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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/2024 in all areas

  1. “We’re here today, not just about telework, we’re here about the future of work,” said the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) national president Sharon DeSousa at the rally, held by PSAC, the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) and the Association of Canadian Financial Officers (ACFO). “Telework has given us the balance we need in our lives. More time with our families, engaging in our communities, while keeping this country moving.” https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/public-servants-rally-as-new-return-to-office-mandate-takes-effect/ar-AA1qgOO3?cvid=4d83ff6fe1074a2cf7f0cf31f0e08b6d&ei=13 Yup, go ahead and protest that you have to back to the office to work on extra day. How much sympathy do you think the general public will give?? Answer......None!!! Also, you say there are not enough desks?? Well your ranks have dramatically increased with the Liberals. Wait till the Conservatives get back in and start to cut the PS way down again. There will be lots of empty desks and many of you can stay home....permanently LOL No sympathy from me...they should be in the offcie 5 days a week. And I was a public servant.
    2 points
  2. Yeah.. no. I have rolled up the window while they ran the plates and such and when they come back, I roll it back down, get my ticket, listen to the schpiel, and moved on. No, I did not refuse but there was never any instructions as to have it up or down.
    2 points
  3. I fail to understand your post Dougie. Assuming Citizen 2015 is an Iranian dissident and immigrated to Canada and is now a citizen of Canada why would that make a difference. You for example seem to be a troll: a person who intentionally antagonizes others online by posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content. Be that as it may, I am an immigrant who has been a proud Canadian Citizen for over fifty years. I too am proud of my country because of the respect it has around the world, for the freedoms we enjoy and for the tolerance we show even internet trolls like you.
    2 points
  4. Apparently she even copied and pasted a part that said reelect Joe Biden.
    1 point
  5. WTF? They were wildly excessive. There was zero reason to drag him out of the car. Complete bullshit.
    1 point
  6. well technically I am \Californian my father was raised in Glendale, he went to UC Berkeley on a scholarship hence how I became a Niners fan I was at Candlestick watching Joe Montana defeat them all but when the Niners chose Steve Young over Joe I followed Joe to Missouruh and I've been in love with Missouruh ever since
    1 point
  7. How did she receive death threats when her name was never released did the maga people magically know?
    1 point
  8. In many parts of the country the hunting is still rated as excellent...Here in NB it is a different story, I've come across many First nations and people from Quebec, or north shore set up hunting camps, kill as many deer as they can, and can or bottle them on the spot...and taking off before DNR finds them...to get a moose tag is like winning loto max, almost imposable...even a buck tag hard to get...I know a lot of guys use to go to NFLD and take few caribou but even that is hard to do now with the herd being so small....You really got to go north...But yes there is nothing like wild game, and all that goes with the hunt...
    1 point
  9. Exactly. All the police had to do was walk back to their motorcycles, write up the ticket, go back, hand it to him, and tell him to have a nice day and watch his speed in the future. End of story.
    1 point
  10. Once i got pulled over for speeding through a school zone. To say I was displeased is the understatement of the year. I was 22 and so you can figure out the rest. I was far less civil than Tyreek Hill and no one pulled me out of my vehicle. In the meantime, I was barking out all sorts of obscenities to the cop. I laugh at it now but having my tantrum in the car.. I destroyed the dashboard.. oops. The point is that Hill was not being overly aggressive or overly noncompliant.
    1 point
  11. You are way too uneducated to begin to understand how manufacturing supply chains work in this world. The result of these tariffs is that China and other nations will impose equal tariffs. Zero sum game, except for loads of economic disruption, supply chain nightmares and more taxes imposed on consumers.
    1 point
  12. Right. Making T-shirts or cell phones 20% more expensive doesn't suddenly mean that there is a domestic replacement at a lower or comparable price point. It just means people--particularly poor people--are paying 20% more for their stuff.
    1 point
  13. Although Whitman's autopsy revealed a pecan-sized tumor in the white matter above his amygdala, the tumor was not connected to any sensory nerves. Nonetheless, some experts believe this tumor may have contributed to the violent impulses which Whitman had been exhibiting for several years prior to the massacre.[3]: 54 [5] So the person not the gun.
    1 point
  14. No shit. Its 105 degrees out and I am putting my window back up with the AC on. Its 20 degrees out with a cold wind blowing, I am putting my window back up. Its a traffic stop, not some felony stop.
    1 point
  15. There is no "good" of an untargeted tax increase with a major corporations. It's nonsense policy. Just red meat for the base--who don't understand economics in the least. It's the economic version of doing something stupid just to "own the conservatives." The base wants to "own corporations" without realizing that they're just hurting themselves. A corporate tax should be a precision tool with deliberate and well understood effects. Trying to slap a 20% blanket tax increase on corporations is asinine. Truly stupid.
    1 point
  16. I would have to agree. I think they may have factored into rental costs (by skyrocketing the demand), but the average newcomer isn't buying a house. Also many newcomers are simply moving in with family, or will likely move in together. Also, immigrants are just as victimized. Many are being forced to pay 6 or more months of rent up front, illegally by landlords knowing many of these newcomers aren't aware of their rights, yet need a place to stay. I mean, if they contribute, its via unintended consequences, and incompetent government policy. The immigrants themselves, can't be held responsible for this.
    1 point
  17. I think you are avoiding the question. I think that is because you are a coward who doesn't want to say what he really wants here. Is this what you mutter to yourself as the little kids are inside, bleeding to death? As opposed to being a coward like you? Why do you keep calling them chickenshit? They were doing exactly what you wanted them to. Boo! Look out for my battle shovel! ROFL Of course, that was a bit of overkill, you really only need a few guys to stand around outside and do nothing like you want them too. It doesn't take that many to watch little kids bleed to death like you want. Nope, you still don't know what that means. Just like you don't know what woman means or what a real vagina is.
    1 point
  18. So I guess this wasn't just some kind of warm-up period, where Kamala was familiarizing herself with the role before answering Americans' questions. After 40+ days of this crap it has become perfectly clear that Kamala is going to hide like Biden did during the 2020 election campaign and during the entirety of his presidency. No matter now soundly Kamala gets thrashed in the debate tonight she will go back into her shell until the election, and the MSM and her cultist followers will just sing Kumbaya. They know that she can't debate Trump without pre-screened questions, fake 'fact-checkers' at the ready, and the friendliest of moderators. And the fact that she's basically worthless doesn't matter to cultists, because they just want the DNC politburo to control everything. I gotta admit, the Dems' strategy of never answering questions does help them dodge accountability for their failures, because no one associates their faces with all of those failures. Just KJP, circle-back Psaki, etc. Then at the end of the day the Demis can say "Kamala actually wasn't the border czar, we just pretended that she was because we were trying to make her look good. She didn't really do anything. The last 4 years are all Joe's fault."
    1 point
  19. Watch British TV shows and note the flats and rowhouses. Don't think those would be popular in the eyes of the affordable housing complainers in N America. Nor would Soviet blockhouses or US 'project housing'. We have a serious very complicated problem that absolutely no govt at any level can snap their fingers and solve. All levels working together can only make a dent. A kid that worked for me is turning 30 and owns 4 houses, rents out 3. His Dad owns 14 spread from BC to Ont. Another guy bought half the trailers and the mobile court himself and rents them. Are they good guys or evil slumlords? The problem or the solution? Do we regulate the real estate freemarket or deregulate it? Those are some of the things we need to decide.
    1 point
  20. ROFLMAO!!!! Sure kiddo Better luck next time
    1 point
  21. Yes criticize her for being able to read one..... rather hear more stories of windmills killing whales or how to get electrocuted on a sinking boat? How his numbers are so much bigger than the number of numbers in her numbers? I'm sure the senile demented old fart will deliver.
    1 point
  22. Thank God for handlers and their teleprompters or uncle joeless and kammie kams kommunist would be up shit creek. lol
    1 point
  23. Does anyone even know who Kamala is now? She was an anti-fracking, defund police, abolish ice, open border, pro-rioting, electric vehicle mandate spazz who cast the deciding vote to pass the inflation reduction act which hired 87,000 IRS agents tasked with tracking payments on payment platforms where tips were collected. Now, according to what she's reading from her teleprompter, she's pro-fracking, supports police, supports ICE, the Dems are scrambling to pretend that she never supported rioting, she's against EV mandates, and she wants to eliminate the tax on tips. But no one can ask her questions about any of that... There's a theoretical list of serious changes in her entire belief system but it's behind glass. Is she the person she was a year ago, or is she really the brand new 2024 Kamala that the teleprompter wants us to believe?
    1 point
  24. "PFfffft.... well those shorts look a little girly don't they?" He said from a very safe distance.
    1 point
  25. You claimed otherwise... I identify as this guy... This kid didn't buy his rifle nor was that the only particular incident you are talking about... you want to focus on your fear and hate of guns instead of protecting kids. That is what you want. You want the good guys with guns to sit around. You want the little kids to die inside the school while they wait outside. So, all you are doing now is trying to justify your not giving a shit about women who kill themselves.
    1 point
  26. Vance tried to do a 'stop and order snacks like a normal person' thing at a donut shop and it didn't go great, it was just kind of awkward and he didn't know what any of the donuts were etc. So i guess this is walz saying "look, i know how to buy donuts!" In front of the donut shop he killed.
    1 point
  27. The sad thing about this , is he probably knows deep down that he has been expised as a Russian puppet, but his fragile ego will not let him admit it to others.
    1 point
  28. Wow, so you were talking about it before and forgot? This doesn't make you look any better. Or... Russia could quit or never have invaded, to begin with...
    1 point
  29. Cohn was such a troll that they wrote a play with him as a major villain. He trolled America his whole life...
    1 point
  30. 5his has been well known for ages. Closeted homosexuals are almost entirely Republican members, and some are eventually found out by arrests. Indecent exposure, hanging out at gay clubs, HIV, and even being indicted for molesting ypung boys are common in Republican circles.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. just another glaringly stupid idea from Trudeau he lives in such a bubble, that somehow he thinks Mark Carney is popular he's certainly not popular with the right, since the right in Canada has become populist
    1 point
  33. There are many that are more Canadian than that . . .
    1 point
  34. I don't care if men want to dance around in thongs wearing wigs and fake boobs in a night club with other weirdos doing the same. I don't care if two consenting dudes wanna have gay sex. Hell I don't even care if two men want to have some form of civil union. Government should stay out of marriage all together. Just don't expose your ball sack and fake boobs to minors or folks in public. That's really not too much to ask.
    1 point
  35. Carney is a fool for not taking this opportunity to forsake the Liberals to join the Conservative Party instead it's not like the Red Tory Progressive Conservatives wouldn't welcome him into the ranks
    1 point
  36. Per the wiki you quoted, your own government says Russia violated the Budapest Memorandum: Of course, we know you have NO RESPECT for your own government because you are a partisan hack and treasonous.
    1 point
  37. You're talking about der leader Trump who was actually CONVICTED. Biden is NONE of ^these things cause you have NO EVIDENCE. Duh
    1 point
  38. Once again, you hide your inability to articulate a well-thought-out and intelligent response behind this garbage.
    1 point
  39. Yawn... Yeah, I really needed a geography lesson and demographics lesson. How about, you actually answer the question in regards to the subject... you know... as to why Russia has to invade Ukraine and if they didn't would have to have their kids doing NBC training. I swear, you take obfuscation to a new level.
    1 point
  40. i love it when school shootings happen in xyz state and the response is blacks are killing blacks in abc state.. the two have nothing to do with each other directly. Someone gets in a car accident in Oregon.. that must be directly related to someone getting a speeding ticket in Virginia.
    1 point
  41. 45,000 dead Canadians in WWII, many more than that wounded, many more than that still with PTSD and other mental health issues when they came back. 50,000 dead Canadians from COVID, although if you’re debating on this forum, the person on the other end probably doesn’t believe those numbers anyway. It is not a valid comparison though, so it’s probably not a great argument to try and make.
    1 point
  42. No, we still think Cheney is a terrible human being. He was responsible for the war we opposed and you naively cheered on, despite all evidence it was just to feed Haliburton money. We're just surprised someone so morally reprehensible is one of the few Republicans with principles. He's human garbage and yet most of you are still worse than him. Enjoy! 😆
    1 point
  43. Actually, this ruling didn't do Donald any favors. Quite the opposite. Donald should of been praying to be sentenced before the election. Then he could of harnessed all that sympathy from the "lawfare" crowd. Now, he'll get sentenced after he loses to Harris, and hopefully, he'll get 18 months home confinement, with that uncomfortable piece of plastic strapped to his ankle.
    1 point
  44. lol @ using the bible as a reference. Canada iis a secular country, and has always separated the church from the state.
    1 point
  45. Look for Chinese companies to start manufacturing in Mexico where they will be protected under NAFTA.
    1 point
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