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Is Russiophobia one of Trudeau's "Acceptable Views"?

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1 hour ago, cougar said:

It is today.

Then tomorrow he will issue an apology , start talking about our diversity and multicultural values and non-discrimination.

It was the Muslims before, the Russians now, the Chinese, the North Koreans, The First Nations........divide and conquer.... just like before.

He'll blame conservatives and claim they "switched sides" at some point when his discrimination is no longer popular. 

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2 hours ago, cougar said:

It was the Muslims before, the Russians now, the Chinese, the North Koreans, The First Nations........divide and conquer.... just like before.

Where was the worst of the Islamophobia coming from, I wonder?  Was it from Obama and the "Liberals", or was it from white trash and orange man?

Folks have really selective memories here.  On one hand they can praise the big orange baby and his overt racism, can justify blocking immigration/refugees from muslim and hispanic countries etc, but when Russia invades another country and the world seeks to punish them for it, it's RUSSIAPHOBIA!!!!! AAAAH. 

Less Tucker Carlson and less Kremlin propaganda would do you some good.  The funniest part of about all the random telegram channels and garbage websites folks is that there are absolutely no checks or balances on any of them and Igor from St. Petersburg can make up whatever the hell he wants with a VPN and pretend to be another angry Canadian.  All he has to do is to feed into your anger and frustration and boom, you'll believe anything he says.  

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18 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Where was the worst of the Islamophobia coming from, I wonder?  Was it from Obama and the "Liberals", or was it from white trash and orange man?

Folks have really selective memories here.  On one hand they can praise the big orange baby and his overt racism, can justify blocking immigration/refugees from muslim and hispanic countries etc, but when Russia invades another country and the world seeks to punish them for it, it's RUSSIAPHOBIA!!!!! AAAAH. 

Less Tucker Carlson and less Kremlin propaganda would do you some good.  The funniest part of about all the random telegram channels and garbage websites folks is that there are absolutely no checks or balances on any of them and Igor from St. Petersburg can make up whatever the hell he wants with a VPN and pretend to be another angry Canadian.  All he has to do is to feed into your anger and frustration and boom, you'll believe anything he says.  

You don't understand the difference between "we committed a genocide because places like Iran, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia aren't muslim enough for us to live in" and "we don't want a 20-country army camped on our western border" do you? 

This isn't hypocrisy Moonbox.

You're the one who's guilty of that, unless of course you want to make the case that you think Kennedy was wrong to deny Cuba the right to host Russian nukes. No other CTVtard has taken on that challenge. 

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17 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You don't understand the difference between "we committed a genocide because places like Iran, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia aren't muslim enough for us to live in" and "we don't want a 20-country army camped on our western border" do you? 

This isn't hypocrisy Moonbox.

You're the one who's guilty of that, unless of course you want to make the case that you think Kennedy was wrong to deny Cuba the right to host Russian nukes. No other CTVtard has taken on that challenge. 


What 20 country army? NATO is a defensive alliance, there is nothing committing its members to a  war other than one of them being attacked. There are no nukes stationed in countries bordering Russia other than China.

There is nothing to justify what Russia is doing in Ukraine right now.

Edited by Aristides
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Where are the nukes in Ukraine, goof?  

It's pathetic how suspicious you are of western media, but then you're on your knees believing literally everything that comes out of Putin's Russia.  Worse yet is the moral equivocating, something something about Cuba therefore invading Ukraine is totally fine!  It's warped thinking, both intellectually and morally bankrupt.    


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16 hours ago, Army Guy said:

unintentional or it was a military target or a high value target...say like the Normandy beaches during D Day...or a high value target at a crowded wedding ceremony in Afghanistan... 

I know this is going to sound frustrating , but in order to be charged with a war crime one must have the same level of evidence and proof as the court in home home town....one must prove with out a shadow of a doubt that x person or persons did so intentional or following orders from higher....That is "almost" impossible in a theater of war...Omar was not charged, neither was all those Canadian ISIS members coming back to Canada ....

There are many targets that are off limits regardless... Marked hospitals are one, that being said if there are enemy combatants using it for other reasons say storing ammo, then it becomes a legit target... say like terrorist launching rockets next to it, or within it like in Lebanon.... another problem is Russia is no longer a signature holder for the Geneva convention...and does not have to abide by all those rules...

Thank you. So basically, (1) War crimes are undoubtedly being committed on a large scale. (2) An illegal war is underway with the sole purpose of undermining Ukraine's right to self-determination. (3) Ten's of millions of people may likely be displaced as most of Ukraine's infrastructure gets targeted and destroyed.  (4) Nobody is likely to ever be held accountable (5) While the world is watching with their thoughts and prayers and little else. (6) With China paying close attention and readying itself for Act 2.  Is that about right or have i missed something? 

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

I'm saying that Russiaphobia is a fad among stupid CNNtards and CTVtards.

Well, if that were the case and if you believe I'm one of the tards you're talking about, and you do, then why would I be saying you're full of crap?


Sadly, even most of the people at Fox are mostly pimping Russiaphobia now. It's hypocrisy/stupidity of the highest order.

I guess like you they're still completely fucking up their attempt to articulate why Putin is the good guy in all this.

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8 minutes ago, Aristides said:

There is nothing to justify what Russia is doing in Ukraine right now.


Nothing like "The rumours about bio-weapons labs in Ukraine are completely false. Anyone who says anything of the sort is a conspiracy theorist and a nutjob. We just have a bunch of labs where we work with the kinds of bio-weapons that terrorists might use and we're afraid of the Russians getting them. It's mostly just Soviet-era stuff that was here from a long time ago, so basically we don't want them to get their 20 yr-old technology back." They said all of that with a straight face, if you can believe it.

Nothing like: "In Germany there were 11M soldiers standing on the line between Nato and the Warsaw Pact. The area was dotted with strategic nukes and WDM stockpiles, so German kids took NDCB training like Canadian kids study math. But that will never happen along the Russian border, haw - haw." Google Allen Lightner for shits and giggles. 


What 20 country army? NATO is a defensive alliance,

OMG, thanks for clearing that up. What a relief.


there is nothing committing its members to a  war other than one of them being attacked.

Look at the members of the US congress drooling for a no-fly zone right now. The US military industrial complex owns them ffs. Ukraine isn't even a NATO country and they're acting like Russia just sneak-attacked London. 

Those aren't level-headed people with integrity and decency, they're hypocrites with shiny guns, and the leftists are the worst of them all. "Give the Ukrainians guns because people who are armed can't be lorded over by dictators!" Hmmmmm. But in the west it's leftist dictators who want to disarm the most peaceful group of people in the history of the earth....


There are no nukes stationed in countries bordering Russia other than China.

Nope. No bioweapons labs either, right Aristedes? The American gov't stated that emphatically. 

It's one thing for the Russians to be reasonably certain that there aren't a boatload of strategic nukes in Estonia and Latvia, but Ukraine is a different story. 

(FYI: Russia shares a border with NoKo, just south of Vladivostok)

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24 minutes ago, suds said:

Thank you. So basically, (1) War crimes are undoubtedly being committed on a large scale.

Yes, only by Ukrainians who are operating as illegal combatants, as per the request of President Zelensky


(2) An illegal war is underway with the sole purpose of undermining Ukraine's right to self-determination.

No, the war is not illegal in any way. Russia's lead-up to war was up-front, they had legitimate reasons which they plainly stated, and Ukraine chose to ignore them.


(3) Ten's of millions of people may likely be displaced as most of Ukraine's infrastructure gets targeted and destroyed. 

It's a war of their own choosing. 


(4) Nobody is likely to ever be held accountable

Like whom? Kamala Harris, for telling Ukraine right before they attacked that "joining NATO was a great option"?


(5) While the world is watching with their thoughts and prayers and little else.

Are you kidding me? The US military industrial complex is making a mint off of this war. 


(6) With China paying close attention and readying itself for Act 2. 

China is actually stooging the Russians right now. They acted like they'd attack Taiwan soon after Russia attacked Ukraine, now they're sitting on a hill watching the tigers fight. 


Is that about right or have i missed something? 

None of it was right, and an emphatic yes. 

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13 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Well, if that were the case and if you believe I'm one of the tards you're talking about, and you do, then why would I be saying you're full of crap?

So what is your high and mighty opinion of all this eyeball? Just spell it out, I'm not interested in sifting through all of the various Russian/Ukraine threads and piecing it together.


I guess like you they're still completely fucking up their attempt to articulate why Putin is the good guy in all this.

Sorry to burst your bubble but Biden isn't a 'good guy'.

In general, Putin isn't a 'good guy' either, but right now he's the leader of a country with 200M+ people and it's up to him to keep the wolf away from the door, and that's what he's doing. Ukraine had a chance to be neighbourly, they chose to invite hostiles to Russia's border, and don't kid yourself, that's exactly what's at stake. 

Re: hostiles, Hillary Clinton probably has a 25% chance of becoming the POTUS in 2024, and there's no doubt that she'll unhinge her jaw on someone if she becomes POTUS. The warbucks are too good to pass up on. 

If Hillary wins the election, Putin needs to have his finger hovering over the button 24/7. 

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Just now, blackbird said:

Another thread started by  and commented  on mostly by the ignorant Commie-Putin lovers.

I just posted that clip, so you clearly didn’t have time to watch it.  People like you are the reason we end up letting governments do really stupid things.  

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43 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

This all could’ve been resolved with an agreement to keep NATO out of Ukraine and leaving the two majority Russian regions in Eastern Ukraine autonomous. Instead we have this mess:


That's a great video, which means that leftists won't watch it.

When leftists here tried to pimp their story that "The Ukrainians are winning! Look at the casualty reports!" I pointed out to them that it was actually just evidence that Russia was fighting an incredibly bloodless war.

CTVtards don't understand what the casualty reports would look like if 175,000 professional troops with complete air superiority were intent on winning an all-out war. 

In addition to the Ukrainians illegally and stupidly arming their untrained citizens to fight 1) they're letting people out of jail to fight and 2) they brought up jihadists and armed them with Javelins and stinger missiles lol. 

It's stupid on top of stupid on top of stupid. Zelensky is handling this situation with Russia like the kids playing Jenga on Talladega Nights. 

There's a real Biden moment at 1:06. Coincidence? I think not!

Edited by WestCanMan
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7 hours ago, eyeball said:

Speaking of a lack of historical knowledge/understanding you've apparently never heard of the (Islamic) Ottoman Empire, at six centuries it was amongst the longest lasting empires in history. It even attacked and occupied part of Russia.

Everything C15 said made sense. In answer your question;

You are right of course about Islamic Ottoman empire and crimes they committed against Christians when they invaded and captured their territories including Armenia but Muslim violence goes much before that in fact since its birth 1400 year ago. Their first action they took was to invade east to Persia (a civilized prosperous empire) and west to Egypt (a historic empire) and capture them by sword and made Muslims out of them by force of invasion. This is historic fact no one can deny.

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4 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

So what is your high and mighty opinion of all this eyeball? Just spell it out, I'm not interested in sifting through all of the various Russian/Ukraine threads and piecing it together.

For starters your question in response to what Aristides said reminds me of the old saw "there's good people on both sides".  

5 hours ago, Aristides said:

There is nothing to justify what Russia is doing in Ukraine right now.


4 hours ago, WestCanMan said:


It's pretty clear you're saying this is a case where someone's better.

As for the rest of your demented hooey.....it reads here exactly like it does amongst all the other threads that include your endless obsessive hatred and tirades against the Democrats...the left...the media....yadda yadda yadda. 


Sorry to burst your bubble but Biden isn't a 'good guy'.

In general, Putin isn't a 'good guy' either, but...he's better than Biden and Hillary!


Edited by eyeball
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Get out of Ukraine and kick the dwarf out of the Kremlin. That's all takes to for Russians to get their old life back including all those nice western items on the shelves of their shops.

Russians below the age of 40 have no memory of real hard times. This complete international isolation is going to hit them very hard. Previously they had got used to an almost similar life like we in the west have. 

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2 hours ago, -TSS- said:

Get out of Ukraine and kick the dwarf out of the Kremlin. That's all takes to for Russians to get their old life back including all those nice western items on the shelves of their shops.

Russians below the age of 40 have no memory of real hard times. This complete international isolation is going to hit them very hard. Previously they had got used to an almost similar life like we in the west have. 

Yes give Russia an exit and assurances. NATO got too aggressive.  For what?  Russia could’ve been part of NATO and none of this would’ve happened.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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On 3/11/2022 at 10:44 AM, West said:

where artists are being cancelled due to their ethnicity.

if you discriminate against a Russian-Canadian because of their roots that's wrong.  If you ban a Russian national from business in Canada that's just a boycott.  The more pressure you put on Russian citizens and business to pressure Putin not be a jerk the better.

Putin is an enemy of the West and Canada.  If you are dedicated to protecting the interests of our country and our allies instead of apologizing for our enemies you should be doing everything you can to defeat them.

I'm willing to pay $10/L gas and eat dirt for supper if that's what it takes.  Russia and China will not prevail.  3rd world dictators shouldn't be able to push us around, let's unite and put them in their place.  The meek need to GTFO of the way if they aren't up for the task.

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55 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Yes give Russia an exit and assurances. NATO got too aggressive.  For what?  Russia could’ve been part of NATO and none of this would’ve happened.  

NATO got too aggressive with what?  With not allowing Ukraine to join when they asked? ?



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21 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

if you discriminate against a Russian-Canadian because of their roots that's wrong.  If you ban a Russian national from business in Canada that's just a boycott.  The more pressure you put on Russian citizens and business to pressure Putin not be a jerk the better.

Putin is an enemy of the West and Canada.  If you are dedicated to protecting the interests of our country and our allies instead of apologizing for our enemies you should be doing everything you can to defeat them.

I'm willing to pay $10/L gas and eat dirt for supper if that's what it takes.  Russia and China will not prevail.  3rd world dictators shouldn't be able to push us around, let's unite and put them in their place.  The meek need to GTFO of the way if they aren't up for the task.

Our grandparents sacrificed almost 40% of their GDP to fight tyranny. Without fighting amongst themselves even!

Edited by eyeball
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42 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

. If you are dedicated to protecting the interests of our country and our allies...

What are the interests of "our country"?  What are the interests of "our allies"?

Hope you realize what you post has the context of general capitalist propaganda. Totally meaningless.

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Just now, cougar said:

What are the interests of "our country"?  What are the interests of "our allies"?

War not breaking out in Europe.  Closer trade with Ukraine.  Russia not annexing more land and deposing democratically elected pro-Western leaders and installing a pro-Russian regime.


Hope you realize what you post has the context of general capitalist propaganda. Totally meaningless.

What does your British Columbia NDP nonsense have to say?  Waaaah capitalism waaah!!  You feel sorry for poor Putin and his thug regime?  Like I said, the meek need to GTFO of the way.  There's only one way to deal with bullies.  Maybe you, Biden, Obama, and Jimmy Carter can be useful and go pick some strawberries or something.

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There are shades and there's black and white, moral right and atrocity, war crime, hell. What Putin and his country is doing in Ukraine now, and in many places before that we managed to look the other way, is nothing short of the crimes of the Nazi's Germany. This is nothing to do with "russiaphobia" just the stark reality.

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