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Donald vs Hillary

Who will American voters choose: Clinton or Trump?  

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Sanders and Trump may be polar opposites in policies but also in personality. Sanders is utterly unswayed by lobbyists and special interest groups and he stands by his convictions even when he knows it's political suicide. He is the most honest politician I've seen, if not the only one, and he has a long history of putting the needs of the people ahead of his own.

On the polar opposite flip-side, Trump is brash, greedy, angry and completely self-serving which appeals to different people for different reasons. It's remarkable, actually, how these two came out of nowhere and filled a void within both sides of the spectrum.

I agree. But there have been other honest politicians like Sanders who stick by their ethical convictions despite the cost. Like Ralph Nader for instance. He wouldn't even run as a Democrat like Bernie did, which made him go nowhere as an independent (Green). Sanders and him are my 2 favorite US politicians of the last few decades.

Edited by Moonlight Graham
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  • 2 weeks later...

You want to know why Trump is doing well in polls, and why Clinton's backers are worried.

This kind of says it all.

American news networks devoted half an hour to an empty stage where Trump would soon appear
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton was at the exact same moment delivering a speech about the middle class that was almost completely ignored


Edited by Argus
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Nothing in Trump's history indicates the slightest interest in religion... until it became politically expedient. Being a Christian is a de-facto requirement in running for President, which is why Trump is now a 'uuuuuuuge Christian.


All politicians do the same thing to get the vote. Nothing new here. But because Trump does it, well it is somehow a wrong thing to be doing. The bashing of Trump is always there.

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All politicians do the same thing to get the vote. Nothing new here. But because Trump does it, well it is somehow a wrong thing to be doing. The bashing of Trump is always there.

I don't agree... There's no doubt in my mind that some-- like Ted Cruz or Rick Santorum or Stockwell Day, to name a few-- are just as religious when the cameras aren't watching.


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Trump made a speech tonight and he says on Monday he is going to go after "THE CLINTONS" and tell how corrupt they are especially their Clinton Foundation, which may be taking money from other world leaders and elites. I've also heard they got some of the money that was suppose to go to Haiti victims. I wonder how much money they got by selling US secrets to the Chinese when they were in the White House? I understand Trump has doubled his body guards and he'll need them IF he does what he said he's going to do with the Clintons.

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You say that like there's something wrong with that.

I guess that there is nothing wrong with it if one is a Trump hater. Personally, I believe that those who do bash Trump are just a bunch of Marxist lackeys for the establishment. They listen to the corporate Zionist media who has done a pretty good job of convincing the fools that Trump is the big bad wolf. And in some ways Trump may be a big bad wolf because if he does become President he is going to huff and puff and blow the elite cabal establishments house down. We will see plenty of rubble everywhere, and the little piggies will be running like hell not to get eaten up. Cool eh? :D

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Trump made a speech tonight and he says on Monday he is going to go after "THE CLINTONS" and tell how corrupt they are especially their Clinton Foundation, which may be taking money from other world leaders and elites. I've also heard they got some of the money that was suppose to go to Haiti victims. I wonder how much money they got by selling US secrets to the Chinese when they were in the White House? I understand Trump has doubled his body guards and he'll need them IF he does what he said he's going to do with the Clintons.

The Clinton's should consider as to what way are they going to exit out of town if Trump becomes President. I think that Trump may just want to nail their butts and put them in jail where they truly belong. Their hatred for America and Americans is now going to be revealed for all to see. About time.

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Yes...it is called the Secret Service and is required by law. Trump's code name is "Mogul".

From Merriam-Webster


noun mo·gul
  1. capitalized : an Indian Muslim of or descended from one of several conquering groups of Mongol, Turkish, and Persian origin; especially : great mogul
  2. : a great personage
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I was told that he's got guard watching everyone, even the SS, because he and his family have gotten death threats and since many Presidents and others have been killed by their own, who can u trust.

A President was killed by their own guards? Which one?

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A President was killed by their own guards? Which one?

Certainly Indira Gandhi would be the best example, although she was 'Prime Minister', but it was her own guards. There have been many leaders of state that have been assassinated by state forces (e.g. army), even if their direct body guards were not personally involved; Anwar Sadat is probably the best known of those.

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I'm wondering why the US voters can't have a fair and just election. There have been even more items of voter fraud by both sides, since the road to the White House in Nov. I hear this AM, that a young first time voters tried to vote for Sanders and the machine kept putting Clinton name up...3X's. This voter, dad is a judge and his son wants to know what going on and his dad does too. There are other things going on too like many voters not having their name on the voting list. https://willyloman.wordpress.com/2016/06/08/california-election-fraud/

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As much as I'd like to see charges against her, that won't happen. She would have been out of the race a long time ago.

"charges" for what? What U.S. law(s) were broken - specifically? As I previously posted, some other prior U.S. Secretaries of State have also been shown to have used their personal email in receiving/sending classified information... notwithstanding, as I'm aware, in regards Clinton, there were but 22 emails in question concerning the issue of classified information - I read that at the time she received them, they were not designated 'classified' and only subsequently became so later.


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It speaks volumes that it has been speculated that if she has to withdraw not even then there couldn't be Sanders but instead people are coming up with nonsense such as Biden being nominated as a dark horse.

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The following two articles pretty much summarize Trump's chances:



The first describes his campaign. There is none.

The second describes his dealings in Atlantic City. The casinos died, but Trump made a lot of money.

When this is all over, one thing can be predicted with a good level of certainty. Trump..., even if does not profit directly from the presidential run.... will have huge name recognition. In a country like America, that usually translates into dollars... somewhere along the line if not immediately.

If, like the casinos, the presidential run were to die, it won't matter. Like the casinos, somebody else will have to pick up the pieces.


Edited by Icebound
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The following two articles pretty much summarize Trump's chances:



The first describes his campaign. There is none.

The second describes his dealings in Atlantic City. The casinos died, but Trump made a lot of money.

When this is all over, one thing can be predicted with a good level of certainty. Trump..., even if does not profit directly from the presidential run.... will have huge name recognition. In a country like America, that usually translates into dollars... somewhere along the line if not immediately.

If, like the casinos, the presidential run were to die, it won't matter. Like the casinos, somebody else will have to pick up the pieces.


What a ridiculous concept. Trump does not need name recognition and the fact is; the way the media has treated him, this presidential run has cost him millions - maybe billions in business dollars.

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"charges" for what? What U.S. law(s) were broken - specifically? As I previously posted, some other prior U.S. Secretaries of State have also been shown to have used their personal email in receiving/sending classified information... notwithstanding, as I'm aware, in regards Clinton, there were but 22 emails in question concerning the issue of classified information - I read that at the time she received them, they were not designated 'classified' and only subsequently became so later.


There is conflict of interest and guess who was the one to decide which ones were classified. Clinton herself made that decision. And just because others have done it does not mean that Clinton should or should be able to get away with it.

A good deal of those emails were dealing with the incident in Benghazi, in which she screwed up large that contributed to Ambassador Stevens and others being killed.

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