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Moonbox last won the day on June 11

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  1. I'm responding to this days later, but I think you're prevaricating. On one hand you're right. People should focus on what's important. On the other hand, we have an obvious case of people doing exactly the opposite, going nuclear on a nothing-burger and bringing government institutions to bear against people who aren't doing what they want them to. In a normal, reasonable world, the worst that should happen here is that folks view the Township of Emo as backward, old-fashioned, or perhaps a bit ignorant. Maybe if the Township didn't like the negative attention, they'd vote the Mayor out, or maybe they'd quietly appreciate it. It's up to them. Instead, now we are living through the batshit madness of the CHRC laying the hammer down and imposing fines on people for not flying a rainbow flag. If anyone is struggling to understand how a turd like Trump gets elected (a second time no less), you need look no further than cases like this.
  2. Someone who can’t afford internet and posts from the public library in a trenchcoat or similar attire.
  3. A lot fewer now because most people can afford internet and don't need to go to the public library for it... Now, if you want to take your kid there or something, you're met with unemployed weirdos who can barely dress themselves ranting into a microphone at strangers...
  4. They're eating the dogs, they're eating the cats, they're eating the pets....of the people who live there.
  5. How much energy do you spend denying retarded accusations? 🀑 How long ago did you get syphilis from licking Trump's butthole? Is it stage three and sent you into dementia, or is terminal now?
  6. Ding Ding Ding!!!! Like clockwork, User falls back on whining about dishonesty when he can't refute a point. If this forum got a nickel for every time you tossed this wet rag out into a debate, it'd be the richest website on the interweb. πŸ™„
  7. Then what's with fragile, impotent rage? Why are you so threatened by women *gasp* pursuing higher education and positions in its administration? Nobody's going to miss you and your bed-wetting. Bye.
  8. Lower supply input costs are. Fewer supply bottlenecks are. More efficient transportation is. Lower energy costs are. Higher production is. Your assumptions and your logic miss +95% of the variables. That's not how it works big guy. By this wonderful logic, Biden and Trudeau's spending and deficits aren't inflationary, because inflation has been going down for the last year. πŸ‘Œ It's almost like there's more to this than you seem to understand (or admit?).
  9. Funny, considering the reason your tribe is going extinct is because it never feels the touch of a woman. Go have sex, incel.
  10. ...and you're one of those "tough guys?" 🀣 The best way to show your manliness is to whine and moan like a little girl about how the woeman are to blame for all of your failures, while men still earn more and hold higher positions across the board.
  11. Or don't bother because they can make more in the trades than they'd make with a degree. An electrician is going to make a buttload more money in his lifetime than the Masters in Child, Youth and Family. (I'm totally not speaking about my ex who, last time I checked, was still doing her PhD in something useless).
  12. If it pays for itself over time, that's because it sufficient improved the supply side of the equation. That's deflationary. If tax cuts "don't work" that means they didn't improve the supply side. If the tax cuts lead to increase borrowing, then all you've done is increased liquidity in the economy, and thus increased demand. That's inflationary. There are always two sides to the equation. People forget that when they're schilling for their parties, left or right.
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