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Nationalist last won the day on August 29

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    My family...beer...and golf.

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  1. I don't know if I buy this theory myself. But ya...nice try. Although...after thinking about it for a moment, I realize you just have nothing but crap to offer the board in general so... Anyone have any intelligent thoughts?
  2. Exactly. Introducing and promoting abnormal sexual kink has no place in elementary school.! I can understand introducing and even normalizing gay parents. But Trans behavior is just over the line.
  3. From your first link... "blaming them for Easter falling on the same day as International Transgender Day of Visibility and embracing the false but inflammatory idea that trans people try to sexualize or indoctrinate kids at school. " These happen to be true Barbie.
  4. I have never justified the Russian invasion. I do have the intellect and honesty to know there are 2 sides to every war. I will never just wave my flag at the expense of reality.
  5. I think RFK is a very knowledgeable person. As a Kennedy, he is privy to inside info. His family are devout Libbies. The Libbies screwed RFK. I think I'll give more credence to RFK...thank you very much.
  6. Your point...huh...like... "EXTRA EXTRA! MANY LIBERALS ARE AVID GUN LOVERS!" pfft...asinine click-bait garbage.
  7. Blah blah blah... The Russians were definitely naive and got what they asked for. But this is an obvious political slime move by the Americans and NATO. It's even possible the Russians knew it was all bullshit, but couldn't do anything about it at the time. Nothing in international politics happens by accident. Baker knew it was bullshit when he made the statement I'd venture. When you deny facts, truth and honesty like this, you become no better than robo-dweeb. 3. Not really true. There are a lot of Americans fighting in this war. 4. Hundreds by all accounts.
  8. Ya ya yaaa... Look even Baker admitted what he agreed to. All you do is accused people expressing the truth, of being some sort of Russian spy. It's not shutting out truth.
  9. Yet it continues to come up. You can deny this all you like but "officially" nobody denied that the deal was made. Just that it was never in print.
  10. Lol...Flyer...why don't you address the message instead of attacking the messenger? Answer: because that's all you got.
  11. Please watch the entire video and discuss. Very interesting. Anti gravity technology?
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