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  1. Oh! Such wit! Such sagacity!! We're caught in the grip of your unassailable logic!!! LOL - it's like someone putting a 'kick me' sign on themselves
  2. Well that's what a woke loser who's realized she's wrong and can't refute the facts but is bitter about it would say Like i said, we do enjoy parading your ignorance around for amusement You really should stop by the forum more.
  3. LOL sure kid, you're (snif!) crying (sob!) because you're so happy (waaaaah!!!!) LOLOLOL Here's a hint kid - people who are laughing dont' stay up all night obsessing over someone else and they don't spend countless hours digging up memes to post to that person they're "So happy" about, and they don't cry when that person doesn't pay enough attention to them. And they don't think they're having a conversation when the other person just points and laughs at them all the time You notice how i don't do any of that stuff with you? That's because i really am laughing Your tears are tears, and frankly if i were you i'd be crying too so i get it 🍿🍿🍿(munch munch)🍿🍿🍿
  4. In a case which was faked to begin with and is likely about to be thrown out by the appeal, and even the judge acknowledges that Hillary is STILL TO THIS DAY out there saying trump stole her election They've already had to refile that one once because it didnt' stand up. You mean like biden admired china? Like every single democrat. No, these are lies that you frequently Spam The Forum with because you are a small little communist of a man who hasn't even got the balls to directly address people when he has a problem with them. You're a hypocrite and a fraud. You have no problems with dems doing all of those things as well because they're closer to your commie agenda. You rail against putin and then talk just as he would. You complain about spam and then spam the forum daily.
  5. I doubt it'll come to military patrols of the streets (soldiers, In our streets, we're not making this up LOL) but at some point various "security" groups will clash. The jewish people will have their security groups, safe bet the palestinians will respond with their own 'gang' of security, others may well look to protect their own kids, it'll be a matter of time till there's a clash and violence. And where does that stop?
  6. Yeah - that's not what 'stacking' is LOLOLOL sorry kid Trump appointed two supreme court justices, but he doesn't control them, they don't do what they're told, no stacking occurred. Stacking is what the dems have been threatening to do, where you appoint additional positions so that you can flood the court with people that you think will support you in excess of what normally would be allocated for political purposes. However the decision has already been reached by the courts. That's not a "might happen", that's an "already happened". The courts have ruled that a president cannot be tried by a court for exercising powers etc and it follows that you cannot be tried indirectly either which is what the new york case did. Remember the new york case was ONLY a felony if the jurors BELIEVED that it happened to support a DIFFERENT felony. Well if that different felony doesn't exist for the president then it all goes out the window. There are other grounds for appeal but that one's probably enough to get it done. and if they determine that somehow those other unproven felonies would not have fallen under his presidential protection then he can pardon himself and achieve the same thing,
  7. But they came to a different conclusion than you said. Not one of them concluded this was prevelant in republicans. In fact - this study would seem to suggest you were wrong. The ‘Global Closet’ is Huge—Vast Majority of World’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Population Hide Orientation, YSPH Study Finds < Yale School of Medicine So unless you're saying that about 90 percent of all people are republicans.... And if you're claiming that most people who are gay or lesbians are democrats then most of those in the closet must be as well Ooopsie - looks like you were wrong Ain't that a hoot?
  8. LOL - that sounds pretty legit Still crying out for attention are you And back up to four memes. Wow - pretty bad. Hang in there little guy - I promise it'll get better after puberty for you!! 🍿🍿🍿(munch munch)🍿🍿🍿
  9. Sure, the only two times that exist in history for black people is slavery or this moment LOLOL You are such a dumbass America was great when they threw off slavery and ended it. That was a great achievement. America was great when they passed the civil rights acts of the 60's. They saw an injustice and they worked hard to right it and pave the way for a brighter future. America was great when they put an end to segregation (which some blacks want back for some reason today but whatever). America was great when rosa parks stood up and said "no". American was great when King gave his "I have a dream" speech American history is FULL of times when america was great for black people. It was never perfect, it is not perfect now, for whites, blacks, browns, or checkered. But it has ALWAYS made great leaps and bounds and it has always done amazing things to bring about change. Now it's all about arguing where men are allowed to pee. Nothing great about that. But - they can be great again. They can do more, built more, improve, make huge steps, go to the moon and do these other things NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE EASY, BUT BECAUSE THEY ARE HARD. American has been one great achievement after another. In a few hundred years it has progressed more than most societies do in a thousand. It is truly incredible. That is a legacy to be proud of, ESPECIALLY if you're black.
  10. Dude that is completely childish. Aside from the fact that is blatantly untrue it is a very weak logical argument that basically you came up with to give you the freedom to discount anything he says by simply saying oh he's lying probably and what I think he will do is more valid When he was in power federally did he move to bad abortions? No. Did he support moving the issue to the states? Yes he absolutely did. Has he said he would do anything else? No. everything else is in your imagination and honestly it's just deeply dishonest to present that as some sort of logical fact. Trump has done what trump is going to do on abortion. The state issue now and that's where it's going to stay. It is if you mush it up enough. Apparently.
  11. Great! who were you again? Rustad hasn't been in power .... you're saying the ndp left it that way? Well one more reason to vote them out of power i guess. Thanks to regional taxes in your area. We have a more conservative local gov't in the lower mainland Rustead wants to reduce gas taxes. One more reason to vote out the ndp. Yeah, the ndp have left our health care system pretty effed up after 10 years in power. one more reason to vote them out. (maybe we shouldn't have fired those 2500 workers during covid?) But we've been paying our carbon tax for SIXTEEN YEARS now!!!!! I guess all that money was pointless and it didn't work. One more reason to vote the ndp out. Uhhhhh.. riiiiiggght. those are all in his policy documents i think right? it is amazing that you are so stunningly stupid that you do not realize that literally every single thing you said was under NDP control and the fact that it's as bad as you say are all reasons to get rid of the NDP. Did you not know how government worked? What kind of !diot says things are really terrible we should keep the same people in power? Well there you go folks, vote woke go broke. Time for a change in government
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