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  1. I'll give you $20 for your car right now. You don't want to get caught holding that bag, do you? You can thank me later.
  2. Yes, that is what I said. The players aren't as good. But without a doubt the three downs forces teams to gamble, which is far less common in the NFL. The NFL is far more plodding. And man oh man does it take itself seriously.
  3. I find the NFL to be much slower in pace than the CFL. Lots of grinding defensive battles, which is boring. In the CFL three downs forces teams to open up and take chances. The players aren't as good as the NFL, and the gambling plus mistakes make for some wild times.
  4. The Supreme Court has been there, done that regarding face coverings. If you are allowed to wear a face covering at a citizenship ceremnony, what would possibly be the point of ethnic screening for the same thing prior to entry? You could not get that issue in front of a JP, never mind the Supremes.. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/liberals-drop-controversial-supreme-court-of-canada-niqab-appeal/article27280846/
  5. The season is starting to spiral into black comedy. Attaining mediocrity is starting to look like an unachievable dream. Good teams beat us like a rented mule, for fun. In a couple short years Shapiro and Atkins have taken a contending team into.... uncompetitive.
  6. Yes, of course. The only reason Shaw and Bell follow the idiotic instructions from the CRTC to make more rubbish is because they are forced to do it, This is entertainment, not national security. Pay for your own.
  7. I see. Do you also equate a womans choice of headgear as equivalent to murder, slavery and bestaoality?
  8. The topic here is people wearing hats. Now you are speaking of murder, slavery and bestiality. I am not laughing at you, just near you.
  9. A radical? Requesting people to walk the walk . ie being tolerant- is a radical notion?
  10. No reason to lose it, just start having those very, very few persons who watch CBC TV can start paying for it as a subscritpion service- like any other form of entertainment.
  11. CBC TV does both: empty all our pockets and fail to entertain.
  12. I really hope so, Walking Dead has been repeating itself for a long time.
  13. But you cannot have it both ways. That is part of what tolerance means, respect that which is foreign to you.
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