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  1. From the time the first story broke about the so-called 'discoveries' so close to Canada Day, I believed and still do that this was a well-timed, well-planned event by activists within FN communities designed solely to grab headlines and with the complicity of the media milk them for all they could. I've read the entire TRC report. These grave sites have been know for decades yet nothing was done about them until now? The media ate this up publishing article after article that only regurgitated what was already in the news. It took FN communities themselves actually admitting that these graves sites were identified long ago to finally quell some of the uproar much to the dissatisfaction of the more extreme activists. First Nations and the media had an opportunity to advance the cause of reconciliation and ignored it in favor of erroneous headlines and outright lies.
  2. Downie is responsible for one of the biggest fabrications about residential schools. The Secret Path is a tissue of lies and he knew it as he was given all the relevant documentation - facts about Chanie. He chose to ignore the truth. Instead he invented a story he felt he could sell and to our shame it did. Of all the children he could have picked that indeed suffered at a residential schools it is still a mystery to me why he picked Chanie and why he lied about how his death actually came about.
  3. Leslyn Lewis is one conservative candidate I would vote for were she in my constituency. I also believe that had she won the party leadership Conservatives would have had a much better chance in the coming election.
  4. Pardon me but I thought there was already a topic covering climate change. But the armchair warriors have no compunction taking over a topic on the fire that destroyed much of Lytton. Not a thought or care about all those affected. Nor a thought to all the others that are currently being evacuated from their homes due to wildfires. Oh what's the point.............carry on with your climate change debate.
  5. For arguments sake, please explain exactly what you mean by integrating to them? You might also explain why immigrants to Canada should have to subsume their individual identities in order to appease a small minority of the population.
  6. I most certainly am totally fed up with media coverage and their blatant use of superlatives, exaggeration and constant repetition. I counted 12 articles in my news feed one day about the grave sites - not one of them had an iota of new news. Not one. In saturating our news with a constant barrage of of these articles it is only natural that people finally get fed up. Instead of fostering sympathy the media coverage is having the exact opposite effect.
  7. "But maybe it is not entirely their fault. If they do not have the knowledge or comprehension on how to deal with garbage, the problem lies with those who produced the items and sold the items to them." I find it very hard to believe that in 2021 the band council of such reserves don't have the knowledge necessary to deal with garbage. I agree that manufacturers should be more responsible for the goods they produce and the packaging especially. I do not agree that with you that they are the sole problem. Personal responsibility for one's own environment must also play a part. "The part of integrating the natives into Canada, I find amusing to say the least. In my view it should be the other way round." The Indigenous population represent less than 5% of the Canadian public which is a mosaic of many different ethnicities. The idea that the majority should be subsumed by the minority is totally unfeasible and thoroughly unreasonable.
  8. Though the outcome was never in doubt, the intellectually challenged but ever self-righteous arbiters of woke aka the democrats chose to waste precious house time, putting aside all other matters of importance including addressing the ever increasing death toll due to the pandemic, the need for a stimulus bill to be passed and every other matter of note in order to hold their petty little trial that turned out to be little more than a theater of the absurd complete with home movies. If this is an example of how democrats will govern America than there is nothing on Earth or in the 'heavens' that can help Americans.
  9. A San Francisco teacher has been ridiculed for her 'performative wokeness' after she claimed that viral Bernie Sanders wearing mittens at President Joe Biden's inauguration was a lesson in 'white privilege and male privilege.' High school teacher Ingrid Seyer-Ochi penned the San Francisco Chronicle op-ed published on Sunday, nearly two weeks after Sanders and his mittens took the internet by storm. In it, she criticized the 79-year-old senator for wrapping up against the cold in his mittens and winter coat, while she claimed that his female colleagues, and especially women of color such as Vice President Kamala Harris, did not have the same opportunity to dress down for such a prestigious event. "Sen. Sanders is no white supremacist insurrectionist. But he manifests privilege, white privilege, male privilege and class privilege, in ways that my students could see and feel,' Seyer-Ochi, who earns six figures working for the San Francisco Unified School District, wrote. Ingrid Seyer-Ochi, a high school teacher in San Franscisco, has received criticism after publishing an op-ed calling Bernie Sanders' mittens a lesson in 'white privilege' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9212253/San-Francisco-teacher-says-Bernie-Sanders-mittens-lesson-white-male-privilege.html
  10. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/abandoned-dreams-of-wind-and-light
  11. Well they are doomed to lose their status as the world's biggest economy once the Chinese take first place. What will happen then is only conjecture. This new regime can do nothing to halt that progress but stand by and watch it happen. "Meanwhile, China’s growth continues. And with every passing year, its weight in key markets increases. For commodities such as oil, it is by far the largest growth market. In 2018, it created a yuan-based futures contract, which amid the gyrations in dollar-priced oil markets in the spring of 2020 proved its worth as a safe haven. In Shanghai, the price of oil never went negative. Meanwhile, foreign investors are ever more attracted to the interest rates on offer on Chinese bonds. Almost 10 percent of China’s sovereign bonds are now foreign-owned. That share will increase as the bonds are included in the main indices. But this is welcome diversification rather than an immediate threat to dollar hegemony." https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/01/15/rise-fall-united-states-financial-empire-dollar-global-currency/?utm_source=pocket-newtab
  12. Well good luck with that. pete. People don't abandon their beliefs simply because a new regime takes over. The fact is that over 70,0000 people voted for the orange man. I doubt all of them were cultists. I also doubt that Biden's agenda is going to do anything to change their minds.
  13. Wishful thinking that Canadians can do anything about who is or is not Pres, pete. It will be most interesting to watch US politics in the next two years before the next Senate elections in 2022. Biden has a tough row to hoe what with the goon squad nipping continuously nipping at his heels, making outrageous demands and attempting to cancel anyone that refuses to march in lock-step. I wish him luck. He will need every bit he can garner.
  14. Final B.C. election count sees NDP win 57 seats, BC Liberals 28, Greens 2 Like I wrote..............not a hope in hell of winning. If I were from TO how would it be possible for me to vote in our provincial election??? sheesh
  15. I'll be at the back of the line with you Betsy. The possible long term effects are still a question in my mind.
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