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  1. My opinion is that you're a fever swamp conspiracy loon and there isn't an ounce of truth, reason or evidence to any of what you say here. Thanks for asking.
    3 points
  2. I don't need to as there's no square. You're using Republican talking points that cherry-picked incidents of little relevance. A few FBI agents didn't like Trump. They texted each other. And then they did... nothing about it. The FBI were contacted by a foreign government about possible Russian involvement with people on Trump's campaign. They HAD to open an investigation on that. A few of the people on the large team were unhappy no charges were laid. The rest - were not. And no the FBI did not break 'the law'. That's what Trump did.
    2 points
  3. As a Law and order Conservative, I've always been a strong supporter of law enforcement agencies - as has the Republican Party over the entire history of my life until Trump became president and it continued to try to enforce the law, even against him and other Republicans, who he felt should be immune. The FBI is a notoriously conservative agency known for the similarity of the dress style, hair style and attitude of its agents even today, after they've been forced, kicking and screaming, into letting in minorities and women. It has long been a known fact that the great majority of its agents and employees are Republicans. The current head of the FBI, Chris Wray, is a registered Republican appointed by Donald Trump to replace the previous FBI head who was also a registered Republican. Donald Trump's victory in 2016 was in part ascribed to Comey's decision just before the election to reopen the Clinton case because of new emails found on an employee's computer. This precipitated a fresh wave of "Clinton scandal" stories, which, in a razor tight campaign, could easily have cost her the election.
    2 points
  4. Some people are more ok with it than others. Especially with regards to some groups. There is also a trend in canada that human rights violations are perfectly fine as long as we don't like the group being violated
    2 points
  5. Turns out, the way a woman dresses and the way she looks does not justify rape. Luckily for you, her lawyer isn’t interested in suing you for defamation, cause the only asset you’ve got is that broken down pickup truck and the trailer home you live in.
    2 points
  6. The Jews have always been a kind of canary in the coal mine as far as freedom is concerned. If they're not free to live and go about their business and act in a lawful manner then the rest of us need to start looking over our shoulders. And they're not. Canada has freely imported millions of people from places where the general cultural and religious sentiment is hatred of Jews without doing the slightest to screen them. And we're just starting now to see them flex their muscles, and with a government which is notorious for always catering to votes not principles. There are now six times more Muslims than Jews in Canada, and that number is rapidly growing. And so their flexing is being allowed, accepted, and tolerated by generally liberal governments (including locally) who have long suffered from the bigotry of low expectations. Meanwhile, immigration continues, grows, with no screening to weed out extremists of any variety. Millions are coming, and already the government is catering to them, and trying to bring in laws to restrict freedom. It does not care about churches being burned or synagogues shot at but by God if you dare to criticize Islam online they will do their best to punish you. Antisemitic acts have been occurring in Canada in ever-increasing volume since the Oct. 7 massacre of 1,200 Israelis by Hamas terrorists, and the kidnapping of 250 more. In the weeks that followed Israel’s military response to those crimes, a Jewish school in Montreal was twice fired upon, leaving two bullet holes. A Jewish delicatessen in Toronto was fire-bombed. An Indigo bookstore in Toronto was vandalized, because the chain’s founder is Jewish. Protesters in Toronto, Montreal and elsewhere opposed to the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza have targetted Jewish neighbourhoods, synagogues and businesses. Homes have been vandalized with antisemitic images and words. https://archive.is/CNrIh
    1 point
  7. 1. Man-made CO2 is 0.1% to 0.2% of the total atmospheric greenhouse gases. 2. The fossil CO2 emissions of several countries in percentages of all fossil emissions for all countries for 2022 is: Canada 1.511% Australia 1.021% Brazil 1.212% China 32.884% Japan 2.810 % U.S. 12.600% India 6.991% Russia 4.956% --- List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions - Wikipedia The total fossil emissions are so minute it is extremely unlikely in my opinion that this has an affect on climate change. It appears that 99.8 or 99.9% of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are natural. This is according to information on wikipedia. China's emissions are 32.884% of total man-made CO2 emissions. So no matter what Canada does it will make no difference to the total fossil emissions in the world because Canada's emissions are only 1.511% of the world's fossil emissions. That should be obvious to any reasonable person who looks at these figures.
    1 point
  8. We're constantly propagandized about the professionalism and exceptionalism of the FBI in Hollywood and TV, institutions largely controlled by the Dems, while local PD's are denigrated, ridiculed and demeaned at every opportunity. Meanwhile the FBI works almost exclusively for the Dems. They ran a 3-yr show trial against the Dems' opposition, then ran interference on the Hunter laptop story before the last election. The FBI even tried to force false confessions from people they indicted for non-collusion-related crimes during their collusion witch hunt. Does it seem like the Dems are trying to pave the way for Americans to accept the demise of local PD's in favour of a one-party police force for all? Even if the Dems can just manage to mandate the FBI as the sole recruitment/training/promoting agency for local PD's, they can basically control them all at some point down the road. The Dems control the MSM, they control all of social media aside from Musk's X, they tried to take control of the SC by adding 4 of their own justices, and they have complete control of the FBI. Everything that the Dems are doing - from "defund police" to inciting riots based on false accusations against local police officers - seems to be geared towards getting rid of local PD's and going with a federal farce. Opinions?
    1 point
  9. No, it's caused by man. Don't post things until you learn how to learn things. Bibles and anonymous Facebook posts and videos aren't sources for thinking people, they are sources for people who want to double down on their ignorance.
    1 point
  10. So, why do ordinary passenger planes leave a moisture trail behind that disappears very quickly soon after the passenger plane emits their vapor trail? Compare that to the chemtrails that are sprayed and left behind for hours after they have sprayed their chemicals into the atmosphere? Why is that? Either you know what those chem trails are all about, when you have said that you have flown one of those chemtrail planes or you are just plain stoopid, and will believe that it was all just normal and not harmful to the environment or people? Come on, which is it? 😇
    1 point
  11. You really are an id-ot. I worked on and flew those aircraft for over 30 years. Vapour trails are caused by moisture condensing as moist warm air leaves the engines and hits the -55 degree outside temperature. They will last as long as it takes for the upper level winds to disperse them. The same would apply to your mythical chem trails.
    1 point
  12. I actually think PP will be voted in and be Prime Minister. Trudeau's actions have alienated him even from his own party. It is too late for him to step down down and get a new leader and campaign so the liberals will have to accept the defeat and then pick a new leader. I think that Jagmeet has killed his party even in traditional NDP land like BC. Oh and do I ever love the Lee Brothers comment. Can I use it?? LOL
    1 point
  13. Political theater for PR. PP didn't even show up to the debate and vote because he knew it wouldn't pass
    1 point
  14. Who's the mor0n? The id1ot who thinks it's going up 17¢ April 1 in spite of being told its going up 3.5¢ to 17¢ hundreds of times. A buck & a half more per tank is gonna bankrupt you, eh?
    1 point
  15. You're like a volcano of bullshit. Lol "The Dems" did not try to add seats to the SCOTUS. A few people might have wanted to balance this crazy court, but there was no popular support, no legislation up for a vote, no executive support from the Biden administration. It's not demonstrably true. It's demonstrably false. Yet you keep repeating it. Because lying is your only recourse.
    1 point
  16. What can one expect from someone like MH who thinks that Trudeau and Singh are wonderful mor0ns, i mean people kind. LOL..
    1 point
  17. The fbi opened an investigation based on the steel dossier that later investigations agreed they never should have had they followed standard proceedure. FBI agents texts indidated they were extremely upset at the idea of trump becoming president and were prepared to take action to prevent it as the FBI. The texts certainly suggest that they weren't the only two who felt that way. The fbi literally broke the law pursuing trump, and rode the edge of that numerous times. Even the FBI agents involved were shocked when comey said there'd be no charges against Clinton. (maybe that's why he didnt' cover up a second time - starting to look a little too obvious). So how do you circle that square?
    1 point
  18. The voting Canadian public became more aware of the Jughead & Justin Selfish Sideshow . . . Pierre Polievre won big-time.
    1 point
  19. Yes, bigots come in all political shades and stripes. But the small number of far right people in Canada who hate Jews has been a minor thing for a long time. What has risen in the last few decades and particularly of late are two things. 1. The number of Muslims coming here from countries where antisemitism is the accepted and widespread cultural norm. Coming here with no screening, I might add, and no suggestion by the Canadian elites that they should change their culture and adopt Canadian values. 2. The rise of a simplistic 'oppressor/victim' belief system among the Left which automatically ascribes malice and evil to whomever is termed the oppressor, and complete innocence and lack of agency to the victim. Jews have been assigned to the 'white' category, and are thus part of the 'oppressors' despite a history of being the victims of hate. This is largely because they do well economically here. And as the Jewish community has a lot of support for Israel, which the Left has demonized as an evil Capitalist colony supported by the evil West, and as it's fighting 'brown people' then anyone who supports Israel is evil too by default. Therefore, Jews are evil. Hatred against them is therefore entirely proper and the concern for incidents against them is about what it is for the scores of churches set on fire. There is a general view from many elements of the Left that they deserve it anyway.
    1 point
  20. holy crap - you didn't just trigger the lefties - they're in full on machine gun mode Here's the thing. The 'left' wing has evolved into something very socialistic and authoritarian. That's where they are these days. Where many decades ago the left was all about freedoms and choice and free speech, they're now all about "cancel" and laws to enforce 'preferred pronouns' and censorship. Any such group will ALWAYS seek to vest power in a central authority - they cannot effectively rule without that. We see it in the states- we see it in canada. So when you say there's an effort on the left's part to remove power from local authorities and vest it federally, of COURSE there is. And it doesn't matter if we're talking police, or medical practices, or law, or anything. They're just not happy about you knowing about it Which is why the lefties here chose to freak out at you rather than discuss it rationally. At the end of the day it's probably not really a specific plan regarding police - they want ALL power taken and vested in a centtral authority period, as much as they can get away with it. Police are just one element.
    1 point
  21. We opened up a restaurant, and just invested heavily in CCTV cameras. If someone stole from me, would be petty enough to press charges even if its 20$. I would send a strong message through it. I will gladly ruin your life with a jail record, and won't hesitate to use every legal lever to do so. If that fails, will post your footage dining and dashing on our Facebook and YouTube and humiliate you into paying or at least in getting a name we can lay those charges into. I have seen barber shops do this, successfully. Nothing like public shaming to get someone to pay. All else fails, we do what most gas stations do, and you prepay for your food. I have zero sympathy for people like this. Most homeless people I have seen will ask you for food. For water. There is a level of entitlement behind going to get fine dining food, and not only feeling entitled to it, but entitled to it for free, robbing staff and the owners at large who rely on that revenue, without a care. The level of narssissism to me, warrants heavy handed consequences to be brutally handed down to such a person.
    1 point
  22. What these crooks don't care for, is ironically they often portray themselves as victims being forced to steal, but that in doing so--cost more to those who unfortunately happen to be honest.
    1 point
  23. 100%. If Trudeau can successfully reduce the cost of living and push through this tax, heck even I would vote for him. Reality however, points to the costs of things increasing further. If it's the latter, Canadians will speak on their displeasure about it at the polls. There will be reminders about who prioritized increasing an already existing tax, vs fix the financial reality Canadians are facing.
    1 point
  24. In a week’s time the cost of fuel will be more than double what Americans pay. People won’t forget what this government did to its people to “save the planet” and keep us “safe.” What a total disaster. Revolutions happen over this kind of fleecing.
    1 point
  25. So many ^errors, so little time. You don't even know that as the most popular cable "news" channel, your beloved FOS LIES is MAINSTREAM MEDIA. But we can understand why YOU'D believe they are not.
    1 point
  26. It's always been on video, dummy. A half dozen bystanders were filming the murder. That's why he was charged in the first place. You can hear bystanders calling out for mercy because the man isn't even resisting. You can hear people calling out that Chauvin was killing him. You can hear the other officers asking is they should move Floyd to recovery (because he stopped resisting). Chauvin kept kneeling long after Floyd was dead. Again, the timing of the "leaked" bodycam footage (completely damning) is in no way aligned to the end of the "riots." You are peddling lies. And the plea deal is what it is because the facts were already established and Chauvin was already convicted by the state. Again, it's on video for all to see. Chauvin just admitted what we could all see for ourselves. Despite what people like you think, skin color is not a measure of the value of a human being. Nobody in the US is even the least bit concerned with your conspiracy bullshit. You are Canada's problem and embarrassment.
    1 point
  27. You'll get your answer when you can prove that you have the ability to understand. You asked a stupid question, and you don't understand how stupid that question was. When you ask stupid questions that shows you have zero insight. Now, try again: Try to explain the difference between LEGAL & ILLEGAL.
    1 point
  28. Typical ass backwards troll. Lie. lie. lie even if it's so wrong a two your old can spot it. You like a typical GOP are insanely jealous cuz Clinton got a blow job (w consent) and you never have. Like a typical MAGA misogynist Trump was not only found liable for it and defined a rapist by a Judge, that's just not good enough for you, you're a redneck plough-boy that knows better than a Judge & jury. Thar you continue to defend the indefensible fraudulent sack of shit in spite of all evidence, you have as much credibility as a rock.
    1 point
  29. I predict the noise will get a lot loader (and broader in spectrum) assuming we stay the course on JT's plan to achieve emissions below 40% of 2005 values in less than 6 years. I don't think Canadians are tuned into the enormity of the effort here. The discussions around the carbon tax seem to be occurring in isolation, as if that's the only thing required from us when it actually appears to be the tip of a looming iceberg. The government itself is unsure of the total carbon mitigation this tax will have by 2030. Their best guess is that it will account for about 30% of the total, I'd call that pretty optimistic based on our current performance; independent estimates put it closer to 10%. But lets assume for the moment that they're right. If true, we better brace for incoming because it means that 66% of the total reductions will be coming from other sources. I'm not sure what those are but I'm pretty sure that the cost to consumers and disruption to the economy will be huge. I'm wondering how the economic effects of that won't make the current pain seem like the "good old days" when viewed through the lens of tomorrow. Barring a breakthrough in technology, how will this work? Were will the real meat in the carbon mitigation sandwich come from. People tend to talk about this euphemistically and in terms of "sectors." If we isolate but one of them for the sake of brevity, It seems (to me) that each and every raid on our energy sector is going to be nothing more than a gift to foreign producers. The real issue here is the pain for gain ratio. If Canada only produces 1.8% of world's carbon and our land mass scrubs all of that and more, how much pain are you, we and us collectively willing to endure in an effort to lower it further? Personally, I think we have only begone to whine... wait until we start shivering.
    1 point
  30. Your facebook post it bogus. A: It maintains all greenhouse gasses are the same when they are anything but. The three main human generated green house gases are CO2 methane and nitrous oxide. Methane is 80 times more potent than CO2 and nitrous oxide is 300 times more potent B: It ignores the impact of warming due to human generated gases have on the amount of water vapour in the air. Water vapour is limited by air temperature and when the air cools it condenses and returns to the surface. The other green house gases accumulate over years and remain in the atmosphere for years or decades. I posted the MIT link on water vapour as a greenhouse gas, maybe should read all of it instead of just cherry picking. 😄 It is a simplistic post trying to justify something he doesn't understand and you glom onto it because it tells you what you want to believe.
    1 point
  31. You are shameless. What you say is patiently false. It's on video. Literally anyone can watch it. You think people don't know your lying? Jeebus. Chauvin's admission in plea: The defendant also knew there was no legal justification to continue his use of force because he was aware that Mr. Floyd not only stopped resisting, but also stopped talking, stopped moving, stopped breathing, and lost consciousness and a pulse. The defendant chose to continue applying force even though he knew Mr. Floyd's condition progressively worsened. The defendant also heard Mr. Floyd repeatedly explain that he could not breathe, was in pain, and wanted help. Likewise, the defendant knew that what he was doing was wrong-{hat continued force was no longer appropriate and that it posed significant risks to Mr. Floyd's life based on what he observed and heard about Mr. Floyd. The defendant was aware that civilian bystanders repeatedly asked him to check for a pulse, stated that Mr. Floyd was unresponsive and not breathing, and asked him to get off of Mr. Floyd. The defendant also heard Officer Kueng, who checked Mr. Floyd at least twice for a pulse, twice say that he could not find one. ^^You weaving your web of lies won't change the facts on video, or the facts to which Chauvin and witnesses and other defendants all agree. It won't change that Chauvin it's a murderer who will rot in prison for his crimes. Once again we have you lying about things that we can do see in video, and that all contemporaneous witnesses confirm. But our resident pathological liar will claim night is day and the sky is green. Gross.
    1 point
  32. During the last election I recall there being a surprising (to me) level of support for the carbon tax. Just for fun I looked up a few news articles, depending on who you believe it ran at 65 - 75% support for the policy. The exact percentage doesn't matter really, the point is there was majority support and voters are now getting exactly what they voted for. As an aside here, one of the reasons I joined the forum is that I find myself in a constant state of astonishment and perplexity. On any number of current issues I'm barely able to suppress the urge to scream "what did you think was going to happen?" I foolishly hoped that a broader range of opinion and experience might convince me that I was being overly pessimistic, but alas, if anything my astonishment grows. For me, applying simple soldier logic to most of this stuff always comes back to "what did you think was going to happen?" - defund police, make bail easy, remove mandatory minimums... surprise, crime increases. - Mass withdrawal from Afghanistan leaving behind a treasure trove of equipment... surprise, the ANA collapses in two minutes and ISIS regains a foothold. - support an unhinged level of immigration in the complete absence of the most basic plan to increase critical infrastructure.... well, surprise. I could go on at some length but I won't. Each act of absurdity if looked at individually is, or might be, managed and compensated for on its own. But mixing them all together simultaneously is like mixing household chemicals in the bathtub, closing the door and lighting scented candles to mask the smell of chlorine without a single thought given to grade 9 chemistry. So, are people simply not paying attention or were they honestly expecting a different outcome? If it's the latter, I fear we are doomed. If the former, maybe experiencing some hard times is just what we need to get back on track and 8 years of JT is a valuable lesson for all. Hopefully the sort of lesson that lasts us about two generations as I have no desire to repeat any of it anytime soon.
    1 point
  33. 1. The Peel Commission proposal was in 1937, which was 87 years ago. So yeah, past century works. 2. That's factually incorrect. 3. And you want a people filled with terrorists and governed by a literal terrorist organization (Hamas) that was democratically elected and that has launched non-stop terrorist attacks targeting civilians every few weeks for the past 20 years to have the right to have a full fledged military and able to import weapons and the freedom to travel to Iran etc for training in order to launch more deadly terrorist attacks in their genocidal aim to rid the peninsula of Jews/Israel? Sounds like a peace plan to me! 4. People who elect terrorists as their government, chant "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!", and are constantly attacking Jewish civilians indiscriminately because they are genocidal religious nutters aren't interesting in a 2-state solution and don't deserve respect or autonomy. There is no 2-state solution possible when 1 party isn't interested in that and NEVER has been. If Palestinians want a 2-state solution then they should start behaving and speaking like they want it.
    1 point
  34. It's true. He's Genuinely stupid. No playing involved And yet another leftie who's ashamed of what he is. Yawn. He means the kind of losers who are so self deluded that they think posting pictures from their ass porn collection is a good argument. You know - woke
    1 point
  35. You, herbie, and your ilk are what Trudeau, Jughead, and their ilk need for fuel . . . you're dupes.
    1 point
  36. lol it won't pass this whole 23% line is misleading also gas is gonna go up 3.3cents but the cons won't tell you that part 23% sounds better for the uneducated who think gas is gonna sour.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. At least the CEO is telling it like it is. A rare commodity these days. Personally, i believe that EV vehicles will soon go the way of the dodo bird. They may be okay for city driving, but not for the highway. An EV owner has to constantly worry about where they will get there next EV charge when they decide to go on long haul trips. Just saying.
    1 point
  39. Fines up to 20,000 bucks. And they get to decide what's 'hate' or not. The authoritarian left will love it, but its pretty horrible.
    1 point
  40. I think it could have been broken up into different parts. The sexual assault, revenge porn etc stuff I doubt anyone would disagree with. The free speech and the criminalization of "hate speech" (whatever it means) is something that I think deserves more debate and clarification.
    1 point
  41. Yeah, well they are going to try and shove it down our throats through false flag emergency events, economic turmoil and the like. The Digital currencies are all cued up.
    1 point
  42. Maybe you should ask the WEF great reset globalist elite as to why they keep spraying those chemtrails around the world almost every day? Maybe climate change could be due to those chemicals that they are spraying in the atmosphere. And all those chemicals cannot be all that good for we the people. When those chemicals fall to the ground, we all end up breathing in those chemicals. Hmmm, nothing like a little dose of asbestos every day for your lungs to breathe in. 😇
    0 points
  43. Won what?? 2 minutes of camera time?? The carbon tax will go up in a week...so, who won???
    0 points
  44. We give Israel does all those things and get lots of foreign aid and the unquestioning fealty of people like you sooo.....
    -1 points
  45. Biden is a hypocrite as the Russians and Chinese say, if he really wants a ceasefire in Gaza he just has to stop giving bombs and billions to Israel and stop protecting this people corrupted by evil. He must be tried for his complicity in the genocide and Trudeau for that matter
    -1 points
  46. Here is an illustration of Brian Mulroney's life: Luke 16 Jesus told his disciples: “There was a rich man whose manager was accused of wasting his possessions. 2 So he called him in and asked him, ‘What is this I hear about you? Give an account of your management, because you cannot be manager any longer.’ 3 “The manager said to himself, ‘What shall I do now? My master is taking away my job. I’m not strong enough to dig, and I’m ashamed to beg— 4 I know what I’ll do so that, when I lose my job here, people will welcome me into their houses.’ 5 “So he called in each one of his master’s debtors. He asked the first, ‘How much do you owe my master?’ 6 “‘Nine hundred gallons[a] of olive oil,’ he replied. “The manager told him, ‘Take your bill, sit down quickly, and make it four hundred and fifty.’ 7 “Then he asked the second, ‘And how much do you owe?’ “‘A thousand bushels[b] of wheat,’ he replied. “He told him, ‘Take your bill and make it eight hundred.’ 8 “The master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly. For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light. 9 I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings. 10 “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. 11 So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? 12 And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own? 13 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”
    -1 points
  47. Would you not vote against a government when the Liberal party that represents a minority of the public starts implementing legislation that destroys the economy, our security and demographic balance with unpopular and poorly conceived dictates.
    -1 points
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