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The push is on of the Omicron or Omnicon virus.


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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

I don't know about your wife but mine laughs out loud at the notion of the man-cold

That's exactly what I was thinking of when I was writing my post ?

1 hour ago, eyeball said:

Who knows in any case it looks like we're entering let 'er' rip mode which apparently bodes well for your side finally.  See you at the party after the finish line when the dust finally settles I guess.  

I'm hoping you're right but even as we near the goal posts, it seems they keep moving.  I have said for a while now that I don't care about being right and would rather just have it over but it still seems like there is this polarizing vaccination drive even with a variant that is proven to be less severe. Take our fearless leader today:



1 hour ago, eyeball said:

I'm living in hope because the pandemic does seem to be unfolding in a manner consistent with what experts were saying, that both a vaccine and safer variants would lead to a path away from this.  If they were wrong at all it was to predict vaccine and less dangerous variant would take longer than they have.  Fingers crossed.  

Have they said that? I have only heard them focus on the vaccine and not on hopes of a safer variant. I might not have been listening to that part. 

With that said, I can be certain they have consistently said that vaccination is the way out which I think has been proven wrong. In Canada anyway, there was only really one wave of Delta that the vaccine helped with. We basically took waves 1, 2 and 3 on the chin and now wave 5 is showing the vaccines aren't stopping cases and looking like they aren't going to help for hospitalization/ICU.  

Again....I do hope you're right

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49 minutes ago, taxme said:

I am so anxious and just cannot wait to see and hear about the next new covid scariant virus that should be coming around in the next few months. Probably this new covid scariant virus will be the big grand daddy of them all. It must happen. 

You haven't heard about IHU yet? More mutations and more capable at evading vaccines however the WHO says its not so bad. 


If that one doesn't scare you then what about Flurona??



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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

unfolding in a manner consistent with what experts were saying

Yeah let's be hopeful that all is unfolding, last year same time we were hopeful for vaccines with masks and lockdowns (according to exsperts) in summer with zero cases we still had restrictions "out of abundance of caution (following experts) and lo! we are having more restrictions and another lockdown with masks, vaccines and experts! Like, who wouldn't be hopeful here?

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

Our politicians sure do love their covids. Just look at all the power and control that they now have over we the peasants that this covid scamdemic farce has given them.

It’s all we talk about, non-stop 24/7 for two years now.

That way it diverts our attention from them and their failures. Yes the ruling classes love Covid-19.

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1 hour ago, Accountability Now said:

Have they said that? I have only heard them focus on the vaccine and not on hopes of a safer variant. I might not have been listening to that part. 

No, they haven’t said it and you’ve been listening correctly. Government apologists love to stammer out excuses and tell lies.

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2 hours ago, Accountability Now said:

Have they said that? I have only heard them focus on the vaccine and not on hopes of a safer variant. I might not have been listening to that part. 

I recall hearing this way back in middle of the 1st wave and I can't say it was stated with an abundance of hope it was more like a distant possibility. The hope at that time was for a vaccine in as little as 18 months but more likely 5 years. By all accounts I should be amongst the vast herd of frightened supplicants huddled around Trudeau's feet but instead I think we have more to cheer about than whine.  I guess I probably deserve a good cancelling.


With that said, I can be certain they have consistently said that vaccination is the way out which I think has been proven wrong. In Canada anyway, there was only really one wave of Delta that the vaccine helped with. We basically took waves 1, 2 and 3 on the chin and now wave 5 is showing the vaccines aren't stopping cases and looking like they aren't going to help for hospitalization/ICU. 

Again....I do hope you're right.

It looks more likely now that vaccines will be but one tool in the box. We only had a vaccine in time for delta meaning the measures we took are what were responsible for lessening the damage from preceding waves.  I don't want to pin too much more hope for more of those and I'd rather see more vaccines. Thaty said, I'll probably pull out masks come flu season for the rest of my life and I'll certainly continue using my disinfecting fogger at work for dealing with flu and cold viruses that are better at transmitting thru contact with surfaces.  Who knows, COVID could evolve a better capacity for surface transmission too.


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26 minutes ago, Aristides said:

One good thing about this, for the first time in my life I haven't had so much as a cold for over two years. Who says masks and other measures don't work.

Anyone who seems to believe they'll cause our society to fall to Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

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37 minutes ago, Aristides said:

One good thing about this, for the first time in my life I haven't had so much as a cold for over two years. Who says masks and other measures don't work.

I’ll take the cold in lieu of screwing up little kids lives, causing more suicides, overdoses and murders, and wiping out small businesses.

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34 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

I’ll take the cold in lieu of screwing up little kids lives, causing more suicides, overdoses and murders, and wiping out small businesses.


Well, you see...it's all about what the me generation wants.

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Compare this:

Covid cases in Romania (lowest vaccination rate in Europe)

and this:

Covid cases in UK (one of the highest vaccination rate in Europe)

There's a possibility - one has to be clear, it has not, to my knowledge been confirmed by statistically significant peer reviewed results, and neither rejected, to the best of my knowledge, that this is not a coincidence, a random fluctuation of data points.

Over the uncounted millennia immune system of animals, mammals, primates and so on has developed to look for and neutralize all and any kind of threats, both known and unknown. It's like a sentinel constantly looking out around, in every direction. And even with Covid, looking at it objectively and impartially it hasn't done bad, one can say given the novelty out of the blue nature of the threat, not bad at all.

Now imagine you found a way to tell it this: look I'm smarter than you. Don't look everywhere, just look here and here, I know better and best. And, you can do that not just for any one individual, but a whole population.

Then, a virus is one of the tiniest biological things. It has no intelligence and is not an organism of its own needing another organism, like a cell to propagate. It can do only three things: penetrate; multiply and change but it is also an expert in every one of them, honed by billions years of evolution.

And now, combine the two: the immunity sentinels all of them, in entire populations, by a wave of a bureaucratic hand turned to look in the same direction instead of all and every one and a tiny-winy thingy that mutates and multiplies, multiplies and mutates in enormous, unimaginable quantities. What would happen (remember, not a peer reviewed conclusion, as yet) if there's a version of it that is moving somewhere else, where immunity forced by instruction from high up isn't looking?

Even if this turns out only a hypothesis, a possibility rejected by objective and impartial studies there may be a message in it still: it can be risky and even outright dangerous to let clueless and arrogant bureaucracy play with population health on the population level. There's no guarantees and none could be given that next time around, as always, the effects and consequences could be fixed by a belated apology.

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9 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Yup the young are being robbed of normal lives to protect a small group of worried people who can be fully vaccinated and boosted, who can wear masks and social distance themselves.  Do we need to continue to turn the world upside down to satisfy their selfishness?

Just like my elders that put their childhoods on hold to go to war. Twice.

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12 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Yup the young are being robbed of normal lives to protect a small group of worried people who can be fully vaccinated and boosted, who can wear masks and social distance themselves.  Do we need to continue to turn the world upside down to satisfy their selfishness?

No, that's not the reason for the restrictions.  The reason has been repeated over and over already on the media.  If there were no restrictions, the health care system would completely collapse.  The hospitals would be inundated with Covid patients and other people would be turned away.  There are emergencies every day and people need help.  

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20 minutes ago, blackbird said:

No, that's not the reason for the restrictions.  The reason has been repeated over and over already on the media.  If there were no restrictions, the health care system would completely collapse.  The hospitals would be inundated with Covid patients and other people would be turned away.  There are emergencies every day and people need help.  

Yawn, Brampton Hospital just lifted its Orange Alert.  Alberta is returning kids to school next week. I know how badly you want this to be a crippling crisis, but it’s time to move on.  

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31 minutes ago, blackbird said:

 Wake up and do your part.

My sister did her part and now she's disabled.

And since her vaxxes were over 6 months ago, she' pretty much unvaxxed now.

And she can't get a booster or the odds are quite high she will die.

Why do you want my sister to die?

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38 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Wake up and do your part.

A bunch of children have been vaccinated now.  They did their part.

MSM reported that just shortly after the rollout, over 100 children  - just in Toronto alone - now have myocarditis from the vaccines.

Statistics on myocarditis is that 20% of those children will die within 6.5 years.

Across Canada, that means about 1500-2000 children will die and that's just from the myocarditis.

They will die for you.

How many children have to die for you to feel safe, Blackbird?

Thousands still isn't enough for you?

But ya, continue calling others "selfish".  You're the one who is selfish, demanding others - especially children - die for you.  You should be ashamed.


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53 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Did you do your duty and get fully vaccinated to help protect yourself and your family and fellow citizens?  If not you have no business to be on here complaining about restrictions.  Wake up and do your part.

I’m fully vaccinated and my boost is scheduled for mid-January.  I wear masks all day at work.  Nice try.  With 90% of adults and well over 80% of 12-18 year olds fully vaccinated, soon followed by 5-12 year olds, do you really think having more of the population boosted is going to suddenly end this?   Get real.

Ending the pandemic is an entirely political choice at this point.  It requires being honest with the public about what can and is reasonable to control in a free society.  We are more than safe enough from Covid to end restrictions and shift to personal responsibility.  It’s so sad what our country has become, a place of the unquestioning weak-kneed and infantilized.  Only a unified opposition can shake this.  It must be large, reasonable, vocal, and persistent.

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22 hours ago, Accountability Now said:

You haven't heard about IHU yet? More mutations and more capable at evading vaccines however the WHO says its not so bad. 


If that one doesn't scare you then what about Flurona??



I kind of new that it was just going to be a matter of time before the next scam virus comes along. Those big pharma globalists just cannot wait to create a new covid virus for the dummy masses out there. They must have a list a mile long of many new names ready for all of the viruses that they have lined up for us all. I guess making hundreds of billions of dollars already off the covid scamdemic nonsense is not enough and so they want to make more the greedy bastards. 

The thing that scares me the most is the fact that our Marxist Canadian politicians and the Marxist Canadian media are going to have another field day with another one of those new scariant covid viruses soon too come along. Gesus, this could go on forever and ever. My arm is starting to hurt me just from the thought of all of those booster jabs that I will be required to have to take to be able to go eat in a restaurant. ?



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49 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Only a unified opposition can shake this.  It must be large, reasonable, vocal, and persistent.

Agreed, but beware what you wish for. You might get it.

People are now getting desperate, disenfranchized. We are ripe for the rise of the strongman.

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1 hour ago, Goddess said:

A bunch of children have been vaccinated now.  They did their part.

MSM reported that just shortly after the rollout, over 100 children  - just in Toronto alone - now have myocarditis from the vaccines.

Statistics on myocarditis is that 20% of those children will die within 6.5 years.

Across Canada, that means about 1500-2000 children will die and that's just from the myocarditis.

They will die for you.

How many children have to die for you to feel safe, Blackbird?

Thousands still isn't enough for you?

But ya, continue calling others "selfish".  You're the one who is selfish, demanding others - especially children - die for you.  You should be ashamed.


What the big pharma globalists are doing with the aid and assistance from our traitorous Marxist politicians and the Marxist media is a crime against Canadians and are crimes against humanity. There is no need to be injecting children with an experimental vaccine that we now can see as to what those covid vaccines are doing to our Canadian children.

Why do we have so many buffoons out there who just seem to want to keep going along with this murderous program and agenda covid scamdemic of trying to maim or kill children. We are truly becoming a nation of insane buffoons. The majority of Branch Covidian Canadians are really pissing me off. ?

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