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Chrissy1979 last won the day on August 16 2017

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  1. Such weak projection, just because Trump called the Democrats "demonic" (which I can accurately cite with accuracy: https://www.thejournal.ie/donald-trump-demonic-kamala-harris-arab-voters-6531834-Nov2024/). At least now we have you on record saying Trump is unfit to be president.
  2. Do you think anyone is stupid enough to still believe you? If she actually said it, you would have cited it ages ago. The fact that you can't indicates you're lying again It's hilarious how you're programmed to have the last word, even if you have nothing, so you default to restating the unsubstantiated claim or ignoring the question altogether. It reminds me of when I asked you why you believe Clinton is a rapist but don't believe Trump is one. That totally broke you.
  3. So you don't have a preprogrammed talking point that addresses the question why you believe Clinton is guilty and Trump is not?
  4. Actually, I never supported Clinton. He obliterated the social welfare system and bragged about cutting support to poor people. But he's irrelevant now, isn't he? Why can't you answer the question why you assume Clinton is guilty (as I do) but refuse to believe Trump is guilty?
  5. That's a lot of words to obfuscate the fact that I don't support Clinton, but you support Trump. And you still were too scared to answer why you assume Clinton is guilty but not Trump.
  6. I assume Bill Clinton is probably guilty, even though he's never been convicted. Why do you assume Clinton is guilty and Trump is innocent, even though Trump has been convicted by a jury of his peers? I await your cowardly non-answer.
  7. You mean guys that wear girdles and excessive makeup and wigs? By a jury of his peers, when the judge twice clarified it was indeed "rape" after you guys were whining that it was "just sexual abuse."
  8. Uh... they're both private citizens. And I don't think Chelsea ever hung out with Epstein as a child. The fact that Trump raped women and hung out with Epstein and his children at the same time is why you support him. He's your type of guy.
  9. Once they are proven real, they will shift to how Epstein is a liar and it doesn't matter and nobody cares that he raped women anyway.
  10. You're saying his whole candidacy is a joke? Thank God! So who's the non-joke candidate?
  11. You thought I must be joking because nothing could be so stupid, right? https://newrepublic.com/post/187873/trump-dumbest-person-missile-defense-herschel-walker
  12. Trump says he's going to put Herschel Walker in charge of missile defence. That is all.
  13. Yes, Trump, being the weakest president ever, watched as the Dems stole the election from him while he was in power. To further demonstrate his weakness, he hired a bunch of incompetent lawyers who couldn't produce a shred of evidence, even before Trump-appointed judges. Not only did they outplay him, they made him look like a craven liar. He is a victim of those crafty libbies!
  14. You're just making stuff up because you're not enough of a victim in reality?
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