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Legato last won the day on November 7

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    West of the International Date Line.
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    Shooting Sports,,,, Piano.

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  1. In January 2024, my department published an overview of the benefits of Brexit, on its fourth anniversary, to the UK economy. Since the referendum, the UK economy has grown faster than those of Germany, Italy and Japan, and is equal with the French. The IMF is now predicting that the UK will have the fastest growth in the G7 in the next five years. Meanwhile, our exports have reached £870 billion, and we are well on target to reach our overall target of £1 trillion. That growth in trade is greatly assisted by our free trade agreements, now signed with 73 countries globally plus the EU https://hansard.parliament.uk/Lords/2024-03-06/debates/200824FE-FB43-4E00-ADDB-897AC1896C48/BrexitBenefitsToEconomyAndSociety
  2. So you believed he article? The same article attributed sliced bread to the downfall of the Roman Empire.
  3. What did Simple Simon say to the pieman?
  4. Then why don't you post information from factual sources?
  5. A singularity is not a forum. It is but a muggles answer to common sense.
  6. Try putting everyone on ignore, then you can read your tealeaves uninterrupted.
  7. Can't speak for anyone else but I'm in the audience that's getting a free comedy show.
  8. The Liberals have squandered $67 million on the long gun buyback, not a single gun returned. It's well know nearly all of gun crime involves handguns, not those scary looking black rifles that frighten the life out of Liberal snowflakes. Now they're talking about giving them to Ukraine. The logistics involved would be horrendous. All just another distraction from the current government screw ups.
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