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Everything posted by cougar

  1. Yes, they can move their whole Nation to Mongolia for example and start living off the land again.
  2. Not all. Some actually work and some of them do a good job too. But overall my patience and sympathy are dwindling. It starts with our government creating a two tier society - a preferential set of rules for natives while telling us everyone is offered equal opportunities with human rights protected by the law. And then they start digging up mass graves, ask for tax payer money to be wasted in landfills, try to restrict us in all ways they can, often lying in our faces. They lie to us and, as is often the case, their chiefs lie to their own people. Then in our "open" society with the freedom of speech protected, you can't even comment on an article that has anything to do with Natives. CBC will never open the commenting section. Since now most large energy project fly under indigenous names with natives being partners, the industry is also shielded from hearing the public's opinions! A pathetic situation.
  3. Substantial periods of time? Has the USA debt/ deficit ever decreased over the past 20 years? I think you mean "indefinite periods of time" https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/government-debt Debt growth appears exponential from 1950 till now. Even if adjusted for inflation, it will show constant growth. Funny how the chart shows millions of millions instead of what it should be called - trillions.
  4. When you have to work that much longer you can never achieve a comparable standard of living. Unless one believes that standard of living is expressed only by what one can buy. Who are those people? They must speak on behalf of the billionaires. The more billionaires, the sicker the society is.
  5. This has been the case for as long as I have been around which is now 23 years. Even regular immigration was and is "contemporary slavery". Many immigrants realized it, some returned home, some just came, took a quick look and left. This wasn't helping the fat cats who invented this scam so they resorted to importing refugees, temporary workers, students, poor Asians and whoever else they could recruit to pump up the balloon. I am however baffled by the incredible invasion of East Indians in my small community and they have a tendency to appear in all kinds of odd places, that begs the question how they turn up like that all over the place....You'd think they would go to a big city to study or find job opportunities. Our Tim Hortons was pretty multicultural but not any more. It is now 100% East Indians babbling in Punjabi. My food starts tasting more and more like s*t and 9 times out of 10 they don't give me napkins in the bag. It has become a habit now to check and ask for napkins! Which makes me wonder if those guys wash their hands after going to the washroom. They can't all have two master's degrees and being underemployed as they would want to make you think. I am tempted to place my next drive through order like that: -May I have two large farmers pieces of s"t with bacon scent; one extra large farmer's p-i-ss with two breast milk shots. Forget about the napkins; what are the car seats for, anyways? - Do you want a brownie to make it a combo? - the brownie will ask - Did not know you are included in the combo, but no , thanks, no brownies for me.
  6. Could be, but we've turned the wilderness into a Timbermart and sold most shares of the Timbermart to foreign businesses. We've done the same with all other raw resources. In the end we are dependent on the World to supply goods to us, while all we can offer is our raw resources. Is this great?
  7. 1. agree 2. completely disagree It is every nation's responsibility to take climate change seriously and take measures to reduce emissions. If you think Canada is crippling its energy sector to save the planet you are totally wrong. Since the country is a prostitute of the big business, it does not follow its own laws and regulations and approves new oil and gas pipelines against the will of the Canadian majority, First Nations, international conventions and promises. It is so gutless, it is shameful to call myself Canadian (which I don't) August, are those East Indians and Chinese Protestants or Catholics ?? You seem to live somewhere in the 50's or 60's, maybe the 70's ? The society now is so mixed (or messed up) you can't even begin to describe it.
  8. Completely agree. I do not care about the housing situation and if they live up in the trees. It simply has changed the population in the country to the point we may not want to stay. Imagine what your pol results will look like a few years from now when 90% of the forum members are East Indians
  9. First you can be considered a measure for stupidity on this forum. Nobody can beat the value of 1 Blackbird.🤣
  10. There is no real integration anyways. You do not integrate to a totally mixed up and messed up society and a lack of culture. You just get to function in that mess somehow by getting a job and becoming part of the government's game of growing GDP and the taxes they collect. The idea has always been to kick wildlife out and replace with some form of tax paying homo sapiens.
  11. This should have happened a very, very long time ago. Now it is a lost cause. They have taken over indeed. No matter which small Canadian s* h* place you go to, the East Indians are already there , well established like weeds that have been given all proper conditions to flourish. But the country is messed up with giving a different set of rights to indigenous indians and it all goes down the drain from there on. Put East Indians or Chinese in key government position and then guess whose interests they will represent.
  12. There was no coup! (or if there was it wasn't him instigating it?) He did not cheat on taxes! He did not hide and unlawfully keep classified docs! He did not f* Stormy D. and endorse grabbing women by the p* in public. He was not convicted of34 criminal charges! Give us a break! Out of 400,000,000 Americans this is the slimy slug you vote for ???? Just allowing him to still run shows the USA IS A BANANA republic!
  13. Or it was someone who was neither a republican nor a democrat. Someone who wanted to prevent Americans from electing a convicted criminal for a president? Whatever. I am happy he was not successful. I do not want to see Trump go down like some sort of a fallen hero who fought for American people. I want to see him go to jail , disgraced and exposed for what he is.
  14. It was a gun loving republican who shot him! If they had put him in jail where he belongs, he was going to be better protected.
  15. I am getting psychiatric help as we speak - it is called Eccentric Cabernet Sauvignon - Argentina - you dumb f* 🤣
  16. Dumb red communist post, as it can be expected from you. 😃 Whip your bronco a little harder and F* off! 🤣
  17. You don't get it either. If someone was smoking cigars in your yard and you were exposed to secondary smoke, you can get cancer just from what your neighbors smoke. But that is still not the point. If I do not smoke and do not like the smoke of marijuana I have to either sell my place and move somewhere else, or, if I cannot do that, hope those f*ks overdose. Hope they do soon!
  18. Easy. If you cannot put him in jail for life, he finds a vehicle and continues driving drunk even if he has no license.
  19. So what is your problem? He murdered his OWN three children that were likely going to turn out like him and maybe kill children of other families. Then the no-criminally responsible do not walk free. They are committed to an institution and often it is worse than jail time with no parole.
  20. I have zero idea what you are trying to say with your post. I doubt you do either. The funny thing is you get a few equally confused individuals post replies to the above. Amazing!
  21. Let Me guess - a teenage pot head ? why would I be responding to the d*b f*k you are? just to state the obvious again.
  22. I hope they recriminalize drugs again including marijuana, shut down those marijuana stores, crack down on the drug dealers and users. My neighbors are so much into drugs and that stench I get in the front yard is so overwhelming with those two shouting and yelling and burping and making animal sounds, that my only remaining hope is they OD soon!
  23. There is no mistake directing a trial. It is all based on evidence. Those claims of not directing the jury properly are for those that are looking for some technicality to overturn what is a just conviction.
  24. It is like you never ever watched any criminal cases. It is very typical for just about any case to end up with 30 to 50 different criminal charges. Why do you think the US is a banana republic just because they had a successful case against a corrupt former president? I thought the US was a banana republic when they went to war against Iraq claiming Iraq had nuclear weapons and then showed the bombings on their TV like it was some sort of show. It is a banana republic when out of 400 million Americans they had three "viable" president nominees in the past 10 some years - Trump, Biden and Hilary. It is a banana republic when they have so many people in poverty, can't stop the flow of Mexicans and other refugees like they do not want to, don't seem to be able to compete in productivity with other nations and expect to stay afloat by military power and always increasing their national debt limit. As for Trump, yes he banged the porn star , grabbed women by the p* which is repugnant and should have disqualified him from running for president, but then he decided to manipulate the public opinion by bribing the porn star and it turns out this was a criminal offense. Too bad. He should have known that, but maybe he is that stupid.
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