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Hodad last won the day on August 30

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  1. He's a pig, through and through. Other than gold diggers what woman would want to be treated as he treats women? What women would want to be spoken of as he speaks of women. If course they dislike him. And yes, seeing as he's not an attorney, most of them wouldn't want him for a lawyer. Plus his record in court is pretty abysmal.
  2. Men who are eager followers of an alpha. Rather than leading or being comfortable independent, they are always looking for someone "strong" to follow. I never realized how prevalent this was until I saw grown men absolutely fawning over Trump, a man with no redeeming qualities and no track record of success. He simply talked a lot of tough talk-- even if it was utter nonsense that no thinking person would believe. Mexico will pay for a wall? "Lock her up!" Pretending he's with $10 billion Boarding about securely assaulting women. Mocking ear heroes and POWs like a schoolyard bully. In their minds these the hallmarks of a tough, cool guy. For the thinking people, he's a classless buffoon.
  3. It's a matter of having the education to seek care when needed and the means to do so. Delusional conservatives just sit there alone, watching their TVs with reception from the future, dreaming about conspiracies, and spouting hate on the internet.
  4. He's waged an unprecedented assault on women's reproductive rights and care--and his allies have signaled that they want to double down. And there are LOT of beta males who mistake buffoonish bluster for "strong leadership" and they are lining up to fawn all over Trump. The tough guy act really works on them--particularly the less educated, who are already insecure enough to resent women in leadership roles.
  5. The people of Winder better clear space in their attics for all the Republican "thoughts and prayers" while we continue to do nothing to address access to guns.
  6. Meritocracy? Crop rotation? That seems like an impossibly distant goal. Today, all the world's scientists can't convince a factory worker in Texas that the Earth is warming due to the burning of fossil fuels. He'll waste his own money "rolling coal" in his diesel truck just to spite people who believe in science. Half the country is aggressively anti-merit.
  7. We need a fifth factor: Toxic taint. Most artists want nothing to do with the toxic Trump brand and his use of their music can dramatically harm the marketability of their own brands. Like most things Trump is affiliated with, the brand value falls through the floor. Imagine releasing a piece of music that ends up being used as Trump's "hype" song? (shudder) Better to leave that fate to Lee Greenwood, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock or one of a few other a-holes who can stomach it.
  8. I'm not sure where you are getting your "information" but we have extensive clinical data on the efficacy of childhood vaccines, as well as blind testing (placebo) of the COVID vaccines.
  9. You've asserted--without evidence--that things are somehow meaningfully different in Sweden or Denmark. You can search European vaccination schedules here. They all look pretty comparable to me. You can also view schedules by continent here. Which is interesting because some areas of the world have a different set of risk factors and therefore a different set of recommendations. And yes, in terms of outcomes, vaccinations work. Each of those vaccinations are created to prevent actual diseases. That's why they exist. And if you want to compare the prevalence of those diseases in vaccinated vs unvaccinated populations, go for it. (And I don't mean the free riders among a population who are largely protected by herd immunity, but rather actual populations that don't vaccinate.)
  10. No rational adult to "defend" against your fantasy nonsense any more than they want to debate whether red dragon fire or blue dragon fire is hotter. You just made shit up and put it in a list. Have fun playing with yourself. The grownups will go talk elsewhere.
  11. It's a Gish gallop of idiocy. You're too far into fantasy land to matter.
  12. Sure, no VP running for the top job has ever presented new policy ideas or a new message.🙄 And it's pretty easy to be the "change candidate" against the massive sack of crap that is a recently fired, one-term, twice-impeached, convicted felon who feels like an ex that America is waaay over and ready to move on from.
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