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  1. AC is a WELL KNOWN LIAR about Democrats. AKA NO CREDIBILITY. She writes for NAIVE right wingers like YOU.
  2. It's there in MY POST. Duh IRRELEVANT, and I won't tell you AGAIN.
  3. STILL NOTHING about them being admitted. Duh Why don't you detail the "full context"? I already told you the rest of what he said is IRRELEVANT to what he told the PB. They WERE encountered. That is NOT saying they were ADMITTED.
  4. IF conceding is not a big deal, then WHY didn't Trump DO IT? The FACT is, what Trump is STILL doing is a much bigger deal than Hillary questioning whether his "win" was legitimate. Of course, anyone with a brain knows it wasn't, and you would too, if Trump hadn't neutered the FEC so they couldn't investigate violations, right after he took office.
  5. Did you read this thread? I already posted the other videos in which Vance said he wants to install a "CEO" dictatorship. Duh I understand there's a LOT of material there and you're just too lazy to learn from it.
  6. No, that is YOUR SCHTICK. I don't see Vance disagreeing with ANYTHING said by "soy-boy." Duh But just totally ignore Vance's allegiance to Curtis Yarvin's fascist dictator ideologies. I have provide cures for your IGNORANCE, but I can't make you think. LMAO
  7. Your cited quote doesn't say they were ADMITTED. Duh Of course anyone intelligent will understand that anything with Gym Jordan's name on it in an election year is a LIE.
  8. What "seems" to you is just your USUAL delusions.
  9. You're LYING IF you're trying to CLAIM that is the whole amount of the aid being spent. Biden-Harris Administration Provides More Than $20 Million to Hurricane Helene Survivors, Ongoing Search and Rescue Operations Continue in North Carolina AKA, more to come. Duh
  10. Where JD Vance gets his weird terrifying techno authoritarian ideas: Where J.D. Vance Gets His Weird, Terrifying Techno- ... The New Republic https://newrepublic.com › article › jd-vance-weird-terrif... Jul 22, 2024 — Yes, Peter Thiel was the senator's benefactor. But they're both inspired by an obscure software developer who has some truly frightening ... Curtis Yarvin The New Republic https://newrepublic.com › tags A leading tech writer explains how Vance evolved from a clear-eyed Trump critic to a MAGA disciple in thrall to a radical techno-authoritarian vision.
  11. The fact that you have to ask ^this proves you know nothing about AC. The answer is ALWAYS "most of it." LMAO
  12. You calling "psychological" bullshit proves your IGNORANCE about "medical cause."
  13. You are clearly IGNORANT about what Vance has said and that's NO LIE.
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