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Emergency Measures Act - Umm...


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21 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

These people have not been charged with a crime or even informed of their locked accounts. This is clearly illegal and their needs to be a lawsuit.

Ironically, when the cases are won some years (or decades) later (democratic world's best judiciary - rated by itself) it's the same taxpayers who'll be on the hook to pay compensations to themselves, out of their taxes. For some, double jeopardy. For others, can't lose.

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The Emergencies Act is precisely why people have been skeptical of government over the past couple years (and beyond). 

Trudeaus lack of leadership escalated a situation that really didn't need to be escalates. Instead of speaking to people with opposing view points, he slings mud while hanging out in his bunker. 

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26 minutes ago, West said:

Instead of speaking to people with opposing view points, he slings mud while hanging out in his bunker. 

I see a lot of anger in people’s online comments, some from professed Liberal supporters. Hopefully Mr. Trudeau has finally shit the bed.

... Final destination of unfettered liberalismus.

Edited by OftenWrong
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3 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Cite request: Who on here is a 'professed Liberal supporter'

Why does it matter so much that you need a cite? Seems liberal supporters around here are in hiding now, other than perhaps yourself. I guess I’d go in hiding too if I had the rug pulled out from under me by J Turdeau, et al.

My post referred to a broad, sweeping review I did of many comments on online news web sites.

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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Moonbox...you wanted a rational discussion yet refuse to consider anything in a report that sheds perspective on the issue...because you don't like the reporter and the report exposes some painful realities. Is that rational?

I'll consider anything if it's presented reasonably, but that's not what Lauren Southern does.  I may as well start posting stand-up satire comedy, South Park videos or John Oliver takedowns if Lauren Southern is what you consider "reporting".  She's an uneducated, overtly racist loudmouth and has no more credibility than Alex Jones.  Having your prejudices repeated back to you angrily over Youtube is not reporting.  Sorry.    

2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Pixie-Dust is an opportunistic fop who has only 1 principal; virtue-signal to the 'far left' and treat those who dare oppose his chicken kaka, like sub-human.

Honestly I don't disagree with your general assessment of Trudeau.  I've said here and everywhere that I think he's a vapid fool that uses a lot of words to say nothing, that he stands for nothing other than what he thinks will make him popular.  Sadly he's not unique in that with politics but that's another conversation.  

Regarding his considering dissenters sub-human, I can agree he's done more to divide this country than any PM in recent memory.  The last Prime Minister who was this divisive was his father, who I've long considered to be the worst in Canadian history.  It's unfortunate that his loudest critics are just as bad or worse in this regard.  

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10 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

1. Why does it matter so much that you need a cite? Seems liberal supporters around here are in hiding now,

2. other than perhaps yourself.  

3. My post referred to a broad, sweeping review I did of many comments on online news web sites.

1. Because you are borderline reasonable, and seem reluctant to lie.  So I don't have you on 'ignore'.  You made a claim and immediately when asked about it you say they are in hiding ?  Okay then.
2. Please try to find a single quote from me that says I 'support' the Liberals, in that I would vote for them or think that they are more than 'the least worst' option.  Even then, I mitigate my comments about the Trudeau Liberals with a lot of thought, so you probably won't find any such post.
3. Ok - so nobody on here then got it.

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7 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Jordan Peterson makes a killer point. It isn't just Canada's general international reputation Prime Minister Clownboy has damaged.

Peterson says 20% of the world's faith in the Canadian banking system is gone. He says he's getting advice to move his money out of Canadian banks:

And yeah, Moonbox, we know. You don't like Peterson either. Just another reason to take him seriously is all that is.

Actually, I used to be a pretty big fan of Jordan Peterson before he sold out to the mob.  He's an extremely intelligent man and his arguments are usually very sound, but unfortunately now too often tainted by the hyperbole and rhetoric he spoon-feeds to his audience. 

Take this clip, for example.  While does have a point that the Emergencies Act and the account freezes undermine confidence in the Canadian banking system, his anecdote of "reliable sources" within the Canadian military is vague, spooky bullshit that he figures his audience will find sensational.  He's a smart enough man that he know that, but also smart enough to understand how much critical thinking his audience is doing when tuning in (little to none).   

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15 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

And speaking of hypocrisy, ignoring the obvious fact that the violence of BLM is largely ignored while protesting against authoritarianism from the ideology that powers that violence gets met with more violence from the guy on top who knelt in support of BLM is beyond hypocritical. It's evil.

When was the last protest in canada was not for "leftist ideology"? anti-abortion? In his view, only 2 types of protests: illegal (against me) or legal (for me)

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Because you are borderline reasonable, and seem reluctant to lie.  So I don't have you on 'ignore'.  You made a claim and immediately when asked about it you say they are in hiding ?  Okay then.
2. Please try to find a single quote from me that says I 'support' the Liberals, in that I would vote for them or think that they are more than 'the least worst' option.  Even then, I mitigate my comments about the Trudeau Liberals with a lot of thought, so you probably won't find any such post.
3. Ok - so nobody on here then got it.

Glad I qualify as reasonable, if only borderline.

Walkin that line, I walk the line. ;) 

I am but a symbolic representation of many prevailing attitudes who look upon what just happened ans say, WTF. Can you blame people like me? 

We can bicker over details of who did what to whom. Larger point is the imagery of Canadian politics this presents.  Politics of the masses doesnt respond to specifics, it’s all about imagery.

Mr. Trudeau went too far. But he always was the kind of person who went too far.

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5 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

1. Glad I qualify as reasonable, if only borderline.  Walkin that line, I walk the line. ;) 

2. I am but a symbolic representation of many prevailing attitudes who look upon what just happened ans say, WTF. Can you blame people like me? 

3. We can bicker over details of who did what to whom.

4. Larger point is the imagery of Canadian politics this presents.  Politics of the masses doesnt respond to specifics, it’s all about imagery.

5. Mr. Trudeau went too far. But he always was the kind of person who went too far.

1. I have faith in you ❤️

2. I am in the same general family of attitudes.

3. Yes, let's.  Let's be responsible for what we write including who we quote.  And let's do it as individuals.  Recognize that whatever position you have on this thing, there are utter wingnuts who generally agree with you.  It's not your job to pretend wingnuts are not wingnuts.

4. Sure but we need 'publics' more than we need masses.  

5. Maybe he did.  I can see why some say that.  But the Convoy protest was a disaster too:

-Disorganized, too many idiots involved
-No point or reasonably attainable end game
-Some of the related protests employed extreme tactics, provoking authority to show itself

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FIRST READING: Freedom Convoy is crushed, but the emergency measures go on

Left and right both indulge in wacky Freedom Convoy theories

Author of the article:
Tristin Hopper
Publishing date:
Feb 23, 2022  •  49 minutes ago  •  6 minute read  • 
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pictured on February 21, 2022, the same day he defended continued invocation of the Emergencies Act, even after all Freedom Convoy blockades had been cleared.Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pictured on February 21, 2022, the same day he defended continued invocation of the Emergencies Act, even after all Freedom Convoy blockades had been cleared. Photo by REUTERS/Blair Gable

First Reading is a daily newsletter keeping you posted on the travails of Canadian politicos, all curated by the National Post’s own Tristin Hopper. To get an early version sent direct to your inbox every Monday to Thursday at 6 p.m. ET (and 9 a.m. on Sundays), sign up here.

Here’s the state of Freedom Convoy as of press time …

  • All active Freedom Convoy blockades have been dispersed.
  • The core organizers are in jail and their financial accounts frozen. On Tuesday morning, protest organizer Tamara Lich was denied bail on the grounds that her detention was “necessary for the protection and safety of the public.”
  • At least 115 convoy vehicles were towed from the Ottawa downtown during weekend clearance operations, and the mayor of Ottawa is now openly talking about selling the seized vehicles to recoup policing costs.
  • Police arrested 196 Freedom Convoy blockaders and hundreds more now have a legal Sword of Damocles over their head as law enforcement actively pledges to track them down. “If you are involved in this protest, we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges,” reads a Sunday tweet from the Ottawa Police.

If you are involved in this protest, we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges. #ottawa #ottnews pic.twitter.com/Ic6Q9byfvY

— Ottawa Police (@OttawaPolice) February 20, 202
  • The Ottawa Police are continuing to maintain a “Secured Area” within the city’s core in which nobody can enter without a good reason. Any sign of protest will result in immediate arrest.

Despite all this, the House of Commons voted 185 – 151 on Monday to confirm usage of the Emergencies Act. While the Conservatives and the Bloc Québécois voted against, the authorization passed entirely due to NDP support. For at least another four weeks the Trudeau government will retain extraordinary powers to freeze bank accounts without judicial oversight, commandeer the services of tow truck drivers at threat of legal sanction and authorize police to establish “no go” areas anywhere they deem necessary.

One of the reasons the authorization passed is because the Liberals made it a “confidence vote”; meaning that if the vote failed, it would trigger an election. NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh called an election the “worst thing to do in this crisis.” Toronto Liberal MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith told the House that he considered voting against the Emergencies Act given that all the blockades were gone, but that he too didn’t want to trigger an election.


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14 hours ago, Moonbox said:

Nobody fears commentary by someone like Lauren Southern.  At best she elicits an eyeroll and a chuckle, but mostly we just ignore her as just another angry Karen.  

Nobody said they were the same thing.  I said that your whining about the trucker's being sweepingly/generally criticized because of a few exceptionally bad actors among them is richly ironic given how quickly you're willing to do the same thing if it's a protest you don't agree with.  

What on earth are you even talking about now?  I don't think you can even keep your own points straight, nevermind what others are saying.  ?

Hmmm...another Libbie shortcoming.

Ya know...I don't like any of the reporters or commentators on CBC, but I do hear them out. Same goes for CNN. The reason is...I'm more concerned with the truth of things, than I am with my butt-hurt feelings about any particular reporter. You might try it. I find it brings to light all sorts of things you may have never considered before. That, in fact, is how a democratic government is supposed to function.

And the lack there-of is why our current government is so dysfunctional.

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On 2/17/2022 at 12:06 PM, Aristides said:

He went after Hispanics in his first campaign speech, wanted his opponents put in jail (lock her up) etc. What else do you want. I'm not justifying what Trudeau said, quite the contrary, but Hitler? Give me a freaking break.

Hillary should be locked up.  3 murders and counting.

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3 hours ago, Moonbox said:

I'll consider anything if it's presented reasonably, but that's not what Lauren Southern does.

How would you know. Admit it. You didn't click her link then posed as having some sort of expertise on her. I doubt you'd even heard of her before running to Google and getting the first page command from Borg central that she was a baddie. That kind of prideful ignorance makes me say if you and yours don't like her she must be worth listening to.

And she is. She's what we call a common sense Conservative who does her research. You know, the thing you and yours hate the most.

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Here's a smiler from Rebel News to show you who's actually reporting the news.

Apparently the New York Times made an offhand remark about Canadian police (or whatever those were) using guns in their purge.

Trudeau's stenographers who at one time were thought of to be journalist put on their petty pants of posturing outrage and whimpered at the New York Times for daring to suggest Canada's police would ever intimidate with guns.

So Ezra brought out the pics of the Progressive Socialists' thug force that at one time were thought of as police with guns. It's right there in front of our face, if we dare to look. Police kicking down doors, breaking windows, charging crowds...with guns.

But we're not supposed to believe what we see in the below with our lying eyes because, why? Mikey and Moonbox don't like Rebel?


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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

Hmmm...another Libbie shortcoming.

Ya know...I don't like any of the reporters or commentators on CBC, but I do hear them out. Same goes for CNN.

Say whatever you want about the CBC and CNN.  I don't like either, but at least they're educated/trained journalists.  I don't really like Fox News either but can at least rely on their actual news broadcasts to deliver basic facts, editorial bias aside.  It's the circus acts like Sean Hannity that kill the channel's credibility, much like Coulter used to do with CNN.  

Lauren Summer is another story altogether.  She's an overt racist and infamous for her lack of intellectual integrity.  Her videos like the "Great Replacement" are a worldwide laughing stock and only the most desperate copers take anything she says seriously.  

1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

The reason is...I'm more concerned with the truth of things, than I am with my butt-hurt feelings about any particular reporter.

Following jokers like Lauren Southern is itself a form of nursing butthurt - this is just sort of sad coping where you're searching for anyone online who's remotely articulate/charismatic to confirm your pre-existing politics and prejudices.  Youtubers get more views laughing at and debunking her made-up bullshit than most of her actual videos.  Give that a try and come back to us here if you're so ready to "hear people out".  

Edited by Moonbox
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5 hours ago, West said:

The Emergencies Act is precisely why people have been skeptical of government over the past couple years (and beyond). 

Trudeaus lack of leadership escalated a situation that really didn't need to be escalates. Instead of speaking to people with opposing view points, he slings mud while hanging out in his bunker. 

why is he going to talk topeople who got behind leadership whos main goal was to over throw government LOL    jesus you people make me laugh.  maybe organize   with people  that have a decent track record and government might talk to them.

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17 minutes ago, Jack9000 said:

why is he going to talk topeople who got behind leadership whos main goal was to over throw government LOL    jesus you people make me laugh.  maybe organize   with people  that have a decent track record and government might talk to them.

You are aware that the convoy leadership withdrew that statement week ago right...Reversing that point of their mandate or MOU, as it pointed out that it was imposable for any unelected group to form a coalition and rule the country... I'm not saying it was not their at the start of the protest but it is since been removed. 

On Tuesday, a notice posted to the “Canada Unity” page that hosted the document stated that representatives James and Sandra Bauder would be withdrawing the memorandum after collecting 320,000 signatures, as it “does not reflect the spirit and intent of the Freedom Convoy.”

“We do not want any unintended interpretations to continue. Our sole desire with the MOU was to have a document where Canadians could peacefully express their displeasure with current C19 mandates, and express their desire to be free. Canada Unity does not support or encourage any acts which tarnish democratic values held by Canadians,” reads the notice.

Trucker convoy: Is the 'coalition' proposal possible? | CTV News

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19 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Say whatever you want about the CBC and CNN.  I don't like either, but at least they're educated/trained journalists.  I don't really like Fox News either but can at least rely on their actual news broadcasts to deliver basic facts, editorial bias aside.  It's the circus acts like Sean Hannity that kill the channel's credibility, much like Coulter used to do with CNN.  

Lauren Summer is another story altogether.  She's an overt racist and infamous for her lack of intellectual integrity.  Her videos like the "Great Replacement" are a worldwide laughing stock and only the most desperate copers take anything she says seriously.  

Following jokers like Lauren Southern is itself a form of nursing butthurt - this is just sort of sad coping where you're searching for anyone online who's remotely articulate/charismatic to confirm your pre-existing politics and prejudices.  Youtubers get more views laughing at and debunking her made-up bullshit than most of her actual videos.  Give that a try and come back to us here if you're so ready to "hear people out".  

I did hear her out...on the clip that was posted by Infidel Dog. And having heard her out on that clip, I have to say she makes some good points. I even watched this clip you've posted here. I find the guy is pretty loose with his terminology and analysis of migrations. He also does an interesting twist on "white Britons" being a minority in the coming decades. He makes reference to the Eugenics Society. Which I find interesting since the US abortion rights movement was lead by a eugenics expert and I would bet this person supports abortion in the USA...wouldn't you? Oh and "The Nazi shit". LOL...just had to throw that word in there eh?

And lets not forget that this person doesn't waste any time digging into the sources of information Lauren discussed, instead of the information itself. I see this over and over from people who can't really dispute a point, so they attack the messenger. "The data can't be correct because you hate JEWS!" Little secret for ya...not a lot of people in Central and Eastern Europe, a place I lived for about a decade and still hold property in, really think its reasonable to say 6,000,000 Jews were exterminated by Hitler. Nobody disputes what Hitler did was abhorrent. It most certainly was. But 6,000,000? Ya...probably not.

So this is your rebuttal. Attack the messenger instead of the message.


The small fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa, who are holding unacceptable views that they are expressing, do not represent the views of Canadians,

Nazis and Terrorists

The words of Pixie-Dust will ring throughout history as his crowning failure. We'll make sure of that.

I follow information in search of truth. A complete idiot can be informational. But not to you. Which is why I say...your attitude is one of the biggest reasons Canada is so divided today. You have a prejudice that motivates you. Not a desire for the facts and truth. Prejudice and racism are brothers. Do try to keep the brothers in separate rooms?

There's a good lad...

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46 minutes ago, Jack9000 said:

why is he going to talk topeople who got behind leadership whos main goal was to over throw government 

This is disingenuous. Their main goal was to end mandates which was destroying their livelihoods. If that meant causing the Prime Minister to resign, so be it.

I get your side doesn't care that real people are being harmed by your policy but there's no need to lie

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Just now, West said:

This is disingenuous. Their main goal was to end mandates which was destroying their livelihoods. 

I get your side doesn't care that real people are being harmed by your policy but there's no need to lie

maybe open your eyes westy  and read 2nd part of that post where I said  Get better leaders whos true intension isn't to overthrow government to organize it and then TRY AGAIN.

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