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August1991 last won the day on November 19 2023

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About August1991

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. https://www.cbc.ca/archives/no-place-for-the-state-in-the-bedrooms-of-the-nation-1.4681298 This link needs subtitles.
  2. The State has no business in the bedrooms of the nation. To me, there's a difference.
  3. Imagine this woman's humiliation. Men are not shamed the same way.
  4. I don't think that you guys -male guys?- quite understand how this works. ===== I recall a Christian guy about to marry a Muslim woman. Endless debates. Parents, Ok. All organised, dress, food. Final minute: No way.
  5. Disagree, Groot We Canadians get along. It's cold here. And to succeed, you have to be Catholic.
  6. Thank God that in Canada, we have such leaders as Laurier, Macdonald, Trudeau Snr. Mulroney, a Catholic - married to a Slav. Leaders who cross lines.
  7. His father destroyed Hama in 1982. ==== Americans bombed Belgrade in 1998. They destroyed bridges across the Danube. BTW, they also destroyed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade. (The Americans claimed that it was a mistake; people were on training. I suspect this claim is true.)
  8. Différent: https://www.ledevoir.com/politique/canada/824911/sont-dit-trump-trudeau-ce-vendredi?
  9. "... bloodthirsty regime... " I suspect that you know nothing of Syria or Lebanon. Or Jordan, Israel, Palestine. Citizen_2015, Have you been to Canada? Quebec? Montreal? Have you spoke to people in Edmonton about people in Quebec?
  10. RB, all women - without exception - prefer a taller guy. Some guys prefer bigger boobs
  11. S.M.L.XL - I understand XXL - I sorta understand. XLT = you got me.
  12. I agree. But the Le Devoir link does not give the name of photographer. I fear that it is AI.
  13. In Korea.Vietnam, Berlin, Cuba, Chile: You Americans defeated the Marxists - people who wanted to change the world. === We are now back to the usual Kissinger/Trudeau Snr/European world of counterweights.
  14. And Pierre Poilievre wants to get ridings in Quebec.
  15. Chicago Black Hawks? Such nationalism, as Trudeau Snr noted, is thin deep. But the language one speaks - for life, it identifies one.
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