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Everything posted by West

  1. This guy won't even criticize CNNs targeting of a minor and war veteran. No reason to believe he's made a point here ^^^^^
  2. Just because Soros funded astroturf protesters wasted their money on this doesn't mean it's true. Duh
  3. I see the children are already starting to deface property along Trump's parade route.
  4. Given CNNs settlement and guilty verdict of defaming a war veteran as well as other cases such as settling with the Covington kids, any of these stories that appear on left wing media should be treated with suspicion
  5. It really doesn't matter. Our economies are so interconnected we are basically one country anyway without the mobility rights to the nice beaches of Florida. The only downside is there's a risk you are run by a dictator like Joe Biden
  6. https://apnews.com/article/cnn-guilty-defamation-afghans-137bf5dbc2d72762d29c9f7596f63ec2 Here's an AP article. So again, I ask, what are your thoughts on CNN defaming a war veteran?
  7. So your strategy is to attack the source?
  8. Show a little balance would you?
  9. Tara Reade on her treatment by the Biden machine https://x.com/ReadeAlexandra/status/1880334539081589013/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1880334539081589013&currentTweetUser=ReadeAlexandra
  10. User posted an article from Yahoo news. Can I assume based on your lack of directly answering my question that you are fine with what CNN did to that war veteran because they are on your team?
  11. The article cites somewhere in the range of $120 million (from what I can recall). However, I believe they've updated the article as it appeared punitive damages would go to further decisions by a jury, however, it appears they may have settled now I don't need to make the case. It's already been made in front of a judge. You don't want to comment on your opinion about CNNs treatment of this poor man?
  12. What's your view on CNN damaging this poor man?
  13. Do you think what CNN did to this war veteran was appropriate?
  14. That is just lost earnings and personal damages. Duh
  15. https://www.foxnews.com/media/jury-finds-that-cnn-committed-defamation-against-navy-veteran-awards-punitive-damages
  16. Perhaps dig a little deeper into the case
  17. As an aside, if true the 148 million dollar number just shows this case for what it is. Just weaponized judicial system to never challenge anything or they'll take everything from you. Shows the vile scum that Democrats support
  18. According to Mr Guiliani's post, they are in fact the facts.
  19. Settled out of court without an admission of wrongdoing. Those are the facts
  20. -Keeps his possession -No admission of wrongdoing -Shake hands and go their separate ways
  21. Possible FACE act violation as it appears they (and options pregnancy centers) were vandalized after members of Congress incited violence against them. May be an interesting few years
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