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  1. What a way to misconstrue something... almost intentional. I am saying that the choice to vote for Harris or not is based on one's intelligence.
  2. only watched 15 minutes of it but my only impression is that she was more ready and rehearsed.
  3. So you admit that it is not about intelligence. Good to hear. If I had my way.. I would have neither of them in the race and we would have candidates who rely less on emotion.
  4. But I do have a profound lack of respect for those who do not question urban myths or fabrications. It says that they have no critical thinking skills. A turd is a turd no matter how you package it.. my conservative grandfather taught me that one. Folks would come down river and start up with their unfounded garbage and he would shut them down.
  5. in the case of fabrications.. their weapons are ineffectual on me. I am busy training my kids to be critical thinkers that do not take in BS and accept it as fact.
  6. No, I did a google search and in the upper left.. I looked for how recent it was and the one that i chose said "6 hours ago". really not as involved as you think
  7. I would agree. this is why i say, politicos. This covers both sides of the aisle. I am too skeptical to simply wholeheartedly buy into urban myths and wild fabrications.
  8. You differ from most politicos.. they do not need to see evidence. As soon as the urban myth comes across.. they wholeheartedly believe it and run with it. I would like to think that they would not respect anyone so gullible.
  9. Lets see how it goes on thursday. Miami is a 2.5 pt favorite against Buffalo at home. My guess is that Hill has an decent to good game against a Buffalo secondary that has seen some turnover since last year.
  10. Just the first one that I saw that was recent (posted less than 8 hours ago). You are reading way more into this than needs be. Besides it is still just short of 2 months.. so relax.
  11. not a matter of intelligence as to why someone votes Trump or Harris. It comes down to values, economic situation, and geography.
  12. First, the similarity is that the Tesla was speeding and was pulled over. So then why was the officer ok with the window being rolled up? The Tesla driver could have had a gun. I could see that the cop was running the plates and such. So while he was running the plates.. interesting how he and his partner (because there was two in the police vehicle) were ok with all 4 windows rolled up. Who knows.. the Tesla may have been rude? Or could it be that the cops in the case of Hill were simply hot heads.
  13. I do reject it because I have yet to see any video evidence that validates the claim especially the numbers involved. Only way that I would bring something like this up at a debate is if I had ironclad evidence such as video along with exact names, addresses, etc.
  14. I mostly agree. However, some acts are inherently political such as Rage Against the Machine or Kid Rock. You know by attending the show that you are getting a nice helping of politics and preaching along with your music.
  15. Bingo.. that is the answer. Trump on the other hand, responds to every provocation. to be so thin-skinned show that one is insecure.
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