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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/2024 in all areas

  1. Good job @BeaverFever, that's proof that the US Gov't was almost overthrown 😂 Thanks, stupid. Check this out: https://www.cnn.com/2017/01/05/us/chicago-facebook-live-beating/index.html That's a story about 4 BLMers who captured a retarded kid and partially scalped him, while live-streaming it on FB. ICYMI, NBC News wasn't still talking about them 4 years later. To be fair, that's partly because there were several thousands of other violent BLM rioters to talk about in that period of time. No need to worry about them though, the dems bailed them out. Kamala Harris, no less. Did NBC put out an article recently about the 60 secret service agents that were injured protecting the WH in May 2020? Just 7 months earlier? Can you find pictures on NBC of the people who assaulted the SS agents at the WH Beave? Of course not. Hit the skids you greasy little wipeout.
    2 points
  2. Indeed, there are many scientists, doctors and health officials who believe that there has been a conspiracy to try and push as much vaccines as they can on the innocent public who believed their lies about covid just in order to make billions of dollars in doing so, and the WEF big pharma globalists did make billions doing so. And that there has been a general consensus by many scientist, doctors and health officials that the covid vaccine contained some dangerous ingredients that were meant to maim or kill innocent people. There is no secret that the WEF globalists want to reduce the world's population by the billions. The WEF globalists agree that there are way too many people in the world. They want to get rid of fools like you, lefty. I am all for that alright. 😇 The jackasses are the jackasses like you who believe that everything that they are being told to them by the left wing lying liberal MSM is the gawd's truth. Yes indeed, those terrible conservatives and those terrible alternative news media people on the internet are all just a bunch of conspiracy loonies. Phk off, loony toon. 🤣 So far, those Nigerian arse holes have not been able to suck any money off me yet, and probably never will. I guess that by you mentioning this, you were suckered into one of their phone call scams, eh? So, how much did you lose, sucker? 😁
    2 points
  3. Really? THIS is from YOUR side of the aisle, goose stepper. Your side of the aisle, Adolf.
    2 points
  4. https://archive.ph/tOGVP The country needs to complete roughly 320,000 housing units annually from now until 2030, simply to meet the new demand that will arise over that period, according to RBC estimates. This would amount to an increase of nearly 50 per cent from recent completion levels – and it would require a record pace of construction. If anything, Canada is moving in the wrong direction. There were around 240,000 housing unit starts in 2023, down from roughly 271,000 in 2021, according to figures from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. The RBC report outlines dozens of potential ways to mitigate the housing shortage – everything from speeding up project approvals to encouraging more people to enter the skilled trades. In some cases, governments are already moving to implement the solutions that are mentioned. However, the RBC report says more action is needed and soon, especially when it comes to bulking up the stock of affordable units through rentals and social housing. “It is imperative for Canada to find solutions and very quickly, because the pressures are there already,” said RBC assistant chief economist Robert Hogue, who wrote the report. “Time is of the essence.”
    1 point
  5. Well well well...the son of Robert F Kennedy believes Brandon and his constant censorship and weaponization of the legal system is a huge threat to American Democracy. Lol...oh Brandon...you're so through.
    1 point
  6. Lol...so A. 16 weeks is not a total ban. B. You're stupid.
    1 point
  7. If so, it makes sense. So many Republicans in the graveyard ready to rise from the grave and take DJT down ... like a Creep Show... Paul Ryan, Pence, McConnell... Maybe an actual dead man like McCain will be in the final frame in the comic book version... Skull and all..
    1 point
  8. That was quoted from a reporter for a local news show, so I think its probably.more accurate as stated. Last Thanksgiving a walking tour if one of his rallies panned the gallery behind him when he claimed ten thousand MAGA fans were in attendance, the video showed it was a massive lie, not even all the benches were filled so they shot the video from an angle to.make it seem like more were there.
    1 point
  9. You mean they were the REAL conservatives that accepted slow changes that must be made, not neofascists that insist things used to be better and want to move backwards. Most people lived through the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s so they f*cking knew they weren't the "good times". Poverty, war, open racism & discrimination, blacklists & political repression. Not the glossed over propaganda that Happy Days and Little House on the Prairie led them to believe. How many black kids in Richie Cunnigham's social circle, school or congregation? Did J Edgar have a dossier on him because he got voted Shop Steward at his first real job? Did the Fonz get drafted? How was life on the farm when someone got the flu or got to old? Conservative meant you believed in the power of the King and the status quo (the rich and the companies) and of the Empire when it existed. But realized change was inevitable and people must adapt slowly. This adoration for what things used to be, the worship of nationalism and church and "order" are by definition fascist ideals, not normal 'conservative ones'.
    1 point
  10. The hypocrisy is pretty legendary
    1 point
  11. Ok so... You're not ok with shooting people illegally breaking into your nation, but your ok with a cop shooting an unarmed American woman in the house of the American people's government. That says it all.
    1 point
  12. Actually, the left is careless about causing harm. The Right does care about purity, so Jordan is right on that one.
    1 point
  13. robowoke struggles with reality. He's good with his marching orders, but independent thought is out the window.
    1 point
  14. I pity the generations to come if this insanity isn't stopped soon. It's as though all common sense and ability to reason has gone out the window with these people.
    1 point
  15. Cool, we are in complete agreement here. LOL time to stop eh? Still, I sometimes wonder how much it will take.
    1 point
  16. If we keep up the population growth rate as it is and don't significantly increase housing supply then obviously the price of housing and rents should keep rising. Locking young people into expensive mortgages for the rest of their working lives is a disaster for this economy, at least for workers, not the banks and developers and baby boomers selling and moving into retirement homes.
    1 point
  17. I agree immigration and illegal migrants is a major part of the problem. But the Liberals bow to the U.N. which dictates that we shall not stop immigrants from coming or illegal migrants. They dictate that Canada is not a nation state but as reportedly it was said we are a post-national state. Our governments don't even control our own country any more.
    1 point
  18. Several things very different. Globalism had not yet arrived so immigration was not the HUGE problem it is today for productive economies. Finance was confined by laws and policies put in place after 1929 crash. The West had a complete industrial economy that wasn't bombed to crap by WWII. People looked at life working towards some financial security vs. today worshipping nothing but greed and consumerism.
    1 point
  19. I thought about that just now and realize Pierre Trudeau drove Canada into the deepest debt in its history. Then Mulroney and Chretien had to dig it out of debt. Politics is far more complex than you think. Socialism drags Canada into deep debt. PP is begging Trudeau to show some restraint, but Trudeau is not listening. Liberals like the idea of making big promises, spending billions of dollars, and then losing an election and letting the Conservatives have to cut back, exercise restraint to reduce the debt and look like the bad guys. Then the Liberals can make big promises to spend again and get re-elected. It is a cycle. It sounds like conservatism of the past was not very conservative. But Liberals have run the country for most of Canada's history. Conservatives were not much different than liberals in the past were they? So the problem must be something else that has led to all the economic chaos today. What is the problem? It must have to do with government actions. You say it was a Golden era. Well in some ways it was. Ordinary working people could afford to buy homes. What has changed???? Why not now?? Government has done something to change society and driven the cost of homes out of sight which is criminal. The ordinary people don't control the country; governments do at all levels. They have deprived tens of millions of Canadians from owning a home and even paying the rent. What was different about the 1970s, 80s, and 90s, from today? Why are we in this crisis now? There must be a reason.
    1 point
  20. Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott says Texas will protect the state and country from illegal migrants [aliens] because President Joe Biden "refuses to enforce federal immigration laws." That's because Joe Biden and the democrats have declared war on this country. Sometimes it feels like the best way to deal with these scumbag cultists is to exercise our 2nd amendment rights. https://www.newsmax.com/
    1 point
  21. How does the woke mind virus affect you, personally? One way it affects me is through entertainment. There isn't one film, series or commercial today that isn't infected by wokeness.
    1 point
  22. It's far more hilarious that you FAIL to understand what there is to hate in Trump. You really LOVE the pu$$y grabber. LMAO Or just celebrate his destruction of our nation. 🤮 But that is the nature of the MAGA CULT: detached from reality.
    1 point
  23. You discuss a serious problem for our planet, the only known home of life in the universe, in the same breath as increased taxes. In the greater scheme of things they are hardly comparable. Adaptation is a different issue and we are all going to have to do a whole lot more of that. It will be forced upon us. Our country is on fire and that fire generates country-sized plumes of smoke in the summer. Lord knows what awaits us in the next decade. You better start praying to the lad upstairs because we’re not getting much done down here.
    1 point
  24. And don't forget the whole "Day we almost lost democracy" routine. As if there was any possible sceneario where that happened. "WE CAME A HAIRS BREATH AWAY FROM LOSING OUR ENTIRE COUNTRY AND DEMOCRACY!!!" Ok - how's that work? How would that have even been possible? Walk me through it -what could they have done that would lead to that result? "IT DOESN"T MATTER IF IT WAS POSSIBLE OR NOT - WHAT MATTERS IS IT ALMOST HAPPENED!!!" Ok but if it's not possible then it didnt' almost .... you know what, sure. Forget sept 11 or december 7 - jan 6 is the day it almost all came crashing down for us. (sigh)
    1 point
  25. All witch hunted and thrown in the slammer by the country's communist regime. Hopefully Trump will pardon them and then get to work on Antifa and BLM rioters - the true villains of this country.
    1 point
  26. It does call vaccine efficacy into question though, at least for me. I'm all for letting people decide for themselves though... and that's the only issue that matters to me. As I see it, we started with you won't get covid and you won't spread covid. Then, in the face of legitimate questions, asserted that getting vaxxed was a public duty. After that we said it won't kill you when you get it and fired a bunch of people (who no longer believed all the rhetoric) for not conforming. Now we're discussing mortality among the vaccinated as if it was always completely logical to assume there would be as much as there clearly is. I've had Covid twice with no ill effect but based on the (admittedly) anecdotal experience of previously healthy neighbours and acquaintances, I won't be rolling my sleeve up anytime soon. My take on this is get vaxxed as many times as you deem reasonable based on your own threat assessment and then extend that same curtesy to others (meaning me). My only issue here is with the people who refuse to do that. Extend that courtesy to me and suddenly you're right about it being moot. Easy eh?
    1 point
  27. This was conservatism from the Golden era that the populist pines for. Think about that for a second.
    1 point
  28. It's unfortunate basic high school science is beyond you. Yes, water vapour is a greenhouse gas but it continuously cycles and only remains in the atmosphere for days instead of accumulating for years or decades like other greenhouse gases like CO2, methane and nitrous oxide. You also don't seem to be able to make the connection between carbon and other GHG caused warming and the amount of water in the atmosphere. Most of the additional heat is being absorbed by the world's oceans. As they become warmer, evaporation rates increase and the warmer air is capable of absorbing that water increasing the amount of water vapour in the air. You say it is a complex thing and at the same time try to reduce it to fit your own simplistic views.
    1 point
  29. Beating your head on a wall when dealing with westconman. He lives in the past and farther in the past every day. He lives in an anti covid vax universe. LOL He has no other life or path than covid vaccinations. A true one track mind It is easy to say most people dying nowadays are those that are covid vaxxed but then, considering most people are covid vaxxed, it is quite moot LOL
    1 point
  30. Trump Media’s market cap fell half a billion dollars in a week, with the stock now trading at just $37, having traded at $52 last week. DJT is by far the most expensive stock to short, with investors gobbling up ever short position they can. Trump’s personal 57% stake in the company has crashed in value, from $5 billion to $3.19 billion, and it’s highly likely to continue in this free fall while he remains in his six month lockout period. Of course, with such a large stake in the company, dumping those shares would cause the stock price to fall even harder. Trump Media announced 2023 revenue of just $4.1 million, against a loss of $58.2 million.
    1 point
  31. Snipping the rest of your rambling bullshit If you can't understand this basic scenario, that a vaccine making people 5x (or many times more in some cases) less likely to die from an infection, is a massive win, then you're a hopeless fool. ^^What kind of fool would look at that data and choose to be on the top line? What kind of fook looks at the data and can't understand the millions of lives saved worldwide? I guess saving minions of lives is worthless since it doesn't meet the standards of a sniveling, entitled twat like WestCanMan. 🙄
    1 point
  32. Lol. You clearly have no idea what the word "consensus" means, and you clearly have no idea just how radically fringe your views are. You've fine-tuned your information bubble so that all you get is nonsense. To everyone outside of the conspiracy kook sphere you are just a raving loon. I don't know how to coax someone back to reality, but instead of searching FOR other crazy people who agree with you, you might try just searching for answers. The world is full of experts, and there actually IS a consensus. You're just on the wrong side of it because you think anyone with a YouTube channel is equally credible. Really, I think age is a huge part of the problem. Some people are blessed with strong logical abilities and can effectively evaluate information sources. Others must be taught. And you pre-digital humans grew up with far fewer competing inputs. Broadcasting information was costly and had a high barrier to entry, so the market held them accountable. Not so in the internet age. Anybody can broadcast anything, and nobody taught you how to vet information. You have no natural immunity. So the market for misinformation and disinformation can make a fortune selling you bullshit with no accountability. But whatever the cause, take a look around and realize just how insanely far outside of the scientific consensus you are.
    1 point
  33. They didn't talk about it long at the time when it became apperent that they were big blm supporters. And at the time you saw the same thing on a tonne of the left wing news outlets - a person (preferably black) saying very fast "ofcourseicondemnallviolence' followed by a massive "BUT!!!!!!!" and then an explination as to why this was completely understandable and totally the fault of white people not the kids who tortured the disabled white boy and they should be forgiven. I remember how disgusted i was at the time.
    1 point
  34. Why is it so hard to find how much greenhouse gas including water vapour is in the atmosphere? When I do a search, I find all kinds of websites that talk about man-made CO2 but not water vapour. Water vapour is by far the biggest greenhouse gas and contributor to global warming. But is seems very difficult or impossible to find the facts about natural greenhouse gases including water vapour. They don't appear to want to talk about that. They prefer to focus on man-made CO2. Greta Thunberg was arrested twice this weekend for being part of protests that are blocking a highway. She obstinately keeps going back to illegally blocking the highway. She insists there is an emergency. I guess we must all stop driving, going to work, and stop living. Is there some kind of guilt complex in the world that automatically points the finger at mankind for global warming or am I just imagining it?
    1 point
  35. The maritimes are king of duping the welfare system, people are more creative than you give them credit for, here in NB there are entire families that are on welfare and have been for decades, and they are making out like bandits, living in low income housing with new cars or trucks in the drive, and haven't worked a day in their lives...come check day the fast food joints are filled with the welfare recipients, along with the beer stores... why get a job when the government will pay you to stay at home, and drink beer...thats their moto...taking advantage of the system is a science here, and business is booming, same as collecting pogy, it is all a scam for those that have learned to use the system...
    1 point
  36. Assuming those figures are accurate, half of the greenhouse gases come from somewhere other than China, the US and India and every one of those countries is going to come out with the same lines as we do about not making a difference even though together we produce half the output. Two other things to consider. Most countries have contributed less than the West has to the excess gases up there already and Canada’s per capita production is enormous.
    1 point
  37. Your right , my bad i read my source wrong it equals 53 Cents per liter, not more than 50 %.
    1 point
  38. LOL you're literally retarded. Someone get this guy into a home for very stupid dogs.
    1 point
  39. So, you say conspiracies happen every day and then you say because someone claims it may be one they are "dumb ass left wing liberal buffoons"? and "go into your typical left wing liberal ballistic mode"? All claims of conspiracies are made by "dumb ass left wing liberal buffoons"? Are you a bit confused and seem to be stumbling over your own tongue (or keyboard) LOL In this specific case, passing off 2 and 3 year old news clips and trying to make it relative is a conspiracy theory. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/conspiracy theory I guess if you have a point and want to be valid, prove it in todays perspective. Old news has had time to fester and if there was validity, it would have changed a lot of things but in this specific case, it was noted 2 and 3 years ago and died a natural death. Bringing it up again is only an attempt to make something of it or, a conspiracy theory that there was something being hidden.
    1 point
  40. 2 words. Plausible denyability
    1 point
  41. Sky Termination Debris (STD). The collateral damage caused when large pieces of sky crash to earth. Exactly. At this point you should already be in your basement, if not though, under no circumstances should you leave the house. A final word of caution about breaking communication protocols. For your own safety, I urge you to maintain strict electronic silence until after the event. That means no phone calls and absolutely no further posts on social media. Only complete electronic silence will prevent the people who failed to prepare for STDs from getting anything that rightly belongs to you.
    1 point
  42. Keep listening to them and stay ignorant. You obviously like it. Bye.
    1 point
  43. I did answer, f*cking listen. I know they are full of shit know nothings because their own words prove it. The fact you parrot their nonsense makes you one as well.
    1 point
  44. Which aircraft at those? I worked on large transports for 5 airlines from two countries with employees from all over the world. I don't believe internet bloggers because they are full of shit no nothings. But like I said, it doesn't matter because you don't listen, I've tried giving you accurate information so you can learn something but you think willful ignorance is critical thinking.
    1 point
  45. Make it too toxic to come here illegally and punish the companies that hire them severly where the risk isn't worth the reward and make them us E-Verify . No jobs, no housing and no government services= no reason to come here. Also close the asylum loophole, only accept asylum seekers from countries that share a border with us and not take any economic asylum seekers. Build the wall with sensors and cameras and have drones actively patrolling the border with border patrol agents close enough to investigate attempted breaches. Once we clear out all the people trying to come in for jobs it will be easier to catch the drug cartels smuggling.
    1 point
  46. In this specific case the onus is actually on you to prove your claim that the amount of man-made CO2 is insufficient to alter the climate. "Common sense" isn't science.
    1 point
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