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cannuck last won the day on March 2 2021

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  1. You clearly have not had any discourse from anyone who has to deal with him. He is the most embarrassing leaders we have ever had. Nothing but pure drivel spews from his flapping yap. I put him on the same level as Trump - only the Little Turd is spending MY grand children's future, so a much worse problem to us. PLEASE back off of this worship of your Havana Hero.
  2. Have you lost your mind????? EVERY one of those that successfully sneaks into the USA is out of our hair. Shit, I will GLADLY buy their bus tickets. Uncontrolled immigration from completely incompatible cultures IMHO is actually Canada's #1 problem at this time.
  3. They are a perfect pair of bookends - both incredibly arrogant and incredibly ignorant.
  4. She has been in our associates' Toronto offices several times before being elected. She is no stranger to any of us, and someone we greatly admire for her academic and professional background.
  5. THAT should be patently obvious. Ask anyone who has dealt with either of them, and you would know in a flash by process of elimination. Ask anyone who has dealt with BOTH of them, and you would probably get a smack up the side of the head for asking such an obvious question.
  6. When I read or hear people parroting the 50 lb. or 50Kg or whatever of fentanyl being seized at the Can/US border as some indication of success, I go back to LMFAO. It's success, alright - success at moving almost ALL of the traffic without being apprehended. Half the economy of the BC lower mainland is the drug industry that feeds the Yankee addiction. Why do you think the recent discovery of a massive international production lab facility was barely an eyebrow raiser in the region? Let's not forget Trump's job is to worry about HIS country, not ours, not Mexico. The largest impediment to moving forward is that one of the three leaders involved is extremely intellectually gifted, whereas the other two would struggle to rise to the task of being a WalMart greeter.
  7. OK, let's assume they are intended to be an economic protective measure. It could be a disaster for some segments of our more resource based economy - and it will be interesting if it is applied to petroleum as the US depends upon a lot of Canadian oil and gas (the world's largest pipeline system takes 7 out of AB then 5 of them turn at Winnipeg and go directly to Chicago). Over the last 60 or so years Canadian governments of EVERY party, fed & provincial have done little to stem the failure of every value added industry except automotive (and even that has fallen apart) and defense production - that is one of the bottomless pits of tax money thrown at Quebec to try to keep them in. If such tariffs hurt Canada (and they surely will) they will to some extent benefit the protected US businesses (as the author predicts) but to even suggest that US production costs could be competitive with Canada at $0.72/us, Mexico at far less and China with essentially unregulated and unenforced laws around wages, environmental damage, resource depletion, etc. is laughable. All of the money that built China in 30 years from zero to the 2nd (or 1st) largest economy on the planet came directly from US and EU pockets - neither of which can compete with China as no such thing as a "level playing field" exists - thus IMHO trade restrictions and barriers are fair play. We will get caught in the squeeze because we have focused on only singular parts of our economy - leaving everything outside of ON/PQ as hewers of wood and drawers of water.
  8. Excuse me for a minute while I am LMFAO. First of all, the Trump Tariffs are not some economic protective measure, they are a penalty on the 2 totally irresponsible countries that have completely miss-managed transmigration and drug traffic through their hopelessly porous borders. The economic analysis is truly amazing. The author writes about productivity and other irrelevant stuff without her entire "profession" (and is that ever a stretch) completely ignores banking and finance siphoning off not billions but TRILLIONS with the speculative economy - that creates absolutely zero wealth. That is a battle Trump will never fight as he is one of the alligators in that infamous swamp.
  9. My bad. Didn't check the link https://www.investopedia.com/news/26-goldman-sachs-alumni-who-run-world-gs/
  10. Have to admire the depth of intellectual gift you bring to the discussion. https://www.investopedia.com/news/26-goldman-sachs-alumni-who-run-world-gs/c An article simple enough for even you to understand?
  11. Again, you have been sucked in by the Uniparty. Repigs and Dummycrats don't run the country, Goldman Sucks does.
  12. I have so enjoyed watching lefty heads explode from the Oval Office, Senate and House triumverate I wish it would never stop....and to some extent, it won't. Thing is: the Uniparty is delighted to have everyone focused and split over partisan BS so they can continue to rape and pillage taxpayers present and many decades into the future as they continue to fill their pockets. The notion that the US economy was, is or ever will be great again is similarly ridiculous. $35 trillion of Federal debt alone means the average family of four is out about $340,000 for that debt alone. The productive economy has almost totally collapsed - replaced by a speculative and "service" economy that produces no wealth but inflates the money supply resulting in runaway inflation - some realized but much still latent. You can't run a country on baseball players, drug trading, lawsuits, holidays, hobbies, government bureaucracy, unions holding everyone to ransome, etc. Somebody....closer to everybody....needs to actually do and REWARD productive work. Instead we now reward the least productive the most. And do you hear Trump, Biden, Camel Hair, Kennedy or any other politician speak of such things? At least the MAGA lot will double down on the immigration mess created by the Dummycrats. Beyond that: Trump can not drain the swamp, since hi is indeed one of the alligators.
  13. ALL of those things have already happened. The Little Turd didn't help stem the tide.
  14. A year ago I was on the fence, as I can understand how both sides have genuine claims to sovereignty and the land going back 3,000 years. However, watching Iranian funded terrorists continue to hide behind he skirts of women and toys of children - resulting in the very predictable death of same I find inexcusably deplorable. When Iranian terrorists can stand on their own and fight like men I will re-consider. What REALLY bothers me is how effectively Iran has infiltrated UN and other agencies to sit by and watch billions of dollars of weapons accumulate in civilian neighbourhoods -and say nothing and do nothing. I long ago learned that such things happen by the instigators (i.e. Iranian front organizations) paying said people to either turn their head or lend a hand. They have turned the funding mechanisms put in place to allow civilians to survive into materiel resources for their terrorist organizations (as what they are and what they do is far below what would allow me to call them "military"). They are the most disgusting kind of coward possible. On top of that the ineptitude and lack of sincerity of the media to seek and expose the truth is disgusting. I suspect in the latter case, once more one must "follow the gold" and see where the buck actually stops.
  15. Across Canada there are already a variety of mixed delivery routes. Common in Yurp. This is all for sick care. We don't do health care because there is no money in it for Big Pharma, big insurance, medical practices and unions. The sick care medical system is pretty much run by the same people who espouse the status quo of drug dealing.
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