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Reg Volk

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Reg Volk last won the day on October 22

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    Kelowna BC

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  1. Or more in touch with reality - Americans voted twice for Trump instead of two miserable old c**ts....and thank goodness for that. Americans will vote for a woman, but not for fools like Crooked Hillary and that cackling fool Kamala. Democrats, find a decent woman to run and you might get her elected. Too bad Justin can't run for president, he could be the US's first female president.
  2. Just when you thought Justin couldn't get any dumber in the head, he serves up this trash, blaming Americans for not voting for a woman. No Justin you giant fool, it wasn't that they didn't want to vote for a woman, they just didn't want to vote for THIS woman, because she's a freaking bonehead and her party is the party of woke scumbags. Like you, you stupid woke scumbag.
  3. This one is for Herbie and all the other "White dudes for Kamala" losers here...
  4. I wish this was actually real!
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