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I am Groot

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I am Groot last won the day on July 14 2024

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    I can fly spaceships and shoot people now! Suckers!

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  1. And what are the odds that an Indian manager today would hire a white man if they could hire an Indian? Sure, in the context of inciting class warfare. Remember that one of his main promises was to take more money from 'the rich' and give it to the middle class. Of course, he didn't actually take money from the rich but from the upper middle class.
  2. That is not what he said. He said "There is a fever gripping America. And while it rages, Canadians will continue to remain true to our values. While America engages in a war on woke, Canadians will continue to value inclusiveness. In other words, Canadian values involve 'inclusiveness'. And the problem with that word is that it is inextricably bound up in DEI and has become a statement in itself that means "We're going to go well out of our way to hire/promote/enroll/give grants and recognition to anyone other than straight white people. Screw merit. We make all decisions based on identity group membership." That is NOT a Canadian value. It is left LIBERAL value. It is an NDP value. It is also, btw, a sneer at Trump and his party. Is that really wise? If he intends being prime minister, is it a good idea to start by publicly sneering at a central part of their ideology? For what reason? Just to virtue signal?
  3. In the context of the government, it means pretending every governmental institution is 'systemically racist', despite there being no evidence of this. It means tilting the playing field in favor of every group other than straight white males - tilting it more depending on how high on the hierarchy of victimhood various identity groups are, and allocating resources to them ahead of others, including hiring, promotions, awards and grants. As well as requiring all people and organizations bow to the same social justice view or face governmental punishment. It means giving preference in applications, be it for awards, grants, jobs, or university admission to people whose skin color is not white to somehow or other recognize this 'racism' even though the great majority of them were either not born in Canada, or are children of first-generation immigrants. This was and is a moronic policy in the US but at least they could claim they were trying to make it up to blacks for slavery, segregation, etc. There is no excuse here but the Left simply lifted the whole social justice framework from their progressive American counterparts and plunked it down here.
  4. The Left made up the term to describe how noble and enlightened they were.
  5. No, but they help win elections. God knows Trudeau used populism in all his election wins, and rarely followed through on his promises.
  6. Instead, the strong implication is "I'm on the side of woke and I will fight to the death to ensure merit has no place in hiring, promotion, appointments, grants or anything else in this country!" It seemed to me he suggested Carney meant he wanted to end the culture wars. But that's not what it sounded like to me at all. It sounded like a stolid insistence on maintaining the Left side's fight in the culture wars.
  7. NO. They will vote for a completely new OUTSIDER who has absolutely NOTHING to do with Liberal policies over the past ten years even though he's spoken approvingly of them many times except to say they should be even stronger. Maybe it means don't give money to gender ecology farming training in Nigeria while people are freezing to death on our streets?
  8. Other than publicly disagreeing with Trump about taking over Canada and about tariffs, and endorsing policies that go completely against what MAGA would want?
  9. Because one-third of their kids were forced to go to residential school between 1920-1950...
  10. Nope. I'm all for increasing border security on all our borders. I'm saying that border security is not what this is all about. What's getting through to the states is not particularly important or impactful. Trump just wants to throw his weight around. I also recall reading a post from CNBC whose source said Trump didn't want to hit Mexico and not Canada too. I think we just got caught up in the Mexico problem because we three are in a trade agreement.
  11. Their warped vision of the world? Have you seen the floods of third-world migrants filling up the main cities of Western Europe, demanding citizenship, committing massive amounts of violent crime, taking billions and tens of billions out of the taxpayers' pockets to feed, cloth, and shelter? Have you seen the decreasing living standards as left-wing politicians pour more and more money into a hopeless, pointless effort at fighting climate change through ever-higher energy costs? Have you seen the crime in the streets, the dazed hordes of zombies on meth and crack smashing and stealing everything they can get their hands on while police and the courts stand back because, well, they're the 'victims', you know. Plus it would be wacist to imprison criminals who aren't white. This is the vision of the world the Left has embraced.
  12. Trump pretty much dissed all other democratic world leaders he dealt with. The only ones he respects are the tough-guy dictators because he longs to be one of them.
  13. The illusion of a win. Which is good enough for Trump.
  14. Do you have any idea how ridiculous this kind of drivel makes you seem to other participants? Point of order: Canada doesn't have any military it can send to secure the border.
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