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WE Charity Scandal

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55 minutes ago, marcus said:

Unfortunately, this double standard is expected. 

Yes, Trudeau and co. have used their power for their own gain. They should be punished for it.

Here is the problem: Many of the loudest critics of Trudeau were either silent or tried to make excuses when the Harper government abused their power during his reign. 

You guys want to know about these abuses by the Harper government? Take a look at this list. Some things on the list can be debated, but the majority of them cannot be. Here is just a taste:

Very well done. I couldn't do it better myself.

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22 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

I don't think conservative supporters showed much of frustrations with years of Harper abuses. They were mostly silent (and now they are out in full with tooth and nail criticizing Trudeau) as most Liberal supporters are now.

The real question is how many more cycles of this nonsense conservative parties will make Canada go thru before we finally have a robust enough system of accountability that corruption and scandals can't even get off the ground?

The Liberal party will never do this and I figure  conservative parties don't for one of two reasons. 1, they like to avail themselves of the same opportunity on occasion and 2, they like to leave the trap set knowing Liberals can always be counted on to take the bait.

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On another note . . . . . Stephen Harper acted like a Prime Minister.  He had the bearing, the education, the intelligence to speak with depth and clarity, knew how to dress and shave . . . . the list is long.  What we have now is an uneducated, unqualified, inept little boy . . . despised by world leaders, seen as a joke and a fool where ever he goes, and an embarrassment to Canada. Not too proud to be a Canadian at the moment . . . . 

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It is hard to believe this idiot is still pretty high in the polls now but hopefully things will change when the only real opposition party selects their new leader. It is a fact,Liberal supporters are extremely tolerant of wrongdoing when it's on their side. Hypocrites.

I've seen different figures,but Brian Lilley writes that Margaret Trudeau got closer to $500,000 from WE when travel expenses are included. That's an awfully large percentage of the money handed over to WE finding it's way back into the steadily growing Trudeau family fortune.


trudeau idiot.jpg

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On 7/28/2020 at 7:07 PM, ironstone said:

Margaret Trudeau ,net worth $10 million US as of 2016.

Justin Trudeau net worth is also $10 million net worth as of 2017.

Sacha Trudeau net worth is estimated between $1-$5 million US.

I know she married into money and of course Justin was born into money and financially set for life the day he was born. Doesn't this whole thing just reek to high heaven when these virtue signaling multi millionaires still see fit to charge charities hefty fees for their services? And to me,"for their services" is clearly not for the public speaking. We all know it's payback to get access to those enormous  government handouts to WE. I have serious doubts about the business practices of WE and I wish it was getting more scrutiny .

Pierre Trudeau was worth about 20 million when he died. He didn't do it for the money.

His wife? She loves the limelight. His son?


To their credit, Lester Pearson, Brian Mulroney, Stephen Harper, Pierre Trudeau managed to keep a federal state together without a civil war.

Justin Trudeau has made Canada into a third world country: the family name.

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16 hours ago, Nefarious Banana said:

On another note . . . . . Stephen Harper acted like a Prime Minister.  He had the bearing, the education, the intelligence to speak with depth and clarity, knew how to dress and shave . . . . the list is long.  What we have now is an uneducated, unqualified, inept little boy . . . despised by world leaders, seen as a joke and a fool where ever he goes, and an embarrassment to Canada. Not too proud to be a Canadian at the moment . . . . 

Typical of conservatives to make a judgement or attack based on looks and outside rather than what is inside like the size of the heart. Remember Kim Campbell's comments about Jean Chretien's so called embarrassing looks if he ever represents Canada abroad as PM? For a fault he was born with? It will backfire on you too if you attack our Prime Minister based on his looks, or dress. The latest CBC poll tracker proves my point.

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On 7/28/2020 at 5:07 PM, ironstone said:

Margaret Trudeau ,net worth $10 million US as of 2016.

Justin Trudeau net worth is also $10 million net worth as of 2017.

Sacha Trudeau net worth is estimated between $1-$5 million US.

How is Sacha's net worth so much lower?

Trudeau didn't make $5M from snowboarding, a bit of teaching, and constantly going to university. In all his years as an MP and as PM he didn't make $5M.

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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

How is Sacha's net worth so much lower?

Trudeau didn't make $5M from snowboarding, a bit of teaching, and constantly going to university. In all his years as an MP and as PM he didn't make $5M.

How did his mother get so rich, I doubt Trudeau left her millions or that she got millions in a divorce settlement from Kemper (which is still her legal name)

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4 hours ago, betsy said:

Trudeau will again,  skate through this scandal.  UNLESS something more damning comes up........

I agree, but we will see how he responds this afternoon..  new drinking game this afternoon, take a shot everytime Trudeau says: I’m so sorry

Competent Civil Service

To my knowledge

Cabinet confidentiality

It was her responsibility


Not to mention that  Liberal Finance Committee Chair Wayne Easter broke the rules by shutting down a meeting earlier Monday without holding a vote. "The committee Chair cannot adjourn the meeting without the consent of a majority of the members," says House procedure and practice, 2nd edition

Edited by scribblet
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19 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Typical of conservatives to make a judgement or attack based on looks and outside rather than what is inside like the size of the heart. Remember Kim Campbell's comments about Jean Chretien's so called embarrassing looks if he ever represents Canada abroad as PM? For a fault he was born with? It will backfire on you too if you attack our Prime Minister based on his looks, or dress. The latest CBC poll tracker proves my point.

CBC is relevant to anything non-Liberal?  Jean Chretien looked good and had the stance of a leader.  Justin Trudeau looks/acts like a goof.  Very embarrassing.  Nice deflection attempt on your part though.  p.s.  Mike Duffy wasn't the Finance Minister.  Your Liberal finance minister can't figure out simple household finances . . . . how nice for the Conservative taxpayers.

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18 hours ago, marcus said:

You guys want to know about these abuses by the Harper government? Take a look at this list. Some things on the list can be debated, but the majority of them cannot be. Here is just a taste:

I didn't read the whole list but all of those things are several orders of magnitude below Trudeau's laundry list of actual scandals. 

Things Trudeau did that weren't even considered 'scandals' because no laws were actually broken are: ceasing the fight against isis, denying that islamic state was committing genocide, allowing terrorists to come back to Canada and re-branding them as 'fighters', intentionally spreading covid in our country (let's face it, anyone knows better than to leave the flights open from a pandemic zone - even the gov't of China restricted travel from Wuhan to the rest of their country), telling Canadians that our budget would eventually balance but racking up debts of $10B or more every year, giving away billions while telling our vets to kiss his ass, constantly denigrating Canadians and creating culture where it's ok to discriminate against police, 'white folk' and Jews,  covering up for muslim terrorists attacks in Canada (the Danforth shooter was an 'incel' lol), attacking Canadian gun owners by using events which had nothing to do with our gun laws, etc. 

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On 7/28/2020 at 4:34 PM, Nefarious Banana said:

Honestly . . . . how can any thinking person compare Harper's government with the 'gong show' that's playing out daily in Ottawa now.  Surely you jest.  

The problem is that anyone comparing Harper's government with what we see happening in the liberal camp these days do not think, NB.  It is all about feelings with those types.  Logic and facts have no place in their twisted ideology. 

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1 hour ago, scribblet said:

I agree, but we will see how he responds this afternoon..  new drinking game this afternoon, take a shot everytime Trudeau says: I’m so sorry

Competent Civil Service

To my knowledge

Cabinet confidentiality

It was her responsibility


Not to mention that  Liberal Finance Committee Chair Wayne Easter broke the rules by shutting down a meeting earlier Monday without holding a vote. "The committee Chair cannot adjourn the meeting without the consent of a majority of the members," says House procedure and practice, 2nd edition

3 hrs on the chair. Does he get mad and get up and leaves? With that connor dude questioninging him, I can't see trudeau staying put.

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1 hour ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Typical of conservatives to make a judgement or attack based on looks and outside rather than what is inside like the size of the heart. Remember Kim Campbell's comments about Jean Chretien's so called embarrassing looks if he ever represents Canada abroad as PM? For a fault he was born with? It will backfire on you too if you attack our Prime Minister based on his looks, or dress. The latest CBC poll tracker proves my point.

Of course the CBC tracker shows that. They were paid off by the government, Did you forget that one. Sorry but history will show ,that trudeau is the worst ever. And that I will bet on.

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I can't wait to see the house numbers and how much the taxpayer paid in looking after his family. FYI Harper paid for all food for his family. The only food paid for by us was for buisness. Trudeau's food is bought for by us. All organic flown in from wear ever. That there will make people puke.

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

I didn't read the whole list but all of those things are several orders of magnitude below Trudeau's laundry list of actual scandals. 

You didn't read the list, yet you have an opinion on it. This is an unhealthy and useless way to debate.

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Things Trudeau did that weren't even considered 'scandals' because no laws were actually broken are: ceasing the fight against isis, denying that islamic state was committing genocide, allowing terrorists to come back to Canada and re-branding them as 'fighters', intentionally spreading covid in our country (let's face it, anyone knows better than to leave the flights open from a pandemic zone - even the gov't of China restricted travel from Wuhan to the rest of their country), telling Canadians that our budget would eventually balance but racking up debts of $10B or more every year, giving away billions while telling our vets to kiss his ass, constantly denigrating Canadians and creating culture where it's ok to discriminate against police, 'white folk' and Jews,  covering up for muslim terrorists attacks in Canada (the Danforth shooter was an 'incel' lol), attacking Canadian gun owners by using events which had nothing to do with our gun laws, etc. 

Also, lots of unfounded, Alex Jones style conspiracy theories there. How can we debate when you are not backing any of the stuff you are posting?

"Intentionally spreading COVID in our country" ?


@Nefarious Banana and @scribblet really agree with you?

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All of the above is true,  no conspiracy theories,  you can search yourself you know.  He told us banning flights was a 'knee jerk reaction' and https://toronto.citynews.ca/2020/02/02/trudeau-cautions-against-anti-chinese-sentiments-as-fears-over-new-coronavirus-grow/

Justin Trudeau Voted against saying ISIS Committed Genocide


In parliament, Trudeau pledged to prosecute those who broke Canada’s anti-terrorism laws by joining the ISIS group, but also said his government would try to reintegrate them into society.





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22 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

It shows your lack of understanding and judgmental nature. I was referring to the PROCESS of pushing a bill through the parliament using undemocratic means and I used Bill C36 as an example and not the content of Bill C36 (that is a separate debate) so no wonder you are a conservative supporter as your moral standard must rule the nation. Anyone outside your narrow religious circle is immoral and deserves punishments.

The conservative supporters are provided with a golden opportunity (WE charity scandal) to hit at Liberals hard and they are making a maximum use of this opportunity while same supporters were silent during the Harper era!!!!. This was my point and I used a few historic wrongdoings during the past conservative government. That was my point.

You conservative supporters are wasting your time. The latest CBC poll tracker showing that there is a 66% chance of a majority Liberal government led by Trudeau if elections are held today and 99% chance of winning. Canadians are smarter than that to be fooled by your hypocrisy. 

This is a good example of why all those people who voted LIBERAL, need to hold on to hope that their decision to vote for Justin and his lying liberals was the right decision .... nobody likes to be wrong....Your right most people that voted are hypocrites....So are we even now, is that it... ....does that wash away everything the liberals have done or not done now and into future.... and the excuse is now , it's expected this is what politics looks like now..., so Justin do your worse it means nothing to voters, in fact the worse it gets the more they will stick up for you...

This is not the golden opportunity for the conservatives, this is one of many, and it just keeps coming...Liberals know that the conservative party right now could not find their ass with 10 arms....this entire period has been the liberals golden hour....lets not stop there the NDP, Greens don't have strong leadership to attract any of the left.......Canadians are been programed to think anything right of center is poison , that and they're really afraid the taps will be shut off and no more free Justin tidbits to put in our pockets... This country is divided on so many levels it's actually funney and the liberals can't see that...nor do they care as long as the funds keep pouring into their pockets...

If you can honestly sit there and say Canada as a nation is better off under the leadership of Justin, then i say we, deserve everything Justin and his crooks gives us, but don't say we are smarter for it...because todays conservatives going forward are wingnuts because or what the cons have done in the past..... Now that is sound thinking....

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32 minutes ago, PIK said:

I can't wait to see the house numbers and how much the taxpayer paid in looking after his family. FYI Harper paid for all food for his family. The only food paid for by us was for buisness. Trudeau's food is bought for by us. All organic flown in from wear ever. That there will make people puke.

I think some taxpayers would like to know why we have to pay for Trudeau's wife and family to be at Harrington Lake long term  which costs a fair amount for security etc. when people are in residence there. 

Oh Oh...   now he'll only testify for one hour...    hmmmm

trudeau 1 hour.jpg

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28 minutes ago, scribblet said:

All of the above is true,  no conspiracy theories,  you can search yourself you know.  He told us banning flights was a 'knee jerk reaction' and https://toronto.citynews.ca/2020/02/02/trudeau-cautions-against-anti-chinese-sentiments-as-fears-over-new-coronavirus-grow/


There is nothing in there that shows that Trudeau intentionally spread COVID in Canada.

I'll also put you down as a conspiracy theorist, who is unable to back up their claim.

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30 minutes ago, scribblet said:

All of the above is true,  no conspiracy theories, 

Okay then, given the above is true let's unpack this claim that our government is intentionally spreading COVID-19 amongst Canadians.

First thing that comes to my mind is to wonder why Ottawa couldn't come up with anything better than a bad flu to do a more thorough job of killing us off more quickly.  Is it becsuse our government is so incompetent it can't even decimate us without cocking things up? That's probably the only explanation I could buy actually.


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3 hours ago, scribblet said:

I agree, but we will see how he responds this afternoon..  new drinking game this afternoon, take a shot everytime Trudeau says: I’m so sorry

Competent Civil Service

To my knowledge

Cabinet confidentiality

It was her responsibility


Not to mention that  Liberal Finance Committee Chair Wayne Easter broke the rules by shutting down a meeting earlier Monday without holding a vote. "The committee Chair cannot adjourn the meeting without the consent of a majority of the members," says House procedure and practice, 2nd edition

CBC says his popularity is dropping.....


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