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  1. A guy who borrows 40 billions from rich is not left wing, this is not socialism, socialism don't borrow money, they take money from richers to pay for services to the population.
  2. If tax are high it is because of right wing governments like Harper and Trudeau don't care to borrow billions from rich and we got to reimburse that. And second, Jesus changed the rules of the old testament because they were coming from the devil.
  3. The true law is to treat others as yourself and others laws come from this law and as rich don't share with poor they don't treat others as themself then we got to take their surplus they stole to people. Take from rich is not theft it is just give back to people the money they stole.
  4. Do you think Satan would share his wealth with poor? No, Satan is a right wing capitalist and you don't have freedom if you have nothing to eat which is exactly what would happen if there would be no socialism.
  5. I was catet in the canadian army and all they were saying to motivate soldiers is that russian were an ennemy, and now they found another ennemy the so called terrorist but they were wrong terrorists are vigilentes.
  6. Your attitude is a sign of weakness in the face of what astral rot is putting in your head, especially the Canadian military.
  7. The elected representatives of the most corrupt country in the world voted to send $60 billion worth of weapons to Ukraine and Israel, a sign that it is the arms lobbies that are running the US government and the end of the world is approaching.
  8. They were in conflict with the palestinians and now they are in conflict with Iran can't you see that what they are doing is wrong?
  9. Crimes committed outside Israel don't justify crimes committed by israelis, the reasons why Israel has problem with their neighbours is because they commit crimes all the time and it is too late now to save their country because they killed too many palestinians, they have now to leave Israel.
  10. They do it the wrong way and you can see the genocide of palestinians on TV
  11. A big problem is that the world is made of too many stupid people like you. What they do won't bring peace to Israel but only wars.
  12. Do you have links to support that and does it justifiy the genocide of palestinians?
  13. Radio-Canada, as it is wont to lie, called the budget, which has a deficit of $40 billion, a left-wing budget. What kind of left is going to borrow $40 billion from those who put their profits in tax havens? Radio Canada is the most deceitful media outlet in Canada. We must be wary of misinformation in the media. The true left starts by collecting the billions that are placed in tax havens and you don't have a deficit. This is a right-wing budget.
  14. Revelation 17.12 “The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. 13 They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. 14 They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.” The 10 kings are leaders of NATO, the Lamb is the palestinian people, Israel is the prostitute of the beast. YHVH is the beast.
  15. Pierre Poilievre, your friend, is the servant of the beast and will he be one of the king of NATO describe in the revelation
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