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Moonlight Graham

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Moonlight Graham last won the day on July 25 2024

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  1. A carbon tax does little when Donald pulls out of Paris accord and says drill baby drill. We don't even know how much the carbon tax actually reduces carbon use.
  2. This is an oppressive post. I'm going to write a paper about it using an intersectional lens.
  3. The study of your mother.
  4. Ok not arts, the humanities then. Most of the academic subjects dealing with people have been politicized to some extent or another by the tribal left and it will get worse if people don't resist the politicization. True academics in these subjects are becoming an endangered species, more and more are becoming activists, and thus so are the subjects themselves. Jordan Peterson is probably one of them as he's trying to fight against this leftwing politicization, thus becoming political himself. Instead of focusing on objective research its become an political turf war. You can call it fodder but it still exists in reality. You're free to ignore reality. The real fodder is the tribal politicization of everything that far-leftwing academics and students wish to push, and seek to tear down all the "oppressive power structures", including America and Western civilization itself. We're at the point now where mere inequality of outcomes automatically equals injustice that needs to be remedied by official policies within so many large organizations, including our governments, because of this ideology. I'm sure these policies are in your workplace as well, because if they aren't people will call that organization racist/sexist, and nobody wants to be accused of that. This is part of the ideology that the Democrats (and Liberal Party) have embraced and part of what American voters seem to have rejected (i hope). The JFK/Clinton/Obama type Democrats who were socially for equality of opportunity rather than equality of outcome are slowly being taken over. Biden has been a puppet mouthpiece for "the new progressives", and you seem to have fallen in line too like a good soldier. You're dismissed.
  5. Imagine paying tens of thousands of dollars to learn about why you're an evil oppressor and why you should hate yourself, then acquiring a piece of paper about as valuable as dog water. I'm sure there's still many valuable degrees outside the arts and social sciences.
  6. So the electorate holds a veto against the rule of law? LOL. Good thing the electorate don't all have law degrees. The Democrats need to soul search and figure out why voters elected instead of them a wannabe authoritarian dictator and clear felon with little regard for the constitution or democracy when his power is at risk. The bar wasn't very high and they lost LOL.
  7. The GOP are filled with loons and knuckle-draggers and have been for decades (loons and knuckle-draggers will disagree with me here). But the Democrats are putting up an alternative so bland, weak, and corrupt that the American voter has been waffling back and forth between these crappy parties. The GOP at least projects strength, which Americans like. They'd rather go down guns blazing than with a wimper. Western universities are producing systems of thought that preach self-loathing and guilt and values that say protecting people's feelings are more important than truth, expression, and free debate. As more younger generations go through the education system the Democrats will keep leaning that way until something in the culture changes. This ideology is so stupid that they don't realize they're inadvertently red-pilling most people who don't hate themselves (their race, gender, country etc) and creating their own opposition because this bullsh*t needs to be stopped. They'll even vote for a fascist-lite sex offender ****** to do it.
  8. I'd rather be led by a slimy arsehole than a slimy wimp. Churchill > Chamberlain
  9. I think they should just shut the Liberal Party down forever and everyone in the party right now should retire. I'm not jumping at the chance to put some rich Goldman Sachs/Brookfield banker like Carney in as PM. Nobody even knows anything about the guy or his views or vision for the country. He can be Finance Minister or something. I want a PM who has the courage to do the right thing and make the tough decisions without worrying about who might be offended. Let's start putting the truth and Canada's national interests over people's feelings. This country needs to grow some balls.
  10. 1. My sense is Canada slowly became a nation through shared hardships we got through together like War of 1812, US Civil War (leading to Confederation), WWI and WW2, and thus we asserted our independence from Britain, made our own flag, national anthem, citizenship etc. Then some Quebecois flipped Canada the bird and some don't consider themselves "Canadian". Maybe most of us are multiculturalists, like I'm anglo-Canadian, then there's French-Canadian, Inuit-Canada, Punjabi-Canadian etc. But when sh*t hits the fan, we're either Canadian or we aren't. We're all on the same team, except those that aren't. And if they aren't, and act against the national interests in favour of their own sub-nation or foreign nation, then they're an enemy. Just look at Dougie LOL. Yes there's sometimes sub-nations within a larger nation. This can cause problems if sub-nations fight for political dominance or one represses the other. So where do you fall on my poll? 2. Borders change, but some Ukrainians still consider themselves Russian. That leads to problems. 3. A state will fold if people aren't willing to defend it and they have stronger allegiances elsewhere. People have to unite around something. A central government has uses, like security and military, foreign trade etc. They can also foster a sense of unity from all regions via nationalism. That's a reason we have a flag and a national anthem. 4. Did Italians all speak Italian before unification? Who knows. In Canada we speak English and French. There's hardly anything more divisive than language because if we can't even communicate with each other we're not going to interact very much, and will do so poorly. We'll just stick to "our own". "Good or bad" is a value judgment, and sometimes necessary. Sitting on the fence means everyone else decides our lives for us. 5. If I feel things about my country, our history, our flag etc and seek to defend it then you're wrong. "Canada" is a team, which means its a nation. If sh*t hits the fan and we go to war with e.g. Iran, and some Canadians are more "Team Iran" than "Team Canada" then we can have some problems. Some in Quebec are much more loyal to Quebec than Canada. We've done a lot to include them on the team but some just have their own allegiances.
  11. The POTUS can only send the military into war with the approval of Congress. The GOP only have 5 more seats in the House than the Dems, 220 to 215 seats. So if only 3 anti-Trump Republicans in the House disagree with Trump and side with the Dems he can't attack any western country.
  12. "BREAKING: President Trump just announced that he will place massive tariffs on Denmark if they don't immediately relinquish all control of Greenland." When did he say this? Didn't he say in the video that if Greenlanders move to America he'll place massive tarrifs on Denmark?
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