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robosmith last won the day on June 13 2024

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  1. Do you know why "Borking" became a derogatory accusation? RepubliCONS use it to imply illegitimate slander, but when everyone above him in the DoJ quit instead of firing Nixon's special prosecutor, Bork stood up and asked "how high do you want me to jump?" LMAO IOW RepubliCONS pretend there was NOTHING WRONG with Bork obstructing JUSTICE. AKA the prosecution of Nixon's LIES about HIS CRIMES. When Bork later failed to be confirmed for his SCOTUS nomination, the RepubliCONS invented the term Borked, continuing to deny that Bork did nothing wrong in firing Nixon's special prosecutor in an attempt to cover up Nixon's crimes.
  2. Giuliani LIED: Fortune hand nothing to do with Giuliani LYING about Freeman and Moss.
  3. IF you really believe exposure to lead is "fear-porn," you are much bigger lDIOT than I thought. LMAO Is there NOTHING economically advantageous to yourself that you will not defend? You're probably prima facie evidence of the damage lead exposure can to. LMAO And you're dumb enough to not understand the meaning. But more likely you're just disingenuously playing dumb to make a really stupid joke.
  4. It's the MAGA CULT way. Whatever the DON wants. ^The LIES of a DEFENSE lawyer, NOT UNDER OATH, of course.
  5. UNREBUTTED sworn testimony BY WITNESSES is GOLD when it comes to US JUSTICE, no matter what Douchowitz says. And the report was REQUIRED BY LAW. Trump could have volunteered to submit SWORN TESTIMONY, but DID NOT. Douchowitz was NOT under oath, so he can LIE WITH IMPUNITY and HE KNOWS IT. Unfortunate that YOU DON'T.
  6. Study the early history of Hitler and see if you can spot the similarities. Rise of the Nazis | Politics | Season 1 | Episode 1 PBS 4 years ago 55:21 After leading a failed coup in 1923, he turns the Nazis into a legitimate, mainstream party and plots to overthrow Germany's political elite.
  7. Pols are almost never the brightest. Duh The brightest are usually leading scientists. Except for Clinton who is said to have one of the highest IQs at 182 along with JFK and Carter who was a nuclear engineer.
  8. The list is long, as MANY have SEEN IT and WRITTEN about it.
  9. ^This makes no sense, since I have NEVER SAID ^THIS. Do you even understand what "parallels" means?
  10. Cannon isn't on the SCOTUS, dummy. You claimed the SCOTUS ruled and now you're just posting DRIVEL
  11. And what decision was that? Smith easily sidestepped the "immunity" decision. Do you not know the historical parallels between Trump and Hitler (to this point in time)? It remains to be seen whether Trump proceeds along the same path that Hitler took. It's not looking good for you with Trump talking about a Canadian ANNEXATION. Do you want that? LMAO You're the one who made the claim here. It's your job to substantiate it IF you want to be taken seriously.
  12. Really? How was he "smeared" that wasn't true?
  13. Trouble is, you believe CdnLIAR. LYING is how he was the first to make my IGNORE LIST. And now you will be #4. Welcome to it, cause your completely unsubstantiated BULLSHIT deserves it.
  14. We pretty much know why they voted for Trump: they believed HIS LIES. But a close second is that Harris is a relative unknown and thus susceptible to being falsely characterized.
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