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Everything posted by CdnFox

  1. Simply not true, and that's your answer for everything as to why Justin has failed. No matter what the subject is you try and claim it's been a mess for decades. Our government functioned very well under harper. Minority, majority, didn't matter it functioned well. It function well under chretien. You may not have liked all his policies but the government worked and it worked well. And so on In fact our government has been a fairly well-oiled machine for quite some time until Justin came along. Suddenly the airports didn't work, passports didn't work, problems like crazy with unemployment and so on and so forth programs, everything takes way too long to respond to when there's any kind of Crisis, the rest of the world responds in Hours and we respond in weeks And now, the government is completely dysfunctional even by justin's liberal standards. He has personally crippled us at a time when we needed to be our strongest So no, not for decades. For Justin. And never more for Justin than right now.
  2. You were warned about this. And by you I mean the left and those who pretend that the climate issue is an emergency or crisis to them. You were warned by many experts and political pundits that if you kept up with nonsense programs like the carbon tax which could show no results and weren't even being tracked which financially hurt people for no gain that people would become fed up with it and that they would turn on climate change entirely. So now people have been 'fighting climate change' for 10 years and there's zero results. we haven't reduced emissions anywhere near target, and we still have forest fires and hot summers. Nothing's gotten better, in fact everything's worse. So why on earth would we keep hurting ourselves fighting climate change?
  3. LOL as always, when a leftie loses an argument they start having sexual fantasies Sorry sweetie, you're just not my type (hell you're not even my font!)
  4. presumably when he couldn't see the back of his head well it was a theory for a while, till they found out otherwise
  5. No, you're confusing the curvature of space with the curvature of spacetime in it's entirety. It's the second one that would allow you to see the back of your head, the first one was einsteins.
  6. But the figure is grossly false. It doesn't take into account a huge number of costs. For example the cost of the carbon tax is not calculated into that nor is the effect of the economy included in that calculation. Then there's the economic opportunity cost that comes from suppressing the oil fields and other energy expansion such as LNG. It is arguably worth four or five percent of our GDP right there. So the actual cost to Canada for all of this nonsense is considerably higher than their suggesting
  7. Sorry kiddo that's the price you pay. The country is essentially leaderless right now. Until they are defeated and not the leader of our country officially you can't expect anybody to take them seriously or consider that they have a mandate to lead given the facts that they've already admitted that they're going to be essentially stepping down. They did not choose to do the right thing for Canada. The right thing for Canada would have been for Trudeau to resign a year ago to allow time for a free and fair election with a leadership race. Or at the least when Freeland torpedoed him he should have called an election and run himself. Now we are where we are. There is no united front. Why should Alberta sell itself out because Trudeau didn't do the right thing? Why should any of the provinces back a leader who is only in this position because he's a complete tard with no authority to lead from the people but he's too stupid to step down? We might need a united front but we're NOT united and that's just how it is. We need to pick better leaders next time. Elections matter.
  8. We're pretty sure space doesn't curve like that. So that IS retarded. Relative of yours was it i assume?
  9. We're vulnerable because of the liberals. He might argue that it's water under the bridge but most people are going to have a tough time letting that go. And the liberals are still in power. Trump is pouncing because of vulnerabilities he sees that are directly a result of liberal policy actions agenda and selfishness. And considering we're about to go into an election in the middle of this mess because of their screw ups we should keep that in mind.
  10. And you would fit in nicely with other leftist losers. No clear position, no Reason or logic, and with a strange impression that trying to sound nebulous makes you sound cool when in fact it just makes you sound mildly befuddled. Elon musk is not a politician. He's not trying to play 3D chess with anyone. That's for yourself, pro tip: Actual intelligent people can clearly articulate their positions on just about anything and generally explain why they feel that way using reason and logic rather than just "Muh Feels". You're giving yourself away with this teenage angst stuff
  11. Let's call it a lucky guess 😆🤣😂 You obviously are you wouldn't bother replying Most children are What did you miss? You kind of cut off a tail end of a sentence there.
  12. Actually if you were reading what I said that would be mimicking every teenager, not you specifically. And yes I have had many long-term friendships and intimate knowledge of teenagers All i said about you is you sound like them. But I love that your inability to comprehend the English language to a modest degree is somehow my fault for flip-flopping So in other words you're full of shit and you can't even articulate your own political position. Yeah, that's pretty much what we've learned by watching you so far
  13. Well seeing as you've Been less than honest about what Poilievre said it makes it hard to trust what you said about yourself. He's taking a relatively firm position on this actually. He said if there's tariffs there will be retaliation and there has to be. He has also reiterated the Canada is not for sale. He's been clear that America is one of our larger trading partners and that fact is not going away but that while trump is perfectly entitled to stand up for what he sees as the American interest poilievre will be standing up for canada's interests. So I don't know what's vague about that. He has also taken a Firm Stance on a number of other issues. I mean there are literally dozens that he has taken a Firm Stance on. I do miss the Rhinos though. I thought their platform plank of building a bridge to Hawaii to improve tourism was inspired
  14. The problem is without what's important to you you needed to be voting for that a long time ago. Justin Trudeau was obviously one of the most divisive Prime Ministers we've ever had in this country ever. He has been attacking Alberta since day one. Is deliberately gone out of his way in almost every way possible to limit Alberta to One customer. After they have taken a beating at his hands all for supposedly the good of Canada you think that albertans no matter who is running them are going to take another shot in the face from Ottawa? You should have been calling for them to be treated fairly to begin with. You should have been voting against the liberals and any parties that support them and looking for unity. But that's not what happened So if you want unity now really the only choice is Poilievre. There is no universe where the liberals or NDP are unifying force in the foreseeable future. But even then you're going to have to wait for him to get elected in may at the earliest, and then it's going to take a little time for him to win back the trust of Alberta. Don't blame the politicians for what you let them get away with
  15. I imagine that's what it would look like to a truly stupid person who was so tribal that they supported a man who will likely destroy the country Hey kid. Trudeau has been a complete disaster for this country and you can try your best to pretend otherwise but nobody's buying it. Everyone can see the truth. He's a failure, Jaggers is a failure, you are a failure. Your woke national dreams have turned out to be a complete and utter disaster. Everything from DEI (which is vanishing everywhere) to safe supply (which killed more people than it helped and made drug dealers rich) turned out to be exposed for the horrible ideas they were. And now people know the truth. Whine like the baby you are all you like but you and your kind are done for at least a few decades.
  16. You didn't need to use the word to make your meaning clear, and no you didn't describe things as they are. You describe things as you were biased and hate-filled brain interprets them Are you asking if my statement is a concession to the point that you claim you never brought up? Odd thing to ask seeing as you thought I never brought it up And no, I made no commentary one way or another on wealth or evil. All you can say from my comment was that I believe that you think that musk and trump are evil It is. Or something like it. You're making very detailed and firm statements about his mental state, his intent, and his motivations as well as those things in his past as well. That doesn't come from casual acquaintance or observation in a few news stories. So where are you getting this? The obvious answer is that this is what fills your narrative. In other words you appear to have arrived at a conclusion and are now working your way back to a series of things that support it whether they're true or not You might be able to make a case there if you could point at the weakness in my argument. But of course you haven't. Would suggest you're just trying to deflect and avoid the fact that your own viewpoints have been shown to be faulty
  17. Wow. You sound like every teenager ever You just don't get me man!! *Snif!* Your posts indicate that you're on the left and fairly far on the left at that. If that's not accurate then explain what you feel your political position is and be done with it. Dancing around it like that doesn't make you look cool or mysterious, it kind of makes you look like a bit of a twit
  18. It's not happening everywhere and the only reason you feel the need to lie about it is to protect the status quo and defend your pathetic woke left governments in the face of their horrible incompetence. You've been saying that for decades now
  19. Sadly I understand the point you were trying to make all too well. In your mind the important thing isn't Why the republicans and musk are evil, the important thing is that we agreed that they are 🙄 This is based on your long-term friendship with him and intimate knowledge of him? Yes yes evil evil orange man bad patui patui. Or it was just a heartfelt gesture and you are an unfortunately bitter individual with delusions about people that he sees as being his superiors.
  20. Well how about that. Seems like we're actually pretty good at keeping terrorists from crossing our border It's very secure. that's why the bad guys get caught. The percent of people crossing our border who get intercepted is vastly higher than the south. Now i'm all for improving our immigration situation. It's been a sore point in canada as well. But lets keep it in perspective. And as i noted you guys are letting guns across in record numbers, so if you want us to tackle one thing you should be prepared to tackle that. But at the end of the day the normal adult way for two friends to deal with an issue is to sit down and talk and agree on a course of action. Not to threaten each other or their livelyhood. that's just stupid.
  21. And your constant defense of the carbon tax and claims that there's a crisis which you havent' been able to provide any evidence for, yes. You play the cutesy game where in one post you'll advocate for carbon taxes and insist that getting rid of them is wrong and then in the next post try to claim that you've been saying all along they won't do any good. In one post you'll swear the climate change is an emergency then in the next you're arguing that we shouldn't Make use of the one very obvious technology that would resolve it until we basically overthrow the government and completely have a different political system. If you genuinely cared about the climate and truly believed it was a crisis as you claim then you would be demanding that nuclear power be deployed as a replacement for fossil burning power plants immediately as soon as humanly possible, not someday in the future when humanity has somehow figured out how to have politicians that aren't either mistaken or corrupt at some point. And you fail to point out that we've already had one of the most environmentally friendly governments the world has seen for the last 10 years and things have only gotten worse You're a dishonest hypocrite who believes in virtue signaling but not actually any of the things he claims to believe in. You are of no substance and that's reflected in your stance and your posts
  22. Can you name a terrorist attack that was initiated by people who came through Canada?
  23. I see why you might think that considering i talk to the likes of you, but no Annd there he goes "I'm losing! But i can turn this around if i make a gay sex reference!!!"
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