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-TSS- last won the day on April 23 2018

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  1. I'm not commenting on the moral side of this issue but it must be admitted that Mossad vs Hezbollah it is 10-0. Completely different levels of league.
  2. Afd in Germany and Le Pen's party in France are definitely more pro-Russia than pro-Ukraine. Trump supporters may not be pro-Russia but certainly not pro-Ukraine either.
  3. Here in Finland everybody, well at least almost everybody, hates Russia and wishes Ukraine all the best. However, when you go more west from Finland, the Baltic countries and Poland you notice that nationalists are very much more pro-Russia than pro-Ukraine. I would compare it to how you think about China. For us China is a big and influential country but it is still far away and we don't worry about it too much. In China's the neighbouring countries China is a very big deal indeed and China influences just about everything and many people in those countries hate China passionately.
  4. The thing is that the US population.statistics are not exactly up to date. There's a census every 10 years and that determines the number of Congressmen for each state and hence the number for the state in the electoral college in the presidential election. Often that number is hopelessly obsolete and that favours the Republicans since their states either lose population or don't grow as fast as others so don't lose their numbers as soon as they should.
  5. People often are so willing and ready to give communism a second chance. They say that communism is in principle a good idea but the people who conducted it buggered it all up. They also say that the form of communism which prevailed in half of Europe for over 50 years was not real communism and we should try real communism. Imagine if somebody said that same thing about the prevailing regime in Germany in the 1930s. It was a good idea but the people who implemented it bungled it up.
  6. Many American voters couldn't point on a map where Israel, Palestine or Ukraine are located not to mention that the candidates' views on those countries would influence the voters' decision who to vote for. It is the wallet first which is the one and only factor on which people base their voting-decision.
  7. What a choice to be made; One is a radical marxist and the other is... Trump. Plague and cholera etc.
  8. Even though otherwise the FPTP-system is broken I like the thing how the election was on Thursday and the opposition won the election and the opposition-leader became PM on Friday. Less than 24h after the polls had closed. Bring on PR and there would be weeks of negotiations over a coalition-government.
  9. The thing is that if the Republicans dump Trump and put somebody else as a candidate Trump's supporters are not going to vote for that somebody else when as if Biden is persuaded to step down and somebody else becomes a candidate people who would have voted for Biden will vote for the new candidate. Biden's support is entirely about the other option being Trump. I doubt anybody supports Biden for his own sake.
  10. Strange to have Spain included since Spain was one of the only European countries which didn't recognize Kosovo as Spain itself has its own problems with separatists in Catalonia and the Basque Country. As for Ireland, they have always been the most pro-Palestine country in Europe.
  11. Unfortunately it seems that the biggest grief Russians have about the sanctions is that they are banned from playing hockey and other international sporting events. That really pisses them off big time. However, as the purpose of the sanctions was to destroy the economy of Russia and make them starve that hasn't happened. If it had nobody in that country would give a shit about something like sports.
  12. It kind of makes one wonder are Americans brainwashed into believing that publicly funded health care is socialism and therefore something to be opposed. Or is it us Europeans who have been brainwashed into believing that only the government can cure us if we get sick.
  13. In the 80s the Soviet Union was ridiculed for having senile zombies as their leaders but actually Breznev was 75 when he died, Adnropov 69 and Chernenko 77. All of them younger than Trump and Biden now. I was surprised to learn that. I thought all of them were at least 10 years older.
  14. Churchill is not considered a hero in Australia. No surprise there either.
  15. NZ is at the bottom of the world far away from everything. Unless aeroplanes become faster in the future, or some other forms of transport, the idea of living in NZ is just out of the question.
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