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  1. We only have one Planet we can live on, we can't let Russia ruin everything for everyone else. Sticking your head in the sand and going "It's not my problem" is unacceptable because mankind has too much military power. We need to enforce norms to prevent humanity from destroying itself. Not that you actually stick your head in the sand and ignore the issue, you want Russia to win which is so much worse. Do you desire the destruction of life on earth that much? This war isn't about whether or not Russia will conquer Ukraine, it's about whether the norms put in place to prevent the end of the world after world war 2 will survive. But you don't give a shit about the sacrifices made in world war 2 or any of the soldiers who have died since than to protect peace in the world, you just want to see Russia win because you find their success thrilling.
  2. Yes, Russia attacking another nation on the same planet as me with the intent to conquer it threatens every other country on earth, and thus every other citizen of those countries. The only thing stupid about this conversation is your ignorance of the threat an unchecked Russia poses to the planet we live on. Nuclear powers cannot be allowed to wage wars of conquest. Such a war is an existential threat to life on the planet. If they can conquer one country they can conquer more countries. If they are not stopped eventually their aggression cannot be tolerated and a nuclear exchange is inevitable. So they need to be stopped before things get to that point. If that leads to Russia launching nukes to prevent others from stopping it from invading other countries, than Russia was always going to launch nukes it's merely a question of how long until it happens. You don't seem to give a shit if earth is doomed to be destroyed in 20 years as long as there isn't even the slightest chance of it being destroyed this year. For the sake of the world, Russia needs to lose, nothing else will guarantee peace.
  3. This alone should disqualify you from pretending you're here to debate anything. It is not opinion that Nationalist is Pro Russian, it's verifiable, and has been verified, to you no less. The post Nationalist made literally two posts before the post I'm quoting alone is all the proof anyone needs to understand that Nationalist is Pro Russian. So it is either willful ignorance on your part, or your motives are malicious, either one disqualifies you from being taken seriously. If you aren't going to debate in good faith you don't deserve anyone to debate with you.
  4. This is the most pathetic comment I have ever seen from someone who claims to understand the reality of what they're talking about. Does Russia pay you to spread their propaganda or are you a willing tool?
  5. Which isn't possible as long as Russia is not convinced to stop being a rogue state, but you have shown 0 support for any kind of action that could force Russia to start playing by the rules put in place to allow Peace to exist. Russia winning in Ukraine doesn't bring peace, it brings war. But you're completely ignorant of the geopolitical ramifications of a Russian Victory and have no understanding of the relationship between the Ukraine situation and the rest of the world. You might toot your own horn about how well you understand the reality of the conflict, but you don't understand the reality of the conflict.
  6. The problem with you, is you look at this war and you go "It's Nato's fault", and that basically becomes your sole issue of focus to the point nothing else really matters to you and you spend almost every post you make blaming NATO for things. Tone is hard to tell over the internet, so maybe it's just extreme disappointment rather than dislike for NATO, but the effect of your actions is you basically work in favour of Russia because of your constant destructive criticism of NATO, whether you intend to or not. And you're also weirdly defensive of Nationalist, who has a freakish hard on for his fantasized Russian Victory. Neither of these things make you come across as pro Ukraine.
  7. I don't know if you're a Russian cheerleader explicitly, but you definitely like Russia more than you like NATO. Maybe Russia isn't your favourite thing ever, but to approve of Russia's actions more than NATO's actions in regards to Ukraine shows a fundamental lack of moral character to the point you are a Russian Cheerleader in practice if not intent. NATO is not at war with Russia, they are under no obligation to send support to Ukraine, any support Ukraine receives from NATO is purely discretionary on the part of NATO's member states. To make the Ukraine war about NATO at all shows your state of mind is Anti-NATO in the first place. Personally I would like for every other country on the planet to provide their full support to Ukraine driving out Russia, but I'm not going to rant against countries for being less supportive than they could be when they have no treaties mandating they aid Ukraine. This was a one sided act of aggression on the part of the Russian state, and Russia alone bears the full responsibility for all consequences of Russia's actions, not Nato or anyone else. Anyone who desires peace in the world will want Russia to come out of this war with no officially recognized territorial concessions. Perhaps such people could accept a ceasefire with unrecognized illegal occupation of Ukranian territory, but if you think Russia should be allowed to lawfully annex territory for Peace, you don't want Peace, you want interbellum.
  8. Don't quote me if you're not responding to the content of my post. You talking to yourself is kind of creepy and doesn't really add anything to this discussion either, but it's extra creepy when you direct your monologue towards other people.
  9. Like, I'm not saying your prediction isn't a possible outcome of this war, but you are incredibly biased. You have this smug sense of superiority that you know exactly how this war is going to end, and you interpret everything you see in the most supportive way for your viewpoint you can even if you have to make shit up to do so. The simple fact of the matter is, the article you linked does not support your viewpoint beyond the simple fact that the President of Ukraine is considering a negotiated peace, although it preconditioned that negotiated peace on Ukraine being in a position of strength that would allow it to get want it wants in the peace settlement, which is not at all supportive of your beliefs. Now, your fantasy is that it's just Zelensky making efforts to make "Russia's inevitable Victory" more acceptable to the world, but regardless of whether that is the truth or not, the article does not say that and that belief that it's the true meaning of the article is entirely in your head with no evidence in reality. So you yourself are the most explicit example of someone who "cannot see the trees for your desires." You lack the capability to be unbiased, and your conviction that you are correct is so strong as to make you seem insane. TLDR: The article does not support your beliefs, and you're crazy for being certain it does.
  10. What the hell does any of this have to do with your insane belief that the President of Ukraine is planning to surrender the occupied land to Russia soon, or the article you linked's supposed support for your fantastical position?
  11. Than you are completely misrepresenting that article. It does not support your claims at all.
  12. Ok, so you agree that Ukraine will Force Russia to accept peace and withdraw from Ukraine if Ukraine is given more support like that article is talking about? Because if you'd read it, you'd know that's what it says.
  13. The problem is "What's best for his/her nation" is subjective, so nationalists are inherently destructive because no nation can universally agree on anything subjective, and since Nationalism is an extreme ideology, they want what's best and if they have to oppress dissenters to achieve "what's best" for their nation that's what they'll do.
  14. I think you're getting Patriots and Nationalists confused. Nationalists don't give 2 shits about their countries values, they want their country to be the best, and they want the power to shape it to their desires. That desire for power means they admire people like Putin who have that power over their own countries, and see him as worthy of emulation, and anything that challenges Putin's perceived success is a direct assault on their power fantasy worldview.
  15. Seems the Kursk Operation has succeeded. Thousands of Troops have been withdrawn from occupied Ukraine to respond.
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