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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2024 in Posts

  1. He left a better country than the one he took over. Just like what PP is going to do. R.I.P.
    5 points
  2. Here are the three things that I most admired about him as PM: 1. Strong stance against Apartheid 2. Free Trade 3. Replacing the hidden 13.5% manufacturers' sales tax with the GST. The unpopularity of this move is the main cause of the PC subsequent downfall, however it was a great move for the country.
    3 points
  3. The Macdonald Laurier Institute did a survey and asked Canadians what they thought of the PM's woke beliefs that are being pushed onto us by the academics and unions and now the corporate elites. Surprise, Canadians don't approve! 85% are opposed to teaching children there is no such thing as biological sex. 92% don't believe in separating children in schools into 'privileged' and 'oppressed'. 70% don't agree that Canada is racist. Two thirds of Canadians oppose removing statues of Sir John A MacDonald. The same numbers oppose transgender women in sports And, when separated between Left and Right, the study makes it very clear it's the Left pushing identity politics and cancel culture. https://macdonaldlaurier.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/20240129_Culture-wars-Kaufmann_PAPER-B-v2-FINAL.pdf
    2 points
  4. You are what you claim to hate.
    2 points
  5. indeed I do not judge in His ministry together love thine enemies
    2 points
  6. I have known a couple of trans people. I called them what they wanted to be called and made them feel normal and welcome. That’s an important aspect of my faith as a Christian. I don’t judge them. I know the Church’s teachings on gender are that we are our biological gender and should embrace our natural reality. My faith also teaches that we don’t judge people. We don’t know what someone else is dealing with until we walk in their shoes. Kindness is always important.
    2 points
  7. It's not even close, the left is far more intolerant. Especially of opposing viewpoints. Who always tries to shut down conservative speakers? The Left. Who engages in censorship on social media? The Left.
    2 points
  8. Who's tolerant of homosexuality? The Left Who's tolerant of Muslims? The Left Who's attacking gay rights? The Right Who's attacking a woman's right to choose? The Right Who's for institution of a Muslim ban? The Right Who supports a candidate who called the Coronavius the "Kung Flu"? The Right Who's intolerant of science? The Right I don't need some stupid think tank to tell me who's intolerant. The Right is intolerant.
    2 points
  9. Further: In vitro fertilization, just like ordinary pregnancy, involves fertilizing eggs which don’t become humans. Often 40 eggs are fertilized, and they’re implanted into a uterus four at a time, hoping that one takes hold. The process is repeated until one reaches viability, and the remaining fertilized eggs remain frozen in case the couple chooses to have more children. Hence, the life-creating procedure of IVF is murder under Alabama law.
    2 points
  10. this is a cultural revolution very much like the Cultural Revolution in China it's not just Canada, it's the entire Western world being overthrown therein so it doesn't actually matter what the majority opinion is because the cultural revolutionaries are imposing their agenda by force
    2 points
  11. Oh, it definitely happened. Not a single big rig in all of NYC. The Lamestream Media is just covering it up.
    2 points
  12. There you go again using derogatory words against people who often put you in your place. The people you are advising a need to ignore are just wannabe chuds who like to shout their drivel from the rooftops. Yet when they are called out for their nonsense here you are defending them.
    2 points
  13. Basically. I was liberal my entire life, and Trudeau nudged me to the right. I don't see myself ever voting liberal, again.
    2 points
  14. I saw nothing but airballs, layups and a slow pace of play when I tried to watch a game. Its politically incorrect to say otherwise, so everyone rolls with it, kind of like you playing hockey with a toddler, would let them believe they literally beat you, because they are better than you. Anything lesser, is you being a d***. Same difference. Yes. I said it. It's like the trans issue. If you don't support women's sports, then you're against them to these people. Whereas to me, you're paid to entertain me. I am not paid to attend garbage sports. Make it free, or elevate the play level. Fans will come. So to be paid for money you're not bringing in? Great business move! I can see the moguls lining up for that losing ticket. I hate that argument. Ex UFC fighter Rhonda Rousey, was earning millions per fight. Main event. People lining up to see her. Is it because she has a nice body? Some find her attractive? No, it's because she could break your arm in half with an armbar, was undefeated until nearly the end of her career, and was an insanely witty trash talker. She earned every penny. She even hates that woke idea, that she made money because she's a woman. Put it this way. The woman who knocked her out, or women, aren't at her financial level, combined. You bring it. People will want to watch.
    1 point
  15. I did not contribute to their cause. I generally agreed with the Trucker's Freedom Convoy. The federal government did not seize my accounts. ===== My OP was about trust. And trust me, we Canadians - unlike Lutheran Scandinavians - have a different way to think of trust.
    1 point
  16. Everything is so great a meal at McDonalds is out of reach for many Americans
    1 point
  17. It's always meant the same thing, social justice - but the word social has always freaked you people out and you're way more into vengeance than justice so... It's the meaning of the word conservatism that's changed. It means brain damage now.
    1 point
  18. That exceeds robolimit's programming.
    1 point
  19. Oh yeah I forgot you're one of those nutters who thinks the devil is a real guy.
    1 point
  20. Leftists have been and are presently and will continue to sodomize America if they aren't stopped. I'll give the devil his due though, you people were smart to take control of education and the media. You indoctrinate kids in your facilities then reinforce the training through the media. Very wise but the devil is a sly bastard but he's ultimately thr biggsst loser.
    1 point
  21. All I see is either side trying to one up the other. Start with making gender limitless. Teach this in school. Eradicate manhood, by calling anything short of what is b***h like toxic. The other side, counters with insulting actual trans people. They are he's not she's. Removing birthing rights. The other side, will amplify their divisiveness, and the cycle continues. They either just talk in shock value. hashtags. #MAGA....#Mybodymychoice...#LibsofTikTok and so on, just so you know who to be angry at. All the while, travel outside of this and the world lost the memo of needing to be angry at your fellow constituents.
    1 point
  22. Mulroney’s verbal skills - he always spoke in well-formed sentences - and those brown envelopes from Mr. Schreiber led many to dismiss him as a con man, Lyin’ Brian, but he got an awful lot done: the Free Trade Agreement was a watershed moment for both Canada and the US, paving the way for NAFTA; the much maligned GST is still with us; and the US-Canada Air Quality Agreement that tamed the acid rain threat gets far less attention than it deserves. What an unlikely rise from Baie-Comeau. Was he our first PM from a working-class background? Although it’s the fate of most politicians, even prime ministers, to fade into obscurity, I think the tributes being paid to him are more than the usual boilerplate responses: https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/brian-mulroney-death-politicians-reactions
    1 point
  23. There have always been good and bad people on both sides but I don't ever remember a time when so many conservatives were as studiously bat shit crazy as they are now.
    1 point
  24. Yep. Good old Exflier babbling away from a position of grotesque ignorance. As usual...
    1 point
  25. Wait, so they surveyed just over 1,500 people but excluded all neutral and “don’t know” responses from the results? So we don't actually know the real response size for any of these questions? Seems dodgy. I have a hard time believing the average person has ever heard of Kathleen Stock and Frances Widdowson, let alone has strong feelings about their situations.
    1 point
  26. I don't think it did (I searched for it), but the survey asked a bunch of questions that weren't about "wokeness" specifically, and the results are interesting: By a 78 to 22 margin, Canadians agree that “political correctness has gone too far By 70 to 30, people prefer a colour blind rather than colour-conscious approach to issues in society Bolded is what my position has been for a long time.
    1 point
  27. Who's tolerant of the homosexual agenda? The left Who's tolerant of islamic terrorism? The left. Who's facilitating the homosexual agenda? The left. Who's facilitating the woman's right to choose fetus slaughter? The left Who's for maintaining US Christian identity? The Right. Who supports the candidate who puts down leftists scumbags every chance he gets? The Right Who's intolerant of left-wing activists posing as legitimate scientists? The Right Yes you do. You're a leftoid; a lemming; you don't know where your head ends and the left's ass begins.
    1 point
  28. I've only known one transgender personally a transvestite who hung out at my local coffee shop this is not a Millennial nor a Zoomer this person came out as a transvestite back in the 80's a child of Glenn Gould's Toronto the Good, just like us and other than the cross dressing, this person is rather conservative the woman that this person aspires to be is rather buttoned down this person says that they believe in God I said "the God of the Hebrews ?" this person said yes this person actually says that the Christian Enlightenment values of Canada were the only thing preventing this person from being murdered in the streets this person is not Woke, quite the opposite this person is terrified of the Woke because this person says that governments and corporations ramming this down the throats of the masses in an ideological war against civil society by divide & conquer is only going to incite a massive exponential backlash in the opposite direction in the end to which I said " the Wiemar Republic was the mother of the National Socialists " the Wiemar Republic was the most permissive society on earth, the first place trangenders were tolerated at all then the entire system collapsed by moral hazard, leading directly to the Third Reich Identity Politics, sorting the society into identity groups, was actually the ideology of Adolf Hitler
    1 point
  29. you know I like and respect you, sir so I would not condemn you out of hand for being a useful 1diot but I would submit that you seem rather deluded as to the actual nature of the ideology you are defending because what it is at its foundation, is Marxist Leninism, otherwise known as Bolshevist Communism to wit, the Marxist Utopia imposed by the Leninist Revolutionary Vanguard which is in diametric contravention to the Enlightenment values which are, or rather were the foundation of our society it is the rule of a collectivist mob against the freedom of the individual I was indeed raised to be Woke, by my mother but that's because my mother is an avowed Communist she's a true believer, makes no bones about it Frankfurt School, March Through the Institutions, World Socialist Revolution she is a Woke pioneer, a founder of this cultural revolution in the 1970's she would not claim that Woke is about individual freedom quite the opposite, she would assert that the World Socialist Revolution must impose Communism by force as necessary she would say that individual liberty is an Imperialist dogma therein
    1 point
  30. While I am opposed to the denigration of Sir John A., and as a person who was born and raised in the most privileged segment of society, I am not in a position to comment on the school curriculum, you keep banging on about gender. What the poll shows is that a majority of Canadians are opposed to freedom and the Mr. Groot is obsessed with other people's gender. Why do you care so much about gender? For the first time in history, we have the ability to match our physical gender with our psychological gender. That is something to celebrate. What you refer to as woke is freedom. Are you saying you are anti-freedom?
    1 point
  31. Keeping the classified documents in a non-secured location? Shhh... None, none, none!
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. wow - it's really weird but your link says it was kim campbell running. It's almost as if i was right all along You dork. Not a loss that bad. No, that was on her. Other than he gave her no time. It's possible but slim. IF trudeau pulled the same trick and bailed 6 months before an election it could happen. But as things stand its possible he could maybe go down to 20-30 seats in a 'perfect storm' but more than that is probably fantasy. Falling to about 45 seats is more believable.
    1 point
  34. They do always seem to be trying to get into his legal briefs. Ahhh yes - the 'dicker ticker tape'
    1 point
  35. So what stage are you at here, puppy dog? Do you at least understand that the topic here is the fact that the prof is getting death threats just for posting facts, and not the fact that he only released data for one city? Can you finally comment on whether or not that's f'd up? Why is destroying harmful false narratives bad in your opinion?
    1 point
  36. A great orator and statesman who understood the value of Canada.
    1 point
  37. Drone-striking a family and pretending they were terrorists was scandalous imo. Lying about his involvement in Hunter's business dealings in China was a scandal. He didn't stop lying about the Biden's business with the Chinese gov't when he was in office. Leaving behind $100B in weapons and attack helicopters and armoured vehicles and ammo and ordnance was a scandal, even if it was just a scandal of his own incompetence. Eventually the Americans will fight another war against their own military hardware, or watch their hardware used to commit another genocide just like islamic state did with Obama's weapons. Isn't it weird that between Obama and Biden they've gifted islamic state and the Taliban/AL Qaeda $150B in military hardware? What's the deal? As if the war in Afghanistan wasn't bad enough, the talis just came out of it with more weapons than they ever had before. Opening the border from Mexico and then trying to push $80B through congress to fix it was a scandal. In general Biden's presidency has been a scam against the American people. It's been a crisis of mismanagement and stupidity. There are two wars going on right now because of Biden.
    1 point
  38. He was the PM right before my birth. He failed to unite Canada, but he meant well.
    1 point
  39. Oh dear, a triggered response bereft of any thought process.
    1 point
  40. Changing the name is one thing. However, the cost of actually doing so, is where this becomes ridiculous. I see it like a street named after a politician owning slaves being renamed to something more inclusive. This is a monumental task, as involves all businesses changing their address, Canada Post, Google and so on. Insanely costly in time and money, because you're not wanting to offend anyone. It literally accomplished zero, and costs millions of dollars easily. The hilarious part to me, is if there were homeless encampments on that street. Not laughing at their plight, but rather how the priority would be that the street they slept on, didn't have an offensive name vs the problem flooding it, along with deadly drugs. I see it like that person that goes to a comedy club, feeling entitled not to be offended.
    1 point
  41. Conservapedia IS NOT a legitimate source. It's a PARTISAN HACK website where your MAGA CULT posts their FANTASIES.
    1 point
  42. Yup. We should have identified them as clear and present threats to pubic health and shunned them for not getting with the program like everyone else. Maybe then they'd get it. Hopefully someday we'll figure out how to put vaccines into our water or in an aerosol and just dust everyone.
    1 point
  43. No it made those already opposed yell so damn loud they've influenced too many otherwise sane people. Thank you Facebook, Twitter, etc
    1 point
  44. He's calculated, but operating within a dictatorship where the information that flows to the top has been what Putin wants to hear, rather than the reality. He'd never have invaded Ukraine in the first place if not for the misguided belief it would be over quickly, that the Ukrainians wouldn't resist tooth-and-nail, and that the Russian "bear" was even remotely as capable as everyone had previously understood. Exactly. Whoops. The self-serving delusion that democracies are soft and incapable of showing resolve or defending themselves is one that has led many dictators to their doom.
    1 point
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