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robosmith last won the day on June 13

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  1. A POTUS pardoning himself is not even a sure thing. There are strong arguments that giving a pardon only applies to separate individual. Why a Self-Pardon Is Not Constitutional Just Security https://www.justsecurity.org › why-a-self-pardon-is-not... Nov 24, 2020 — Here's why. The idea that President Trump would try to pardon himself is hardly fanciful. Back in 2018, when the Mueller investigation was ... The Case Against a Presidential Self-Pardon Constitutional Accountability Center https://www.theusconstitution.org › Blog Jan 12, 2021 — Last month, President Trump used the presidential pardon power enshrined in the Constitution to pardon Roger Stone, George Papadopoulos, ...
  2. ^Pure speculation with ZERO evidence. Merchan knows the truth and all you got is fantasies. Would require a Constitutional amendment and he ain't going to get that done.
  3. ^the great Ostrich denier of Trump FRAUD. 🤮 ^Insanity (and inanity) demonstrated AGAIN.
  4. Are you trying to claim that ONLY traditional pets can be emotional support animals? Most conservatives' goats are their lovers or abuse victims. LMAO You mean ^retarded.
  5. Talk about ^BS, you completely MISSED the clear reason given: "family HISTORY of dementia." Duh
  6. EVERY ONE which starts with POSTED EVIDENCE. AKA NOT just my OPINION. Duh Meanwhile you've completely overlooked your buddy West's threads which always start ONLY with his opinion or some random tweet by a right wing nut job. You better get started on your defense of the rest of Trump's 30,000+ lies, now that your logical fallacy defense has bit the dust.
  7. Really? Do you believe it was LOGICAL for Germans to re-elect Hitler AFTER he was CONVICTED of insurrection after his first stint as PM? Thanks for proving your detachment from reality by denying the logic of opposing a man who tried to destroy democracy. Or is just you're a fascist at heart? LMAO
  8. Harris has a law degree and is qualified. Trump ONLY IMAGINES he is qualified when he's NOT. However the correct answer is NEITHER, because NEITHER is an experienced divorce lawyer.
  9. Sure. Your conspiracy theories have gone into overdrive. LMAO Merchan has explained the reasons he delayed the sentencing. SCOTUS immunity decision greatly complicated the issue.
  10. It is a NYS case. At worst Trump could ONLY DELAY facing the music and hope an appeals court rules in his favor in the mean time. No pardons for state convictions by POTUS.
  11. Makes ZERO sense to conflate "diagnosed" with treatment. AKA, just speculation.
  12. ^Clinical proof of detachment from reality. Obviously from a defender of the Trumpian "just get over it" syndrome. AKA head in the sand.
  13. There's a lot of "new" that's not worth listening to. Like Vance who hates women cause of the way his mother failed to raise him.
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