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Everything posted by ironstone

  1. There was a very important 'poll' on November 5th and Americans selected the person they thought is best suited for the job. Whatever one may think of Trump's first term as president, enough voters decided to give him four more years. And this Nov 5th poll had an extremely large sample size.
  2. I'm of the opinion that gun bans are not so much about protecting the people but more about protecting the government and neutralizing a possible threat to them.
  3. Lauren addressed this recently. It's a fact of life that countries interfere in the affairs of other countries to some degree. Personally I have more concern about the influence of the CCP in Canada rather than Putin. I do subscribe to her channel and love her content. I would urge others to check it out for for themselves.
  4. Here is a rare occasion when Hillary Clinton sounds reasonable.
  5. A tale of two cases. In this other one, a man felt threatened on the subway and stabbed another person to death.
  6. More people collecting, but apparently not enough people paying into the fund to meet projected demand. Looking solely at the trust fund that covers retirement and survivor benefits, Social Security will only be able to afford scheduled payments in full until 2033, roughly the same projection as last year. At that time, the fund’s reserves will be depleted, and continuing income will only cover 79% of benefits owed.
  7. We spend a lot on health care and yet still have long surgery wait times for most people, those lucky enough to have doctors. Not the worst system, but certainly not the best either.
  8. But it seems that Social Security in the US has been on shake ground for some time and historically both parties have been afraid to address that issue. https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/06/politics/social-security-trust-fund-benefits/index.html Social Security and Medicare will not be able to fully pay benefits in just over a decade if lawmakers don’t act to address the pending shortfalls, according to reports released Monday by the entitlement programs’ trustees. While the trust funds’ finances improved slightly, they remain in dire shape.
  9. The long term goal of the Liberals is to disarm the Canadian people. And in the US there are clearly a lot of Democrats that do not support the Second Amendment. Progressive politicians are just doing it in incremental steps.
  10. Ezra Levant wrote a good book about these Human Rights Commissions. They are scary.
  11. This forum wouldn't be that interesting if you guys on the left always agreed with the other side. I'm all for free speech even if I don't agree with a particular opinion. And for the most part, the one's trying to silence dissenting opinions are almost always on the left.
  12. You guys prefer the echo chamber and have no interest in any opposing viewpoints.
  13. Speaking of American justice and the notion that nobody is above the law... A blanket pardon.
  14. Yeah poor Hunter. All those millions flowing into his bank accounts for no real work. I wonder how the Biden family will get it's income now?
  15. This is where I heard about Hillary possibly running again. Could be Chunk Yogurt too😉
  16. I think Liberals and Conservatives can share blame on this issue. Governments of the past and present were always more talk than action when it came to procurement and recruitment.
  17. Who? The Democrats have to decide if they'll keep moving even farther to the left or perhaps a bit back towards the centre( but still far from it). I think Gavin Newsom might be considered a favorite even though he is also far-left and hasn't been good for California. When they picked wacky Tim Walz over Josh Shapiro, it meant they wanted to go farther left. Hillary may even run again.
  18. Guess who's name is being brought up for the Dems in 2028 lol. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/aoc-for-president-in-2028-furious-speculation-sweeps-social-media/ar-AA1v0G45
  19. Trump will look at what benefits the US while Trudeau will insist on gender equality provisions and the like. Our only hope is that Trudeau suffers a resounding defeat in the next election.
  20. Thanks, and best wishes to everyone!
  21. I have zero faith in Justin Trudeau's ability to negotiate anything given his record since 2015. He is not inclined to do what's right, his first instinct is to do what's woke. https://tnc.news/2024/11/26/malcolm-team-canada-approach-trudeaus-fault/
  22. If they are, that would be the exception and not the rule. And it is unacceptable. Why does the left turn a blind eye to the curriculum in Gaza? Why does the left in general turn a blind eye to the poor human rights record of the Arab League?
  23. Never seemed to hurt his earning potential did it?
  24. This is what they are teaching at UNRWA schools. Check out what this obviously well-fed boy is saying. Why on earth do we fund this hatred?
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