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Trucker's Convoy


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28 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

1. Exactly. Ergo his attempts to look strong shall flop.

2. The one where I linked to the video for you. Remember you were outraged. Even you.

What is he doing there, if not channelling Don Trump. "They're frequently racists and misogynists."
"They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

How great is the leap?

1. Then he's not a strongman nor will he be one.
2. That wasn't a strongman talking.  That was a wimpy kid talking about scary bullies.

Trump would have simply said I'm going to crush them... I'm going to stop them... 

Complaining about racists isn't a strongman thing - telling your people you're going to squash the criminals is.  I don't believe I have to explain this to you.

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90% of Canadians are vaccinated and most don't agree with people not being vaccinated.  The great majority of people support mandates.  The Conservative Party is self destructing.  They started self destructing when they chose O'Toole with his liberal agenda and now they are supporting the anti-mandate, anti-vax people which are only about 10 to 15% of the population.  They are really digging themselves into a deep hole which they will never get out of for the foreseeable future.  O'Toole and some of the radical anti-Covid restriction MPs in his party are taking them down a losing path.  This will not end well for the Conservative Party.  I can't see the majority of grass root conservatives, which are generally older people supporting them.  Many people over 50 have health issues and can't afford to risk dying from Covid.  A poll was done and the largest segment of the population that support the Covid restrictions and mandates are in the older age bracket and 50% of the people below age 35 support the Covid restrictions as well.  So I really don't understand O'Toole's reasoning.  He is making a grave mistake in supporting the convoy and that gang.  They are totally out of touch with reality.  Sad.

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15 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

Trudeau gets to play up this convoy to be Canada's January 6th

ZOMG White Supremacist Insurrection!

and Canadians will eat that shit up

bet that

Given their support, it would be a failure even by January 6 standards. But it's no secret they are largely far-right delusional nutjobs who think they can dissolve the government with a petition. 

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8 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

Given their support, it would be a failure even by January 6 standards. But it's no secret they are largely far-right delusional nutjobs who think they can dissolve the government with a petition. 

they are far left union workers

who mostly vote NDP and Liberal

this isn't America

in Canada the truckers are commies

you would fall for the far right extremist angle

Edited by Yzermandius19
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13 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Complaining about racists isn't a strongman thing - telling your people you're going to squash the criminals is.  I don't believe I have to explain this to you.

The strongman symbol is more subtle than that. For one it involves evoking a feeling in the masses of intolerance towards a specific group.

Trudeau us a failure as a strongman, we agree. But I say that is an image he is now trying to portray, in subtle ways but it's a change from the loving "Sunny ways" guy to the dark days of covid, mandates, and government sanctioned intolerance. The sun don't shine anymore.

I don't understand what we are arguing about.

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14 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

they are far left union workers

who mostly vote NDP and Liberal

this isn't America

in Canada the truckers are commies

you would fall for the far right extremist angle

90% of truckers are vaccinated. They are a fringe minority. A lot of them aren't even truckers and, if you look at their banners, they are nothing but far-right extremists. Stars and Bars and upside down Canadian flags all over the place. That's the worst part about you people is you're too cowardly to own up to who you are (see January 6).

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10 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

1. The strongman symbol is more subtle than that.

2. For one it involves evoking a feeling in the masses of intolerance towards a specific group.

3. But I say that is an image he is now trying to portray, in subtle ways but it's a change from the loving "Sunny ways" guy to the dark days of covid, mandates, and government sanctioned intolerance. The sun don't shine anymore.

4. I don't understand what we are arguing about.

1. You say 'symbol' and I see an angry old bald man with mushroom-sized warts and giant eyebrows/mustache.  Not a flaunty pompadour.  Symbols.

2. Disagree.  Every leader does this in the form of nationalism, so no.  Kennedy made Cuba a threat but not a strongman.

3. I agree that he's trying to appear 'strong' and it doesn't mesh with the flouncy cute boy... but neither does blackface or skipping Reconciliation Day so he has to become.. something.

4. We're not arguing we're discussing and mostly agreeing.

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1 hour ago, Yzermandius19 said:

these protests will just make the freedom haters double down

any problems the truckers cause for the government, will just turn more people against them and their cause

Canadians aren't gonna side with these truckers over the government

Trudeau ain't scared, he's loving this

and using the opportunity to demonize the opposition by associating them with the truckers

mobs in the streets never fix anything, just make things worse

Yes it will make the more staunch of the freedom haters go wild. I think that would be a good thing. I would encourage them to begin calling people horrid names and choking up visions of Nazi Germany, ASAP. Let Canada see and hear their bilge. Its been slowly making the public sick for quite some time now.

The number of vehicles reported will cause disruption for sure. Especially during an Ottawa winter. People in the area will get put out. Some will go see what all the hub-bub is about, and likely find truckers are actually pretty good-hearted folk. Some will likely get their ganders up and confront the truckers. LOL...I might suggest against picking fights with truckers. The Beer Store might do well...

In general, I think this will serve to highlight some real complaints that the media has till now, tended to ignore. Canada will see a bunch of rather pleasant folk who provide our national logistics. They'll go to the local grocery store and find, as I have now begun to notice, there really is a shortage for some products and prices are...getting interesting.

Pixie-Dust is freaked. Why do you think the poor li'l sweetums got The Rona now? I figure, if he's even half as healthy as I am, he's well over it by now. We'll see if he actually has the leadership qualities to face this demonstration...or at least meet face to face with their organizers.

Mobs in the streets are indeed dangerous. And I hope these people know what an opportunity they have here. I hope this goes off completely peacefully, with respect to the protesters. I also think they will be and that it'll be some upidy shithead, or group there-of, that will try to incite a violent reaction.

I saw an interesting news report on one of the local stations yesterday. A crew had gone to a parkinglot where convoy supporters were congregated. It seems these convoy supporters didn't have much use for the news guy and his crew. Go figure. There's going to be more of that this weekend as well. It'll be interesting how people react to that.

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3 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Pixie-Dust is freaked. Why do you think the poor li'l sweetums got The Rona now? I figure, if he's even half as healthy as I am, he's well over it by now.

He was merely "exposed" to the Rona and says he tested negative but will quarantine anyways.

I'm wondering if he mixed up his negative Rona test with his IQ test results.....?

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40 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

90% of truckers are vaccinated. They are a fringe minority. A lot of them aren't even truckers and, if you look at their banners, they are nothing but far-right extremists. Stars and Bars and upside down Canadian flags all over the place. That's the worst part about you people is you're too cowardly to own up to who you are (see January 6).

Oh good lord...

FYI matey...I'm vaxxed and I support this convoy. It could have been fishermen or crosswalk guards for all I care. Its the message that's important. That its truckers who decided to execute the protest only puts an exclamation mark on it. These rather unscientific restrictions are now nothing more than a power and money grab made possible by the imposition of a fear of death...from a bug that now has a statistical death rate of zero.

This is over. The cure has always been more damaging than the sickness. Now its just silly. I have vaxxed and masked and played Monopoly at home...enough. And apparently...I'm not alone with my conclusions.

BTW...that you feel the need to fling about dumb-ass slogans like "far-right extremists" only serves to expose your own lack of basic understanding...and the need you have to resort to dumb-ass sound-bytes. I'm shocked you haven't called them all the ever-present "racists" yet. Guess ur slippin'...

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Trudeau caused this, and he could have rescinded the trucker mandate a week ago and deflated talk of a convoy.

Mandating truckers after 2 years is simply stupid.  More so in the context of multiple nations easing restrictions. Every time Trudeau vaccine mandates an industry, it automatically creates shortages and crises within that sector.  
Because 10-15% of the people in any group would rather lose their job than take “experimental gene therapy”.  So then those same people have nothing but time on their hands to organize and protest. 

The  medical industry was mandated, creating bed and staff shortages, and now we are going to see food and retail shortages with the trucker mandates.  Trudeau  knows fully well he’s creating these dumb ass shortages.  

Then he beaks off in a press conference about the convoy, followed by going into hiding.  What a dolt.

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

Yes it will make the more staunch of the freedom haters go wild. I think that would be a good thing. I would encourage them to begin calling people horrid names and choking up visions of Nazi Germany, ASAP. Let Canada see and hear their bilge. Its been slowly making the public sick for quite some time now.

The number of vehicles reported will cause disruption for sure. Especially during an Ottawa winter. People in the area will get put out. Some will go see what all the hub-bub is about, and likely find truckers are actually pretty good-hearted folk. Some will likely get their ganders up and confront the truckers. LOL...I might suggest against picking fights with truckers. The Beer Store might do well...

In general, I think this will serve to highlight some real complaints that the media has till now, tended to ignore. Canada will see a bunch of rather pleasant folk who provide our national logistics. They'll go to the local grocery store and find, as I have now begun to notice, there really is a shortage for some products and prices are...getting interesting.

Pixie-Dust is freaked. Why do you think the poor li'l sweetums got The Rona now? I figure, if he's even half as healthy as I am, he's well over it by now. We'll see if he actually has the leadership qualities to face this demonstration...or at least meet face to face with their organizers.

Mobs in the streets are indeed dangerous. And I hope these people know what an opportunity they have here. I hope this goes off completely peacefully, with respect to the protesters. I also think they will be and that it'll be some upidy shithead, or group there-of, that will try to incite a violent reaction.

I saw an interesting news report on one of the local stations yesterday. A crew had gone to a parkinglot where convoy supporters were congregated. It seems these convoy supporters didn't have much use for the news guy and his crew. Go figure. There's going to be more of that this weekend as well. It'll be interesting how people react to that.

the shortages will be blamed on the truckers and the unvaccinated

Canadians will not side with them

they will side with the government

you have far too much faith in Canadians

very naive

wishful thinking is a helluva drug

Edited by Yzermandius19
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6 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

the shortages will be blamed on the truckers and the unvaccinated

Canadians will not side with them

they will side with the government

you have far too much faith in Canadians

very naive

wishful thinking is a helluva drug


Younger Canadians in particular seem rather enchanted with basic fascism having never been face to face with it or those who fought against it.

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2 hours ago, BubberMiley said:

Given their support, it would be a failure even by January 6 standards. But it's no secret they are largely far-right delusional nutjobs who think they can dissolve the government with a petition. 

Can you give us a source that proves the entire convoy are right delusional wingnuts, or are you just pulling shit out your ass...thanks for not contributing anything to the topic...


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17 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

the shortages will be blamed on the truckers and the unvaccinated

Canadians will not side with them

they will side with the government

you have far too much faith in Canadians

very naive

wishful thinking is a helluva drug

Then we must agree to disagree and see what actually happens.

They will try to condemn the convoy. I just don't think it'll stick to the wall this time. I have faith in people in general. The current state of affairs is such that its impossible to justify the mandates or any of the restrictions anymore.

Hope and wishful thinking is a drug. One that keeps a person living positively instead of negatively.

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I'm with Yzermanduis19 on this one, Canadians are not the same people they once where. the newer generations want everything laid out for them, they like being supported by government, i could go on but hey they already know. Blame it on the boomers is there moto...

This convoy is an attack on the vaccinated, and all their beliefs they been told to have, they will defend it with talk lots of talk... And in a week or so it will be over, nothing would have changed, liberals' will still be in charge, it will be mentioned time and time again by the left as a major victory... and life will go on... a much better protest would have just been to stay home, for a couple of weeks...collect CERB and see if the supply chain gets stressed even more. nothing drives people to action than a food shortage...

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36 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:

Younger Canadians in particular seem rather enchanted with basic fascism having never been face to face with it or those who fought against it.

I dont know.....my nephew and all his friends think this is all BS.  

The fake passport business is booming amongst young Canadians.

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