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Trucker's Convoy


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1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

My apologies, 11+ billion doses.  https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations

? wasn't a big deal anyways, I just went full drama queen.


Yes, from what I have been reading there are many folks admitted to hospitals with things other than covid and somehow get covid but seem to be included in covid cases but passed away from their original  admittance issues.


I think that the majority of people who "died of covid" were already walking on the edge of their grave and covid just gave them a nudge.  


Dementia or Alzheimer’s were listed on the death certificate of 42% of the women and one-third of the men (33%) in COVID-involved deaths.

80% of covid deaths are among 70+, and people that old who have dementia aren't long for this earth. My father-in-law didn't last half a year after he had full-blown dementia. 

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I'm a bit slow, but it suddenly struck me that two other similar protests occurred in the US.  Protesters occupied neighbourhoods in Seattle and Portland for almost a month in 2020. The ironic thing is I am guessing the people who suppported the trucker's occupation in Ottawa condemned the Capital Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) in Portland and Seattle and vice versa. Does anybody see the hypocrisy here?

People are funny. 

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17 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I think that the majority of people who "died of covid" were already walking on the edge of their grave and covid just gave them a nudge.  

But, without that nudge, they could have lived longer. I don't know about you but, if I get the chance to live longer, even if it is just minutes, I'll grab the chance with both hands. Death is the worst event in everyones life and must be avoided at all costs. 

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16 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

 Does anybody see the hypocrisy here?

You have omitted some key factors:
WHO is impacted
WHAT is the impact

People have posted for Natives to be cleared out of protests and they have been summarily shot for almost zero impact protests - see Dudley George.

The convoy folks blocked borders, impacted trade and bothered people in their homes.

So ask those questions.

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Just now, Michael Hardner said:

You have omitted some key factors:
WHO is impacted
WHAT is the impact

People have posted for Natives to be cleared out of protests and they have been summarily shot for almost zero impact protests - see Dudley George.

The convoy folks blocked borders, impacted trade and bothered people in their homes.

So ask those questions.

"Where you stand on any issue depends on where you are sitting." Alfred E. Neuman.

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From the new Pfizer documents released May 1.

  • The vaccine is not recommended during pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination.
  • Women thinking of becoming pregnant should wait at least 2 months after their second dose.
  • The vaccine should not be used during breast feeding.

Why?  Because there are no studies on the vaccine's effects on pregnancy or breastfeeding. Animal trials have not been completed.

So why has Tam been telling women that vaccination during pregnancy is recommended?  Why are they forcing pregnant women to vaccinate?


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19 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I think that the majority of people who "died of covid" were already walking on the edge of their grave and covid just gave them a nudge.  

This isn't about Covid. It's about the ability, desire and intent of the bureaucracy to rule by hands, single handedly, arbitrarily and without any accountability. They waited for the cause, patiently. And now they have it.

When else did we have justification for unprecedented restrictions imposed on entire population (OK past the first wave when the nature of this new condition wasn't known well and precautions may have been warranted) to save an unknown number of lives? People had flu complications every year in the past century, did it justify mask mandates, lockdowns, coerced vaccinations and you name it? What about medical mistakes, fatalities caused by misdiagnosis, mistreatment, and unreasonable waiting? Nobody ever noticed them as a cause for an action, not to mention population-wide measures. Quebec has the same fatalities per capita as Sweden (no mandates or lockdowns). How are arbitrary measures justified? Ontario, relative to population, had approximately 4,500 fewer Covid-related fatalities per year than Sweden (no mandates or lockdowns). So does it justify four lockdowns and I lost count how many rules and mandates? There were 2,800 opiod-related deaths in Ontario in 2021 entirely preventable. But for cardiovascular diseases the rate is 2,000 per million so 29,000 in Ontario and a significant part of it could be preventable with mandated lifestyle changes. What, no interest?

So how do they decide it? Why some deaths aren't worth mentioning a shrug and others an all-out war campaign complete with massive propaganda and war measures acts? Go figure I simply can't. And that is the real question here.

Edited by myata
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2 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

I'm a bit slow, but it suddenly struck me that two other similar protests occurred in the US.  Protesters occupied neighbourhoods in Seattle and Portland for almost a month in 2020. The ironic thing is I am guessing the people who suppported the trucker's occupation in Ottawa condemned the Capital Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) in Portland and Seattle and vice versa. Does anybody see the hypocrisy here?

People are funny. 

Not necessarily.  I supported Occupy Wall Street and BLM marches.  I didn’t support the burning down of buildings, damage to private property, harassment of people, or blockading of private businesses in any of the protests.  The Ottawa protests were among the most peaceful and inclusive of the major protests over these past two years.  Occupying outdoor government public spaces is part of the deal of a free society.  Ending blockades is fair game for government.  Note that the truck blockades were removed PRIOR to the imposition of the Emergencies Act.  

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5 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Not necessarily.  I supported Occupy Wall Street and BLM marches.  I didn’t support the burning down of buildings, damage to private property, harassment of people, or blockading of private businesses in any of the protests.  The Ottawa protests were among the most peaceful and inclusive of the major protests over these past two years.  Occupying outdoor government public spaces is part of the deal of a free society.  Ending blockades is fair game for government.  Note that the truck blockades were removed PRIOR to the imposition of the Emergencies Act.  

and this is how it is Communism

the tolerance of the far left while repressing any dissent

Herbert Marcuse's Repressive Tolerance

the Frankfurt School Weimar German Communist March Through the Institutions

to include Antifa : Antifaschistiche Aktion, the revolutionary faction born of the Weimar German Communist Party

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2 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

But, without that nudge, they could have lived longer. I don't know about you but, if I get the chance to live longer, even if it is just minutes, I'll grab the chance with both hands. Death is the worst event in everyones life and must be avoided at all costs. 

1) I hear you, but to what extent does the rest of the country need to bend to extend lives by 1 week? Is the rest of the country doing anything to prevent Fentanyl deaths, which rob people of 30-40 years of life? In a lot of areas there are more Fentanyl deaths than covid deaths. In BC there are as many as 200 fentanyl deaths per month. On avg there have been 116 covid deaths/month in BC since Feb of 2020. 


BC Gov't: "Fentanyl is killing 150 people per month? Like, for real? Who knew? Does anyone care?"  ***crickets chirping nervously, wondering if they can get covid***

2) Back to covid - travel restrictions and banning cultural events on the scale that we have been doing it is actually a really big deal, but then when you also consider forced closures of churches & businesses, the emergence of social credit scoring apps (vaccine passports), and firing people for not taking the vax, etc, it's ridiculous now how hard we're fighting covid.

3) When you were younger you carried the flu virus, spread it, and people much older than you died of it. You never thought about it back then, but for certain there are a lot of people who died from flu viruses that replicated in your lungs.

4) If the "vaccines" actually worked, and if they had no dangerous side effects, then this wouldn't even be a topic because we'd all be taking them, but the vaccines aren't working or the % of Canadian covid deaths that are triple-vaxed wouldn't be the same as the % of triple-vaxed in our population. And there are dangerous side-effects.

5) This is not a case of taking the vaccines to fight covid, this is a case of big pharma's massive influence over our msm, doctors and politicians. It's not like there aren't doctors, journalists and politicians speaking out, they just face cancellation. 

Big Pharma also makes money from Fentanyl deaths, so mum's the word. 

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3 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

But, without that nudge, they could have lived longer. I don't know about you but, if I get the chance to live longer, even if it is just minutes, I'll grab the chance with both hands. Death is the worst event in everyones life and must be avoided at all costs. 

But the issue isn’t whether you should avail yourself of the best possible protections and treatments.  The issue is that these look different for different people.  People have different risk levels and tolerances.  Government shouldn’t be imposing treatments and behaviours, particularly subject to loss of employment, freedom of movement, and loss of constitutional rights.  People should have the right to medical discretion and the full protection of constitutional rights except under extreme exceptional circumstances, and the suspension of rights should be highly conditional and temporary.  I think most people understand that early on in the pandemic, caution was the better part of valour, but once we learned more about the disease, who was at risk, and how we could treat the disease and protect ourselves from it, there was no justification to maintain mandates.  Having widely available vaccines was great, but the incentive to get vaccinated should be the merit of the vaccine, not government pressure.  To see vaccine mandates remain in place when we know current variants are fairly mild, vaccinations provide limited protection, and the disease can spread among the vaccinated, is wrong.

The big excuse for mandates was protecting the healthcare system from getting overwhelmed, so let’s focus on making the right adjustments to healthcare. Ruining our democracy to manage a disease that is treatable and benign for the vast majority of people, when ample preventive measures are available, is wrong.  Let people decide how they should live rather than letting government dictate our behaviour.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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58 minutes ago, Goddess said:

From the new Pfizer documents released May 1.

  • The vaccine is not recommended during pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination.
  • Women thinking of becoming pregnant should wait at least 2 months after their second dose.
  • The vaccine should not be used during breast feeding.

Why?  Because there are no studies on the vaccine's effects on pregnancy or breastfeeding. Animal trials have not been completed.

So why has Tam been telling women that vaccination during pregnancy is recommended?  Why are they forcing pregnant women to vaccinate?

Does it affect big pharma's profits if pregnant women take the vaccine? Nah.

Tam: "Force those bitches to vaccinate Mr Prime Minister."


With the power of hindsight..... There was no vaccine until the very end of the Trump Presidency, so the number of people double-dosed was basically zero. There are over 100M Americans 2xed under Biden, yet more people died of covid under Biden than Trump. To say that the vaccines aren't working is an understatement. 

By far the biggest effect that the vaccines have had is on the bank accounts of people working for big pharma. Note that I didn't say 'employees'.


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54 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

But the issue isn’t whether you should avail yourself of the best possible protections and treatments.  The issue is that these look different for different people.  People have different risk levels and tolerances.  Government shouldn’t be imposing treatments and behaviours, particularly subject to loss of employment, freedom of movement, and loss of constitutional rights.

The issue for me is...me.  I don't care about anyone or anything outside that anymore. If there's anything I've learned from listening to conservatives it's that the world is a shitty corrupt place where looking out for #1 is the only realistic option.

I support the imposition of whatever measures put me and mine first and I don't care about anyone else.

Why should I? I thought I used to know why but it just don't seem to matter anymore. It's been beaten out of me.

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23 minutes ago, eyeball said:

The issue for me is...me.  I don't care about anyone or anything outside that anymore. If there's anything I've learned from listening to conservatives it's that the world is a shitty corrupt place where looking out for #1 is the only realistic option.

I support the imposition of whatever measures put me and mine first and I don't care about anyone else.

Why should I? I thought I used to know why but it just don't seem to matter anymore. It's been beaten out of me.

Thank you for finally being honest. I have long suspected that pro-vaxxers do not care about the people who are injured, permanently disabled or the number of children who die or the businesses that go bankrupt or the people who lose their jobs, just so they can get their (maybe???) extra 1% efficacy from the vaccines. For an illness with an already over 99% survival rate.

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2 hours ago, Goddess said:

From the new Pfizer documents released May 1.

  • The vaccine is not recommended during pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination.
  • Women thinking of becoming pregnant should wait at least 2 months after their second dose.
  • The vaccine should not be used during breast feeding.

Why?  Because there are no studies on the vaccine's effects on pregnancy or breastfeeding. Animal trials have not been completed.

So why has Tam been telling women that vaccination during pregnancy is recommended?  Why are they forcing pregnant women to vaccinate?


I think those warnings are on almost every drug out there.

When you see ads on TV for whatever drug from stuff for cancer to psoriasis to toe fungus the warning on the end of the ads are sometimes longer than the ad itself.

No surprise at all. :)

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34 minutes ago, eyeball said:

The issue for me is...me.  I don't care about anyone or anything outside that anymore.

I care about the individual people who live in the provinces of Canada

I just don't care about saving Canada anymore as an institution

as this archaic 19th century imperial project has become a burden not a boon

Canada itself has become a destructive force in all our lives

as to govern Canada now, requires all governments to pit Canadians against each other in a divide & conquer paradigm


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51 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Thank you for finally being honest. I have long suspected that pro-vaxxers do not care about the people who are injured, permanently disabled or the number of children who die or the businesses that go bankrupt or the people who lose their jobs, just so they can get their (maybe???) extra 1% efficacy from the vaccines. For an illness with an already over 99% survival rate.

How typically conservative of you. The moment I give the barest whiff of affirmation to your biases and you're basically eating the truth right out of my hand.


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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

The issue for me is...me.  I don't care about anyone or anything outside that anymore. If there's anything I've learned from listening to conservatives it's that the world is a shitty corrupt place where looking out for #1 is the only realistic option.

I support the imposition of whatever measures put me and mine first and I don't care about anyone else.

Why should I? I thought I used to know why but it just don't seem to matter anymore. It's been beaten out of me.

I care about people and do what I can to help with what energy I have left beyond work, family, and the workouts and diversions I need to keep fit, sane, and reasonably happy.  The problem with trying to upload the care of everyone to government is that it comes at a price.  Government care and protection can feel like a noose.    

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7 hours ago, Goddess said:

From the new Pfizer documents released May 1.

  • The vaccine is not recommended during pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination.
  • Women thinking of becoming pregnant should wait at least 2 months after their second dose.
  • The vaccine should not be used during breast feeding.

Why?  Because there are no studies on the vaccine's effects on pregnancy or breastfeeding. Animal trials have not been completed.

So why has Tam been telling women that vaccination during pregnancy is recommended?  Why are they forcing pregnant women to vaccinate?


I'm not surprised. The vaxx pushers are pro baby death

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6 hours ago, eyeball said:

The issue for me is...me.  I don't care about anyone or anything outside that

Most Canadians are like you.

It's because of people like you that our government is getting away with forcing people who don't need a vaccine to take a useless pseudovaccine with harmful side-effects.

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Most Canadians are like you.

It's because of people like you that our government is getting away with forcing people who don't need a vaccine to take a useless pseudovaccine with harmful side-effects.

Really? Well that's encouraging. I'll have to double down on that if that's the case.

Thanks for the shout out man! You have yourself a miserable day!

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18 hours ago, myata said:

This isn't about Covid. It's about the ability, desire and intent of the bureaucracy to rule by hands, single handedly, arbitrarily and without any accountability. They waited for the cause, patiently. And now they have it.

When else did we have justification for unprecedented restrictions imposed on entire population (OK past the first wave when the nature of this new condition wasn't known well and precautions may have been warranted) to save an unknown number of lives? People had flu complications every year in the past century, did it justify mask mandates, lockdowns, coerced vaccinations and you name it? What about medical mistakes, fatalities caused by misdiagnosis, mistreatment, and unreasonable waiting? Nobody ever noticed them as a cause for an action, not to mention population-wide measures. Quebec has the same fatalities per capita as Sweden (no mandates or lockdowns). How are arbitrary measures justified? Ontario, relative to population, had approximately 4,500 fewer Covid-related fatalities per year than Sweden (no mandates or lockdowns). So does it justify four lockdowns and I lost count how many rules and mandates? There were 2,800 opiod-related deaths in Ontario in 2021 entirely preventable. But for cardiovascular diseases the rate is 2,000 per million so 29,000 in Ontario and a significant part of it could be preventable with mandated lifestyle changes. What, no interest?

So how do they decide it? Why some deaths aren't worth mentioning a shrug and others an all-out war campaign complete with massive propaganda and war measures acts? Go figure I simply can't. And that is the real question here.

I am not Canadian, but I think you are totally correct.

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4 hours ago, Great American said:

I am not Canadian, but I think you are totally correct.

the Canadian political elite are becoming increasingly desperate in the face of a rising populist backlash

where you have the Coastal Elites down there

up here it is the Laurentian Elites who rule from Ontario & Quebec, like California & New York

bear in mind that Canada is the Confederacy which won the war and lived to tell the tale, against them Yankees

Canada is a Confederation of the British Empire

the purpose of Canada is to keep the French in, the Americans out, and the Indians down

so American freedom represents a threat to the ruling classes here

Canada is like a Company Town run by Robber Barons

whenever they feel threatened by a populist revolt, they will invoke that as being foreign, an "American invasion"

thus how the Bolshies here brainwash Canadians to rally around the Liberal Party of Canada pseudo aristocracy


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22 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

I care about the individual people who live in the provinces of Canada

I just don't care about saving Canada anymore as an institution

as this archaic 19th century imperial project has become a burden not a boon

Canada itself has become a destructive force in all our lives

as to govern Canada now, requires all governments to pit Canadians against each other in a divide & conquer paradigm


Once I saw the bank accounts of protesters frozen, military veterans getting shoved to the ground by police, international police swarming peaceful Canadian protesters, the introduction of martial law AFTER blockades were removed, protest donations stolen by government, slanderous and divisive rhetoric from our PM towards mandate protesters as “racist, misogynist, fringe” with “unacceptable views” and “Do we make space for these people?”, I knew we had entered an unprecedented, Orwellian phase in Canada.

Watching government-funded press like the Toronto Star and CBC cheerlead it all was disturbing.  I realized we don’t really have a free press in Canada.  Hearing the head of the World Economic Forum brag at the same time about how he had penetrated more than half our Cabinet and watching the Speaker of the House ignore or pretend not to hear when the WEF’s role in our government was questioned…Seeing our government continue to crush people by adding carbon taxes when the cost of living is sky high and fuel prices have risen 100% in a year..

This government is unaccountable to Canadians and doesn’t represent their interests.  The NDP have also abandoned workers and propped up this quasi-dictatorship to protect their $185,000 a year salaries and gold-plated pensions.

The harsh reality of Canada today is that there probably isn’t a real opposition that could take power because the ruling Liberal elites have used media to poison the people against both conservatism and centrism.  You will never hear in the media how in Canada it’s legal to abort at 8.9 months. Instead you’ll hear that the Conservatives will take away the right to have any abortions, which hasn’t been true for over a generation. You’ll never hear how the so-called feminist PM fired two top female MP’s once his political interference in a judicial process came under question.  You’ll never hear how his mismanagement of Indigenous Affairs has undermined national pride in the very real progressive contributions that the nation-state of Canada has made since 1867.  His talking out of both sides of his mouth on natural resources, spending billions of dollars of taxpayer money on pipelines while bringing in regulations that make them almost impossible to build… Oh and more to come on the state-run media censorship push with Bill C-11.

Trudeau continues to maintain federal vaccine passports and mandates despite what the science says and the Constitution supports.  He won’t discuss their removal.

The strange, scary mixture of a government that is unaccountable to citizens, will impose martial law against them for benign reasons, answers to international organizations without a mandate from Canadians to do so, plays loose with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, will squeeze the citizenry financially for ideological purposes, seeks to control media through financial bribery and regulation… I could say much more, but all of this illustrates how compromised our supposedly liberal-democratic nation state has become.   The latest ploy, to hold onto power by joining forces with the NDP and borrowing more money to pay for programs we can’t afford, is beyond redemption.  Our high cost of living is directly tied to this government’s inflationary policies and mandates.

Sadly, even though it’s right and just to question all of this mess and try to bring the country back to centre, the vilification of the opposition and the cheerleading of reckless, overbearing government continues.  



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