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JIA5342 and the Helicopter Accident KDCA
Venandi replied to gatomontes99's topic in Federal Politics in the United States
Damn... missed it, wish I said that. -
Trump Plan for Takeover of Canada?
Venandi replied to Dick Green's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
I wonder how many of the keyboard warriors here (those calling others cowards) would cherish and embrace that sentiment over the long haul. I have fond visions of the Roboduhs, Eyeballs, Herbs, Doggies and Offenders of the world thrust into combat boots and forced to follow those they call cowards through deep sand on a two mile run (the turning point) and then counting the number of snotty noses still standing at the end of the 4 mile fun run. And that's all before breakfast BTW, your day gets incrementally fuc&^%$ worse after that. I define the difference between loudmouth keyboard warriors and people you see in the wild wearing Airborne T-shirts pretty simply... with the latter group, you never have to look behind you to see who's keeping up. -
JIA5342 and the Helicopter Accident KDCA
Venandi replied to gatomontes99's topic in Federal Politics in the United States
You should probably stop snacking on those carrots, one of the first symptoms of excessive consumption is failing to remember your name. Based on the video (actually other views), it looks like the left main gear collapsed... nothing to do with Trump or ATC. -
Trump Plan for Takeover of Canada?
Venandi replied to Dick Green's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
I'd love to hear that plan too. Maybe box lunch projectiles launched from low flying helicopters... assuming we can get one started and actually find a pilot who isn't scheduled for diversity training. Sheltered life I guess, until joining this forum I didn't realize the extent of our collective malaise... I take some comfort in the fact that I've never actually met creatures like this IRL, maybe forums like this just draw them out. I know lots of liberal voters through various hobbies and activities but none qualify as anywhere close to the level of bat sh%t crazy on display here. Maybe you could try using individual sentences as paragraphs and ending each with duh or LMAO... other than trying to converse with them in their language of choice I got nothing. It looks to me like the level of cranial extraction required is a surgical procedure. Being as it's a fantasy land resplendent with flying dragons and such, maybe this will prove helpful as a response to absurdity. Good luck.... -
JIA5342 and the Helicopter Accident KDCA
Venandi replied to gatomontes99's topic in Federal Politics in the United States
ATC hiring is ongoing, and like pilot hiring, it attempts to compensate for expected attrition, operational tempo and future needs. It's an experienced based occupation and getting the equation right is tricky at best, there's also a high failure rate during training, somewhere in the order of 40%. So, at the current rate of hiring/attrition it will take about 8 years to get the trade to full manning. As is the case with the military, attrition is a real issue here, almost half of the existing (fully qualified) controllers are working 6 days a week so burnout is a factor, that makes it difficult for new hires in the pipeline to make a noticeable dent in the shortages (other than attrition) and why 8 years is being projected.... this isn't new, it's not a sudden epiphany. Maximum hiring is required.... if (and I say if because I don't know) DEI hiring translated into quotas and classes were undermanned as a result of targets not being met then that's certainly a problem but DEI, in and of itself, is unlikely to be an issue in terms of competence. Manning is a whole different issue. As always though, sentences ending in "duh" or LMAO bring little to the table. This accident has shone a light on a problem that's been ongoing for years and there's no quick fix IMO. Other than manning issues, ATC doesn't appear to be in the cause factor reticle but it's early days and time will tell. To me it looks procedural, and even if the procedures were followed to a T we could likely have an entire thread on why they were potentially problematic with the UHF/VHF comms issue and circling approach being conducted. Personally, and to the maximum extent possible, I avoided using UHF in high density airspace for that very reason. ' -
JIA5342 and the Helicopter Accident KDCA
Venandi replied to gatomontes99's topic in Federal Politics in the United States
Here's a more recent update: -
JIA5342 and the Helicopter Accident KDCA
Venandi replied to gatomontes99's topic in Federal Politics in the United States
This is a few days old but it provides a bit of orientation and "big picture" context, there are some worthwhile comments in the remarks section as well. -
Yes, that doesn't mean it's all vaccine related though, even if they (and others) believe it is. My mother in law was pneumonia related (with Covid), it caught up with here very quickly. The neighbour actually had 2 strokes, I plow his driveway when I do mine as I don't like to see him working on it. Both he and his brother are doing well now. Curious though... are you calling me a liar? You are a very nasty piece of work sir, I'm the poorer for having talked with you.
Certainly not a universal experience though. My daughter in law's sisters husband (young guy) died suddenly a short time after the second jab, 2 ladies from our church got Bell's Palsy, a friends daughter has blood clots, my neighbour and his brother both had strokes, another acquaintance died of heart failure, the daughter of a friends sister now has eye problems, my mother in law died a couple months after being vaccinated, my youngest (who sounded much like you actually) chickened out after the first shot as he got horribly ill minutes after the jab and was off work for a week, and my oldest was drummed out of the military during the mandate malfunction ending 4 generations of military service with a whimper. Who knows though, I admit it could all be a string of bad luck, sort of a statistical catchup but none of the family members left behind or those directly affected believe that for a second. Doesn't mean they're right... they just don't believe it As to the gender thing I know three trans folks (casually) in the military and deployed with one before the change. All have opinions but I wouldn't call them activists, none would agree with the more radical opinions/articles posted here nor do they expect much more than basic tolerance and compassion... they just want to live their lives. Fair number of gay guys (FAs) in the airline world, great people by and large and most (I think) feel the same way... there's a few activist type personalities but I used to find them pretty abrasive and I'm guessing that would have been the case whether they were gay or not. Most folks I know casually just want to live and let live... or so it seems to me. If you still believe everything remained in the deltoid inoculation site, that there was/is no systemic circulation of S protein, and the likelihood of lipid nanoparticles actually doing what they were designed to do is low (especially when it comes to the BBB) then so be it. Had my personal circumstances been different I may well have gotten the vaccine regardless of my concerns... luckily that wasn't required. But...forcing it on people with low risk to the point of the vaccine risk being higher than the covid risk is immoral IMO. In addition, the spectre of Canadians cheering when their neighbours got fired and some of the horrid comments in media commentary sections and even right here on this forum will be long remembered regardless of future biological outcomes. I'll leave at that I guess... Cheers.
My sentiment exactly, but milage varies and it might just be me. Half of my extended family is native and that middle school "moment of silence for unceded territories" thing usually gets an eye roll from them. It's like really? Who do you think you're kidding here? You'd be paying rent to the band if you really felt that way about it. - Funny how It always seems to be non natives that are into this stuff, at least from what I've seen. I get exactly the same feeling from those road signs marked "Highway of Heroes." I say give that old gunner the hearing aids he needs and stop jerking him around... guess what you can do with the damn sign? - Funny how it always seems to be non veterans that are into this stuff, at least from what I've seen.
Yes, he’s received a lot of attention, much of it negative, and it’s more than just from Science Feedback. I’m not vaccinated so my interest here could best be described as technical rather than narrative driven and I remain a bit surprised that people see the issue in such stark terms. I’ve had a lot of vaccines over my career (way more than most I’d say) but this is actually the first one I ever balked at taking. And here’s the thing…my hesitation was, and remains, the issue of toxicity, distribution, and INAPPROPRIATE / EXCESSIVE immune system response in the form of inflammation. I’ve used some of his videos as a stepping stone to further research as opposed to simply being a limited exercise in debunking other information sources… I find that exhausting, unproductive and usually self serving in some regard. Amidst all of it though, the basic issue of distribution and inflammation remains at the heart of the back and forth seesaw I find most interesting, particularly as it applies to the original post. I say that because (I think) the combined effects of both the vaccine and the infection itself on inflammation, particularly with exposure of vaccinated individuals to mutated viruses that the vaccine responds ineffectively to hasn’t been widely considered over the longterm… at least from what I’ve been able to find. That’s what the original post seems to be getting at, do you think that’s not the case? Or that it’s not cause for concern… and why? If the vaccine actually prevented people from getting the virus I would tend to agree with (what I see as) your position... the fact that it doesn't strikes me as problematic. If you’ve found anything worthwhile on that topic I’d be very happy to read it because at the heart of all this is the concern that an individuals immune system registers the vaccine as a direct threat and attacks it causing inflammation. That seems to be what the OP is driving at. The question being, what happens with multiple exposures / immune responses over time. I'm sensitive to wasp venom now and it's from many (and I mean many) exposures working in the bush and riding motorcycles for decades. Is that type of reaction a consideration for people in the future (say) young men who seem to be statistically vulnerable? So, given the presence of lipid nanoparticles why isn’t distribution something you (or anyone for that matter) would consider to be concerning right from day one… it was one of the first concerns I had, it still seems to be with us in spades and the interest in the long term effects seems to be growing. Given the presence of lipid nano particles I've always looked at it in terms of WTF did you think was going to happen?... but that's just me. Were you surprised when it became clear that it wasn't simply confined to the deltoid and temporary in nature? If you think the entire video is trash, you should have been absolutely horrified by the level distribution observed... unless you're suggesting that it's simply a hoax generated by hyenas. I think it's worth looking at in the absence of narrative driven factors. As an aside, I have a passing acquaintance with aviation accident investigations... the thread on that particular subject is both analogous and cautionary because it illustrates what I'm getting at. I'd also observe that deciphering available information can be challenging even with stuff as simple as the weather... it's like there's too many choices now and all you need to do is pick the one you like best. Check it out, what you get on a weather app can (and often is) completely different than what's on the site itself. This has gotten to the point that I only use aviation products and weather radar for planning snow plowing evolutions now. My point in saying that is... yes sources matter, but accurate information is where you find it and the total picture only becomes apparent after comparing different sources with trends and effects. When you have three independent weather sources and each one is defended by a battalion of narrative driven lunatics, you may be better served by looking out the window. I find it to be a lot of work on a limited time budget and my interest is actually waning a bit. The "war of links" isn't very helpful to me (personally) and that's why I found the effort put forth by Goddess to be the most helpful I've seen in deciphering some of the issues I found intriguing. BTW, the insults directed at her were shameful by any definition of shameful IMO and the only appropriate response to them is:
It's been a mystery to me from the beginning. For a lot of this of you didn't need to be an expert in order to have basic questions like: If spike protein toxicity is a thing, and lipid nano particles are a thing too, then what about systemic distribution.... wouldn't that be a thing? Well ya, it is a thing and we knew it was a thing in 2021 when everyone was still saying "it all stays in the deltoid". So what are the long term effects of this distribution and what about rouge mutations to the original S protein and inflammation effects over time, especially if it passes the BBB into the brain? I have no clue, guess we'll find out eh? I'm sure glad I didn't take it though. Here's a recent video on this from about a month ago, it reviews a number of studies for anyone interested: If you refuse to watch it, or it's too long, or there are too many big words then just stick with Herb's elegant Big Mac theory below... just be sure to add a few duhs and LMAO's in your analysis so as to differentiate yourself from those ignorant hyenas.
Columbia turns back deportation flights
Venandi replied to Aristides's topic in Federal Politics in the United States
A flight plan is an ATC authorization.... ATC is a service not an authorizing body in the context discussed, it certainly doesn't constitute a diplomatic clearance authorization. Flight plans do not replace the requirement for diploclearances and/or PPRs. ATC may (on occasion) ask for the PPR # at the time of filing if it isn't included in the remarks section of the ICAO flight plan... same deal with ADCUS. Flights outside the parameters of a standing diploclearance protocol are not covered by it and would be scrutinized on a case by case basis. Turning away an en-route flight indicates (at least to me) that national authority for landing was revoked at short notice and likely due to an error of omission... it's likely (I would think) that the omission occurred at a low level in the routine approval process and was caught after the fact in a WTF scenario similar to the one I described above. I say all that knowing absolutely nothing about the flight in question but would consider it a something of a matter of routine nonetheless. In the event of an emergency all of that would be waved... caging an engine with (say) a chip light or minor oil pressure fluctuation would have introduced an interesting twist into the mix. LOL, the engine might just have ground run serviceable on the ramp after arrival in that scenario too... Yup, I laughed as i typed that part too, mostly because it reminds me of why I retired at the rank I did. I can just imagine that conversation with the FO and FE and the debrief back home in the CO's office (with the door closed). -
Columbia turns back deportation flights
Venandi replied to Aristides's topic in Federal Politics in the United States
It's quite possible that you're both closer to being right than either of you think. I have no idea what happened of course but in general: Standing diplomatic clearances between nations with routine traffic flows are common enough, it saves the paperwork otherwise required on an individual basis, it really is pretty routine. Usually every flight to a military aerodrome also requires a "prior permission request" or PPR number, it's a flow control, ramp availability, and flight authorization reference number often done with a phone call and you would quote the assigned number on the flight plan. Notice of visiting aircraft messages (NOVA) in different forms and by different names are commonly used as well, it lists the flight itinerary and support services required... everything from special power/fuel requirements to hotels, car rentals and customs. The ICAO flight plan would also include ADCUS (or advise customs) and mention the total number of people onboard This is all pretty routine, low lever stuff, usually handled by an Air Ops officer. BUT, I can see it now and i'm laughing as I type this.... the flight was likely considered routine, the PPR was issued at shift change and no one in the ops centre thought much about it after that. At morning brief the next day a senior officer asks "what's that US flight carrying I wasn't expecting anything?" There's a shuffle of papers and some one says "apparently it's deportees from the US sir." What follows is a WTF moment and the paper shuffling gets louder. Then...the station commander is notified and because he knows nothing about any of it there's another WTF moment but it's considerably (very considerably) louder this time. Literally within minutes (maybe 30 of them), an aid is whispering in the presidents ear and the station commander has his first ever one on one with the president... POOF national authority to land under the standing diplomatic clearance is revoked. OK, over active imagination maybe, I have no idea if it played out that way but I'm still laughing none the less... it was a long day so thanks for that.