trade deficit is the biggest ever for the year-though it has pushed upward a little in the last couple of months after utter disaster in the summer months. And where is the benefit of that THIRTY ONE BILLION DOLLARS that Trudope has borrowed in our name? We sure don’t see any of it where I live! Here is the Post media column agreeing with my predictions-along with some comments of my own in brackets): Trudeau trying to spend Canada rich .Postmedia Network. Stan Behal. First posted: Wednesday, August 31, 2016 07:39 PM EDT | Updated: Wednesday, August 31, 2016 07:44 PM EDT Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is gambling that stimulating the economy by going deep into public debt is the way to cope with tough economic times. And the times are definitely tough. On Wednesday, Statistics Canada reported our economy shrank by 1.6% in the second quarter of 2016 ending June 30. That’s its worst quarterly performance since the Great Recession of 2009, and slightly more than the predicted downturn of 1.5%. (And yes- the economy did”Grow” in 2017- thanks to all that borrowed money but it will shrink right back again just as soon as the money has to be paid back! Toronto Red Star newspaper illustrated the illusory nature of such “progress” in its article about the Roosevelt “new deal” in the 1930`s! The illusion of progress with borrowed money is one that LIE-berals and civil service union Hogs want to foster as most of that borrowed money has been ending up in their pockets in the form of pay increases and massive pension upgrades!) (It’s the pension upgrades that are killing us- Ontari-owe LIE-berals have promised civil service Hogs of OSSTF- our high school teachers- a total of about fifty fiver billion dollars in pension top ups- with eighteen more unions in line to Ontari-owe for hundreds of billions more- we are not allowed to know how much LIE-berals have promised them in exchange for their votes! And we do know that between 2010 and 2012 federal Hoghs were claiming at least three hundred billion dollars in pension upgrades- with that debt having grown steadily since 2012- with LIE-berals again making it clear its none of our business how much their vast promises to Hogs may end up costing! AS for municipal employees- it’s the same vastly costly deal- and none of our business what deals Hogs ansd LIE-berald have cooked up for us to pay! And the crown corporations such as hospitals, ORNGE, E-health, Metrolinx, universities ALL operate with that same deal - that we the public need not know what cheques LIE-beraqls have written IN OUR NAME- so that LIE-berals can cling to power at any price!) Canada’s trade deficit reached an all-time high of $19.9 billion in the second quarter of 2016, up $3.3 billion from the first quarter. (And the trade deficit will get worse if Our idiot Boy screws up NAFTA by insisting on bringing in so many illegals- with NO security screening- that Yankees close the border to us because they do not want to import Muslim terror and Russian and Chinese spies and hackers along with their Cdn dairy and lumber products!) Earlier this month, Statistics Canada reported Canada lost 71,400 full-time jobs in July, only partially offset by an increase of 40,200 part-time jobs, for a net loss of 31,200 full-time jobs. (There was a BIG bump in part time jobs in November and December and of course these are Christmas jobs and will be gone again with the season!) That’s the biggest monthly job loss in five years, raising Canada’s unemployment rate to 6.9% from 6.8%, compared to economists’ predictions jobs would increase by 10,000. (How sad-used to be that people complained about the weatherman-always getting it wrong-now its economists that are wrong and weather predictions are accurate! Cdn corporations are controlling their costs by systematically eliminating decent full time jobs and replacing them with part time crap! And it was LIE-beral Jean Chretien who started monkeying with employment numbers to make his mess look better. Used to be you were “fully employed” if you worked 40 hours a week but thanks to LIE-berals you are now considered “fully employed” if you work 28 hours a week! With LIE-berals calling it a virtue that dead broke- worried about their future- part time workers have the luxury of “free time” to pursue hobbies!) In last year’s election, Trudeau told Canadians a series of three “modest” annual deficits, followed by a balanced budget in year four, would stimulate Canada’s shaky economy, paying for middle-class tax relief and a multi-billion-dollar public infrastructure program. (And of course LIE-beral planning indicates that we will endure deficits until about 2040! \Real quality planning there! Trudeau pegged these deficits at $9.9 billion in 2016-17, $9.5 billion in 2017-18 and $5.7 billion in 2018-2019, followed by a surplus of $1 billion in 2019-2020. Post-election, Trudeau almost tripled his projected 2016-17 deficit to $29.4 billion, followed by $29 billion in 2017-18, $22.8 billion in 2018-19, $17.7 billion in 2019-20 and $14.3 billion in 2020-21. Trudeau’s government is only nine months old and has been rocked by some forces it cannot control, from depressed global oil prices to the Fort McMurray spring wildfires which cut oil sands production. (That`s what happens when you spend it ALL and leave NO reserve. If any little thing goes wrong-and a LOT went wrong this year-then you are screwed as you have no resources to solve trouble. And 2017 promises to bring even GREATER trouble as Trump and tea Party Yankees bring THEIR jobs back home-from us!) So it’s too early to tell if Trudeau’s strategy of tripling down on debt will work. But it sounds to us like Trudeau’s trying to spend Canada rich. (Here we are going into 2018 and I suggest the PROOF is plain before us- Our idiot Boy is having exactly as much success “spending us rich” as his NDPer predecessors did! LIE-beral policy is a TOTAL FAILURE!) That hasn’t worked in the past -- for example when the Bob Rae NDP government in Ontario from 1990 to 1995 tried to spend its way out of a recession. (No KIDDING? Every govt in the developed world has spent HALF a CENTURY trying to stimulate their economy-in a world where all manner of stuff is on sale that people want-and cannot afford! A new car-or a better one. New clothes, Cash for retirement. Cash for a house and more cash for house maintenance. Cash for a holiday-which one third of Cdns cannot afford to take any more. Cash for civil service pension promises made by LIE-berals since Hog entitlements are so huge that govt cannot shovel money into their accounts fast enough and they are looking at bankruptcy! Cash for resurfacing roads. Cash for repairing bridges such as the Montreal Champlain Bridge which has HALF its lanes closed due to its dangerously corroded state! Cash for Gardiner Expressway repairs-Gardiner has not decayed as bad as Champlain Bridge but be patient and it will come! BORROWED MONEY cannot solve these things since it ALWAYS has to be paid back-PLUS interest-amortized and compounded!) We’re skeptical about it working now. And if it doesn’t work, what then? (WHEN- NOT IF- the spend us rich plan fails-as it did with Bob Rae-then we get a Conservative govt and demand they FIX the messes left by LIE-berals-and we also get a HUGE supply of propaganda and baloney from disgruntled civil service Hogs who are to STUPID to understand economics or politics! How else to explain their slavish acceptance-for decades-of those WORTHLESS LIE-beral IOU`s?) (And how bad will LIE-beral/Hog propaganda be in future? They are ALREADY spouting nonsense here in contradiction of Cdn news media! Compare levels of reliability: CTV news media quotes Statistics Canada saying on Jan 6/2017 that the number of new jobs created in Canada in 2016 is “statistically insignificant” Now the number crunchers are charged with painting a PRECISE picture of our economy-their jobs are dependent on that! Then read the assertions of civil service Hogs posting on Craigslist-posters who desperately want LIE-berals NOT to be exposed as total failures since it will cost Hogs money and power. Given these 2 motivations-precise pictures on one side and desperate fear that the gravy train will stop running-which version of our economy sounds most honest?) (The same question of motivation and honesty relates to LIE-beral/Hog claims about Norwegian economy-Hogs desperately want us to buy into the LIE-beral claim they can spend us rich-with HOGS raking off massive lumps of gravy. Do you trust Hogs? Or do you believe the evidence of your own empty bank account and rising pile of bills?) (Craigslist ranters and LIE-berals insist there are lots of jobs. But do you have one of them? Or do you have need of a new one with decent hours and living wage? How many people do you know that are un-employed or semi employed-and how many of them WOULD work MORE and eanr more if given half a chance? So do you believe propaganda or the evidence all around you?) (And now-remember that our inflation rates are being driven by LIE-beral GOVERNMENT as they seek to BUY civil service Hog votes! Without those Hog votes, LIE-berals are GONE! Roughly 55 percent of Cdns don’t vote so they don’t give a shit about you-maybe its time you woke up and smelled the propaganda? It wont turn the clock back or reduce prices to dump LIE-berals but it WILL halt the massive tax increases!) (And the ULTIMATE IRONY: Ordinary Cdns want the truth about our situation and LIE-berals THINK they can defend their FAILED policies with FAKE news!)
  15. Poor foolish LIE-berals- their policies are collapsing in all directions! They are creating a national mess that other parties will have to clean up! Consider the mess that is Native Affairs: Officials declare state of emergency over drug crisis on Stoney Nakoda First Nation. By Michele Jarvie, Postmedia. First posted: Sunday, July 24, 2016 07:10 PM EDT | Updated: Monday, July 25, 2016 11:26 AM EDT (With some comments of my own in brackets): Topic: The opioid crisis. The three First Nations bands near Morley are in a crisis situation over extremely high rates of prescription drug addictions and overdoses among members. With addiction rates surging as high as 60% among adult members of the reserve, Stoney Nakoda has declared a state of emergency. (How can people be referred to as a `nation` when the `national` income is almost entirely welfare money sent over from another `nation`?) “We had something like 139 deaths attributed to opiates within a two-year period on the nation,” said Lindsay Blackett, CEO of the Chiniki band, one of three that comprise Stoney Nakoda. “There’s only 6,000 people on the whole reserve so that’s a significant number vis-à-vis the population.” He said fentanyl is the No. 1 culprit on the reserve — the same deadly drug that is devastating communities across Canada. More than 270 Albertans died from fentanyl overdoses last year with at least 20 deaths on the southern Blood Reserve alone since the summer of 2014. A prescription painkiller, fentanyl is up to 100 times more potent than morphine and is often passed off as a new form of OxyContin. “A lot of people are abusing it. And once you’re hooked, that’s a jealous mistress. Once it hooks you, it wrecks your life,” said Blackett. “It’s not a reflection on one particular community. It’s not like we’re the only ones dealing with it. It’s widespread and not just in the native population. It’s just more pronounced in the native population.” Blackett noted the opiate crisis is just part of a larger drug and alcohol challenge being faced on the reserve. Health Canada officials say they have been working with First Nations’ chiefs and administration and the Alberta government to support the communities and address complex issues of mental illness and suicide, addictions, chronic disease and improve access to quality health care. (There is no practical way to improve access to health care on tiny reserves when Ontari-owe LIE-berals are closing hospitals in moderate sized CITIES! And LIE-berals were caught lying about how many hospitals were actually closed! But not to worry- the money saved was spent on Muslim `invaders` crossing our borders!) On June 17, federal Health Minister Jane Philpott announced new actions to address opioid misuse, which includes better prescribing practices and treatment options, reducing easy access to unnecessary opioids and improving the national evidence base. Health Canada funds $86 million annually for addictions support for First Nations and Inuit communities through the National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program and the National Youth Solvent Abuse Program. Through these programs, a network of 43 treatment centres is supported, as well as drug and alcohol prevention services in the majority of First Nations and Inuit communities. Alberta Health Minister Sarah Hoffman says the province has been working with First Nations on responding to the fentanyl crisis, with addictions treatment and education. Government officials are also sharing electronic data to help First Nations roll out immunization programs. (What does child immunization have to do with adults being a drugged up mess?) “We know that First Nations peoples are struggling with higher rates of diabetes, addictions and poverty — all of which contribute to poorer health outcomes.” (Drugged up addicts just don’t have a proper work ethic! Perhaps LIE-berals can somehow BUY it for them?) The high number of addicted adults on the Morley-area reserve is anecdotal at best as actual numbers are not known. Prescription opioid addiction numbers are not tracked, nor are deaths unless they are related to fentanyl — a drug that appeared on the streets in 2012 and has become the single-largest public health threat in Alberta. (I say this lack of `numbers` indicates that some activists and poverty pimps DON’T WANT to `find` the numbers. Some appear worried that respect for natives will plummet if the extent of their addictions and troubles are fully known. Others appear concerned that full disclosure of troubles will result in White Govt taking away much of the power and authority of band councils and imposing decisions on bands in order to force more responsible govt into place-a course of action that IS desperately needed!) (The spectacle of Atiwapiskat Chief Teresa Spence refusing to discuss how she and her political allies burned through ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS of govt money in five years without using a penny to build the housing that the cash was earmarked for-AND without being able to show a single receipt for all that cash-while band members lived in tents and shacks in the Arctic winter is a thing that leaves a BAD TASTE in the mouths of many Cdn tax payers!) “We really do a poor job on surveillance of opioid overdose deaths and that’s a good way to measure addictions,” said Alberta addictions specialist Hakique Virani. “We don’t count it unless it’s fentanyl. Until we do that, we don’t have a handle on numbers.” Virani was not surprised by the suggestion that 50 to 60% of Stoney Nakoda residents are prescription addicts. In fact, he suspects the number is higher in the adult population. Asked how people can repeatedly get drugs prescribed, sometimes for years at a time, Virani said it often happens because no one asks questions. Or they’re ill-equipped to deal with the fallout. (Or perhaps some drug company sales people and doctors are simply committing criminal acts by supplying drugged up natives and profiting nicely from it?) “The patient may not even be complaining of anything wrong. When doctors inherit patients with prescription addictions, often they’ll just perpetually refill it because there may not be any complaint of side-effects. (Or are some doctors being THREATENED if they do not refill the prescriptions? Doctors are sworn to “do no harm” and simply handing out drugs with no questions asked sounds a lot like harm and blackmail to me!) “Even if they are demonstrating signs of dependency, would the best thing be to cut them off? No,” said Virani, who treats patients at an Edmonton methadone clinic and teaches at the University of Alberta. He has been critical of the government’s handling of the fentanyl drug crisis. (What? Cutting off the supply of a dangerous drug is a BAD thing? How?) “It’s a difficult dilemma. It is dangerous to keep prescribing but in the absence of safe and effective treatment for dependency, what do you do?” (Its especially difficult to treat people who insist on staying in the same miserable, corrupt conditions that originally persuaded them to chemically alter their mood!) Treatment for prescription opiate drug addiction includes stabilizing patients with other long-acting medications such as methadone or Suboxone. Counseling for underlying issues is also needed or more advanced therapy for psychiatric or psychological trauma. (But of course there is no such handy stabilization option on benighted reserves!) But methadone and Suboxone can be dangerous medications so use of them requires following monitoring protocols, which can be difficult to do in remote areas or First Nations reserves with limited access to health clinics and doctors. “It’s unfortunately not a unique situation for First Nations in Alberta, it’s not a unique situation for some towns in Alberta. An entire provincial problem is poor access to treatment. And it’s not changing near fast enough.” Virani said Alberta needs to rethink how local practitioners are supported. He pointed to a project that is working well in Slave Lake, where the province partnered with First Nations bands to provide telemedicine in co-operation with practitioners on site. (One obvious obstacle to such a solution is GETTING practitioners on site! Natives who have the drive and determination to BECOME practitioners often are reluctant to return to the mess they worked so hard to escape! And they certainly would not want to bring their children to live in such an isolated and messed up place! If past news reports are correct then it is often unsafe for even armed police officers after dark in the worst off reserves in times of crisis!) “If we’re creative and committed to addressing this problem, we can do it. Until we accept it’s a public health emergency, we’ll continue to bail out a sinking ship with a spoon.”
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