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Moonlight Graham

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Everything posted by Moonlight Graham

  1. CPC is polling at 50% outside of Quebec I believe they lead in every province that isn't Quebec, including BC
  2. "Unless you're a German the holocaust is none of your business because you're NOT AFFECTED." "Unless you're a slave owner then slavery is none of your business because you're NOT AFFECTED."
  3. Jesus was a Jew who lived in Israel. He's probably anti-terrorist and would kindly ask terrorists to stop being genocidal murders. The terrorists would then execute Jesus like the Romans did and murder all of his followers and take their land.
  4. I'm talking as a hypothetical, a proposed policy. Do you agree with race-based triaging or not?
  5. Canada isn't even willing to defend itself, how can it help defend its allies? The Liberals make Jimmy Carter blush.
  6. If war breaks out and sh*t hits the fan, people will need to choose. Ban dual-citizenship. You're either in or you're out.
  7. Yup. And look at all the milquetoast Canadians it has created who are incompetent or unwilling to defend this country. Starts at the top with our submissive feminine Prime Minister. Sure me too.
  8. Getting along is much preferable to conflict, obviously. Some people don't want to get along and there's nothing we can do about that besides defending ourselves. Like I said, not everyone is as nice as you are.
  9. America and the UK are our allies. But there's a reason why Canada doesn't allow American telecom companies and banks to operate here. We are sovereign. Your citizenship isn't "NATO".
  10. Not everyone is "against us". But China and Russia (among others) seek every day to harm us, and often have. This is a fact verified thousands of times over. You either put up with it or you don't. Ignoring it won't solve any problems. I don't see China in decline. They did well at the Olympics, they're starting to make headway in IT products and services. Maybe their population bomb will hurt them but they'll still have a billion+ people and a lot of momentum.
  11. So you don't believe in self-determination? Gotcha. You're a naive and idealistic leftist who thinks we can all just get along. We don't live in the world you think we do. Many humans unfortunately aren't as nice as you are and they want to take everything you have. That's why we have cops and laws.
  12. You're literally an American and British fifth column šŸ¤£ Get f*cked you Russian bot
  13. Any American pledging loyalty to the King of Britain (or King of Canada) isn't an American by very definition. By the Declaration of Independence, 1776. In 1776 you would have had some serious cognitive dissonance, and be made to make a choice. The US doesn't honour your Canadian citizenship. Grow some balls, take a stand, choose your allegiance and choose wisely.
  14. Unfortunately China and Russia don't think you're an Earthling and are trying to bend the country's (and its citizens) interests to their will. You can't get along with people who are trying to dominate and impose on you. Welcome to Life 101. You're essentially signaling that you're submissive and don't really care when imposed on for the sake of "getting along". When it comes time to defend this country just roll on your back and expose your belly and get out of the way of the people who are willing to defend it, and then thank them for your freedom and well-being. I didn't ask you. We know your thoughts, you won't stop talking about it like a Russian bot.
  15. You want the country to break up? Why? Or are you being sarcastic? Yes we know you're a brit (without British citizenship) and not a Canadian.
  16. Do most schools in Quebec sing the Canadian national anthem or fly the Canadian flag?
  17. Regardless of the reason for the indigenous person getting helped first, do you think race and DEI should be a factor in the order Canadians are triaged in hospitals? You should have asked. You could also ask the hospital now or contact your provincial rep.
  18. Will be interesting to see what he does with the CBC. Getting rid of it seems a bit extreme but could happen. Most Canadians wouldn't be in favor i imagine. He should do what Canadians want
  19. I'd say he's sort of a typical small government conservative. So not a fan of many social programs unless they're vitally necessary. He definitely seems against helping climate change. He's also socially conservative, but doesn't seem very religious.
  20. Any "demands" from a separatist party that only runs candidates in one province should be ignored. Bloc voters can get effed.
  21. No I'm not sure in this case. I'm just checking because we're our on this disgusting path as a society.
  22. Do you think the order in which people should receive health care should be impacted by the colour of their skin?
  23. We already know that western countries have become more racist in significant part due to woke (diversity, equity, inclusion) discrimination. We have literally created a racial hierarchy in western society and are now actioning it. Anyone who agrees with the agenda is either a racist or a guilt-ridden self-hating loser or both. Either way, they support racial discrimination.
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