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Old Guy

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  1. I don't think there is any doubt that Pollievre will win regardless of who is in power in BC or for that matter any other Province. In my opinion governments have a shelve life and the Federal Libs went stale more than a year ago. Similar to what happened to Harper in 2015. So turn over is a good thing. Of course I know that neither of the party's I support will ever form government so my hope always is for a minority government because minority governments are more willing to listen to opposing ideas and to find compromises. The polarity that is taking place world wide is not a good thing IMHO. I also agree with you that increasing immigration as much as what happened is not a good thing either. Your point about doctors was a good example but so to is our housing crisis. Although I think it was mostly rich Asians that drove that bubble rather than poor Latinos. Many of the immigrants coming in are refugees and are treated differently. Many leaving war zones whether from armies or gangs. This is a problem that will need wider solutions with northern countries working together. I think you meant Russtad rather than Rumstead. He and his government does concern me if in fact he doesn't believe in climate change. Cancelling the Carbon Tax won't effect me. There might be a short period where the price at the pumps drop but I'm confident that the government will find a way to recoup any loss in revenue and or the oil companies will do their best to siphon some into their profits. No my concern has more to do with consigning science to the realm of alternative facts. I'm enjoying this forum but for a while I'm going to be a sporadic poster while I care for my daughter who for some time will need a care taker. Cheers
  2. Was it PT Barnum who said, There is a sucker born every minute." If the palace revolt succeeds it will be interesting to know who the sucker turns out to be.
  3. The article by the Policy Alternatives make a fairly well reasoned case using 2011 numbers that BC was underfunding caused by lower revenues due to tax cuts. Imagine a conservative government lowering taxes and cutting services. I wonder if that has anything to strategic shortages we are experiencing today. I remember in the 80's Bill Bennet cut 10,000 government workers. He knew that lots of those folks were doing jobs that would be missed so his government encouraged them to set up societies and offered them premiums to do so. He was a hero to conservatives and many former public servants who laughed all the way to the bank. BC was the third lowest province for funding per population of any province. The article also points out that public service includes Crown Corps 8%, Provincial Government 9%, Federal Government 10%, Post Secondary Institutions 13%, Local Government including Police and Fire Departments 15%, Public Schools K-12 18%, Health and Social Service 27%. Your contention that your numbers excluded Health, which is not the case at least in the articles you posted. I would like to see your math including where you came up with the percentage of Public workers. When I calculate the number of people employed 2,821,000 X 18% = 507,780. But you state that it is closer to 25% which would yield 705,250. So which is is it. You also stated that many agencies were doing the same job can you clarify? As far as the Fraser Institute bulletin you posted they seem to be upset that the public sector was more effective at filling vacancies than the private sector due in large measure to better salaries and benefits like sick leave, and pensions. Imagine those rascals offering a living wage. It will be interesting to see what Rustad and his Merry Band of Wingnuts will do. Oh yeah what conservatives always do cut taxes and services.
  4. Older than you apparently and I'm sorry if the metaphor is so old that you are struggling with its meaning although I would bet you did.
  5. Well maybe Alberta will lower the bar enough that white men who eschewed science instead of paper airplanes can qualify.
  6. My bad I missed your earlier post but I will answer it because just a quick glance tells me you are adept at pulling numbers out of your but. There are not 500,000 people employed by the provincial civil service its more like 38,000. I have to make dinner so may not make it back tonight.
  7. OMG I find myself agreeing with you. Although there is no accounting for the lure of fame no matter how fleeting.
  8. Yep I agree, although to be fair Kim C was only meant to be a place holder until Mulroney got his ducks in order. I think she would have been a good PM although a bit too red for the Tories at the time.
  9. I wonder what his plan is? Will he launch a court challenge and take it back to the supreme court where FN have already won? I think Canada should test for and disallow ideologs from gaining public office. There are lots of more productive things they can use their fervor for. Used Car Salesman, Evangelical Minister, TV Special Promotion Salesman. Circus Clown I mean the list is endless.
  10. You can always tell a conservative because faced with a well reasoned argument they rely on resort to name calling.
  11. I agree since that is what is generally used for. Harper did it twice. In 2017 a poll showed that 80% of Canadians favored limiting the power of the PM to Prorogue Parliament. The supreme court ruled this could only be done with a change to the constitution. Truth is no PM will willingly give away an ounce of power.
  12. It doesn't mater this year or next the Liberals are going to go down in flames. The only thing to be determined is which party will sit in opposition, the NDP or the Bloc. Funny if it turns out to be the Bloc - imagine an opposition party that will have run candidates in only one province. I guess the only other question is how badly PP the Elite Politician manages to screw our economy into the ground by selling off our national assets.
  13. Well it will be difficult to not respond to your deranged rants but I will do my best. Enjoy your fairy tales. But I will continue to believe that Israel as a country has a right to exist as does Palestine. The difference is that Israel will have to agree that Palestine also has a right to exist and they will have to share the land as they agreed to do.
  14. Wow he finally did something right. I hope that if Netanyahu succeeds in drawing the US into a war with Iran we stay out of that as well but with PP the professional politician I'm afraid we will.
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